Entertainment Last Friday Night. □ Mr; C; H. Breen gave an er joyable entertainment in ti e Graded School building last Fri day night with his moving v pic ture machine. He gave a beau tiful illustration of the San Fran cisco disaster, the bank robbery and train wreckers. A large audience was present and the firemen netted a neat little sum. You Must Get in the Ring. The purpose of store advertis ing is not merely to sell goods, but to sell more goods—to make friends, bu.ld up a patronage that will not only stick but grow. Newspapers reach the greatest number of people in the immedi ate vicinity in the most natural way. at the least expense, and they are therefore the best of all mediums for stores. In a news paper you follow the lines of least resistance—you follow with the stream —you talk to an audience already assembled, to the people who want to read —their mental cosmos is right—they are on your wire, and they won't ring off if you hold their interest. At traction is th# basis of all adver tising—the store S* the sun, the customers the planets that f»#r volve around it, A Word About Clubf. In many towns of this size woman's clubs are numerous, and while they are criticised by some, * they are certainly beneficial in many ways. In small towns and villages the club has been a spe cial providence to many a weary mother or to the woman of few early advantages and large aspi rations. In our great cities wo men's clubs have been the first to institute social reforms and to call public attention to crying evils. They have controlled su perficial and selfish social cus toms until such customs have be come obsolete. In home govern ment and the training of chil dren they long ago struck the key-note of a grand choral of re form which will become more harmonious as the years roll by. Out of the selfish "ego" they have evolved the progressive "we." They have strengthened two weak hands with the com bined power of twenty or a hun dred; they have taken a dull un cut gem of thought and polished it until it has been fit for the purest setting in refined gold; they have mastered great diffi culties, conquered absurd preju dices, and solved difficult prob lems; and the grandest work of all has been to teach the women their own possibilities and the glory of their own heritage. The man who is fussy about his meals generally is the same about his private business, 1 If your paper, does not reach you promptly, let us know, so we can see where the trouble is. We do not need m oney our selves, but the fellow we owe wants us to pay. Pay your sub scription and help the other fel low out. Twenty-four thousand pies a day is the output of a baking ma chine just patented. The new machine turns out 40 delicious pastries a minute, and enables three men to do the work of 100 bakers. If you don't just like every thing you see in your home pa per, go around the streets and howl. The editor is never sup posed to make a mistake and of course cannot do so. Other peo ple can, but the editor is übi quitous, omniscient, omnipres ent, omnipotent, "omniverous." If you can't see a good point, don't fail to see a bad one., If a thousand pleasant things ' are said of people, hunt for some thing unpleasant. If you don't find it, howl some more; if you do, howl anyway. Never mind your own business; watch for something to find fault with in some other man's business, this will make you great. I Small Fire. A box car in West Hickory, ; caught on fire last week, which caused a little excitement i'or awhile. The fire company re sponded, and the flames were soon extinguished. The damage was small. Old Soldiers Reunion. Saturday, August 18th, the regular annual reunion of the Catawba veterans will be held in Newton. This is always a gala day in the co :nty> The arrange ments are always left in the hands of the Daughters of the Confederacy, and they are work ing in conjunction with the busi ness men to make the reunion this year even more successful than any of the others ever held. Dinner and lemonade will be served all day to the veterans and their wives and widows, the number being last year 495 in all. The Reepavijl# band has been se cured for the occasion, The aa? dregs will be delivered by one of Catawba's own sons, the talent* ed lawyer and gifted speaker, Mr. W. A. Self, of Hickory, and teere is a treat in store for all who hear him. LOCAL MATTERS. Bali's Creek camp*wepling £hp fourth Sunday. Services begin o« Thursday before. The death of Mus, Al?x Stil well occurred at the