>*' » ... 11 • 11 » - - • * ALL Thfl NSWB I WHILE IT 18 NEWS. | I I VOL 9 Three Negroes Lynched For the Lyerly Murders A Mob of Several Hundred Stormed the Salisbury Jail Last Night and Secured Three Prisoners, Nease and John Gillespie and Jack Dillingham. They were Hanged to a Tree. Mob Formed Outside the City at 8 O'clock. The Members Refused to Lis ten to the Advice of Prom inent Men. All Three Prisoners Swung From Same Limb. Salisbury, Aug. 7. —There is little to remind one at this hour of the ter rible and ghastly doings of a mob of infuriated cltiseps last night near this olty. All is quiet today, though a fseat .j#any visitors frgpi nearby points still remain in the oity. The fapt that the three remaining prisoners who were indicted by the grand jury yesterday afternoon were returned to the Charlotte jail this morning lessens the interest con siderably. At the reconvening of court this morning Judge Long in addressing the grand jury, stated he would not ischarge them because he was sure fiat there was work ahead of them, and that they wild be called ipon to pass upon some verr important cases. He said, however, that in y view of the excited condition that I court would take a recess until to-1 morrow when he hoped that matters I would so adjust themselves and that indictments would be Issued who composed the mob last night. It is known that all the power in vested in the executive department at Raleigh will be used to single out I those who were in the mob of last night. Governor G.enn has informed Judge Long that it is his desire to ascertain every member of the mob and that if necessary he will come to Salisbury and assist in th« prose cution. The Governor has issued a denial from Raleigh stating that he did not command the military not to shoot and that the whole matter was left entirely in the charge of Sheriff Julian. Judge Long was interviewed this momfng by a News representative. He greatly deplores the turn of affairs last night. He says that after speeches were made by prominent citizens at the jail last night that the crowd was quiet. He had been assured by prominent citizens of Salisbury that no lynching would take place and that all the people cemanded was that the guilty par ties should hang. He does not be lieve that the mob of last night was composed ot men from the neigh borhood in which the murderers were committed. He firmly believes that the mob was made up at one ol the manufacturing plants outside the city limits last night about 8 o'clock. He has been told that some of the mob were from Whitney. Senator Overman was interviewed today. He denies that he was stricken with a misslc while he was pleading for peace last night. He says that the appearance of the Row sn Rifles on the scene did good, and did not incite the mob to wreak ven geance on the prisoners. He further states as soon as the militia appear ed on the scene the crowd quieted down and there was an air of rest i'nd quiet for some little while. C§n tinuing, the Senator, said: "The truth may as well be told now as hereafter. The real reason why the militia did not shoot last night was because the men in uniform did not care to shoot down white people who were demanding the lives of negroe# they were satisfied were guilty of a henious crime." It is said here that another reason is that no shots were fired by the militia was because they had no orders to do so. No one was left in charge of the company, Sheriff Julian having left them temporarily. I: was at this moment that the jail was stormed and" the prisoners were taken therefrom. i f What Judge Long Says. Salisbury, N. C., Aug. 7. —Court did not assemble until 11 o'clock today. Solicitor Hammer asked (or a con tinuance of the cases against the three prisoners, Henry Gillespie, Delia Dillingham and George Erwin from day to day as the prisoners were iff the Charlotte jail, where they were sent at 9 o'clock this morning. Judge Long then called for the giand jury and said: i'l will waiht you gentlemen to stay with me a while longer this term, 't here is still a God in Heaven and this court will not adjourn until this thing is thoroughly investigated." The special venire of 200 men were THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT " **• ™ ' ' ,w kA - v - • v . * - r ¥' . * T7Z -'t; * I dismissed and the court took a re cess at 11:30. Judge Long told the grand jury he would have more to say to them | today. The injured as far as can be iearn [ ed are Engineer Frank Mooney, Will Troutman, Engineer McLendon and [ another rnair who is sai,d to have disappeared after being shot. i McLendon is still alive, but the full extent of his injuries are not known. I ASKS FOR 100 MEN Sheriff Julian Wires Governor for 100 ! Men at Once. \ I Raleigh, N. C., Aug. 7. —A telegram from Sheriff Julian at Salisbury just , received at 2 p. m. by Governor Glenn says: . "Send 100 men here at once to assist me in maintaining order. 5 ' In compliance with this appeal the Governor has sent hurry orders to l the military camp at Charlotte and Statesville to go on special trains to Salisbury. > PRISONERS ARE BACK. . Hsnry Gillespie Makes Confession to News Representative. Charlotte News, Aug. 7. v 1 Henry Gillespie, George Ervine, Delia Dillingham and Fannie Gillespie, the four prisoners who are said to be implicated in the Lyerly murders and , who escaped the vengeance of the mob last night at Salisbury, are now safe behind Mecklenburg prison bars. They were brought to Charlotte on one of the morning trains in charge of deputies and were placed in the care and keeping of Sheriff Wallace. It is safe to say that no mob will try to take the prisoners from Mecklenburg's jail. This afternoon a News' reporter visited the jail and ;haa an Interview with Henry —Gillespie and George Ervine. Henry: Gellespie says that he beard Jack Dillingham tell the negro prisoner Massevv that he knew who | had committed the crime. He said that he (Dillingham) and John and Nease ! Gillespie were responsible for the ! murder of the Lyerly family. Henry Gillespie further stated that Pas soon as' Nease Gillespie learned that / Dillingham had told Massey who had' killed the Lyerlys Nease gave Massey a dollar to keep his mouth i closed. Gillespie says that he sa4v the dollar pass and George Ervine corroborates him. Henry says that John Gillespie told him that Jack had said, previous to the murder, that he would fix Mrs. Lyerly if they kept on fooling with him. Henry said that he heard this told while in jail. Henry also says that John Gillespie told him who had com mitted the crime saying that Jack had made the statement that he would fix one of the Lyerlys before he left. Jack Dillingham it seems knew the prisoner Massey before he met him in jail. All of the prisoners are frightened into an inch of their lives because they feel that if they will have to go back to Salisbury to stand their trial. Henry Gillespie as well as the rest of the prisoners seems to fear that if they return to the Salisbury jail they will meet the fate of the other three pris oners. BAD MEAT AND BREAD. Supply at Navy Yar'd Not in Good Condition. Washington,, Aug. 7.— Secretary Bonaparte has received the prelimi nary report concerning the supply of fresh meat and. bread at the Nor folk navy yard and similar conditions i to that existing ir. tho New York yard has been found. The contract ors failed to furnish these articles in . as good condition as the department demands. Probable the contracts . will be cancelled. SEARCH FOB HIGH i BUNK OFFICIALS > President Stensland of Milwaukee 1 Avenue State Bank Probably be [ Arrested when Found. Deposi tors Losing Hope of Recovering 1 T heir Money, l Chicago, Aug. 7 President Stens i land, of the Milwaukee Avenue State Bank, will probably be arrested as soon as he enters Chicago or can be found. i Bank Examiner Jones said Stens . land surely had knowledge of the - looting of the bank. The depositors s are gradually losing all hope of re i recovering the $4,200,000 they en i trusted to Stensland's care. Detec- I tives are seeking Cashier Hering, the } alleged embezzler. -The call for additional police was i made through fear that the deposi tors *and their friends would storm r the bank and precipitate a riot when i. the rumors spread that the contents i of some of the safety deposit vaults b had been tampered with. Persons " with money in the vaults were said ; to have found their savings gone. ~ " HICKORY, N. 0.. THURSDAY AUGU&T 9,1906^ , m '■«■ 1 ■■ f r $ GILLESPIE'S CONFEBSION. l 4* 4" Henry Gillespie