- START AN ACCOUT WITH l)S THIS WEEK. ~ - You owe it to yourself and vo n- family to take care of your money and provide for the education of your chil dren and the comfort of yourself and wife when the time comes to take 1 fe a little easier. No other method of saving equalls the regular use of a deposit account at a good bank. Another strong fea ture in its favor is that, in case of need, you can get the full amount for the asking—no deductions or* eharges for caring for it and no delay. Start with us—start NOW FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Hickory, N. C. _ Business Builders. Advertisements inserted under this head at 5 cents a line for each insertion WANTED—Second hand bags. Will buy any kind, any quantity, anywhere. I pay freight. Write for prices. GEO. T. KING, Richmond, Va. WANTED —For U. S. Army abl«- bod ed, unmarried men, Setweer ages of 21 and 35. citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits,who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, 15 West Trade St., Charlotte, N. C.; 40 S. Moin St.,Asheville, N. c.; Bank Build ing. Hickory, N. C., or Glenn Building Spirtauburg, S. C ' FOR RENT—One two-story brick store on Main street. Ap ply to S. E.Killian, Hickory, N.C. JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION— Are you coming? If so we will reserve a nicely furnished room, in central locality at a reasona ble price NOW without EXTRA cost. Write for particulars to day. Jamestown Rooming Asso ciation, Norfolk, Va. The newspaper tells but a small part—l have lots and lots of good solid values. If you are really interested in real estate. Come in and see me every now and then and find out what have to offer. Phone 232 and 251. John E. Haithcock. I A copy of the Swannanoah Waltz by Chester M. Latta for 35 cents at The Morrison Bros. Company or from the composer, i . I LOST—Between the H ckory Mill and the post office. A child's gold chain with a heart charm set with an opal. Return to J. , S. Carr. TO THE PUBLIC. I will sell any day from Nov. 10th to 30th at my barn 11-4 miles North of Hickory on \ Moores Ferry road 1 reaper new, { good working order, 1 drill near- | ly new in good working order, 1 ] combination disc harrow, 2 dou ble foot plow stocks, 1 one horse j mowing machine. 2 single plow stocks, 1 buggy, 1 hay rake, 1 No. 19 Oliver Chill plow, 1 corn ( harrow, 1 new corn drill, a lot of poultry wire, Heifers from 12 to 15 months old, 7 male calves 6to 8 months old, 3 milk cows, 1 two-horse wagon, 2 good horses 7 and 8 years old weigh about 1,250 pounds each, 2 good brood sows, 12 pigs and a lot of small tools, a good farm 4 miles North of Hickory on Icard Ferry road, 62 1-2 acres with good 4 room farm house, well on porch, good barn and grainery, 10 acres under 4 stran barb wire fence, 10 acres in small timber, good orchard, farm well watered with two small branches and 1 creek, all rolling land well ditched, price reasonable, terms easy. Apply to my residence 1 1-4 mile north of Hickorv on Moore's Ferrv road, R, F. D. 2, Box 80, A. F. Hart. The greatest bargain sale this year from Nov. 9 to 20th. McCoy Moretz. VIRGINIA COLLEGE F g'YOUNCJ LADIES, Roanoke, V«. fn. v pL 25 • 180S - One of the leading School* SLY? nn s Ladtes in the Sooth. New buildings, piunos and equipment. Campua ten acres. Grand mountain scenery in Valley of Virginia, famed Vnii European and American teachers. *uil course. Conservatory advantages in Art, «u»ic and Elocution. Certificate* Wellealey. 80 For catalogue address LOCAL AND PERSONAL * _ Col. J. G. Hall of Lenoir was in this city Monday. Mr. J. C. Mirrison spent a few days at Shelby this week. Mr?. Mary Milliken is visiting the family of Mr. Milliken on Link St. , Haithcock has s >me real estate bargans that will interest you; look them up_ in this paper. Mr. R, B, Fry returned Satur-! day night from a business tr'pl in Georgia and South Carolina. Dr. Murphy's sermon o* th? "Gospel of Sunshine" fast Sun day is said to have been one of ; his best. • V Miss Lila Richardson of Lin- ! colnton came Tuesday the 30th to spend the winter with Mrs. j Chadwick, I ] Sledge & Pleasants have a new , ad in this issue. These gent e-!, men have one of the handsomest; stores in our city. « Tha Henkel Live Stock Co. j have a few car load of fine hores and mules in their stable here: ( for your inspection; see their ad in this issue. Pastries, cakes and candies j will be sola at McComb's store Saturday from 10 a. m. to 2 p ' m., for the benefit of the Pres- j byterian church. The following couples spent ] Sunday afternoon at Rutherford j College: Miss Precyous Hahn j and Mr. Raymond Heafner, Miss ] Viola Mayo and Mr. Hal Cooper, l Dr. J. H. Shuford is in Phila- t delphia at the University of Pennsylvania, taking a special course in diseases of the eye, j ear, nose and throat, and will be at home after Nov. 15th. Dirt offered for sale for the first time this morning and oth er offerings equally good is the heading of Mr. Jiaithcock's new real estate advertisement which 1 appears on opposite page 1n this issue. Read all of it. A car on the C. & N-W. was overturned and thrown off the ( track near Newton Saturday 5 morning. One end was stove in. I No one was hurt and the track ■ was cleared in time to prevent a ' delay of more than a few mo- ' ments to the early train. 