NEGRO BRUTE KILLS MOTHER AND TWO LITTLE CHILDREN Young Negro Fiend, EUer Demp ster, Attempted Assault on Four Year Old Daughter ot Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Pearce. Was Frustrated by Mother. He then Secured Revolver and Killed' Mother and Two Children Instantly and Seriously Wound ed the Third Child. Feeling Agairst Negro Runs High. Canonsburg, Pa., July 30. —Elmer Dempster, a 19 year old negro, was taken to Washington county jail, charged with the mili'der of Mrs. Sam uel Pearce and two, children and the shooting of the third child last evening at the Pearce farm. The woman's husband had left the place, leaving Dempster to look after the stock.: .The only things missing from the Pearce home are $l2 and his revolver with which Mrs. Pearce and the two children were murdered. Robert Pearce, three years old, was the only survivor of the awful tragedy, was shot' through the body but may recover. Dempster is said to have confessed that he attempted an assault on the four year old daughter after the de parture of Pearce; but was frustrated by the mother who went to the bu reau to get the revolver to shoot him. The negro says he secured the gun first and after killing the mother and shooting the children, set fire to the house to hide the crime. Feeling against Dempster is running high. Negro Landed in Jail. Washington, July 30—Dempster was safely lodged in jail after an ex citing trip from Canonsburg. Two attempts were made to take tbe negro from the officers. STOPPED PAYMENT Injunction Against Secutary of Treas-J ury to Prohibit Payment of $21,0001 Washington, July 30. —On applica tion of United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, Justice Gould directed that a temporary injunction be issued against the Secretary of the Treasury to prevent payment on $21.- 000 of bonds offered by Henry Clews & Co.. for Anson Af. .gangs.. The Government represented that these bonds, which were two years overdue, were obtained by Clews & Co. from Bangs, who, it is stated in the petition, was in some way connected with the transaction of John F. and William T. Gaynor, ' the former of whom was convicted with Benj. D. Greene at Savannah, of conspiracy to defraud the Government in connection with the river and harbor contracts. THE NEW CRUISER WASHINGTON Was Today Formerly Turned Over to the Government. Camden, N.' J., Jflly 30. —The Cruiser Washington built at the yards of the New York Ship Building Company was formally turned over to the Government. She will be command ed by Captain, Adams, recently reliev ed from the command of the Cruiser Olympia. DIED AT AGE OF 112. Oldest Woman in Indiana and Perhaps the United States Died Today. Laporte, Ind., July 30. —Mrs. Ferdi nand Reese, the oldest woman in In diana and perhaps in the United States died at the age of 112. She was born in Poland. She attributed her longevity to her simple method of living. She had two meals of corn bread and black coffee daily. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. * Kijney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition, beauty, vigor |t t . and cheerfulness soon disappear whan the kid neys are out °' or der or diseased. Kidney trouble has ' : become so prevalent ' is not uncommon > * or a to k° rn hi a^" with weak kid- Lj neys. If the child urin* ates too often, if the u. ire scalds the flesh or if, v/hen the child reaches *an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet aliiicted with bed-wcUing. depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition oi .1.3 kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The m' and the immediate effect of Swam) Tx,t is soon rea'ized. It is sold cent and one dollai fizes. You inay have a sample bottle by mail 'gpsgß free, also pamphlet tell- Homo of Swatnp-Root. Ing all about it. many of tha thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Ki'.mei k Co.. Binghamton. N. Y., be sure anr rentier thir paper. 