IMMIGRANT AND FREIGHT TRAINS DASH TOGETHER A Head-on Collision Occur red this Morning Early Be tween Trains on the Balti more and Ohio Near Indi anapolis. Five are Known to be Dead and 40 or More are Miss ing. May be Dead or May Have Scattered Out into Country. Chicago, II!., Nov. 12. —At 1 o'clock the officials of the Baltimore end Ohio announced that they had received positive news from the wreck at Woodville, Ind., and that cut of 135 people on the train, forty were killed, thirty-five others injured and sixty escaped unhurt. Collision Head-On. Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 12. —A spec ial to The News from Valparaiso, Ind., says: "A head-on collision between two passenger trains on the Baltimore & Ohio Railway was reported early to day at Woodville, 10-miles north of this city. Reports that 5 are dead, and 25 injured and twenty or thirty burn ed up in one train which was destroyed. All physicians in this city have gone to the scene of the wreck. "One of the trains was an immigrant train. Baltimore, Nov. 12.—Advices to the Baltimore & Ohio general offices here say: "The collision was between a west bound immigrant train and a Chicago- New Yoak east bound freight train. There were 135 immigrants on the passenger train. The last report says that up to 8:30 o'clock only one im migrant had been found dead and as near as could be told about 40 to 45 were missing. They may probably have scattered over the country. "The entire immigrant train of six cars were burned, as were three cars in the freight train. The fireman of the freight train is dead and fireman Culler of the immigrant train so badly hurt that he cannot live. J 40 To Hospital Chicago, Nov. 12.—At 10:30 o'clock the Baltimore and Ohio Railway noti fied physicians of the Mercy Hospital to be prepared for the reception of 40 injured persons. The train was scheduled to arrive in this city at noon BRUCE MAY BE ELECTED. New York, Nov. 10. —John E. Smith, secretary of the Kings County Republi can Campaign Committee, said today that 5,000 additional votes had ueep discovered for M. Linn Bruce, the Re publican candidate for Lieutenant Gov ernor. If this proves true, it will elect Bruce, though Chanler, the Democratic candi date, was supposed elected. Liberty Tree Planted Brunswick, Ga., Nov. 10. —Congress- man W. G. Brantley delivered the ora tion today at the planting of a liberty tree under the auspices of the Bruns wick, Daughters of the American Rev olution. The ceremonies were of an interesting character and were large ly attended. Around the roots of the tree was placed soil from each of the States and Territories, the soil having been sent to the D. A. R. by the differ ent governors. Dedication in Richmond. Richmond, Va., Nov. 10. —Arrange- ments on an elaborate scale have been completed for the dedication to-morrow of St. James Methodist church. The church was built some fifteen years ago tut the dedication was deferred until the church was free of debt. Bishop Galloway of Mississippi is to officiate at the dedication service. Andover, Mass., Nov. 10. —Charles E. Riggs, of Mt. Vernon, N. Y., a Philips- Andover Academy student, accidental ly shot and killed John T. Tracy, of ( Emporia, Kas., a school mate, today. VIONOL SETTLES. The Co 4 Liver Oil O.uestion. No one would dispute thee urative and strength creating value of cod liver oil. For centuries it has been recognized as the grandest of all heal ing and body-building agents for wast ed human strength and vitality. Yet, owing to the heavy, greasy oil which envelops the medicinal elements and which has no value either as a food or medicine, many patients weak ened by disease cannot digest it either in its raw form or an emulsion, and others will net take it on account of its disagreeable ordor and taste —con- sequently it vain? is lc.~t. Now, the process discovered by two eminent French chemists—Morgues and Gutier—should interest every per son in Hickory, for all of the tonic, body-building and curative elements of cod liver oil are now separated from the greasy, useless oil, and given to the people in delicious Vinol. For this reason it is fast superseding old fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions. As a body builder and strength cre ator for old people, weak women, dedi cate children, and after sickness and all pulmonary diseases, it is recom mended by over 5..000 of the leading druggists of che United States as the best. Your money back if it does net do all v/e claim. E. B. Menzies, Drugigat. Note.