1 A new firm Morton & Peter | son have opened up a line of, 1 fancy and staple groceries in the!, Killian building. These gentle men have recently come to our city and desire to meet the peo ple in their place of business. They deserve a share of our patronage. Mesdames De Sabla, of Moore head, Ky., and Strother, of Ash land, Ky., who have been here for some time, left Saturday for Ashland where Mrs. De Sabla will visit hep sister. Mr. Carl Str&ther will remain here for the winter to try the effect of our wonderful climate on his health . • Tha recital at Claremont Fri day. night was a very fine even ing's entertainment, and it is greatly to be regretted that the audience was so small. Miss Mc- Millan is a splendid elocutionist, especially gcod in negro dialect! and children's talk. She roceiv-' ; ed much applause. J See Moretz's big sale ad. in this issue. Mr. W. Cavington, of Lenoir was in town yesterday. Rev. William Deaton is at Dallas for a few days. If you want to save money, see Morton & Peterson, Hickory N. C. Master Robert Rend left for Marshall yesterday to join his mother. Miss Georgia Ray McMillan, a celebrated elocutionist, will give a Reading in Huffman's Hall next Monday night. Pastry and Cake sale Saturday Nov. 10th, at 9P. M. McCombs Bros, store. United Helpers of First Presbyterian church. Miss Fannie Dixon visitfd Lenoir last week, returning Tues day. She was accompanied by M r Robert Dixon of Arkansas. Dr Childs has returned from' Philadelphia and will remain here for about two weeks before going to Florida for the winter. j A series of meetings will begin at the Baptist chuich next Sun day to continue through this week. All are cordially Invited, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rid('k- went |to Charlotte Tuesday to take in j the opera. Mrs. Riddle will go to Wadesbora for a few days, The Ladies of the Presbyterian church will sell pastries, cakes, and candies at McComb's store Saturday from ten a. m., to 2p. m. • Miss L. Marchbanks of San | Antonio, Texas an old friend of , Mi's. Chadwick's childhood came to Hickory Nov. 2nd to pags the winter with Mrs. Chadwick. Mr. K, C, Menzies and wife, and Mrs. Dr. Menzies went to Charlotte Tuesday to see Annie Russell, a midsummer nights drama, at the Academy; Dr. W. H, McMasters super? entinentof the American Sab. j bath School Union is visiting this j section in the gnterest of this or ganization. He will lecture in the Reform church Friday night. By request Miss Georgia Ray McMillan will return to Hickory; ( Monday and will give a Read- i ing in Huffman's Academy of Music for the benefit of the United Helpers of the Presby terian church. Lock out for Moretz's big sale Nov. 9 to 20th. i | Heldebrand —Miller. Miss Florence Heldebrand. of i Drexel and Mr Charles, son of Mr William, of Hickory were married Sunday at Drexel. ✓ Dr. Baker Dead. On Tuesday afternoon at five o'clock Dr. R. B, Baker passed away from the sorrows and suf fering of earth at the age of 86 years. He had sustained a sroke of paralysis some two woeks ago, his frame weakened by age, and past fatigues, succumbed easily. For so many years has Dr. Baker been a figure on Hickory that it will seem very strange to see him out on our streets no more. Perhaps no man in the county was better known. Cer tainly few had more faithful sriends. He was himself a man of Joyal nature, sronge in love or hate. He possessed excellent abilities, and was a physician of skill and high repute. Even in his physical decay his brother physicians called upon him in extreme cases, relying upon his experience and knowledge, ~ Dr. Baker's two sons preceded him to the grave. He has but one surviving child, Mrs B. M. Anderson, of Baltimore. She with the desolate wife, will have the sympathy of many friends here and elsewhere. Dr. Baker wa a member of the Ep scopal church here and the 'funeral took place Wednesday 1 afternoon, services conducted by jßev J. S. Moody. i Mr. Yount Goes to Newton. | Mr, C. J. Y ount has been em . ployed by the Newton Hosiery Mill Store Company to take charge of their grocery depart ' ment. This company has rented a large store room at joining their business of dry goodf and notions, which has- been cembined. Mr. Yount is a rood , business man and this comj any is fortunate in securing his rer vice. The Newton Hosiery I ill Store is a growing enterprise and Mr. Yount will add greatly to the popularity, The entire firm will be under the .managemei t of P. 0. Carpenter. NOTICE, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF STATE. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. ITq AH to Whom These Presents Come- Greeting; Whereas, It appears to my sat isfaction by duly authorized rec ord of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution -thereof by the unanim )us consent of all th( Stockholders, deposited in my of fice, that the South Mountain Land Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal "office is situated in the City of Hick- Qry t County of Catawba, State of North Carolina (H, f>, Aberne* thy being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served,) has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21, Reyisal of 1905, ! entitled '"Corporations,"."prelimi nary to the issuing of this Certi gcate of Dissolution: Now, therefore, I, J, Bryan Grimes, Secretary «f State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said cor poration did, on the 17th day of October, 1906, file in my office a duly executed and attested con sent in writing to the dissoju tion of said corporation, execut ed by all the stockholders there of, which said consent and the record of the proceedings afore said are now on file in my said; office as provided by law. In testimony whereof, J have get my hand and affiixed m y of ficial seal, at Raleigh, this the 17th day of October, A. D. 1906. J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. NOTICE. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF STATE CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION, To aU to whom these pro sents may eome-^greeting; Whereas, it appears to my sat isfaction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the Radical Remedy Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated in the town of Hickory, County of Catawba, State of North Carolina (W. A. Rudisell, Secretary being the agent there in and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served,) nas complied with the require ments of Chapter 21, Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes. Secretary of State of the Stite of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said cor poration did, on the 10th day of October, 1906, file in my office a duly executed and attested con sent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, execuetd by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and tne rec ord of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in tfiy said office as provided by law. In tes.i mony whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at Raleigh, this 10th day of October, A. D. 1906. J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. :g "We Deal'in Dirt" ! | STRICTLY COMMISSION BASIS. THIS MEANS WE FIND A BUYER FOR YOUR PROPERTY. 11 Look the following over and then ask us about I them. A / II ® ROOM HOUSE and % lot 200x100, near Lenoir College, Hickory. Well locat ed, good water, fine garden. - - _ _ . $ 1200 I _ _ TWO FARMS IS IS! 35 acres in Catawba couuty. Dwelling, barn and out houses Good farm land well waterei. Price 2nd G4 acres, Caldwell county, six room house, good two story bam, plenty of fruit ■Lies well and is cheap at $l5OO MODERN BUSI NESS BLOCK IN HICKORY —Centrally located, up g to-cl«ite in every respect. Owner wishes to move out of town. Cheap at $l2OOO. 0 12 ROOM HOUSE and 1-2 acre lot near center of the growing tcwn of Granite g Fnlta, Good hotel proposition. $lBOO. S MICA PROPERTY to a re; pirtially develop vl. Finest quality mica, excel lent rajlioail facilities. \\ ill give working option to l eli able parties. A bar s " gain at $2500 '. g These and others are worthy of yc ur consideration. If you | want your land sold list it with us. It costs you nothing to put it in our hands. ) JONES AND MATTOCKS. 1 Office Over First National Bank - - Phone 225 To Beautify Your Complexion IH TEN DAYS, USB WAI)INOLA X VKtt UNEQUALED BEAUTIFIER. (Formerly advertised and sold as Satinola.) NAWNOLA k guaranteed and money refunded if it iails to remove trcckks pimples, tan, saflswnesr-. col!* decolorations, hbik-beads dicHiu. lag eruo ions, in twenty days. Leaves tfc tin clear, soft, hcl'by. and restores tb. -.uty of youth. Ecdc:>cd by thousand' *ricz 50 cents and Ji.oo at all kaiii.- » stores, or by mail. Prepared b ; S>old by E- B, Menzies, Hick ery. V. n > NEW FIRM? MORTON & PETERSON Have opened up a nice line of STIFLE HI MCI GEM Everything we handle will be the freshest and best. We handle country produce. •We solicit a share of your patron age.- Call on us in KILLIAN BUILDING Phone 65. Hickory, N. C. , , - * ' ** I I FAR HERS ' V Open an account with us and grow with a growing Bank. The propper ous and influential men of all com munities are the men who carry bank accounts. The smallest depositor here receives the same courtesy and • consideration as the largest. If there, is anything you do not iin derstand about the banking business come in and let us explain it to you. : The Hickory Banking & Trust Co k ———• ————————^^

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