50on't make any mistake, but remem ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root, and th 6 address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. ' DEATH OF MR. FRANK THOMAS. The End Came This Morning at '12:40 O'clock at the Stokes Sani tarium. Mr. Frank Thomas of this city died this morning at 12:40 o'clock at the Stokes Sanitarium in Salisbury. The body was brought here on the morn ing train and taken to the home of Mrs. P. A. Osborne in Dilwcrth. Mr. Thomas had been in bad health for some time. Two weeks ago he was taken to the Salisbury hospital for treatment but his case was hope less and as stated the end came this morning, just after the midnight hour. RJr. Thomas was a young man of many admirable traits, of sterling character and unquestioned worth. For years he had been in the employ of Belk Bros, and he was held in high esteem, both by the firm and by his fellow employes. He is survived by one child, a fath er and mother, one brother and one sister. His wife, who was Miss PGussie Osborne, a daughter of the late Mr. P. A. Osborne, of this city, died about four .years ago. His little child has been living with its grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, at IJlesville. The brother, Mr. Fred Thomas, lives at Lumberton, and the sister, Mrs. H. B. Billingsby, in Mon roe. The funeral service will be held tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. Osborne. Rev. Alexander Martin and Dr. J. Q. Adams will conduct the service. The interment will follow in Elmwood. SUIT FOR USURY Case Against Clerk of Court of Durham County Compromised—New Bank. Durham, July 28. —Judge C. B. Green clerk of Durham county Superior court was tried this morning before Justice of the Peace J. E. Owens, on the charge of usury. The proceedings of the case were of more than ordinary interest, and after a lengthy argument between Mr. Green, and the attorney appearing for the plaintiff, the defendant was discharged. The plaintiff in the case was Mattie Bass. When the case came to trial she did not appear, but sent an affidavit, by Judge Green saying that in no way was she suing him for the money, as she had arranged the matter with him. The court at once dismissed the case. A new bank known as the Peoples Bank has begun operation in East Dur ham. East Durham is a small town and has been in need of a good bank for several years, that would handle the money matters of the many indus tries in this section. The directors met yesterday and elected Y. E. Smith, president and J. B. Mason, vice-presi dent. The capital stock is $50,000. FOREIGNERS SEEK PROTECTION. Foreign Manufacturers Make Presen tation ;o This. Government for Pro tection. Ye'kateninoslav, Russia, JUiy 30— Foreign manufacturers have made rep resentations to their Governments re garding the necessity of protecting the foreign subjects, thre foreign manag ers of mills having been attacked dur foreign subjects, there foreign manag er was shot with a revolver and kill ed while leaving his factory. A Bel gian manager escaped death through the intervention of a policeman whom the workman shot de'ad and a French manager was compelled to flee under the menace of death. A CALL FOR RELIEF. Followers of Dowie Asked to Aid f Citizens of Zicn City. Zion City, 111., July 30. —Receiver Hately, issued issued an appeal to the many followers of the Dowie doctrine to come to the relief of the destitute of the community. During the past year the influx of contribu tions has waned sadly. A large per centage of the population is unfed and insufficiently clothed and the land into which they put their sav ings has little value under existing conditions. Prompt relief is needed. THE TWO CENT MiLEAGE ACT. Richmond, Va., July 27. —The State Corporation Commission declared the Churchman Two Cent Raiway Mileage Act in conflict with the constitution of the U:."ted States and therefore null an: 1 void, and entered an order dis missing the proceedings. The Attorneny General immediately took steps to appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States. The act provides for the sale of 500 mile tick et books at two cents per mile. THE HARTJE' DIVORCE CASE. From Present Indications the Case Will Not Be Concluded Before Last of Next Week. Pittsburg, July 27. —From all indi cations the Hartje' divorce case will not be concluded before the latter part of next week. It is expected that the plaintiff will go on the stand before the close and deny certain allegations made against him. RECEIVER FOR ZION CITY. John C. Hately Appointed—A $25,000 Bond Required. Chicago, June 