—While we are sole agents for Vinol in Hickory, it is now foA sale at the leading drug store in nearly ev ery town and city in the country. Look for the Vinol agency in your town. jgßik ' There is real pleasure in chewing the best tobacco grown where the best tobacco grows—in the famous Piedmont Only choice selections of this well matured and oughly cured tobacco is used in making SCHNAPPb. gU:, That's why SCHNAPPS and other cf tnc Reynolds' brands, as shown by the Internal Revenue statistics for a fiscal year, made the. wonderful growth of six and one-quarter million pounds, or a net gain of one-third of the entire increased consumption fa * chewing and smoking tobaccos m the M United States. . Bvidently, chewers cannot resist the I.\, Jj., • flavor and they cheer SCHNAPPS be cause SCHNAPPS cheers them more fp^SIBIf than any other chewing tobacco and every man that chews SCHNAPPS passes tha good thing aiong—one chewer makes other chew era —until the fact is now established that there fJ"'-- v - r^V-- are many more chewers and pounds cf tobacco chewed, to the population, in those States where SCHNAPPS tobacco was first sold than there are in the Stales where SCHNAPPS has not yet been offered to the trade. Ail ID KNOW. WHAT YOU ASSE CHEWING /s£jpsb SCHNAPPS is like a cup of fine Java cpffee, sweetened „ just enough to bring out its natural, stimulating qualities. SCHNAPPS pleases all classes of chewers: the rich, be cause they do not tind a chew that really pleases them better at any price; the poor, because it is more economical than ■ \p^»the larger 10c. or 15c. plugs and they get their money's worth - oi the real snappy, stimulating flavor so appreciated by tobacco lovers. All imitations contain much more sweetening than SCHNAPPS. They arc made that way to hide poor tobacco im- V properly cured. ■ , For the man who chews tobacco fcr tobacco's sake, there is no chew '■■ f like SCHNAPPS. |W . ;• Sold at 50c. per pound in sc. cuts. Strictly 10c. ar.d l'c. plugs. £■ a ' B. J. BEYHSLDS TOBAgCQ gQMPAWY, Wjnstoa-Saign, M. C. £J SUGGESTIONS FOR RIVER WORKS Chief of Engineers Recom mends Expenditure of $450,000 on the Cape Fear Above and Below Wil i mington. Washington, D. C., Nov. 12. —General Alexander Mankensec, chief of engi neers, has reported to Secretary of War Taft that $1G,052,451 will be re quired to complete the engineering work upon the fortifications of the board, convened under the President's' order of January 31, 1906. Among the amounts that Mr. Mac-1 kensec states can be profitably ex- j pended during the next fiscal year in. the principal river and harbor works are the following: James River, Virginia, $200,000; Cape' Fear River, above Wilmington, N. C., 1 locks and dams. $200,000: Cape Fear ; River, at and below Wilmington, $250,- 0U0; Savannah River, Georgia, sllO,- 000; Harbor at Pensacola. Fla., SIOO,- 000; Alabama R'ver, Alabama, SIOO,- 000; Mobile Harbor, Alabama, $372,- 000; Black Warrior, Warrior and Tem bigbee rivers, Alabama, $753,000. DIFFERENCE ADJUSTED. Engineers Get Demand Made fcr Ten- Hour Day and Increase in Wages. New York. Nov. 12. —The demand of the engineers employed by the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western Rail road Co. has been adjusted at a confer once between president Truesdale and representatives of the engineers. They granted a ten-hour day, an increase in wages aggregating fcr the 990 en gineers $30,00 to 835,000 annually. CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on t;he blood and mu cous suriaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescrib ed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, agting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect com bination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimo-' nials free. F. J. CHENXEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, price 75c. Take Hall's Family Fills for consti pation. SIM AJNIBISISAI OU UI [tnjuanuuj ssai °u 9l }.iodaa s}i pa -doq si pun 'SSOJSUOO jo Sujuado'aq} JOJ atuji ui aq UJAS. }joda.i u si JJ 'paiaidtuoo inun anurj -uoo Xiquqojd HIM suoissnosip s;j -oj ssnoH Jara;i?d aqj }B. ;aui 'saionod aouiunsui p.ißpuß}s suuoj }jßjp •ea 0} ..'aaaijki jo .aanuu -raoo,, aqx-'SI '-sin 'oSßOiqo The Alleged Tobacco Trust. New York, Nov. 5. —District At torney Jerome has not yet taken any action on the request of Dis trict Attorney Moran of Boston to aid him in obtaining evidence against the so-called tobacco trust. Jerome raid he has not finished reading Moran's letter. "How am I going to set evidence?" He asked when, oi estioned about the matter today. "Why doesn't Moran get it himself? I haven't read through his letter yet and don't quite know what it contains- However. I'll look into it end answer Mr. Moran." Teller of First National Bank Mt. Airy Arrested Greensboro, Nov. 12. —Chief of Police Neely this received instruc tiens from Mt. Airy for the arrest ol I Graham Trotter, charging him with j being a fugitive from justice. He it wanted in :«lt. Airy for complicity in an assault made there one night last week cn a young man and two youa lr.dies of that city in which ono of thr young ladies was very seriously injur | ed from a pistol shot fired by the as saulting party. 