We are now making as high grade Overalls as are made anywhere and we are selling them for less money than the same grade of goods can be procured elsewhere. We ask the merchants far and near to let us prove the truth of this assertion to them. We hope no rrerchant w'll come to Le tt ir without calling on us. We know we have as good overalls as he can find and that we can save him money on them. W hen we organized this business we knew we could make it prove a boon to the merchants of this section. .We'knew that the cost of manufacturing is sue h that by selling direct to the merchants .we could ma"ke these gepds cest them less than the products of any house selling tnrough jobbers. We have proved this idea to be correct. We have done but very little drumming,' and yet the demand for our goods has been greater then we could supply. Hickory R: F. D. 1. News. Mr. Claude B, Baker, "of Spar tanburg, S, C. t is spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pinkney Baker. Prof. Anderson Weaver, of Le noir, spent Saturday and Sun day with Dr. Foard's. Mrs. Willis, of Cleveland coun ty, is visiting'her mother, Mrs. Matt Stallings. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Whitener, of Hickory, spent last Wednes day with Mrs. Addie Ramseur. James Anderson who has been visiting Obe Ramseur, has re turned to his home in Statesville. Will R. Porter, of Belwood, was in Jugtown last week. Messrs. D. M. Boyd, of Mai den, and C. M. McCorkle, of Newton, were in this vicinity several days of last we«k. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gus Houser, of Cherryville, are visiting Mrs. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. ( C, C. Bost, of Hickory, visited relatives in this section last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fayette Ford, of Clover, S. C., have been visiting at Mr. Miles Huffman's. The Plateau M. E. church was dedicated last Sunday. Rev. R. M. Hoyle, -of Shelby, held the dedication service. He preached a most able sermon. Rev. J. F. Armstrong and wife of McAdenville, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in this section. Mr. Tqm Cline, of Charlotte, has been spending several days with his friend, Frank 0. Foard. Miss Frankie Wood, of Lin colnton, is visiting her sister, Miss Kate. Invitations to the marriage o£ Miss Vashti Gantt to Mr. Clay ton Peeler are out; the marriage will occur Aug. 15. Miss Gantt is one of Cleveland county's fair est daughters, and is widely known throughout this country as well as the entire state. She is the only daughter of Mrs. M. P. Gantt, of Belwood. She has visited in this section quite of ten and her many friends here Eagle Overalls, the Overalls That Lasts. T-~ ~ * •• *«>* ' ' " / - v ; * - x v MADE AND GUARANTEED BY * • : "" • ■ -v . •- Lenoir Clothing Company. A CHANCE FOR MERCHANTS TO SAVE MONEY LENOIR CLOTHING GDMPfINU, Lenoir, N. B. are anxiously waiting the mar riage. Mr. Peeler is also known in this county, being quite * prominent business man of Bel wood and Shelby. • It's a Business Proposition. And it came to pass after he had advertised his goods, there came unto him great multitudes from all the regions round about and did buy of him. And when his competitors saw it they mar veled among themselves, saying: "How be it that this man is busy while we k>ai idle about our doors?" And he spake unto them: "In this fast age of push and bustle it is easir for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a man to flourish without ad vertising. '' —LaGrange Sentinel. Wise Merchants, Will a merchant who is wise ever cease to advertise? Yes— when the trees grow upside down; when.the beggar wears a crown; when ice forms on the sun; when the sparrow weighs a ton; when gold dollars get too cheap; when women, secrets keep; when a fish forgets to swim; when Satan sings a hymn; when girls go back on gum; when the small boy hates a drum; when no politician schemes; when mince pie makes pleasant dreams; when its fun to break a tooth; when all lawyers tell the truth; when cold water makes you drunk; when you love tfi smelVa skunk; when the drum mer has no brass—when these things all come to pass; then the man that's wise will neglect to advertise tiatuially. De Style—"Has any of your Tamilp gone away for the sum mer?" Gunbusta— "Gnly the cook. " The man who gets mad at what the newspaper says about him should return thanks three times ; a day for what the newspaper knew about him and suppressed. Even the girl's father might overlook a young man's short comings if it wasn't for his long stayings. How much better it is to take the brambles out of the path of your friend than to add thorns to wound his feet It is a poor excuse of an old hen, if permitted to run loose in town, that cannot make at lea:: t one enemy