Ghoice Designs in SPRING "JEWELRY! Fobs Combs Bracelets Brooches Lockets Set Rings Necklaces Gold Hat Pins And a complete assortment of all goods in our line in the latest patterns. The quality the best. Geo. E. Bisanar Jeweler and Optician. • Watch Inspector for So. Ry. l"Piisener Export"! I g "IS A PURE BEER." g P me )eei helps y° ur tion, if you digest well you will enjoy & jj good health. Get the best ||j.j "Absolutty pure" i! V Expoit Eecr."| i|| Mail Orders Solicited Write for Prices. t I! jgPfThe Virginia Brewing Co.i \ Roanoke, - - VirginiaMi Good Things ! j We sell ————■- Globe-Wernicke Elas- II made, tic Book Cases. Comfort Swing and 9*" na ant * Japan Mat. Morris Chairs. ting. V u der Porch Shades'. Hickory Furniture White Frost Refrigera Co s * Bed Rooms Suits tors. r ~ Many other "good IHe best Hammocks things." You are cordially invited to see our line. . —— -■ Sfiuford Furniture Co Hickory, N. C. Summer Drinks. d ° Zen f ° f thirst -quenching, throat cooling, temperature reducing drinks at our fountain. When you drink them you may be sure that you are drinking pure healthful beverages. Everything ™ ta ' n is , clean - Our syrups are made from vfeit tfw Li' fou " tain isa m « h ty B»d place to Visit either alone or with your friend. Come often. Walter S. Martin Company, Druggists Hickory, N. C. rfurrah for Hickory Township I give the following important items of interest for the people of Hickoay township, especially, and for the people of Catawba county in general as to the value jf property in Hickory township for 1905 and 1006, showing the >rain on the different items for 1906 of white polls and property, 1906 polls 1067 1905 " 967 A gain of 100 polls for 1906. 1906 value of land $326,841 1905 " _ " $317,736 A gain of * $9,078 1906 value of town lots $402,070 1905 " " " $364,353 A gain of $37,717 1906 value of real estate $723,984 1902 " " " 682,089 A gain of $46,895 19C6 value of personal property $953,267 1905 " " 819,747 A gain of $103,520 1906 value of real and personal property $1,652,251 1905 " " 1,501,835 A gain of $150,415 1906 we have sr gain on White property of $l5O 415 1906 Colored " . 4,896 Giving a total gain in Hick ory township of $155,311 An account of colored polls and property in Hickory town ship for 1905 and 1906. 1906 colored polls 153 1905 " " 128 A gain for 1906 of - 25 1906 value of land $1691 1905 44 44 1370 A gain of $321 1906 value of lots $13,015 1905 44 44 1G055 A gain of $2,560 1906 real property $14,706 1905 4 11,425 A gain of . $3,281 1906 personal property $3,487 1905 44 44 1;872 A gain of $1,615 1906 real and personal prop erty ' $18,193 1905 13,297 A gain of $4,896 L. C. HUFFMAN, List Taker. NOTICE. To the overseers of the public ioads in Hickory township will take notice that it is made the duty of the super visors to inspect the public roads of the township, before the August meet ing- It is the purpose of the super visors to discharge this duty faithfully, and it is hoped that they will be able to a faborable report. Do not disre gard th ; 3 word of warning. This the 16th day of July A. D., 1906. J. P. SEITZ, # Chairman Board Superv- irs. EMORY AND HENRI COLLEGE, 1 EMORY, VA. Is located on the N. & W. Railway, IS miles northeast of Bristol, Tenn. It s in the mountainous section of south vest Virginia 2,100 feet above the sea. The beauty of the surrounding country and the pure atmosphere make the in stitution especially attractive to stu dents from the lower south. The next session begins Sept. 12, 1906. For catalogue and full information, Address J. L. HAKDIN, Cor-Sec'y. P. A MILLER'S Street Carriage! Is at your command and in the business to stay. Call phone 44, McComb Bros., Willis' Cafe, or Central Hotel, and the carriage will come. Eckard and Fox Opened in new building on College street Full line of Fancy Groceries. RESTAURANT Meals at all hour*, , DIED SUDDENLY OF HEART DISEASE. , » How frequently does » head line simi lar to the above greet us iu tiie news papers. The rush, push and netss of the American people has a strong tendency to lead up to valvular and other affections of the heart, attended by Ir regular action, palpitation, dizziness, smothered sensations and other distress ing svmptoms. Three of the prominent Ingredients of which Dr. Pierce's Golden iMedical Dis covery Is made are recommended by somo of the leading writers on Materia Medial for the cure of just