this morning ■ 4* stated that Jack Dillingham 4* l 4* ha d made a confession while «{• l in the Charlotte jail that he 4* ) 4* and Nease and John 4* * pie murdered the Lyerly fam -1 J. ily. «|» ONE LYNCHER ARRESTED. I * Others to be Arrested —Charlotte Military Company to go to Salis bury to Guard Lynchers. Raleigh, Aug. 7—At 1 o'clbck this afternoon Governor Glenn received a telegram from Judge B. F. Long, at Salisbury, to the effect that one per son had been identified as a mem ber of the mob which lynched the ' murderers of the Lyerly family last night and was placed in jail. Also thatr evidence was in hand against others and that the investi gation is being pushed a*s rapidly and thoroughly as possible. The Governor, at the request of Sheriff Julian and and Judge Long, telegraphed an order to the military company at Charlotte to go to Salls i bury at once and guard the jail to prevent the liberation of any lynchers arrested. FEELING AGAINST COUNSEL. Some Entertain Feeling Against Messrs. Newell and Williams. Salisbury, Aug. 7. —It was said this .'•fternoon that Mr. Jake F. Newell, of Charlotte, and H. S, Williams, of Concord, the two lawyers who had been retained by tho alleged negro murderers that it would be best for them not to remain in Salisbury as feeling ran high against them. The mob spirit does not seem to be ap peased at all. Even the sacrifice of three victims (Joes not in the least seem to satisfy the craving of those who formed the mob last night. Messrs. Newell and Williams laughed when told that there was any feeling against them. They say they ' only did what any good lawyer might have -OOBC —l«r similar circum stances. They accepted fees from the negroes because they were in need of counsel and, had they not taken the-case the court would have had to appoint some one to defend them. ZION'S INDEBTEDNESS. I A Detailed Statement Issued Last Night—A Total of $5000,000. Chicago, Aug. 7. —The first detailed statement of the indebtedness of Zion City was given to the directors of Zion City last night, showing a total of nearly $5,000,000 which it is propos ed by Overseer Voliva to pay by funding the entire Indebtedness for eighteen years and to issue bonds bear ing six per cent. The proposition has been accepted, there being but two dissenting votes. It ig proposed to relieve -the present financial difficulty by a mortgage on 40,000 acres of undivided land of the , city. • ___ . CALL OFF STRIKE Workmen's Council Decides to Call . Off Strike. St. Petersburg, Aug. 7. —The Work men's Council has decided to call off the strike in St. Petersburg. The an nouncement will be issued tonight or tomorrow. This act does not apply to the provinces but there is little doubt i the workmen there will follow St. Petersburg's example. Workmen-Return. - More than half of the factories here resumed werk this morning and while the employees of some of the establish ments at Moscow are out. none of the predictions of the parties who organiz ed the strike movement were fulfilled. „ SOLID FOR BRYAN Big fight Over Nomination for Govern or—-All Delegates Favor Bryan. Waterloo, lowa, Aug. 7. — entire interest of the Democratic State Con vention is in the nomination for Gov , ernor. State Senator Clyde Porter con sented to be a candidate. Friends of i Geo. Ball and John Denison were active and confident and prepared to carry the contest Into the convention. All the delegates agreed that Bryan be endors ■ ed for the Presidency. I HEAT CAUSE OF TRAGEDY Vi j. Man Crazed, by heat Kills Wife and Then' Shoots Himself. 1 New York, Aug. 7. —Crazed, it is be- J lleved, by heat, James Lupo, aged 33 a tailor living in East Twelfth street, " soot and killed his wife, Agurora, aged » 20 and sent a bullet through his own 1 brain Inflicting . . probably a mortal • wound. - Nine Deaths From Heat. Philadelphia, Aug. 7.—Two deaths ' occurred from heat before 8 o'clock, making a total of. nine fatalities since ' the beginning of the present hot and - humid wave. Forty-three cases .of i prostrations are in the various bos i pitals. 