Choice Designs in SPRING JEWELRY ! Fobs . Combs Bracelets Brooches Lockets Set Rings Necklaces Gold Hat Pins And a complete assortment of all goods in our line in the latest patterns. The quality the best. Geo. E. Bisanar Jeweler and Optician. Watch Inspector for So. Ry. "Pilsener Export" | iinaamA '.''4 K2 "Is a Perfect Brewed Beer." 1 It is a liquid food. High in Extracts. Low jKgijk in Alcohol. «r] K HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY MEDI-M/ mm S i CAL AUTHORITIES - m Orders Solicited Write for Prices. • PThe Virginia Brewing Co.| Roanoke, - - Virginia Mj Good Things ! We sell Globe-Wernicke Elas- II made. tic Book Cases. .! Comfort Swing and China and Japan Mat- Morris Chairs. ting. Vuder Porch Shades. Hickory Furniture White Frost Refrigera Cos * Rooms Suits tors. - —- > Many other "good ine best Hammocks things." You are cordially invited to see our line. Shuford Furniture Co Hickory, N. C. Summer Drinks. We have dozens of thirst-quenching, throat cooling temperature reducing drinks at our fountain. arp When you drink them you may be sure that you are drinking pure healthful beverages. Everything v iean -- oursyrups « visit If/hir ii' fou " tam ,s a "iKhty good place to Visit either alone or with your friend. Ccme often. Walter S. Martin & Ccirpany, Druj&ists Hickory/.N. C. / Jury List. Below will be found the names of jurors drawn |o serve at the August term of Burke Superior court, which convenes on Mon day, August 6th. _ First week. —J. D. Alexander, Silas Berry, Will Cooper, Jeff Cannon, J. A, Connelly, T. N. Duckworth,Thos. L. Duckworth, J. A. Dale, Charlie Denton, Ra ney Evans, W. B. Faulkner, Henry Garrison, Thomas Hemp hill, , Chas. Hemphill, W. S. Hoyle, Waits A. Hildebran, Rob ert R. Hallyburton, M-K. Kin caid, J. W. Keller, Pink Moore, J. T. McGimsey, J. J. McCall, R. C. Perkins, Jule Rader, D. L Rust, J. J. Powell, ArchieSwink, N. Swink, Lewis Stamey, E. J. Sigmon, George JStroup, William Taylor, (Icard) W. A. Wilson, William Wise. Second week —Ed Abernethy, W. F. Austin, M. S. Benfield, J. M. Brittain, J. T. Brittain, (Icard) Vester Benfield, W. H. Crawley, C. C. Cox, Jule G. Holder, Frank Harris, W. R. Marbut, Henry McCall, R. H. McCall, C. R. Scott, W. M. Tate. A. D. Tilley, A. T. Willis, A. B. | Wakefield. - Glaremont College Faculty. The Claremont College faculty for next term is made up: Pres. D. W. Read has spared no pains to bring together the best teachers for the college. Miss Olive Walling of Cincin nati Conservatory will have charge of the music department. Miss Walling is a teacher of ex perience and comes with fine credentials. She teaches piano, piano, voice and violin. . Miss Clevea Williams,of North Carolina, will again assist in the music department Miss Wil liams showed great ability in her I work as assistant last term, and by her careful teaching advanc ed her pupils rapidly. Mrs. Grace Garretsin will have charge of the literature and his tory department She comes frorr a college in Arkansas where she has held a similar position, and being a former student Chicago University is fully equipped for her work. Mrs. Lucy Meredith, of Nash ville, Tenn., teach French and assist in Latin and English. Mrs. Meredith has enjoyed training in French under the best native teacher. She comes from a Ten nessee college, where she has held a similar position as that she takes at Claremont. Miss Mary Kerr, of North Car olina, will have charge of the commercial department and as sist in the science work. Miss Kerr is a graduate of the State Normal College of North Caro lina and of the Greensboro Busi ness College. Last year she taught in Black Mountain Christ ian University. Mrs. Read will again have charge of the elocution and art i departments with assistants. This summer she has given a course of drawing in the Appa lachian Training School, North Carolina, and the Richmond Vir ginia Normal School, and spen* the remainder of Ijer vacation at Class Snmraer School (of New York) located at University oi Virginia doing special work ii. oil portraiture. Pres. D. W. Read will again have charfee of the German Higher Mathematics and Latin with assistants. He has sj>ent a part of his vacation in the Ap palachian Training School, - North Carolina, teaching Mathematics and Latin. Miss Fannie Field will again teach the primary department where she has presided with so much tact for three years. Miss Fields' good qualities and success as a teacher is too well known to introduce her here. Scrub yourself daily, you're not clean inside. Clean inside 'means dea* stomach, bowels, blood, liver, clean, healthy tissue in every organ. Moml: Take Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. E. B. Mdnzies. J The Fanners Boys. 1 Someof our farmers wond r why their sons have a desire to quit the farm, preferring town or city life. The cause is with the farmer himself. With the boy the farm it is perpetual I toil in .good weather, all through the busy season, and perpetual loneliness in bad weather and most of the winter season. The