out of a good neigh bor. We want to know when you have friends in to eat "chicken dinner" or to visit you. It 's such items of news that makes the local page of your home pa per interesting. Dinner was served to thirty guests at Mr. Solomom Honey cutt's, R. F. D. 1, on last Wed nesday. This was a celebration of his 81st birthday. Mr. Honey outt is a well known corn raiser of Catawba county. An editor in Kansas has dis covered how to tell a man's poli tics. Get him into a hotel wash room. The Democrats will wash and empty the basin; the Repub lican will wash Snd leave the wa ter standing; the Prohibitionist will wash in the water left by the Republican, and the Populist will comb his whiskers and not wash at all.—Ex. The editor sat in his office whence all but him had fled, and he wished that every last dead beat was' in his grave—stone dead. His mind then wandered far away to the time when he should die, and his royal'editorial soul go scooting to the sky;when he'd roam the fields of paradise and sail o'er Jasper seas and all things glorious would combine his every sense to please. He thought -how then he'a look across the great gulf dark and drear," that'll yawn between his happy soul and those who swin dled here, and when water they would call, and in agony they'd caper, he'd shout to them: "Just quench your thirst with the due that's on your paper." THERE MI ST HE A REASON WHEN A NEW KNTEItPRJSE SUCCEEDS THR* WAV! We now have~SOM ETHING NEW— Soir ething letter than we have ever offered before. We are making a dollar overall now that we believe to b» the best thing of the kind that we have ever seen. Anyway it has aroused much interest where it has been shown. • And one of the interesting" things about it is that we sell it about fifty cents less in the dozen than such goods can be bvnght of any j bber Our goods are as we represent them. If any mei chant fails to find them so, we will take them back and neAer»ay a wprd. We expect to make this business one of the est in this section of the country. Just now we are running eighteen machines. In a Jew d- ys we V«ry truly, Trinity College Four Departments —Collegiate, Gradu ate, Engineering and Law. Large library"facilities.Well exuipped laboratories in all departments of science. Gymnasium rurnished with best apparatus. Expenses very mod erate. Aid for worthy students. Young flen wishing to Study Law should investigate the superior advantages offered by the Depart ment of Law In Trinity College. For catalogue and further informa tion, address, D. W. NEWSOM, Registrar, o Durham, N. C. EMORY AND HENRI COLLEGE, EMORY, VA. Is located on the N. & W. Railway, 25 miles northeast of Bristol, Tenn. It is in the mountainous section of south west Virginia 2,100 feet above the sea. The beauty Of the surrounding country and the pure atmosphere make the in stitution especially attractive to stu dents from the lower south. The next session begins Sept. 12, 1906. For catalogue and full information, Address *J. L. HAKDIN, Cor-Sec'y. P.' A. MILLER'S Street Carriage! Is at your command and in the business to stay. Call phone 44, McComb Bros., Willis' Cafe, or Central Hotel, and the carriage will come. Eckard and Fox Opened in new building on College street. Full line of Fancy Groceries. RESTAURANT Meals at all hours. CASTOR IA • For Infants and Children. The Kind Y#u Han Always B*ght A Heating Gospel. ; The Rev. J. 6. Warren, pastor of Sharon Baptist Church, Belair, Ga., says of Electric Bitters: "It's a God send to mankind; It cured me of lame back, stiff joints, and complete physi- ( cal collapse. I was so weak it tcok me haif an'hour to walk a mile. Two bottles of Electric Bitters have made me so strong I have jmst walked three miles in 50 minutes and feel like walk ing tliree more. It's made a new man of me." Greatest remedy for weak ness and all Stomach, Liver and Kid ney complaints. Sold under guarantee at C. M. Shuford and E. B. Menzies' , Drug Store/ Price 50c. Old maids would he scorce and hard to find, - Could they be made to ses, How grace and beauty is combined By using Rocky Mountain Tea. E. B. Menzies. NOTICE. Valuable Land, and Fine Water Power for Sale. The undersigned will offer for sale for casli to the highest bidder from the steps of the First National Bank, Hick ory, North Carolina, on first day of Sep tember, 1906. two lots of land in Cataw ba county, adjoining the lands of Eli Whitener and others, on Henry's Fork rive*, and known as the Whitener and Seitz mill property. Fir3t tract; beginning at a rock on the river and runs "N. IS degrees W. 48 poles to a stake and pointers on Whisenant's line;"* thence with said Wliisenant'sline N. 83 degrees, W. 24 poles to the river bank; thence with the : meanderings of the river to the begin ning, containing four acres