1 5 \ ; . i William Imrie Dead. * Liverpool, Aug. 7. —William Imrie, i one of the founders of the White Star Line, Is dead. - SHALL BRING TO JUSTICE MEMBERS LUST NIGHT'S MOB > Governor Glenn Wires Judge B. F. Long and Sheriff Julian of Salisbury to Make Every Effort to Bring to Justicf Members . of the Mob. Governor Denies Statement that he was Cause of Military Com pany's not Shooting. Says he will >Go to Salisbury it Needed > to Aid iti Investigation. Raleigh, Ang. 7. —Urgent telegrams \yere sent this morning by Qoyenor Glenn to Judge B. F. Long and Sheriff Julian, of Salisbury, insisting that every effort be made to identify and bring to justice the members of the mob which participated last night in the lynching of the three negroes on trial at the time for the murder of the Lyerly family at Barbers Junction. Govenor Glenn denies the statement sent out from Salisbury that the mili tary company could not fire into the mob and prevent the lynching because they had no authority from the Gov ernor to shoot. He says that on August 2nd., he wrote Sheriff Julian placing the military company under his orders m the event of any trouble and that he has a letter from Sheriff: Julian to the effect that, there would be no necessity to call out the military as all the peo ple seemed anxious for the law to take its course and that to call out the military would serve only to incense the people. The next that the Governor heard was when he was called out last night by a long distance telephone mes sage from Judge Long stating that a great mob had gathered at the jail. He ordered the Greensboro and Charlotte military companies to Salisbury but before they could even start another message came "that the negroes had been lynched. The lynching, the Governor declares to be a great blot m the State and he has called on all good citizens to aid in bringing to punishment the lynchers. He has telegraphed the authorities at Salisbury that he will come at once if needed' to assist in the prosecution of the members of the mob. WOMEN SUFFRAGISTS. j Hold Third Annual Conference at Co penhagen. Copenhagen, Aug. 7. —The third an nual conference of the International League of Women Suffragists opened under the chairmanship of Mrs. Car rie Chapman Catt, of New York, pres ident of the League and will hold daily sessions until August 11, inclusive. Twelve countries were represented, American delegates including, besides Mrs. Catt, Miss Hay, Rev. Anna Shaw, Mrs. Rachael Forster Avery, Miss Lu cy J. Anthony and Mrs. Ida Husted 'Harper. LOAOED EIMOB FELL 10 YARDS I tlevator with Nine Miners Going 1 Down into Mine Dropped 900 Yards, Killing Occupants Ir stantly and Smashing Car into Pieces. Charleroi, Belgium, Aug. 7—An elevator with nine miners who were going down the Marchinnes coal mine dropped 900 yards, smashing the car to atoms and instantly killfng all the occupants. > CHARTERS GRANTED. • Company at High Point and One at Winston Chartered. Raleigh, August 7. : —A charter was is sued for the Durham Hosiery Mill No. 3, of High Point, with a $200,000 cap ital authorized, $37,500 subscribed hy J. S. Carr, Jr., W. F.and C. M. Carr. Another charter is to the Winston Industrial Association Company which has no capital stock a?»d will do a mu i tual insurance business among ne groes. TRIED SUICIDE TWICE. i Bride of Two Months Confided Her Secret to Mayer. 1 Norfolk, Va., Aug. 7.—Having deter mined to get out of the world, Mrs. Rosa White Diggs, wife of Policeman i Diggs, of Portsmouth, has made two , efforts to leave it. Todayi in . Reed's office, she swallowed a quanti- I tv of laudanum, hut stomach pumps ■ kept her alive. Last night she* threw ■ herself in front of a rapidly approach l ing train, but her husband dragged her out of danger. Mrs. Diggs revealed her secret to , Mayor Reed, and .no one else. The • mayor reluses to talk and every one else connectedj With the case is silent. A Gruesome Picture the Result Mob's Vengeance . fr.M.j -f .J. WHY MILITIA •{. - DID NOT FIRE. * 4* Salisbury, Aug. J. —Senator »{• i 4* s - Overman said today: 4' "The truth may as well be •J* told now as hereafter. The reason the militia did not 4* A shoot on the mob was because 4* the men did not wish to kill t 4* white men while protecting 4* •J> negro prisoners, charged " 4" wlt h such a henious offence." gig BLOCKADERS DESTROYED. Revenue Officers Get Two in Durham County Raleigh's Comunication With Fayetteville. Raleigh, Aug. 7. —Mr. R. M. Phillips