such cases. Golden Seal root, for Instance, is said by the UXITKD STATES D I SPICKS ATORY , a stand ard authority, "to impart tone and in creased power to the heart's action." Numerous other leading authorities rep resent Golden Seal as an unsurpassed tonic for the muscular system in general, and as the heart is almost wholly com posed of muscular tissue, it naturally Follows that it must be greatly strength ened by this superb, general tonic. Hut probably the moat important ingredient of " Golden Medical Discovery," so far as Its marvelous cures of valvular and other affections of the heart are con cerned. is Stone root, or CallLnsonla Can., Prof. Wm. Paine, author of Paine * Epltomv of Medicine, says of it: *L not lon* since, had a patient who waa so much oppressed with vafvular disease of the heart that Ills Mtoc'ls * Cl '° obllmjd to carry him up-stalrs. Uc. however gradually recovered under the influence of Colllusoiiin (medicinal principle extracted from Stone •■ool). and U now attending to his business. Heretofore physicians knew of no remedy tor the removal of so distressing and so £an srorous a malady. With them It was all guevi- work, and It fearfully warned the afflicted that death was near at hand. Cai lLnsoaln unauestlonably affords relief In such cases, and in most instances effects a CU J§tone root Is also recommended by Drs. Hale and Elllngwood, of Chicago, for valvular and other dlsoases of the heart. The latter savsi lit is a heart tonic ol direct and rynuuient influoncc." "Goldon iflcdioal Discovery," not only cures serious hqart affections, but is a most efficiont general tonic and inyigor ator, strengthening the stomach, invig orating the liver, regulating the bowel! and curing catarrhal affections in al. parts of the system. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure Constipation. f Beats the Music Cure. 4 4 To keep the body in tone/ writt s Mrs. Mary Brown, SO Lafayette Place; Poughkeepsie, N. Y; "I take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are the most reliable and pleasant laxative I have found." Best for the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Guaranteed by C. M. Shuford and E. B. Menzies drug t. gis2sc. Mother Gray's Sweet Powdei for Children. Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's Home in Nev York, Cure Feverishness.Psd Stcmacl Teething Disorders, move and regt te the Pcwels and Destroy Wo; Over 30,000 testimonials. They never fail. At ali Druggists, 25c. Sample free. Address Allen S. Cin:st(?S,le- Roy, N Y. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA 1789-1906 Head of the State's Educational System. DEPARTMENTS Collegiate Engineering Graduate Law Medicine Pharmacy Library contains 43,000 volumes. New water works,electric lights, central heating system. New dormitory, gymnasium, Y. M. C. A. building. 682 students. 74 in faculty The fall term begins Sept. 10th, 1906. Address FRANCES P. YEN ABLE, PRESIDENT Chapel Hill, N. C. They Who Ij Hesitate. about having their property in sured against loss by fire—they who put off from time to time— verv frequently lose in the end. This is a matter that brooks of no delay. See to your INSURANCE ' Insure with us and DO IT NOW CLUIABD AMD LYERLY. > TRINITY PARK SCHOOL A firstclass preparatory school.' Ctr tificates of graduation accepted for en trance to leading Southern colleger . BEST EQUIPPED " PKfcPARATOR\ SChOOL IN THE SOUTH. Faculty of ten officers and teacher. Campus of seventy-five acres. Library containing thirty thousand volumes. Well equipped gymnasium. High standards and modern methods of in struction. Frequent lectures by prom inent lecturers. Expenses exceeding ly moderate. Seven years of phenom enal success. - For catalogue and other inform; - tion, address, H. M. NORTH, Headmaster, Durham, N. C. To Fruit Growers I desire to say tl at I am the sole for Catawba, Burke, Alexander and Caldwell countie for the well-known and populai nursery, operated by W. L. Ki. liari & Son, of this county, J will be pleased to take your or ders for any and all kinds o. fruit to be found in any first class and reliable nursery; and i assure yOu that all orders in trusted to me shall receive prompt attention.. Yours respectfully, W. S. RAMSOUR, Hickory, N. C. There Will Be A. Fartiip^ With j(U and those whiskers, ycu shave with us. Qood ££xiT~^utbiTi% SpQoialt^. Dietz Barber Slpob VIRGINIA COLLEGE r^%N^ D css?A&aasJJSi for Young Ladle* In the South . New buildings, piano* and equipment. Campus ten acres. Grand mountain scenery In Valley of Virginia, famed for health. European and American teachers. Full coarse. Conservatory advantages in Art, Music and Elocution. Certificates Wellesley. Students from SO States. For catatacne address II ATT IE P. HARRIS, President, Roanoke-Va. If as. Outbupk Babkm Boatwaxoht, Yico-Prea. I I 1. 