Published Every Thursday by W. E. HOLBROOK, EDITOR AND PROP. Entered at the Post Office at Hickor; as second class matter. TERMS OI ? SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In Advance $ 1 Ct Six Months, " " Three Mouths " " Special rates given to long term ad vertising. THURSDAY. NOV. 15. 1906. Hickory Depot Case Reopencc* City Attorney Hufham received a notice that the Stat Supreme Court has granted the rail-road a rehearing in the Hick ory depot case. This means/'tbat that the case will be considered again by thf Supreme court as if it had jus* come up ou appeal from the Su perior coui t. To get a reheai - ins two of the five Supreme ccun judges must csrtify that theic was some important point in the first decision that may have beoi improperly adjudicated. Th court will not hear arguments, however, but will review th matter on printed briefs submit ted by each side. Generally the court when a rehearing is grant ed stands by its judgment bat some times the decision is chang edj It is certainly to be hopec that this vexations litigation wh ch has dragged out so long will not be renewed. The County Democratic Tick et Elected Nov. 6th. r The entire Democratic ticket was elected with majorities ranging from 141 to 323. The following is the ticket elected with the majority each received over his Republican opponent: For the House of Representa tives: M. H. Yount, 323. For Sheriff: D. M. Boyd, 274 For Clerk Court: C. M. Mc Corkle, 142. For Register of Deeds: Jacot Setzer, 141. For Treasurer. W. A. Day,232? For Surveyor: Enlcc Yoder, 227. For Coroner: J. A. Rice, 224. For County Commissioners: J M. Shuford, 232; Q. JVI. Smith 228; Samuel Turner, 240; I. A. Yount, 213; Summey Wilfong. 212. Claremont College News. (Intended for last week.) Hallowe'en was celebrated by the college maids with a "Gro tespue Party" worthy the name. Each young lady appeared .'n an original costume which vied' with every other one in gro tesqueness. Games, fortune tell ing and fancy marches were in dulged in. In the midst of theii form, when it had grown "fas and furions" a ghost appearef which sent the affrighted dam sels scampering, but they were assured when they found it wa: their beloved Vice-president do ing tlie part of the ghost ii Hamlet. Miss Mae Millan, a talentec reader and entertainer, gave tw delightful hours to a small but appreciative audience. Miss Mat Millan was.a treat for the lover, of good reading. She will bt greeted with pleasure here next Monday night. Crowson-Lineberger. (Intended for last week.) Last evening (Hallowe'en) a. the home of the bride on Easi Broad St., Miss Jessie Crowsor. and Mr. Arthur L. Linebargei were married, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Frank Siler, assisted by Rev. Frank Jenkins. On account of the re cent sad bereavment in the fam ly, the marriage was a very quite one, only immediate rela tives being present. The bride has visited here sev eral times, and won many friends by her gentle modesty and unas suming sweetness of disposition. The groom is a young man of much business enerery and irre proachable character. They have the best wishes of many friends. Butt's Panorama Show at the Graded School Friday and Satur day night. A telegram from the John Hopkins Hospital to Mr. J. F. Abernethy last night states that Roy Abernethy had just bnen operated on for acute appendici tis, and was doing as well as i could be expected. [very day of our great Novem ber Sale has been an active Busy Day. BUYERS EAGERLY TAKING OUT THE HEAVY WINTER DRESS GOODS, UNDERWEAR, SHOES,FLANNELS,OVERCOATS,AND CLOTH ING, FULLY APPRECIATING THE SPECIAL PRICES AT WHICH THEY ARE BE.'NG SOLD. 200 suits of Men's heavy fleeced Underwear strictly first quality, worth 50c, going in this sale for 39c Men's best 50c dress and work Shirts