announces that he will accept the sec retaryship of the Greensboro Chamber of Commerce. To this end he today tendered his resignation to the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a position lie has filled since last Novem ber. For the first time the state capital is in direct communication with the his toric city of Fayetteville. thanks to the enterprise of President and General Manager J. A. Mills of the Raleigh and Southport Railroad Company. The double daily service was inaugurated yesterday morning and the train from Fayetteville and the one from Raleigh carried good crowds. A special rate of one fare for the round trip is al lowed for Sunday. Under the new schedule a citizen of Raleigh may leave home at 7:50 a. m., reach Fay etteville 10:45 and returning leave Fayetteville at 3:41) p. m„ arriving at Raleigh at 6:30 p. ra. While the citi zen of Fayetteville can leave home at G:lt> a. m., arrive at Raleigh at 9:05 a. m., spend the day at the capital, leave Raleigh at 4:05 p. m. and be home in Fayetteville at 6:55 p. m. State Superintendent of Public In struction J. Y. Joyher has returned from Elisabeth City where he attended a conference of county su pertiftendents of public schools. He will attend a similar conference for the southeastern district &t Wrights ville beach Wednesday and Timrsday of this week. Revenue officers returned today from Durham county where they destroyed two blockade distilleries and captured two prisoners. The prisoners are Rob ert Roberts and James Roberts. They were captured in connection with % still that was destroyed near South Level where an eighty-five gollan still, twelve fermeuters and two barrels of whiskey were destroyed. The other still was forty-fiva gallons In the Braham district, fourteen miles from Durham. Six fermenters were also destroyed at the latter place. The officers in the raid were Deputy Collectors D. C. Downing, W. G. Pool and J. B. Jordan. RATS ON A JAG ATTACK WOMAN IN HER CELLAR. Drank Elderberry Wine From Vat and Nearly Caused Death of Mrs. Stbley. Patten, Me., Aug 7.—Rats which got Mrs. Jeremiah Sibley two weeks ago and so badly lacerated her that for seyeral days her life was despaired of Blood poison was feared, but as prompt measures were taken it is be lieved that all danger of the woman will eventually regain her full health. The wine was in a vat in the Sib -1 ley cellar and one day when the house wife went to draw a bottle for sick ness she saw half a dozen rats scur rying away. Closer inspection showed that they had gnawed through the cover and helped themselves. Setting the light on a barrel, she retired for a broom. When she returned she says that one rat was holding another by i the tail head down in the vat and he was sucking himself full. This so angered Mrs. Sibley that she started in with the broom and whacked at every rat she saw, One ! began to squeal and instantly the cel ! ler seemed full of drunken rodents. ' They ran for the woman, fastened s their teeth in her legs, tore her dress to shreds and ripped her shoes from her feet. When attacked she started to run, but fell over a shovel and a score of the anjmals bit her in the neck and shoulders before she could make her way up the stairs to the kitchen. There she fainted and was later found by the husband of the sick neighbor when he came for the elder berry yfine. Investigation showed that the rats had got into the vat only the night before and that the whole colony was drunk whpn Mrs'. Sibley went into the cellar. W. G. ALLEN RESIGNS. Supt of Roadc of Robeson Resigns, p Confederate Monument at Lumber ' *9 n Lumberton, Aug. 7 —W. G. Allen, for • the past 16 months Superintendent of 1 the county roads has tendered his > resignation to the board of compiis ■* sioners to take effect today week. Mr. - Allen has been an efficient officer and 5 his decision is regretted. He Will re- J tiurn to-bis home in Wake County.