1 N The Man Behind The Brash knows the necessary ingredients of good ; paint. He knows that the life of a paint depends absolutely upon the thinner gSed. • fhe linseed oil is the mucilage or ftf F 1 lint. .Mix the per (tataMj# Fwf #?s and the result js ft yajnt that mete, which will neither blister nor p«ei ftßij whi.rh has a lastin? lustre and glow. A paint which is absolutely guaran teed to Inst five full years, or your money hack. This guarantee has back of it the Great Hammar Paint House of St. Louis, with a half million dollars in cash, and a reputation of a third of a century for "square dealing." Besides getting the best paint on earth, you can save 25% on your next Mint Drop in some day and let We arejXfl & fsf s?®*" Palnta In thl« place. For sale by C. L. Hawn and Son, Hickory. N. C. . A Western Wqnder. - There's a Hill at Bowie, Tex., that's twice as big as last year. This won der is W. L. Hill, who from a weight of 90 pounds has grown to over 180 He says: "I suffered with a terrible cough, and doctors gave me up so die of Consumption. I was reduced to 90 pounds, when I began tsjn£ Pr King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. Now, after taking 12 bottles, I have more than doubled in weight and am completely cured." Only sure Cough and Cold cure. Guaranteed by C. M. Shuford and E. B. Menzies, druggists. 50c and $ 1.00. Trial bottle free. Bli 1I t k fe •»; J r o) - i K-vtJl ' ■ |Jl||Ba CSi'd t-t home witL liium*",,:'" JOIN OUR CLItB If you want prompt delivery anc. quick work. Cleaning, pressing, repairing dyeing and all work on clothing. Special attention given to tht cleaning and pressing of wom en's and children's clothing. We keep your clothes eleaned id pressed for SI.OO per month. City Pressing Club moser & JiowE, proprietors. PAYNE'S! | New Discovery. Best Cart Far CATARRH, RHEUMATISM. INDIGESTION, NERVOUSNESS. NIDNEY, LIVER AND BLOOD DISEASES. St.OO, DHYNE'S Quick Relief. Best tor .an AOHES sn4 PAINS-PrlosZß*. PAYNIt MEDICATED SOAP—IOe. |1 DRUGGISTS. For sale by W. P. Huffman I Subscribe for The Democrat. New Store & New Goods! We are now showing a full line of View and up-to-date General Merchandise, such as dry GOODS, DRESS GOODS, LACES and EM BROIDERINGS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, PANTS, SHOES and OXFORD, and in fact most anything to be found in a first-class dry goods store. We Iso carry nice line c f iiTAPIE GROCERIES We solicit yourj patrcnage and will make it to your interestto trade with us, and give you value received for your money. Highest prices paid for country produce. W. G.FOX Hickory, N. C. WHY NOT BUY where you can get anything in the! feed line? We buy in Car Lots; and can make you best Prices, in GRAIN, HAY. SHIFIWB*F,f F.AN, CCIICN £ll r ik FAI ird BIIIS Flour and Meal Wholesale and retail. Also carry a full line of Poultry Food. All goods promptly delivered. Shell firian and Feed Co. College St.* - Hickory, N. C, 1 TV\e Old. Reliable. I 1 We have the prettiest line of S f SUMMER CLOTHING H ' £, ever brought to Hickory and we are sell- i: %. . ng it for nearly one-half the price it will j, cost you at other places. A look at our ; styles will convince you that we are in the f lead, ■ • r J l We handle General Merchandise. Call i. f on us for bargains. * ! H - 4 'M I - S HICKORY, N.'C. I To Beautify To«ur Complexion IX TH DATS, USB MADINOLA 1 1 the unequaled beautifier. (Formerly advertiaed and sold m Satiuola.) JKEobim NADtNOLA h guaranteed and meaty if it fafl« io remove freckles tin, saflowoess, liver-spots, colla decolorations, black-heads disfiguring erup tions, etc* in twenty days. Leaves the skin dear, soft, healthy, and restores tlx beauty of youth. Endorsed by thousands •Price 50 cents and sl-00 at all leading drug stores, or by mail. Prepared by National Toilet Co.. Paris. Tenn. Sold by E. B. Mcnzies, Hick ory. N. F OASTORIA. Bears the Kind You Have Always Bought "*T GMftZSSi

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