going at 39c. Outing Flannels worth 10c for 6c. Best grede of heavy Bleached Domestic for 8 l-2c. Wool Jeans Cloth for 19c. 12c yard wide Percales for 8 3-4 c. Men's and Ladies heavy and f'ne Shoes at greatly reduced prices. Big lot of for Children and Men in heavy Shoes at actual cost to make, $1 pair. Ladies $1.25 gcat Shoes for SI. Jiiit in. CLOTHING. Closing out all we have at less than cost; all kinds of Overcoats for Men and Boys, $2.48 to $9.98 Men's Suits from $3.43 to $9.48. Great values. Ladies Jackets and Skirts, large and complete line to selent from. Skirts, $1.48 to $4.98 Hosiery of all kinds very cheap. Full line of Ladies and Men's dress and work Gloves specially reduced in price. DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND THIS GREAT Sx\LE AND REMEMBER IT WILL CLOSE ON THE 20th McCOY MORETZ YOU GET YOUR MONEYS WORTH You get something better than money cut of a pair oe ALSI ON HEALTH SHOES—aiid that is genuine, serene Mse and comfort. Shoes costing one or two dollars more do aot possess this quality of making your feet feel at home. Ihe RALSTON HEALTH SHOE is a shaped—shaped lik; che human foot. We have in our store shoes like this picturee also shoes more extreme or less pronounced in style—you may choose. But every pair is built so that the inside con forms to the mould of the foot that wears it. You will be comfortable if you walk out of this store with Ralstons on. Gome in and Say "Show Me." Links Shoe Store. Justin HANNAN' StCES $5,50 tos3».s* Lewis —Corn well Miss Eugenia Lewis and Mr. Summev Corn well, both of Dal las, were married at that place Tuesday evening. Among the out-of-town guests at the mar riage was Mrs. Henderson, of Hickory. We are late getting out this issue on account of moving our office into the new building ad joining Setzer & Russell. Huffman's great Red Tag sale beginning Nov. 20th. Rare ba - gains in furniture and Christmas goo;ls. See ad. HICKORY, N. C. At the Skating Rink Saturday J night at 9 o'clock to eaten the Rabbit. I If you are looking for bargains I you will find them by »eadingthe handsome display ads that ap pear in the Democrat this week. Mrs. J. E. Mattocks and chil dren were here Monday on their | return from Asheville, where they have spent several weeks. urn rati MS I 5 IS WHAT YOU WILL FIND IN OUR DRESS | MAKING DEPARTMENT. g Come to see them, | we have just what y°u want for the fall and winter wear. ~"Tailored Suits made We have sold more te j Ladies HATS already | v '• than ever before in W co&f*j(,iit* one season, because we have what the people want. ■ -- Q Mrs. A. P. Whitener | HICKORY-, N. C. If 1 DIRT OFFERED | « & % For Sale for the First Time. And other off* rings equally good, § & Last week we offered choice vacant dwelling let No. 232, 7\ which was promptly bought by cne oi our citizens. Some of ! you were a little too late. We Offer This Morning in City Property. Tu No. 236 —One vacant dwelling lot well located. Price S4OO. I No. 207 —3 only, good size kts, cktt in ut €250 each. f o j Only one left of the Bor 10 small houses near the Furniture & f'ej Factory, 3 rooms, ceiled, painter", chimney, 2 fire places, wtil ' fj,j worth the price. Part cash, pait or. time. §325. * faj No. 237 —We have somethii g :o ofler investor. No. 203 —In close in proptnits fe2,2io to S2,SCO; etc. ; fsrj No. desirable, close in residence $4,5 50. ~!sj No. 217 —Choice residence picperty. £6.250. l| AT fitCSSN, N. C. I , \?5 if | We offer for the first tin e this morning a ir anu;ac- I turing or milling plant rll. finable lend attached, g, l i*J Located right at railroad clttot. Property consists of 2 1-4 icui of land splendidly located, one new 40 horse power boiler, cne 20 h. p. ermine, 1 saw mill, 1 stone metal iccf ste?m diy ki.'n ccirplete with pipes, 1 corn mill, 1 re saw machine, 1 mculur ai d matcher, 1 plainer and matcher, f.xiures, sfcafting beltir g, metal icof, shed building, etc. Part of hard new, the unaincer but little used, all in first-class ccrditicn aid icicy Icr inirtdute. Fiice S2,SCO, one half cash tLC ba'.r.ce cn tin eic iifel i pities. 