-* The contract has been let to The r McNeill Marble Co. of Spartanburg* S. C., (or furnishing and erecting a 3 Confederate monument in the court 2 house yard here at a cost of $3,850j. 3 The monument vjill be unveiled May • 10, 1907. SIMMONS CHAIRMAN Was Re-elected State Chairman at Meeting of- Democratic Executive Committee Last Night. Raleigh, Aug. 7. —The State Demo cratic Executive Committee met here last night at the call of State Chair man F. M. Simmons and organized for the impending campaign by re-electing Hon. F. M. Simmons, United States Senator, as State chairman, and Alex J. Field as secretary. Senator Simmons in accepting anoth er term of office as state chairman re viewed the former campaigns that he has conducted covering a period of, twelve years, congratulating the party especially on the fact that the race problem had been eliminated and J;he action of the party had the real ap proval of the best people of the coun try over so there is no probability of the working being undone. He said that there were those who predicted that when the race problem was eliminated there would be a division in the Demo cratic party so that there would be two strong parties in the state. "I i say," said Senator Simmons, "that time can never come in North Caro lina until the men who invite white men to leave the Democratic party are themselve respectable and fit for self respecting white men to associate with." He expressed deep appreciation for the honor conferred on him in the re election to the chairmanship and pledg ed his most zealous efforts. , The election of the central commit tee resulted as follows: First —E. F. Lamb, Elizabeth City; W. U. Hampton, Plymouth; R. B. Win born, Murfreesboro; H. T. Greenleaf, Elizabeth City. Second—T. W. Mason, Northamp ton; J. W. Granger, Kinston; H. A. Gil liam, Tarboro; I. E. Green, Weldon. Third—C. E. Foy, New Bern; N. O'perry, Goldsboro; E. M. Koonze, , Jacksonville; T. C. Whitaker, Trenton. Fourth —H. A. London, Pittsboro; F. S. Spruill, Louisburg; B. H. Bunn, N^sh: E. C. Beddingiield, Raleigh. fifth—J. S. Carr, Durham; J. N. Wil- ( son, Greensboro; R. L. Holt, Burling ton; C. O. McMichael, Madison. Sixth —J. D. Bellamy, Wilmington; W. A. Stewart, Dunn; J. D. Croom, Maxton; E. J. Hale, of Fayetteville. Seveqth—S. W. Finch, Lexington; D. E. Mclver, Sanford; W. F. Gibsoa, ; son Station; N. G. Williams, of Wil-? liams. Eighth—Col. P. B. Means, Concord; Esmond Jones, Lenoir; R. A. Dough ton, Sparta; Z. V. Long, Statesville. Ninth —Dr. R. J. Brevard, J. H. Wed- ; dington, Mecklenburg; Major H. F. { Schneck, Cleveland; T. L. Jones, Mad ison county. ' Tenth —Lock Craig, Asheville; T. W. ] Whitmire. Brevard; G. L. Jones, Frank lin S. Gallert, Rutherfordton. j In making up the central committee , from the Sixth district Ma jor W. HJ Bernard of Wilmington was the only committeeman present and he named tne committee which was ' adopted as given above for the Sixth district. . There was another proxy present committed to E- S. Hall., of Cumberland as against E. J. Hale, nam- ed by by Major Bernard. It was on - motion of P. M. Pearsall that the com mittee nominated by Bernard with Hale as a member was adopted. Chairman Simmons announced the • following advisory committee of eight members: Lee S. C. B. Ay cock, L. Banks Holt, P. M. Pearsall, W. . I. Everitt, R. N. Hackett, W. N. Webb, and Plato Collins. There were thirty-four out of forty members at the executive committee . represented in the meeting last night in person and by proxy. Charles S. Cary Dead. .. Olean, N. Y., Aug. 7. —Charles S. Cary, a leading lawyer and a solici tor of the treasury under Cleveland is ; dead. i FIERCE STRUGGLE FOR LIFE BOATS ] When the Captain Sprang from Sinking into Li*e Boa Fierce Struggle Began Among Crew for Lite Boat und Belts. ! Madrid, Aug. 7.—According to th? statements of some of the survivors of the lost Italian steamer Syrio the captain of the vessel came from his immediately following the first . sjiock, hesitated whether to go to the ■ bow or astern or mount the bridge, apd then turned and jumped into a . lsfe boat crying "Every one for him . self." There upon began a terrible scene of confusion among the passen | ger who engaged in a fierce struggle fpr possession of the boats and life j belts. The crew with knives between their teeth and officers with revolvers in their hands saved themselves. Two Deaths in Patterson. ► i Patterson, N. J., Aug; 7. —Owing to t the hot weather a number of factories I were forced to shut down. Other mills f 1 ,are running half time. There were sev eral deaths and many prostrations. t i ■ ir«7* ! THE BEST JOB PRINTING OF s ! ALL KINDS AT THIS OFFICE. u_ 1 NO 41 ■—PW»a^MP—— >» i■ n i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■irw 3a It is Claimed by Some that Dillingham and Nease Gil lespie Made a Confession ( to Members of the Mob Last Night Before they were Hanged. The Ears of the Victims were Cut Off and their Bodies were Riddled with Bulle John Gillespie Declared his Innocence to the Very Last. Salisbury, Aug. 7.