Fannie Gillespie Gives Damaging Evidence Against Her Husband, Nease Gillespie At the Preliminary Hearing in Sal isbury this Morning she Said she Heard Nease Saythat ''Old Man Lyerly Might Cut his Wheat but Be.Oamned if he would Live to Eat It.! Chief Miller Testified to the find- I ing of the Lyerly Axe, Under! the Lyerly Porch. There were | Blood Stains on the Blade and Handle Other Testimony at To-day's Hearing. Salisbury, July 21. —Hardly less sensational than the evidence of lit tle Henry Gillespie yesterday, was the testimony of his mother, Fannie Gillespie, at the resuming of the pre liminary hearing this morning in the Lyerly murder cases. The woman stated that on several occasions she had heard her husband say that "old man Lyerly might cut his wheat, but he'd be damned if he'd ever live to eat it." The woman stated further that she heard Jack Dillingham tell Nease Gillespie that any man that treated snother like old man Lyerly treated him (Nease Gillespie) he deserved to be killed. Mr. R. M. Cook, to whose home the Lyerly girls carried their little dying sister, the night of the tragedy, testi fied that he heard Nease Gillespie say on one occasion, "I will get my wheat or I'll get old man Lyerly, one or tne other." Chief of Police Miller, of Salisbury, testified to the finaing of Mr. Lyerly's axe under his (Lyerly's) porch. There were blood stains both on the blade and handle of the axe. Mr. R. F. Thompson testified that he went to the home of Nease Gilles pie and while there asked little Hen ry where Nease's axe was. The boy told him where he could find it. He went as directed by Henry and found the axe just wher9 the boy said he v.ould. This testimony is about the most important that was given at today's' hearing of witnesses. The investiga tion is still on and it is believed that ' the State is securing evidence that| will certainly incriminate at least two of the men incarcerated in the Charlotte jail. Sentiment here has been very much the same as on the day the negroes were placed in Rowan jail. The large majority of the people be lieve the negroes to be guilty, every one of them. All seem to think that there is no c'oubt as to the guilt of Nease GiUes rie and Jack Dillingham. J THE HARTJE' DIVORCE. The Decision in the Case May Not Be Handed Down Before Autumn. Pittsburg, July 21. —The decision in the Hartje' divorce case will probably not be handed down before autumn. The conspiracy charge against Hartje', Wlesnons and Hooe the coach man, will be called Wednesday. Mrs. Hartje' expressed herself as not at all alarmed over the report that kidnappers were laying plans to steal her children It is thought the plot is the work of persons who want to hold the children for ransom. Fever at Annapolis. Annapolis, July 23. —Typhoid fever developed among members of the new fourth class at the naval academy nnd three members of that class are confined to the academy hospital. All three were taken sick aboard the jractice ship Severn on which they with about 100 other plebes recently mailed for a practice cruise, but were returned here for treatment. OOTOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Ttrtrible Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderfui i; i •, cures made by Dr. —h Kilmer's Swamp-Root, 11 great kidney, liver Dl Urtrr i [*- and bladder remedy. " I I r\"/ 't is the great medi - [y\ cal triumph of the nine \y I \ fljfj teenth century; ais -1 VSZTV l covered after years of J U(j!| scientific research by 1 F"" Dr. Kilmer, the emi -11/ . " nent kidney and blad ' der specialist, and is wonderfully, successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and ight's Disease, which is the form of !• Jncy trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec emmendedfor everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. 11 has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor'to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Gwamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and PC V A? V ' send your address to g|3mspg%3E 39553 i Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Bing hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and iTomo or Bwamp-noot dollar sizes are sold by all good druggist:. make any mistake, but remem ber the name. Swamp-Root. Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Fireman Harvey M. Smirley Crushed Beneath His Engine Salisbury, July 21. —As a result of the derailment of an engine and four freight cars, about three miles from this place last night, Fireman Harvey M. Smirley is dead, Engineer L. V. Lucas is badly scalded and Brakeman E. M. Parker, has a broken arm. The dead and injured were of the crew of extra freight N«. 