Hospital in Salisbury Saturday night. The body was brought here for burial Sunday which took at War? lick's Chapel on Monnay morn? '"rig. The Hickory Military Com pany, under the charge of Opt. Lyerly, left last Friday for More head City, The company will be in encampment for about ten days and are expected home about Saturday. Mrs. James B. Beard hag re turned from Tennessee where she has been spending several weeks on a vacation. She re ports a most delightful visit en joying every bit of the time gone and now her friends enjoy hav ing her back home. After a man has spent his whole.life as the devil wished, it doesn't look reasonable to us that he can lie to the Lord on hi 3 deathbed and go straight to heaven. In our opinion the talk of deathbed repenta ce has kept many from entering the pearly gates- Really a Compliment. "I wonder who it was who first said 'woman's tongue is like a race horse.' " "I don't know, but evidently he wanted to say a good word for the women." "A good word? You mean a bad word." "Not at all. A race horse runs only for a few minutes a day and then rests." The Democrat one year—sl. Please Your Appetite by ordering your supplies from a hous-e tlmi nl ways has the be st ami freshest GROCERIES that can be had At Lowest Prices. All kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE "All goods delivered prompty. T. G. Huntley Phone 253 - ' . Hickory, N. C. \ LOGAL AND PERSONALS Mr. Oran Sigmon Was "in JStsnley las: week on business. Messrs. Lawrence and Polie Jenkins, of Stanley, spent Sun day here. Misses Pauline an J Minnie Phillips, of .Newton, are here visiting relatives. Miss Bertha Keever left Mon day for Elkin, N. C., to visit her I sister, Mrs. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hamelton,- of Charlotte, have been visiting friends in the city. Misses Delia Link and Annie Christ, of Lenoir, spent a few days here last week with friends. Mr. Michael Quickel, of Lin col ntori, and an old st ident of Lenoir College, was here Satur day. Mr. George Lyerly who has been spending a week at Moore's Springs and Winston, returned heme last week. Mr?» John Cline, of Asheville, spent a few days here last week th« guest of Mrs, Ingold. She left for her home Friday. Miss Prue Quickel, of Lincoln ton, was here Saturday shop ping. Miss Quickel is well known here, being a teacher at Lenoir Cjaltegp for geyeraj years. Miss Hattie Davis, an attrac tive young lady of Winston- Sa'PJfl WB S with Miss Ury a few days last T cek. Miss Davis is an old pu?il of Claremont Col lege. "The lasttime you were sen tenced, what were you guilty of?" "Well, yer Honor, I wuz sent up fer hcrse-stealin, but dat ain't wot I wuz guilty uv." "What then?" "Judge, I'm almost almost ashamed ter con fess it; but I wuz guilty uv gitin' a lawyer to defend me." - Judge. To Beautify Your Complexion nf TKK DATS, CSK MADINOLA THg UNEQUALED BEAUTIFIED, (Formerly advertised and sold as BatipoU.) warn wsEssspESß AD I N O LA ~ "i - omw. . NAWNOLA Is guaranteed and money refunded if it (ails to remove freckles tan, sallowness, liver-spots, eolla decolorations, black-heads disfiguring erup tions, in twenty days. Leaves the ;jrtr> clear, soft, healthy, and restores the beauty (4 youth. Endorsed by thousands. > Price 50 eente and SI.OO at all Wading drug stores, or by mail. Prepared by National Toilet Co., Paris, Tenn« Sold by E. B. Menzies, Hick ory, N. C. Do YWWant to iCfffiw What Tou SwalKW 1» There 1J A growing sentiment in 41*]-. roimtrv in favor of v«Dicui s or ictfOw? r . It \» &n( .ia' r: thatunc suotiid haw sou)'. ■ altu ! a liic coi:ipc • sition of tli;„t which he or i>'ae Is exi.oat* 1 to 3V.MIIOW, whether it be food, drink «or rAodicine. l;ecoi;-iiEing this growing disposition on the part of the miLlic, raid sf.iifctiwl that the fulloit patiicity can only add tj the v. cli-oarned re - atatlon of hi:, uedi cines. Dr. R. V. Pi rce, of 21. Y., has "taken time by the f. TUock, 1 * as it v/oro. and is pnbli hUig broadc M a list of all the ingredients entering into hi:', leading mediciu-s, tbo "Guidon ..ledica; idscopry " the popular liver invnrorator stomach toiric, blood purifier >ind heart regulator; also of his "Favorite Prescrip tion" for weak, over-worked, broken down, nervous ami invalid women. Tills bold and out-spoken movenent on the part of Dr. I'ierce, has, by showing exactly what his well-known medicines are composed of, completely disarmed all harping critics who have heretofore un iustly attached thom. A little pamphlet as been