27. —John C. Hately has been appointed receiver of Zion City. A bond has been fixed at $25,000. The adjucation of the bank ruptcy proceeding against Dowie has been set aside. Entire Plant Destroyed. Nashville;- Tenn. July 30. —The Hill Trunk Company's plant was destroyed by fire. The loss is heavy. Bowel Complaint in Children. During the summer months chil dren are subject to disorders of the bowels which should receive careful attention as soon as the first unna tural looseness of the bowels ap pears. The best medicine in use for bowel complaint is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dirrhoea Remedy as it o? the bowels. For sale by Shuford Drug Co. LADIES' INSTITUTE WAS FORMED TODAY Large Band of Anson County Far mers, Their Wives and Daugh ters, Gathered To-day at Wadesboro and Hear Interest ing Address on Farm Subjects. Wadesboro,N. C., July 30. —Notwith- standing the rain and mud. a large number of our representative farmers and their wives and daughters came to Wadesboro this morning for the pur pose of forming a woman's Institute, an auxilliary, of the Farmer's Institute. The importance of raising the best breeds of cattle, a more thorough prep aration and cultivation of the soil, the value of the cow pea as a fertilizer, the increase of crops without an increase of acreage were discussed by Prof. Hume, of Raleigh. Anson farmers are slowly realizing that the new methods are not only the best but most profitable. Our ladies provided a good dinner for the occasion. Mr. Edgar Allen, of Alabama, and Eula Garrison, of South Carolina, were married on the banks of Rocky river yesterday. Mrs. W. T. Allen, of Polkton died last Friday. NEW TOBACCO COMPANY. Durham, July 30. —A newly char tered Black well Tobacco Company" j gives promise to soon begin operations i in North Carolina. This new compa- { ny has instituted an enormous suit ; in which is involved millions of dollars ' against the American Tobacco Compa- 1 r.y which purchased the Blackwell Durham Tobacco Company, of this city several yefrs ago, and moved its char- J ter to New Jersey, where it is being op erated at the present. The suit insti tuied is for the purpose of prohibiting the manufacture of Blackwell Durham tobacco in North Carolina by the old company. There was some difficulty in getting the new company chartered'by the Se cretary of State, and the matter was delayed some time. The new company has an authorized capital of $12®,000. The main parties connected wiih the company are Mfessrs. G. R. Blackwell and J. W. Blackwell, sons of the late W. T. Blackwell. In the proceedings of the litigation it reads that the Blackwell Company, of New Jersey, does not exist under the laws of this state,, not become do- ; mesticated and that the! company is unlawfully manufacturing tobacco, to the great damage of the plaintiff, and also alleges that the American Tobac co Company, has some contract or agreement with the American Tobac co Company. The matter will linger in the'" courts for some time before there is a final decision. CHILD LABOR BILL PASSED. Atlanta, Ga., July 30.—The Senate passed without a dissenting vote the House child labor bill which without I a doubt will receive the approval of • Governor Terrell. The bill prohibits employing in any > manufacturing establishment in the State any child under 12. The em ployment of any child under 14 at j night work; the employment of any; child under 14 unless they can read and write and the employment of any person under 18 unless they shall have attended school at least three months during the preceedlng year. BALL TEAM DISBANDED. Statesville, July 30. —The Statesville ball team has disbanded after a series of victories. It was defeated in the games at Lincolnton Friday and Sat urday. Blythe anu Caspin have return ed to their homes at Huntersville. Stockholm, July 31. —The Socialis tic workmen of Finland are reported to have proclaimed a general strike. The Duty of Parents.. Prevention is oetter man cure, and yet a remedy likt- Mexican Syrup for coughs, colds aud consumption, if : not i:sed to prevent consumption by curing a cough or cold in the begin ning can be depended on to even cure after the lungs bepln to waste away. No other remedy is so nice j to take, or so quick to