91 that n been sent out to Granite Quarry to bring in several loaded cars. The train was returning to Salisbury when at a point three and one-half miles from the station the engine jumped the track, turned turtle and four of the cars followed it. Fireman Smirley was caught be neath the ponderous machine and bis life was crushed out. Engineer Lucas had a miraculous escape. He stayed with his steed and THE SENSATIONAL STORY OF A LITTLE 10 YEAR OLD NEGRO Henry Gillespie Says his Father Killed Mr. and Mrs. Lyerly and that Jack; Dillingham Killed John and Little Alice. Two Axes were Used. The Wife of Jack Dill'ngham Held the Lamp while Her Husband and Nease Gillespie Brained the Sleeping Occupants of the Lyerly Household. Salisbury, N. C.„ July 20. —The most sensational feature in connection with the preliminary hearing of the evi dence in the Lyerly murder case today was the testimony of a little negro boy, ten years old, Henry Gillespie by name. This wee, bit of a child told a story of brutality that would have done credit to one of his color of twice the age. He recited in a straightfor ward and convincing manner the hor rible plot that was made in Nease Gillespie's house the night of the murders. In beginning his story the boy says i that John Irwin, alias John Gilespie, and his father, Nease Gillespie, met at the latter's house at nine o'clock the night of the murders. They talked over the matter (that is the killing of the Lyerlys) and shortly after nine o'clock Nease Gillespie and John Gilespie left." They returned at 11 o'clock and while sitting in the house went over the details as to how the four Lyerlys were killed. The boy states that his father on entering the house remarked "By God, we have killed old man Ike Lyerly and his children." Gillespie, who was talking to his wife, said: "We met Jack Dillingham and his wife at the branch. We went on up to Ike Lyerly's house. I killed old man Lyerly and his wife, with my axe, and Jack Dillingham killed Alice and John with old Ike Lyerly's axe. Jack Dillingham's wife held the lamp while we were making way with old man Lyerly and his family." In explaining, what kind of lamp Jack Dillingham's wife held while the 'horrible deeds were being committed little Henry Gillespie said that it was one of these cb'irch lamps that hangs on the wall. Continuing his story the boy said: "Papa said that after they liad kilod the Lyerly's they threw Mr. Lyerly's axe in the branch and wash ed it off and that they also washed the blood off papa's axe." Before leaving the house Henry Gil ilespie said that his father said while talking that night that after killing Mr Lyerly and his wife and children, they set Mr. Lyerly's bed on fire with a match. Nease Giles Die told his wife that he was damned glad they had killed them and that they did it because old man Ike Lyerly had not toted fair with them about that wheat deal. Continuing Henry Gellespie said that all the time that Nease Gillespie was relating the incidents in connec tion with the murders John Gillespie was in the house and heard all that was said. The next morning Nease Gillespie piled all of his clothes on one side of a path leading from the house and throwing some straw over them, set fire to them and burned them up. John Dillingham's clothes were piled on the opposite side of the path and with the aid of some straw from a pil low case, were also burned. I The boy says that the next morning : bright and early he went to the home t of Mr. Manlius Walker, who lives some Esowel Complaint in Children. I During the summer months chil i tiren are subject to disorders of the i bowels which should receive careful j attention as soon as the first unna tural looseness of the bowels ap pears. The best medicine in use for bowel complaint Is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dirrhoea Remedy as it of the ; bowels. For sale by Shuford Drug Co. was thrown some little distance from the cab. At first it was thought that his left arm was broken. A later ex amination shows that it was only wrenched. His right arm is badly scalded. Brakeman Parker, who was stand ing on one of the cars that left the track, had a very severe fall. His right arm is badly broken and he re ceived other painful but not serious injuries. The accident took place on what is known as the Norwood branch of the Southern Railway. The cause has not been determined. Brakeman Smirley, who met such a horrible death, was a resident of Spencer and is survived by a wife and one small child. The train that came to griei last night was in charge of Conuuctor Ellis, who escaped uninjured. distance from the Lyerly home and there related to him the details of the crime as told by the father the night before. He says he told Mr. Walker the same story that he told today. He says that there is still blood on Mr. Lyerly's axe, that they have failed to wash it off so that it cannot be seen. He also says that he saw the blood on the bosoms of the shirts worn by Nease