coppiled, from the standard ineuical authorities of all the several schools of practice, showing the strongest endorsements by lead'ug medical writers of the several i-_re''onts which water into Dr. Pierce's medicine*. A copy of this little bouk is mailed free to any one de siring to loarn more co'.vcrning the valu able, native, medicinal plants which enter into the composition of Dr. Pierce's med icines Ad jress Dr. Pierco as above. Dr. Pierce s Pleasant Pellets are tiny, sug ar-coated anti-bilious granules. They reg ulate and invigorate Stomach. Liver and Bowels. DO not beget the "pill habit." but cure constipation. One or two each day for a laxative and regulator, three or four for an active cathartic. Once tried always in favor. ttCHI nnn O'VEN Awly, in copies of The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a book that sold to the ex tent of 500,000 copies a few rears ago, it 51.50 p£f popyl Last year ' gave away #30.00Q Worlhof these invalua- I hie books. This I'eftV we stall I give away fcO.ooo worth of IWS N utdk* them, will yon share 111 this |V*M| Am»«' benefit? If so, send only H one-cent Stamps to cover fo»t I of mailing only fur hook in L stiff pftppr ecjvoi'M, ur si staniDs J jar for cloth-boupd, Address Dr. XU fi, V. Pierco, buffalo, N. Y, _ The North Carolina State Normal S Industrial College COURSES Literary Commercial Classical Domestic Science Scientific Manual Training Pedagogical Music Throe Courses leading: to de grees. Special ourses for V u.ites of other colleges. Wei' equipped Training School fo Teachers. Board, laundry, tui tion, and fees for use of text books, etc., $l7O a year. For free-tuition students, $125. Fif teenth annual session begins September 20, 1906, To secure board in the dormitor es.all free tuition applications should be made before July 15. Corres pondence invited from those de siring competent teachers and stenographers. For catalogue and other information, address CHARLES D. McIVER, Pres., Greensboro, N, *C. Frightfully Burned. Chas. W. Moore, a machinist, o ! Ford City, Pa., had his hand frightfull; burned in an electrical furnace. Ht applied Rucklen's Arnica Salve wit! tHe usual result: "a quick and perfec cure." Greatest healer on earth foi Burns, Wounds, Sores, Eczema anc Pilds. 25c at C. M, Shuford and E. B. Menzies', Druggists, Mother Gray's Sweet Powder for Children. Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's Home in New York, Cure Feverishness,l?ad Stomacl Teething Disorders, move and regu te the Pcwels and Destroy Wos Over 30,000 testimonials. They never fail. At ali Druggists, 25c. Sample free. Address Allen S. 01msteaS,Le- Roy, N Y. UNIVERS IT Y OF NORTH CAROLINA 1789-1906 Head of the State's Educational System. DEPARTMENTS Collegiate Engineering Graduate Law Medicine Pharmacy Library contains 43,000 volumes. New water works,electric lights, central heating system. New dormitory, gymnasium, Y. M. C. A. building. 682 students. - 74 in faculty The fall term begins Sept. 10th, 1906. Address FRANCES P. . VENABLE, PRESIDENT Chapel Hill, N. C. NEW FIIIM. Notice is hereby given that ot August Ist, I sold onN ilf inter est -of my ? >usine.- s co M. K. FleasanU, of .J. C , and we ha/e moved our stoe'e on I Marshall Corner, Soulh o* pis senger depot, where we will be srlad to welcome our friends and patrons. Style of firm to be SLEDGE & PLEASANTS. ThanHrg ycu for your hberal patronage in the past, and solic iting a continuance of same with the new firm, I am Yours respectfully, W. T. SLEDGE. Hickory Lutneran Church. Gentlemen: We want to donate some L. & to. Paint to your church whenever they paint. The largest Methodist church in Georgia expected to use 100 gallons of the usual kind of paint, they only used 32 gallons L. & M. mixed with 24 gallons Linseed Oil, It less to paint a house with L. & M. than with other paint, be cause painter mixes Linseea Oil fresh from the bar Tell at 60 cents a gallon with L. & M., and doesn't pay $1.50 per gallon for Linseed Oil as done if ready-for-use paint is used. Also be cause the L. & M. Zinc hardens the L. & M. White Lead and makes the paint wear UK? irQIl. epst L. £ M. about $1.20 per gallpn. Sold by Shuford Hardware Co, CONSUMPTION PREVENTABLE DISINFECTION IMPORTANT. SU«ultß Obtained In * I*rge r i He importance of disinfection fa shown by the results obtained at the Brooklyn Home for Consumptives, the finest institu tion of the kind in New York. A lettef from the President is quote^; platt's Chlorides in th« Brooklyn Home tor