more or less. Second tract; adjoining the first, be ginning at a black oak on Whisenant's line and runs thence with sai4 line E. 13 poles to a pine; thence S. 44 poles to a rock on the over bank; on the begin ning corner between G. M. jWhitener and D. H. Wliisenant; thence with a line of said Whitener and Whisenant to the beginning N. 15 degrees, W. 48 poles containing two acres more or less. Up on the lotter tract there is a large dwell ing house. At same time and place we will offer for sale some mill machinery, etc. Merchants and Farmers National Bank of Charlotte, N. C, PETER R. VODER, Hickory, N. C. Witherspcon & Witherspoon, Attys. _ Willie miming ln about two weeks a company wUI be organized, and we expect 10 soon run sixty to seventy-five machines. RIGHT NOW.we need six good hands to sew.. Will need tea mofe in a few days. Expect to need* fort} or fifty more right soon. Will pao three dol lars to six dollars per week. GIRLS WHO WANT TO WORK HAD BETTER APPLY AT ONCE. The demand for una goods is great, and it will be sometime before onr salesman will get around to see all the merchants of this section. So we will say to th m that if they will call on ns at the fac tory, we will treat them right .and. make them glad the}- came. Names of Stockholders of the company to be or ganized: Henry Daab, Mgr., John Daab, A. B. Daab, Michael Daab, Frank Daab and Charley Daab* I Frightfully Burned. Chas. W. Moore, a machinist, -of Ford City, Pa., had his hand frightfully burned in an electrical furnace. He applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve with tie usual result: "a quick and perfect chre." Greatest healer on earth for Burns, Wounds, Sores, Eczema and Pilds. 25c at C. M. Shuford and £. B. Menzies', Druggists, \ Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, A Powder. It makes walking easy. Cures corns Bunions,. Ingrowing Nails, Swollen and Sweating feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Don't accept any substitute., Sample free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y. Lumber Wanted. 175,000' inch flooring.) 450,000' 3xlB 16' long 500,000' 4xB 16' long. 1,500 pieces Bvl4 12£' long. 1,000 pieces 10x16 25' long. Delivered during the next six months. ,For further informa tion address J. W. CANNON, CONCORD, N. C. CONSUMPTION PREVENTABLE -V DISINFECTION IMPORTANT. Iwvltf Obtained In a Larga Institution. The importance of disinfection fs shown by the results obtained at the Brooklyn Home for Consumptives, the finest institu tion of the kind in New York. A letter from the President is quoted; "We have used Piatt's Chlorides In the Brooklyn Home for Consumptives for more than ten years, and find it not only a com fort but a necessity. Through its use we defy the germs' to make any inroads on the nurses and employees who are in con stant attendance upon the sick, one hun dred of whom are now in the institution. One none hae been there well on to ten years, a second almost as long, and not one person ever employed in the Home has de veloped lung trouble "—Mr S. Y. "White. President, Kingston Ave., Brooklyn, N." Y. Piatt's Chlorides is an odorless, colork* Hquid disinfectant which instantly remover any f0.,1 odors and destroys iisease-hreed ing matter A quart bc>tls will last as average aimily a month, and it can be obtained at all drnggieta, The North Carolina J State Normal 4 Industrial College COURSES Literary Commercial Classical Domestic Science Scientific Manual Tft&ng Pedagogical Music Three Courses leading to de grees. Special courses for grad uates of other colleges. Well equipped Training SchOol for Teachers. Board, laundry, tui tion, and fees for use of text books, etc., $l7O a year. fror free-tuition students, $125. Fif teenth annual _ session begins September 20, 1906. To secure board in the f£ee tuition applications shouid be made before Juiy 15. Corres pondence invited from those de siring competent teachers and stenographers. For catalogue and other information, address CHARLES D. McIVER, Prte>„ Greensboro, N. C. Hickory Lutneran Churcfc. Gentlemen: We want to donate some L. & M. Paint to your church whenever they paint. The largest Methodist church in Georgia expected to use 10Q gallons of the usual.kind of paint, they oftlv used 32 gallons L. & M. mixed With 24 gallons Linseed Oil. It costs less to paint a house with L. & M. than with other paint, be cause painter mixes Linseed Oil fresh \ from the hanell at 60 cents a gallon with L. & M., and doesn't pay f 1.50 per gallon for Linseed Oil as .done if ready-for-use paint is used. Alio be cause the L. & M. Zinc hardens the L. & M. White Lead and makes the paint wear like iron. Actual cost L. &M. about 91.20 per gallon. Scld ty Sltfcrd Hsrcicsre Co. BhmO,

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