Gillespie and Jack Dillingham the night of the murders. The hearing this morning begun at 11 o'clock in the office of Prof. Kizer, Superintendent of the County Board of Education of Rowan county. The preliminary examination was conduct ed by Solicitor Hammer assisted by Hon. Theodore Kluttz and Mr. T. C. Linn. In addition to a number of im material witnesses the three surviving members of the Lyerly family, Misses Mary, Addie and Janie, were present. Each of these young ladies were ex amined and their story v/as the same as has been published before. They re cited the incidents, horrible as they were, the night of the murders and there is substantially no change in their evidence. Mat. Webb and Mr. J. G. Lyerly were also examined but no material points were brought out in their evi dence. The hearing to day was for the most part behind closed doors. Only about 20 people were admitted to the room during the progress cf the examination of witnesses. At 2:30 o'clock the examination was still Jn progress. o COL. SAMUEL DONALDSON DEAD. Was Door Keeper of the House Dur ing Carlyle'c Term as Speaker. Washington, July 23. —Col. Samuel Donaldson, door keeper of the House cf Representatives during Carlisle's term as speaker, died suddenly of heart failure in this city. He was 53 years of age. . Donaldson was well known among politicians throughout the country and at the time of his death was assistant sergeant at arms of the Democratic committee. He was born in Nashville. EFFECT OF SAGE'S DEATH. Will Probably Have Little Effect on Stock Market. New York, July 23. —The death of Russell Sage was probably less a factor in the stock market which opened heavy than the dissolution of the Russian Douma. Persons conversant with the affairs of Sage said he had comparatively little money out on loans and that his death would hardly disturb the local financial conditions. The Duty cf Parents. Prevention is Detter man cure, and yet a remedy like Mexican Syrup for coughs, colds aud consumption, if not used to prevent consumption by curing a cough or cold in the begin ning can be depended on to even cure after the lungs bepin to waste away. No other remedy is so nice to take, or so o.uick to cure, and many families often buy a new bot tle before the old one is all used up, so that they may have it always in the house. Ouly 25 cents at drug stores. Better Cut This Out. Every mother should be quickly suspicious of worms, when her chil dren act as if they were going to be sick. Worms are known to be the first cause of mucn ill health. Young and old very often are suffering from worms when a mother thinks it is 'something else. Remember, a very harmless, ret always effective re medy for stomach, tape or pin a 25 cent bottle of Moth er's Worm Syrup. Death's Helper. An old physician once referred to constipation as "Death's Helper." There is no doubt many ailments and much distress begins with con cleansers of the bowels that have no weakening effect on the nerves, kid neys etc., are Mexican Root Pills. Only 25 cents. Be Prepared. Every well regulated home should have a 25 cent bottle of Gooch's Quick Relief on hand. It is cruel to let one you love suffer pain, either internal or extrenal since a cure al ways follows the use of Quick Re lief. Sure cure for cramps and colic. The Beet Way to Health is to make the blood pure by taking Gooch's Sarsanarilla. It is the only blood remet 1 :* endorsed by a govern ment chemist. Pile-ine Cures Piles! Money refunded if it ever fails. Anti-Ague cures Chills and.Fever ■-Growing Girls—■ Growing girls need care, advice and medicine, I especially on reaching the age of puberty. A mother's tender care and words of caution will often accomplish wonders. As for medicine, a I gentle, safe and reliable strengthening tonic is Wine of Cardui, : |j It will prevent and relieve pain, regulate the I functions, clear the complexion and strengthen ?.• the constitution. It is a valuable medicine for growing girls. It has tided thousands over a critical period, and J" saved them from years of suffering. It can never * do harm and is sure to do good. A relief or cure for all female disorders in girls || and women, y At every druggist's in SI.OO bottles. Try it. L-T CARDUI—I MERCURYTofSf Thousands who have had their health ruined by Mercury testify that it makes wrecks instead of cures in the treatment of Contagious Blood Poison. While it may mask the disease in the system for awhile, when the treatment is left off the trouble returns with renewed violence, combined with the dis astrous effects of this powerful min eral. Mercury, and Potash, which is I suffered greatly from Contagious also a qomrnon treatment for Conta- whoJrf^Hbe^ gIOUS Blood Poison, eat out the lining me any good—in fact the treatment r,f tViA cfr>m;arli nm 1 hnuvk proved more harmful than beneficial, oi tne stomach