Consumptives for morf than ten years, and ftnd it not only a com? fort but A necessity. Through its use we defy 'the germs' to make any inroads on the nurses and employees who are in con stant attendance upon the sick, one hun-. dred of whom are now in the institution, One nurse has been there @n to ieq Eb, a secom| djnQst ps long, and not on« oh ever employed in the Home has da* ped lung trouble "—Mrs. 8. V. Whit*. P«eaident, Kingston Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Piatt's Chlorides is an odorless, colorless liquid disinfectant which instantly removes any foul odors and destroys disease-breed ing matter. A quart bottle will last an average family a month and it can be obtained at all druggists, ITS MERIT IS PROVED RECORD OF t BREAT MEDIOIRE ■u A* t .. i A Prominent Cincinnati Woman Tells How Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound Completely Cured Her. The great good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is doing among the women of America is attracting the attention of many of our leading scientists, and thinking people gener illy. The following letter is only one of mftpv thousands which are on file in the Pinkham office, and go to prove beyond question that Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound must be a remedy of great merit, otherwise it could not produce such marvelous results among sick and ailing women. Dear Mrs. Pinfeham: — "About nine months ago I was & great suf ferer with female trouhle, which caused me severe pain, extreme nervousness and fre aueivfc headaches, from which the doctor failed to relieve me. I tried Lydia E. Pink ham's ""Vegetable Compound, and within a jhort time felt better, and after taking five bottles of it I was entirely cured. I therefore heartily recommend your Compound as a splendid female tonic. It makes the monthly periods regular and without pain; and what a blessing it is to find such a remedy after so many doctors fail to help you. lam pleased to recommend it to all suffering women."— Mrs. Sara Wilson, 81 East 3d Street, Cincin nati, Ohio. If you have suppressed or painful Eriods, weakness of the stomach, digestion, bloating, pelvic catarrh, nervous prostration, dizziness, faint ness, " don't-care " and "want-to-be left-alone " feeling, excitability, back ache or the blues, these are sure indi cations of female weakness, or some derangement of the organs. In such cases there is one tried and true remedy —Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cons* pound. I YES! GRAPE TOBACCO 1 Is just a little sweeter than any of the so-called plujrs I made to imitate GRAPE, and they are all imitations— I WHY? because that rich, sweet flavor 13 peculiar to the genuine Leaf and I we have been buying and manufacturing it for over fifty years. I IT IS MADE BY A FIRM THAT KNOWS HOW | R. A. Patterson Tobacco Co., Richmond, Va. ~#> . - MRS. J AS. B. BEARD'S SCHOOL ' FOR GIRLS! * The twelfth annual teini of Mrs. .lames Jl. Beard's School for Girls will begin ou the second Monday in Septe 1906. For particulars apply to Mrs. James B, Beard, HICKORY, N.C. | We Are Strictly up I I to the Minute £ I From the fact that in addition to S keeping the finest line of staple m and fancy groceries to be found on M the market, we also run a First -Class a where our patrons can secure good 2 meals and launches at all hours at rea sonable prices, ■ - Cold Drinks. |j L Geo.W. Fox, I In fowling Alley Building. _ Hickory, N. C. 1 NOW DON'T You Want a Nice Home? If you do not want one, you certainly need ©ne. But in order to byild a home, you must first buy a place to put it. That is one thing you cannot steal, TO THAT END We have determined to sell at public auction on SATURDAY, JULY 25th, fifty beautiful building sites, located near the Graded School on and close to public road, near Horseford Heights. IF YOU HAVE a home already, buy a lot for the boy. He will need a house to take he> to when he doubles up, as he will if he follows your example, and she will love him all tfte better for it. Free Carriage will take you to and from the ground. BE SURE AND ATTEND THIS SALE SATURDAY, AUG. 25, at 2 P. M. 5. D. CAMPBELL & CO. IN ADDITION. we will sell several splendid building lots near the residence of C. F. Bla lock. Now all the landless and home less wanderers, don't hurt your own feelings by missing this chance. IF YOU HAVEN'T got a boy, then buy a lot for the girl and build thereon. A girl with a home of her own is mighty gopular most anywhere. We know!! .