time when the farmer has leisure is at the very time when they cannot get away from * home on account of their isolation and bad roads. The boy hungers for company and his heart revolts against this unendurable loneli ness and to free himself from it, walks miles through the mud to spend an hour at the ciuntr> store. We are glad to note that in some sections of our country the young people of both sexes, have broken through these bar- Tiers, and established farmers' clubs and little societies of one sort or another. This should be encouraged and will prove a great tonic to keep young peopl - on the farm* and make life tc them worth the living. A woman worries until she getswri: - kles, then worries because she h. s them. If she takes Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea she would have neither. Bright, smiling faae follows its use. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. E. B. Menzies. Dr. Pierce's Farorite Prescription* Is not a secret or patent medicine, against which the rnont intelligent people are quite naturally averse because of the un certainty as to their harmless character, but is a n cdiclne OF KJOWS COMPOSITION, a full list of all its ingredients being printed, in plttin Ewjlixh. on every bottle wrapper. An examination of this list of ingredients will disclose the fact that it is non-alcoholic in its composition, chem ically pure glycerine taking the place of the commonly used alcohol, in its make up. The "Favorite Prescription" of Dr. Pierce is In fact tho onlv medicine put up for the cure of Woman's peculiar weak nesses and ailments, sold through drug gists, that doe.* no* contain alcohol and that too In large quantities. Furthermore, it is the only medicine for woman?* special diseases, the ingredients of which have the unanimous endorsement of all the leading medical writers and teachers of all the several schools of practice, and that too as remcdies for the ailments for which " Favorite Prescription " is recom •nended. A little book of some of these endorse ment* win be sent to any address, post paid, and absolutely free if you request same by -postal card or letter, of Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Don't forget that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, for woman's weaknesses and delicate ailments, is not a patent or secret medicine, being the "Favorite Prescrip tion "of a regularly educated and gradu ated physician, engaged In the practice of his chosen specialty—that of diseases of women—that Its Ingredients arc printed iu plain English on every bottle-wrapper; that it is the only medicine especially de signed for the cure of woman's diseases that contains no alcohql, and the only one that has a professional endorsement worth more than all the so-called "testi monials" over puhiislied for other med icines. bend for those endorsements as above. They are/ree for the astfing. If you suffer from periodical, headache, backache, dizziness, pain or dragging down sensation tow down in the abdomen, weak back, have disagreeable and break ing, catarrhal# pelvic drain, or are in distress from being long on your feet, then you may be sure of benefit from taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Dr..Piorco's Pleasant Pellets the best lax ative and regulator of the bowels. They invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Que a laxative; two or throe a cathartic. Mother Gray's Sweet Powde for Children. Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's Home in New York, Cure Feverishness,Bad Stomacl Teething Disorders, move and regv te the Powels and Destroy Wof Over 30,000 testimonials. They never fail. Atali Druggists, 25c. Sample free. Addiess Allen S. OlmstcaS.Le- Roy, N Y. UNIVERS IT Y , OF NORTH CAROLINA 1789-1906 Head of the State's Educational System. DEPARTMENTS Collegiate Engineering Graduate Law Medicine Pharmacy Library contains 43,000 volumes, New water works, electric lights, central heating system. New dormitory, gymnasium, Y. M. C, A. building-. 682 students. 74 in faculty The fall term begins Sept. 10th, [ 1906. Address 1 ■FRANCES P. VENABLE, AD|||lf PRESIDENT I lrlUlfl Chapel Hill, N. C. '||asSB; TRINITY PARK SCHOOL A firstclass preparatory school. Cer tificates of graduation accepfed lor en trance to leading Southern colleges. BEST EQUIPPED PtffcFARAToRY . SCHOOL IN THE SOUTH. Faculty of ten officers and teachers. Campus of seventy-five acres. Library containing thirty thousand volumes. Well equipped gymnasium. High standards and modern methods of in struction. Frequent lectures by prom inent lecturers. Expenses exceeding ly moderate. Seven years of phenom enal success. For catalogue and other informa t'on, address, H. M. NORTH, Headmaster, Durham, N. C. Xo Fruit Growers I desire to say % that I am the sole agent for Catawba, Burke, Alexander and Caldwell counties for the well-known nursery, operated by W. L. Kil lian & Son, of this county. I will be pleased to take your or ders for any and all kinds of fruit to be found in any first class