ana Dowels, produce A lV j e nd told me that s. S. 8. had cer chronic dyspepsia, cause the teeth to tainly cured him, and I immediately ilp rt nv tei .or crtitne coniiiiftucfid itf> use, and in a short whilo utxay, make spongy, teuuer gums, x eould flnd no trace of tho dißeaße> affect the bones and muscles, and leave This was two years ago, and I can truth its victims complete physical wrecks. f ßowl ß itgGrfenrKy? ly D. U M e^ SANDEßS. Another effect of this treatment is mercurial Rheumatism, the worst and most hopeless form of this disease. There is but one certain, reliable antidote for this destructive poison, and that is S. S. S. It is the only medicine that is able to go into the blood and cure the disease permanently. S. S. S. does not gSpaflty hide or cover up anything, but so completely drives out the poison that no signs of it are ever A te&xv £% fctany A seen a & a^n - S- S. S. is made entirely of roots, ® ® herbs and barks, and while curing Contagious PURELY VEGETABLE. Blood Poison, will drive out the effects of any mineral treatment. We offer a reward pf SI,OOO for proof that S. S. S. contains a particle of mineral of any kind *TJook with instructions for self-treatment and any medical advice wished furnished without charge. TUE SWIFT SPEGtFIC COA7LANTA, GA. HIBERNIANS MEET. Officers of Ancient Order Chosen — Indianapolis Plaoe for Next Meet ing. Saratoga, July 21. —The Ancient Order of Hibernians completed their national convention after electing the following officers: President, Matthew Cummings, of Boston; vice president, John E. Reagan, of St. Paul; secretary, James C. Carroll, ol Columbus, O.; treasurer, John F. Quinn, of Joliet, 111.; directors, P. K Moran, of Washington, D. C.; Ed ward T. McChrystol, of New \ork; Dr. W. J. O'Brien, of Pennsylvania; Rev. M. J. Byrne, of Indiana, and John T. Kelly, of Milwaukee. The ladies auxiliary elected the fol ic wing: President, Miss Arona Emelia, of Scranton, Pa.; vice-presi dent, Mrs. Mary McCarty, of Massa chusetts; secretary, Mrs. Duross, of New York; treasurer, Mrs. Dally, of Minnesota. Indianapolis was selected for the next national convention. RESTRAINING ORDER. Is placed on All Cumberland Presby terians. Nashville, Tenn., July 21. —Judge Childress of the Circuit Court granted an injunction restraining all those who claim to be still Cumberland Presby terians, from interfering in any way with the services, property or judica tories of the Presbyterian Church, for merly known as the Cumberland Pres byterian. Modest Claims Often Carry the Most Conviction: When Maxim tne famous gun inven tor, placed his gun before a committee of judges, he stated its carrying power to be much below what he felt sure the gun would accomplish. The result of the trail was therefore a great surprise, instead of disappointment. It is the same with the manufacturers of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. They do not publicly boast of this remedy will accom plish, but prefer to let the users make the statements. What they do claim, is that it will positively cure diarrhoea, pains in the stomach and bowels and has never been known to fail. For sale by Shuford Drug Co. LA DIES ) DR~ LA FRANCO'S ( ill LcompqundJ Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator Superior t» other remcd ies sold at high prlcM. Cut* ernijanteed. Succpßgfullv used by over '200,000 Women. Price, US Cents, drug glits or by mall. Testimonial* ft booklet free. Dr. LaFranco, Philadelphia, Pa. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleuies and beautifies the hair. ' Promote* a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Beatore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. The lamily medicine in thousands of homes for 52 ytJirs —Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup. Seaboard Air Line Railway. Boston, .New York, Philadelphia, Bal timore, Washington, Norfolk, Rich mond, Raleigh, Charlotte, Wilmington, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Chat tanooga, Nashville, Mongomery, Mo bile, New Orleans, Columbia, Savan nah, Jacksonville, Tampa, and all Flor ida points. Two Trains Daily Two Trains Daily Between New York, Washington, Norfolk- Portsmouth, [ and Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Savan nah and Jacksonville. 1 New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, . Washington and Richmond to Mem phis without change of cars. Trains Composed of Vestibule Day Coaches, Pullman Darw ing Room Sleeping Cars, and the La test Cafe Dining Cars. Direct Connection at Memphis. St. ' Louis, and New Orleans for all points in Texas, California, Arkansas, Col orado and ail Western points. Interchangeable mileage books gecd over 15,00 miles of Southern lines. For time-tables, winter or summer booklets, illustrtive of the South and South-west apply to Seaboard Passen ger Representatives or to CIIAS. H. GATTIS, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C CIIAS. B. RYAN, T. P. A., Portsmouth, Va. EDWARD F. COST, 2nd V-P., Portsmouth, Va. 1C TO 11. HOURS. 