cure, and" many families often buy a new bot tle before the old one is all used up, so that they may have -it always in the house. Ouly 25 cents at drug stores. Better Cut This Out. Every mother should be quickly suspicious of worms, when her chil dren act as if they were going to be sick. Worms are known to be the first cause of mucn (11 health. Young , and old very often are suffering from worms when a mother thinks it is . samething else. Remember, a very harmless, ret always effective re medy v for stomach, * tape or pin v/oims, is a 25 cent bottle of Moth er's Worm Syrup. Death's Helper. An old physician once referred to constipation as "Death's Helper." There is no doubt many ailments and much distress besins with con cleansers of the bowels that have no weakening effect on the nerves, kid neys etc., are Mexican Root Pills. Only 25 cents. Be Prepared. Every well' regulated home should have a 25 cent bottle of Gooch's Quick Relief on hand. It is cruel to let one you love suffer pain, either j internal "or extrenal since a cure al- • •ways follows the use of Quick Re-1 lief. Sure cure for cramps and colic, j The Be3t Way to Health is to make ; the blood puro by taking Gooch's Sarsaparilla. It is tho only, blood remedy endorsed by a govern ment chemist. Pile-ine Cures Piles! Money refunded if it over fails. Anti-Ague cures Chills and.Fever WASTING STRENGTH Women who suffer from unnecessary, disagreeable, painful, weakening, female complaints, will find that Wine of Cardui is a safe and pleasant remedy for all their ills. It acts directly upon all the delicate, inflamed tissues, purifying the blood, throwing off the clogging matter and relieving female disorders such as irregular* scanty, profuse, painful catamenia, prolapse, etc. Also relieves headache, backache, dizziness, cramps, dragging pains, nervousness, irritability, etc. If you need advice, write us a letter, telling us dl your symptoms. We will send free advice (in plain sealed envelope). Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT IN $l.OO BOTTLES V/ROTE Y wine | OLD PEOPLE "as. Most old people are great sufferers in Winter. They * L/IC are seldom free from pains or ailments of some description, because they are not as able to withstand the severity of the climate, with its damp, changing weather, as are their younger, more vigorous companions. Cold weather starts the old aches and pains; they suffer with chilly sensations, cold extremities, poor appetite and digestion, nervousness, sleeplessness and other afflictions peculiar to old age. With advancing years the strength and vitality of the system begin to decline. The heart action is weak and irregu lar, the blood becomes thin and sluggish in its circulation, and often some old blood taint that has lain dormant in the system for j'ears begins to man ifest itself. A wart or pimple becomes a troublesome sore or ulcer, skin dis eases break out, or the slight rheumatic pains felt in younger days now cause sleepless nights and hours of agony. Tiiere is no reason why old age should not be healthy and free from disease if the blood is kept pure and the system strong, and this can be done with S. S. S. It iu a medicine that is especially adapted to old people, because it is made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, selected for their purifying, healing and building-up properties, and is very mild and gentle in its action. S. S. S. warms and reinvigorates the sluggish blood so that it moves with more rapidity, and clears it of all impurities and poisons. As this rich, healthy ® © stream circulates through the body every part PURELY VEGETABLE. s 7 stem * s huilt up, the appetite and di gestion improve, the heart action increases and the diseases and discomforts of old age pass away. S. S. S. cures Rheuma tism, Catarrh, Skia Diseases, Sorps and Ulcers, and all troubles arising from diseased blood. THE SWIFT SPEGIFSC CO., ATLANTA, ROOSEVELT'S NEW REGIME Announcements Made of Examinations to be Held in N. C. Towns for Se- lection or "Raifway Deputies." Washington, July 30. —The announce ment of President Roosevelt a month ago that he would try the experiment of appointing deputy collectors of the internal revenue through the civil service commission on competitive ex amination took