—After the wild fury of the mob had spent itself in three short hours Salisbury grew sud denly calm as a country village and only an occasional officer, patrolled the streets from midnight to dawn, | while the bodies of Nease Gillespie, his son John Gillespie and Jack Dil lingham ..hung unguarded at a lone ly spot on the roadside, suspended in a bunch from the limb of a large cak. The scene where the lynching "oc curred is located about three-quarters of a mile from the center of the city, at Henderson's Cross Roads, east of Salisbury. The three corpses are teip-ibly mutilated and are puncture! from head to foot with bullets. The method of the lynchers was rather unusual. Each of the dead men has a rope tied about his neck, then running over a huge limb only 14 feet from the ground, while the other end of the rope is tied to the right ankle of each of the three negroes. This caused each body to come to a steady position with the right foot and leg pulled up to a level with the men's heads while their left feet hang leas than two feet from the ground. Both of the Gillespies' ears are cut off. John Gillespie's left ear is trimmed clcse off and the index and little finger of the left hand and the little finger of the right, hand are gone. Dillingham has three fingers cut from his left hand and one from his left hand and one from the right. The only mutilation done to the body of old man Nease Gillespie is the trimming off of the rear of his kft ear, evidently cut off as a ghastly souvenir of a fearful night's work. The bullet holes in the bodies are too numerous to be counted. Th» arms, legs, bodies and breasts of the dead men are literally spotted with, little holes from some of which the blocd trickles. The bodies axe hung as follows: Dillingham's next the huge oak trunk, Nease Gillespie's in the middle and john Gillespie's in front. Six strands of rope of various sizes and rouglAr pieced together, hold the bodies »by the necks and heels over the limb of the tree. The bodies werp stripped of cloth-/ ing to the waist and are so closely huddled together that it is impossible to see Dillingham's face as Qne stands in front cf the awful spectacle, look ing in an easterly direction towards John Gillespie's face. The three men were strung up one at a time. Jack Dillingham's first and with the back to the tree. As each body was hung by the odds and ends o'f ropes used by the mob, a volley of shots was fired into it and the next negro would be strung up with his back to the face of the victim behind him still warm and bleeding from uncounted bullet wounds. The rope about old man Nease's neck is very loose, not touching the front of the neck or windpipe at all and if this is the position in which he was first strung up he could not have died from strangulation. He bears enough bullet wounds to have killed a score of men, as blood oozed from many wounds from one over the eye, with the arms, chest and abdomen shot every few inches down lo the feet. The faces of the dead negroes bear little trace of agony, old man Gilles pie apparently having his features the worst contorted. The right eye is half closed but the left is wide open, with a wound over it disfigur ing all that part of the side of the head. The frightened negroes, were taken from their cells after the mob had broken in and knocked off the locks to the cell doors with sledge ham mers, the cells being on the second floor. Judge Long, Senator Overman and Sheriff Julian remained in the jail unt'l it became apparent that further delay would be almost certain death as stones, bricks, pieces of coal and bullets flew in at the rear of the building which faces Main street just north of the county courthouse. For some strange reason the m(sb did not take the other prisoners. It seemed to be a .reasoning mob, if (Continued on Page Four.)