4 TO L DR. J. H. SHI!FORD, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over Elliotte's new Store. HICKORV. N- O. DR. WALTER A. WHITE DENTIST. Office ever Menziea* Drug Stora, Hickory, N. C. McGombs Bros. Dealers in Groceries Fresh Meat*. Butter ' And Milk-Cattle; Coal, Corn. Hay, Cotton seed. Hull and Meal. Country Produce. HICKORY, N.C. ODr. Woolley'sSoSpM PAINLESS | ■ | ■ ■ caine or whiskey, i t 1 11 HII lar & e book cf P a> 111 IVI tleularson home a | | IVI sanatorium treat ■ A MVX ment. Address, Dt AND B. M. WOOLLE* Whiskey Cure Atlanta, Georgif Southern RAILWAY, The Standard Railway of the Boutu The Direct Line to ail Points TEXAS, CALIFORNA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND, POTOR RICO Strictly First-Claw Equipment tor an Apply to Ticket Agents ;or Time Ta bles. Rates and Genera Info;no* tion, or address. R. L. vntNON, T. r L, Charlotte, N. C. J. H. W(IOU, D. P. A.. Ashevilie. N. V s. h. rlkw;ck. «. P. A., A \3 Professional Cards W, 8. RAMSAY DEN riST. Office: Second-story of Postoffice. FRET'S VERMIFUGE is the same good, old-fashioned medicine that has saved the lives of little children for the past 60 years. It is a medicine made to cure. It has never be»n known to fail. If your child is sick get a bottle of FREY'S VERMIFUGE AFINE TONIC FOR CHILDREN Bo not take a substitute. If your druggist does not keep it, send twenty-five cents in stamps to ' DEI. Tib S. FRET Baltimore, Md. and a bottle will be mailed you. Gates Brothers Practical PlMinnilb^rs * A full line of B&th Tubs. Bowls fvnd Sinks with hot and cold waiter fixtures in Stock, We want to estimate on your work- Sadist action guaranteed. It will pay yovi to see vis before letting your contract, our prices are the cheapest Office Umstead's Old Stand. Hickory, K.C, Summer Time Groceries The placs to buy your Groceries is where they keep them nice ana fresh in Summer time. Our Groceries and Meats are kept in the beat con dition in cold storage. The Best Meal in the city can be had at C. J. Yount'6 Restaurant, t "Central Hotel." All modern conveniences furnished to guests. C. J. YOUNT, Proprietor i New Campbell Building at Depoc. Plumbing, ICoofing : —AND—.— Guttering ONE by expert workmen. AH kinds of Tin Work on short aoTice A full lino of Bath Tubs, Bowls and Sinks, with hot and cold w.iter flxtires. We will do your work right. Hickory Roofing and Tinning Co CONFEDERATE VETERAN'S Reunion, New Orleans, La., April 25th -27, 1906. For the above occasion the Soutl* ern Railway will sell tickets to Nevt Orleans, La., and return at rates nan» ed below: Goldsboro 520.00 Relma .19.55 Raleigh .. 18.50 Durham 18.50 Greensbor 17.40 Winston-Salem 17.20 Salisbury 16.45 Hickory 15.75 Charlotte .« . "V 55 Approximately low rates from othe* points. Tickets on sale April 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, with final limit April 30th. The origina 1 purchaser may secure extension of final limit until May 21st by personally depositing ticket with Joseph Richardson, Spe cial Agent, Theatre Arcade, New Or leans. La., not earlier tban April 26U> nor later than April 30th, and payijr fee of fifty cents. General J. S. Carr has selected thb, Southern Railway via Atlanta, Mont gomery and Mobile as the official route for his "Annual Confederate Veterans' Special," which will consist of first-class day coaches, and Stan dard Pullman Cars to be handled through to New Orleans without change. This special train will leave Raleigh, N. C., at 3.30 P. M„ Monday, April23rd, and will reach New Orleans about 8:30 P. M., Tuesday, April 24th. Any one may use this special train. Berth rates from Raleigh and Durham $6.00, Greensboro, $5.50, Salisbury and Char lotte $5.00. Two persons may occupy a berth without additional cost Excel lent service on regular trains in »>ach direction. Ask your agent for rates from your station. For further information and Pull man reservations write R. L. VERNON, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. I m — ii - ■ .i , ■ I HOLL:STERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioine for Busy Poople. Brings Golden Health ar>l Renewed Vigor A specific for Constipation, Indigestion, Live . and Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eezemu, Impure Blood, Bad Breath, Slugrirish Bowels, Headache and Backache It's Rocky Mountain Tea In tab. let form, 35 cents a box. Genuine made by HOLMSTEB DRUO COMPANY, Madison, Wis. COLDEN NUGGETS FOR SAL*' PEOPLE Doctor Yourself For CRAMPS, DIARRHOEA, all BOWEL COMPLAINTS PairvKiUet (PERRY DAVI^ Women fiml qu:cV reiici .Z. Z>- . i hacher'a " ! 1 l'lrwl Rvrnn.

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