1 hit ]_lant is- o.k. plenty of hrrttr ccrnrg it to tun .Le p'tnt and n-fcl.e mcnty. This is a jsyirg fnte piise. 1 uc;cn is a ivlitn.tial little town AnoihtT new cottcn mill Is urc'tr vty Uuc. Koc is a t,ocd bus ; ne:s cpening fo. some one. RPN'EN ■BR The farm 4 miles from town rrght oil public lcfcd and joixrirg P. L. Clouingei; contains 28 to 20 acres, yields crofs of most anything. Land all arctic it telling at s>2s and SSO per acre. We are offering this at £18.50 per acre. FRUIT FARM No. 231 —160 acres well located 3 miles frcm Hudson, N. C., easily reached. Excellent mountain cove land, especiaUy adapted to fruit culture. Fart of orchard young, part bearing now. 1200 ayple trees, 600 peach trees. Dwelling house bam, etc. Write for full particulars. This property is going to be sold. Let's hear from you. Farm No. Ill —One mile f:cn: Ftira ft illsr 75 acies, crdin?ry sarin house, orchard, etc. Will be sold at lew price. If you are willing to go 5 miles from rp.ihcad, this is ycur chance to get a bargain in a home. 35 acies in weed, .trice 8750. I'litie'slc ; u.t.H. VI Vi lli lo!-;}. Mf.iy, 11 .* i j 11 oie offerings in town and ci untv j scptny. Lo not ikptiiu cn i ewspapers lo tell von all gootl tiling? 1 liave, but come in and see me, telephone or write. Am often away hem my effee fer hours at the time moving aronr.d in town and couniiy. Write me or telephone me and I will make appeinlment with you to meet you and talk the matter over. JNO. E. HAITHCOCK Hickory, N. 0. Office over Menzies, the coiner Drug Store. For next few months, office will be open every right during the v.eek except Wednesday night till 8:30. Office phone No. 232. Residider.ce Phone No. 251. Call up Central and ask for Haithcock's Office or House. Devil's Island Torture is no worse than the terrible case o; Piles that afflicted me 10 vears. Then 1 was adv'sed to apply Eucklen's Ar nica Saive, and less than a box per manently cured me, writes L. S. Na pier, of Rugles, Dy. Heals all wc v nds, Burna and Sores like nugi?. 25c a'. C. M. Shuford and F. B. Menzies druggist. Coming to Hickory. We will have to arrive at cure tore in the next few days our third t 1 j Q . rnent of Ladies and Misses clock's The catchestand snappiest ih a j has yet been to Hickory. PLADS, CHECKS, COLORS and prices to suit you. Our second shipment of FU R5 now on sale. Don't forget to see these before you buy. Sledge &PleaSants Ibtckoti> If)arne£6 Co. I Is Now Open for Business. I All kinds of Harness, Saddles, Bridles anfl Collars. Also repairing done. Call on us ill the Umstead Old Stand. J. R. GANTT, Mgr. I Now is the Time. |to think about your new suit for ' THANKSGIVING MmM and we are ready to show you Clothing that is absolutely correct P-- M in every detail, correct cut, correct W 1 length, correct lapels, correct pat j terns, made as well as if made to your measure, shape retaining to f the last hour, and most important our prices are very reasonable. Have you seen the new shapes in STETSONS gf soft and stiff hats? We have them $3 to $5; and a complete line of jßfe men's furnishings. |i||i i We will be pleased to show you ijlpii Hi through our stock. Irtz-f far Clothing Oomp] School Books. Have been a leading question with parents the pa>t few weeks. At this tiaie we are prone to think too much of books and too little o{ - EXES and other physical organs of the child. POOR ail ing eyes may soon put him behind in his studies. Let us examine iii& eves and tell you the trouble. The Morrison Bros. Co. Jewelery and Opticians. Hickory m © ©