and reliable nursery; and I assure you that all orders in trusted to me shall receive prompt attention. Jours respectfi'Ny, W. S. RAMSOUP Hickory, RC. There Will Be A. Mapp\f Parting V. itfc jci and those whiskers, you shave with us. Qood J£aiT-*£vtbiii2 Speoialty. Slpe Dietz Sarber VIRGINIA COLLEGE For YOUNG LADIES, RMMI « V«. Openaßept.3S.UM. Onaof the leading Bchooli for Young Lftdiea In the South. Hew buildings, pianos and equipment. Campos ten acrea. Grand mountain scenery In ValUy of Virginia, famed for health. European and American Mhchera. Poll course. Conaervatoiy advantages to Art, Music >*nd Elocution. Certificate* WeUeal«f. Students from 30 Statea. For cata|o«na addreaa MATTIE P. BARKIS, President. BoanoktVa. jbi, PWHVM Boiiwiltß, Vice-Pref. , A Paint Education is Three Minutes. Oil is the life of paint. Dead oil, dead paint; it peels off. washes off, Tails off. You have to paint again. ~ ~ ~ you nave " oil in it. reason: You've been there- W .» been getting paint with dead tJRggJSMygjK | ffiesn for canned oil. Get Ijnaeed oil and.ntf* ft r *cti Hammiif P«in| yourself. Then you know you've got fresh paint. Paint that w»ll stick right, look right, yre&f pigW spd at tljp right price. Men of experience always do this. |tj laves mopey and saves work, too. Well explain paint points at length if you will drop in on us some day-—be» fore you paint this season. We are sole agents for the paint you get without oil—and mix. It is the famous Hammar Condensed Paint. Gallon of paint, gallon of oil. Simple enough. Absolutely fresh and new. Guaranteed for five years. We can show you in two minutes how Hammar Condensed Paint will save you money, at least 25 per cent in cost and 100 per cent in wearing qualities ' For sale by C. L. Hawn and Son, Hickory, N. C. Luckiest Man in Arkansas. "I m the luckiest man in Arkansas" writes H. L. Stanley, of Bruno, "since the restoration of my wife's health after five years of continuous coughing and bleeding from the lungs; and I owe my good fortune to the world's greatest Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which I know from, experience will cure consumption il taken in time. My wife improved with first boitle and twelve bottles comple ted the cure." Cures the worst coughs and colds or money refunded. At C. M, Shuford's and, E. B. Menzies', druggists, 50c and *l.OO. Trial bot tle iree. JOIN OUR CLUB i I If you want prompt delivery and quick work. Cleaning,.pressing, repairing dyeing and all work on clothing. Special attention given to the cleaning and pressing of wom en's and children's clothipg. We keep your clothes cleaned nd pressed for $l.OO per month. City Pressing Club MOSER & ROWE, proprietors. nftYNES I New Discovery. Best Cars For CATARRH. RHEUMATISM. INDIGESTION, NERVOUSNESS, KIDNEY, LIVER AND BLOOD DISEASES. SI.OO. DHYNE'S ' Quick Relief. •est ler Sit AOHES sni PAINS-Prlcs 265. PAYNE'S MEDICATED SOAP—IO«. I DRUGGISTS. For sale by W. P. Huffman Subscribe for The Demccrat. New Stored New Goods! . We are now showing a full line of new and up-to-date General Merchandise, such as dry GOODS, DRESS GOODS, LACES and EM BROIDERINGS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, CLOTFHNG, PANTS, SHOES and OXFORD, and in fact most anything to be found in a first-class dry goods store. We Iso carry nice line c f «'TAPIE GROCERIES • # We solicit your! patronage and will make it to yourjnterest to trade with us, and give you value received for your money. Highest prices paid for country produce. W. G. FOX Hickory, N. C. = WHY NOT BUY x where you can get anything in theffeed line? We buy in Car Lots; and can make you best Prices, in GRAIN, HAY. SHIP STUFF, B PAN, CCIICN SLID IV.FAL ar.d HULLS Flour and Meal Wholesale and retail. Also carry a full line of Poultry Food. All goods promptly delivered. Shell Grian and Teed Co. V College St., - Hickory, N. C, get paint 1 in it; sure to oil be itanding months or years in a sealed can kills oil- See the point. Get paint minus oil. Don't say paint the besi; IT he Old Reliable. 1 Our new fall stack of Clothing is 21 arriving fast and we want to show | you through our line whether you buy I or not. We sell Clothing for nearly m one-half what it will cost you atjother 9 SHOES, SHOES. 1 The best line in the city. We han - S die General Merchandise. Call on us for bargains. • c£/> JJusseZZ, E ' HICKORY, N. c. I To Beautify Tour Complexion nr TBI OATS, cm MADINOLA 1 1 THE UNEQUALED BEAUTIFIER. (Formerly advertised and sold as Satinola.) tsr~ H W* v -T'--- Br | THE NADINOLA is guaranteed and money refunded if it fails to remove freckles rfawpi**, tan, saHowness, liver-spots, colla black-heads disfiguring erup ♦iflw, ftr,, in twenty days. Leaves the skin dear, soft, healthy, and restores th beauty oI youth. Endorsed by thousands. •Price 50 cents and $l.OO at all leading drug stores, or by mail. Prepared by National Toilet Co., Paris, Tenn, Sold by E. B. Mcnzies, Hick ory. N. r OASTORIA. tin Kind iteu Have Always Bought

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