form when the com mission issued the announcement of examinations to be held at Asheville, Statesville, Salisbury, Charlotte and Winston, August 29, for clerk and office deputies, and division deputy collectors. The first time in history that the "Raiding Deputies" must secure their appointment under civil service rules. It is stated if. the plan proves success ful the civil service rules will be appli ed to all other internal revenue dis tricts. ' APPLICATION IN BANKRUPTCY. George G. Hadley Filed Application in Bankruptcy. San Francisco, July 27. —George G. Hadley, one time partner of Senator Elkins and Richard B. Kerens, of Virginia and Henry Gassaway Davis, candidate for Vice-President on the Parker ticket, filed application in bankruptcy. He states liabilities of $24,540. Papers in application de clared the applicant is a co-partner with the named politicians in 20,000 acres of coal lands in West Virginia that were purchased some 20 years ago for $300,000. He declares it has been impossible for him to realize upon the property in which he holds one eighteenth interest and which has increased in value ten fold. DEATH OF DR. REYNOLDS. Greenville, S. C., July 27—Dr. S. M. Reynolds, a prominent druggist of this city, died this morning after a brief iliness. He was prominent in church work, being a member of the Buncomb Street Methodist con gregation. Dr. Reynolds came to Greenville 20 years ago and no man in the city had more friends. SECRETARY ROOT AT DIO. Rio de Janerio, July 27. —SeAetary Root arrived today ancl was welcomed by representative of the General Rio- Branco, Brazil's foreign minister and ly the civil and military authorities. He was heartily cheered by the as sembled crowds. Modest Claims Often Carry the Most Conviction. When Maxim t:ie famous gun Inven tor, placed his gun before a committee of judges, he stated its carrying power to be much below what he felt sure the gun would accomplish. The result of the trail was therefore a great surprise, instead of disappointment. It is the same with the manufacturers of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. They do not publicly boast of r.ll this remedy will accom plish, but prefer to let the users make the statements. What they do claim, J is that it will positively cure diarrhoea,: dysentery, pains in the stomach and bowels and has never been known to fail. Fbr sale by Shuford Drug Co. Seaboard Air Line Railway. Boston, New York. Philadelphia, Bal timore, Washington, Norfolk, Rich lrond, Raleigh, Charlotte, Wilmington, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Chat tanooga, Nashville, Mongomery, Mo bile, New Orleans, Columbia, Savan nah, Jacksonville, Tampa, and all Flor ida points. Two Trains Daily Two Trains Daily Between New York, Washington, Norfolk- Portsmouth, and Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Savan nah and Jacksonville. New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Richmond to Mem phis without change of cars. Trains Composed of Vestibule Day Coaches, Pullman Darw ing Room Sleeping Cars, and the La test Cafe Dining Cars. Direct Connection at Memphis. St. Louis, and New Orleans for all points in Texas, California, Arkansas, Col orado and all Western points. Interchangeable mileage books good over 15,00 miles of Southern lines. For time-tables, winter or summer booklets, illustrtive of the South and South-west apply to Seaboard Passen ger Representatives or to CIIAS. IL GATTIS, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C CHAS. B. RYAN. T. P A., Portsmouth, Va. EDWARD F. COST, 2nd V-P., Portsmouth, Va. 1C TO 11. HOURS. 4 TO L DR. J. H. SHI'hORD, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over Elliotte's new Store. HICKORV. N- O. DR. WALTER A.WHITE DENTIST. Office c-ver Menzies' Drug Stora. Hickory, N. C. McGombs Bros. Dealers In Groceries. Fresh Meat* Butter And Milk-Cattle; Coal, Corn. Hay, Cotton t«eed, Hull and Meal. Country Produce HICKORY, N. C. H. Wnnllau'c SENT F&fiTE to Uli fIQUIIBI S users of morphine, PAINI pec opium, laudanum ■m ™—- - - elixir of opium, co |Sf H 111 H ■ caine or whiskey, I ■ U 111 mm large book of pai 111 bWI tlctflarson home a #£ Is i I U IVI sanatorium treat iitf, ■ ■ ■■ menL Address,Di AND B. M. WOOLLEI Wbiskay Cureu,r. t ? t B fi«Si l c Southern RAILWAY. The Standard Railway of the Soutii The Direct Line to a'( Point* TEXAS, CALIFORNA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND POTOR RICO Strictly Flrst-Olasfl Equipment tor £i> to Ticket Agents for Time la biee. Rates; and Genera Inform* tion, or address, R. L. YFRNON, T. » V, Charlotte, N. C. J. H. WdOLi, D. P. A.. Ashevllle, N. O a. H. HXJtLWSCK, ». P. A., wsuCLvttm. i\ 3 Professional Cards W. 8. RAMSAY DENTIST. Office: Second-story of Postofflce. LA D IE S I 1 D RTL A FRANC O S 11 Safe, Quick, Reliable K^ulato Superior t» other remedies sold at hlKli prl??f. Cur* mmjanteed. Successfully used by over £OO,OOO Women. Price, '25 Cent*, drug- or l>v mail. Testimonials & booklet free. t)r. LaFrancoi i»l»*ladclpbla, P® PARKER'S * 1 *®§|yigpH HAIR BALSAM ffilKlSK'? Ml Cleanses and beautifies tl.u hair. t ifflßß*'* MH Promotes a luxuriant growth I MKSSS? -JH Never Tails to Kestore Gray J [SjKMWSg : -dun Hair to its Youthful Color. I JLJ'SX..^ ? fMB Curcn ocalp di«a«« & hair ialliug. I 60c, aud jl.UOct Drugglrta S The iarnily medicine in thousands of homes for 52 years—Dr. Tliucher's and Blood Svrun Gates Brothers Practical Pfliminnibsrs .. . A full line of B&lh Tubs, Bowls and Sinks with hot and cold waiter fixtures in Stock, We want to estimate on your work- Satisfaction guaranteed. It will pa.y you to see vis before letting your contract, our prices are the cheapest- Office Umstead's Old Stand. Hickory, H.G. Summer Time Groceries *• The placs to buy your Groceries is where they keep them nice ana fresh in Summer time. Our Groceries and Meats are kept in the best con dition in cold storage. The Best Meal in the city can be had at C. J. Yount'6 Restaurant, "Central Hotel." All modern conveniences furnished to guests. C. J. YOUNT, Proprietor New Campbell Building at Depoc. Plumbing, FLoofing —AND—._ Guttering ONE by expert workmen. All kinds of Tin Work on short nonce A full line of Bath Tubs, Bowls and Sinks, with hot and cold witer fixture?. We will do your work right. Hickory Roofing and Tinning Co CONFEDERATE VETERAN'* Reunion, New Orleans, La., April 25th -27, 1906. For the above occasion the South ern Railway will sell tickets to New Orleans, La., and return at rates nam ed below: Golds boro : $20.00 Selma 19.55 Raleigh 18.50 Durham 18.50 Greensbor 17.40 Winston-Salem 17.20 Salisbury 16.45 Hickory 15.75 Charlotte #• .. . *^ss Approximately low rates from othwx points. Tickets on sale April 22nd, 23rd. and 24th, with final limit April 30th. The origina 1 purchaser may secure extension of final limit until May 21st by personally depositing ticket with Joseph Richardson, Spe cial Agent, Theatre Arcade, New Or leans, La., not earlier than April 26U» nor later than April 30th, and payu?'" fee of fifty cents. General J. S. Carr has selected th*» Southern Railway via Atlanta, Mont gomery and Mobile as the official route for his "Annual Confederate Veterans' Special," which will consist of first-class day coaches, and Stan dard Pullman Cars to be handled through to New Orleans without change. This special train will leave Raleigh, N. C., at 3.30 P. M., Monday, April23rd, and will reach New Orleans about 8:30 P. M., Tuesday, April 24th. Any one may use this special train. Berth rates from Raleigh and Durham $6.00, Greensboro, $5.50, Salisbury and Char lotte $5.00. Two persons may occupy a berth without additional cost Excel lent service on regular trains in 'jach direction. Ask your agent for rates from your station. For further information and Pull man reservations write R. L. VERNON, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. HOLL:ST£RS Becky Mountain Tea Nuggets L Busy Medioina for Busy People. Brings Golden Health ard Renewed Vigor, A sneeiflc for Constipation, Indigestion, Live and Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Blood, Baa Breatli, Slueriiisli Bowels, Headache and Backache It's Rocky Mountain Tea In tab. let form, 85 cents a box. Genuine made by Holmster Drug Company, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SAb'-W PEOPIF Doctor Yourself I For CRAMPS, DIARRHOEA, I an BOWEL COMPLAINTS r" s PainKiUef (PERRY DAVIS 1 ) Wotnen find qulcV rclici;— Z>- .j. iiacher'B r i |»t o ,v] Svrup.

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