1 Trotter is teller of the First Nation | al Bank of Alt Airy and a very promi • nent young man as are all of the peo ple connected with the affair. It will be remembered that a Mr. Brimm of Mt. Airy was arrested the day after the shooting charged with being con nected with the affair. Trotter is lock | ed up here and he absolutely refuses to discuss the matter. By instruction lof the Mt. Airy authorities he is held | without bail. j Warehouse American Snuff Co. Dynamitea ' Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 12. —The - warehouse of the American Snuff Com ■ pany at Eddyvills, Ky., was wrecked - by dynamite. The explosion shattered - windows for a wide radius. Blood - hounds followed the trail of the wreck ers for twelve miles into Caldwell county. Several months ago the warehouse ■ of the so-called ti.ust in the Southern part of oKntucky were dynamited and the growers who sold tobacco to the alleged trust received warning mes sages from the "Night Riders." BODY OF FULTON. Will bs Moved to New Resting Place in Monument. New York, Nov. 10. —Four descend ! ants of Robert Fulton, the inventor of the steamboat, today gave their con -1 sent to Cornelius Vanderbilt, president of the Robert Fulton Memorial Associa tion, to remove the body of Fulton I from the vault in Trinity Church yard, this city, to a tomb in the $600,0u0 ; monument which the Memorial Asso ciation iniends to erect here. _ i ; Pain may go by the name of rheuma • tism, neuralgia, lumbago, pleursy. No i No matter whate name the pains are ■ called. Hollister's Rocky Mountain ( Tea will drive them away. 35 cents, > Tea or Tablets. L I •Montgomery the Place. ' i Washington, Nov. 12. —The next ; meeting of the Southern Educational "j Association will be held in Montgom j ery, Ala.; Dec. 27-30, next. It is | that the association of the ; Southern College for Women, and Southern Library Association will meet at the same time and place. CASTOHIA. Bears the _/) Kind You Nave Nways Bought s '^r OASTOR3CA. Bears the The Rind You Havo Always Bought Niagara's Power. Washington, D. C., Nov. 12. —The hearing regarding the Niagara river, and the transmission of electrical pow er into the United States from Can ada, which was to have been held to day, h'as been postponed a week be cause of the absence cf Secretary Taft, before whom the hearing is to be held. Many children inherit constitutions weak and feeble, others due to child hood troubles. Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea will positively cure children • and v make them strong. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. FRET'S VERMIFUGE is the same good, old-fashioned medicine that has saved the lives of little children for the past 60 years. It 14 a medicine made to cure. It has never been known to fail. If your child is sick get a bottle of FREY'S VERMIFUGE A FINE TONIC FOR CHILDREN Do not take a substitute. If your druggist does not keep it, send twenty-five cents in EtatDQS to 353. c *3 S. FRET Baltimore, 9ld. and a bottle will be mailed you. INTEREST IN THE EIGHTH. Interest in North Carolina Politics Tomorrow Will Center in Eigth District Large Vcte Will be Polled. Raleigh, N. C.. Nov. 5. —The elee t?6n tomorrow will be quiet in North Carolina except in the Eighth Con gressional District, the contest being between Blackburn, Republican, the incumbent and llaekett, Democrat. Only one State officer. Corporation Commissioner, will be voted for. The indications are that a large vote will be polled, but interest dull. DEMOCRACY SAFE IN VIRGiNIA. Will Carry Certain in all Districts Ninth and Chances Favorable There. • Richmond, Va., Nov. tJS. —In the Congressional election tomorrow the ■vote will be light. The Democrats WjJl carry without doubt, all districts ixcept the ninth, now represented by a Republican. Both sides claim the district with Xhff chances in favor of the Democrats. WOMAN CHOT AT UNION. Bullet Meant for Hays Struck His Daughter Who Died To-Day. Union, S. C., Nov. s.—ln a gambling row Saturday night Harrison Hays shot but missed the man intended, the bullet instead striking Hayes* mar ried daughter who died this morning. ACCIDENTALLY SHOT. Union, S. C., Nov. 5. —While play fully pointing a supposedly unloaded gun at a friend near here yesterday, the gun was discharged, tearing off the ear and side of face of Lcuis Jacks who is now at the point of death. IN TIME OF PEACE. In the first months of the Russia- Japan war we had a striking example cf the necessity for preparation and the early advantage of those who, so to speak, "have shingled their roofs in dry weather." virtue of prep aration has made' history and given to us our greatest men. The individual as well as the nation should be prepared for any emergency. Are you prepared to successfully combat the first cold you take? A cold can be treated much more quickly when treated as goon as it. has been contracted and befcre it has become settled in the system. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous for its curer, of colds and it should be kept on hand ready for in stant use. For sale by Shuford Drug Co. I Don't be fooled by the trick bal lot gotten out by the Republicans. Examine your ticket carefully before you vote. If you are trouble with indigestion, constipation, sour stomach, or any oth er pain, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you wel land keep you well. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. cm WITH UGLY OFFENCE Samuel Burton Arrested in Raleigh Charged with Liv ing Illegally with Young Woman. ■ Has one Wife at Present and One Divorced. Raleigh, N. C., Nov. 12—Quite a sen sation was caused here this morning by the arrest of Samuel Burton, charg ed with living illegally with Miss Josie Brickhouse. The couple came here about six weeks aso, claiming to be form Nor folk, Va. It is learned this morning that Burton, who is an employe of the Seaboard Air Line Railway is from Norfolk. The girl in the case is from Mackey's ferry in this and is a daughter of a prominent minister of that section. This morning a gentleman came here from Norfolk, Va., and ordered the warrant issued. He says that Bur ton not only has a wife living in Nor folk but has a divorced wifo living in another section of the country. Miss Burton claims that she did not know that Burton had a wife, although she did not know that he had been divorc ed from his first wife. Negroes Hold Their First State Fair Macon, Ga., Nov. 12. —The first col ored State fair in the history of the i ace opened here with a large at tendance. An opening address was irade by Booker T. Washington There is a good display of agricul tural products, negro inventions, wo men's work, fine arts, slavery relicS and handiwork of the crafts. The fair will continue for one veek with special days for a physi cian's congress, women's days, edu cational day, religions find sanitary congresses, addresses being deliver i-red at each by leading men of the race. Serious Shooting Affray in Georgia Augusta, Ga., Nov. 12. —A special to the Herald from Sandersville, Ga., tells of a shooting affray at Kittrell's. Johnson county, in which Herscel Tarbutton, the largest planter in the county, was prohablv fatally wound ed by a man of the name of Tyre, a prominent lumberman, with whom he had a dispute about a timber line. Saturday morning Tarbutton, while riding along the road was shot by Tyre, receiving a terrib'le wound in the face, but he drew a revolver and eliot Tyre jn the abdomen, death ensuing a few hours later. Bcmb Thrower Shot. Moscow, Nov. 12. —A bomb thrown at Mayor Reinet on Tver street this morning. Reinet, who was not hurt, quickly pulled out his revolver an:l shot and killed the man who threw the bomb. TYNER'S DYPPLPSIA REMEDY. A Guaranteed Cure. If you suiter from Dyspepsia cf Indi gestion in any form, rrs, belching, bit ter taste, offensive breath, dizzy speels, sour stomach, heart !.i:t : -»r, nausea, gastritis, loathing of' foot., pains or swelling in the stomach, back or side, deep-seafed kidney or liver trouble, then they will disappear in a short time after taking Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy, made especially to cure Dys pepsia. Indigestion and all Stomach Troubles, even of the worst cases. Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy expels the gasses and sweetens the breath. It cures Sick Headache, Colic and Con stipation at once. Druggists or by express 50 cents a bottle. Money re funded if it fails to cure. Martin & Co., Druggists;, Hickory, N. C. People seldom try to discourage your fads as long as you are willing to spend money on them. Fatal Crash - Detroit, Mich., Nov. 12. —Three per fcons were killed and several injured when a Michigan Central freight en gine crashed jmto the wall of the waiting room at the Michigan-Central station today. A considerable por tion of the building was knocked clown. A MOUTAIN OF GOLD could not bring as much happiness to Mrs. Lucia Wiike, of Caroline, Wis., as did one 25c box of Bucklen's Ar nica Salve, when it completely cured a running sore on her leg, which had tortured her 23 years. Greatest an tiseptic healer of Piles, Wounds, and Sores. 25c. at W. S. Martin and C. M. Shuford's drug stores. Army Officer Retires. Washington, D. C., Nov. 12. —Colonel John Pitman, of the ordihance depart ment of the army, was placed on the retired list todaj% having reached the age limit for active service. CHILD FEN CRY FO I IE f J CKER S CASTOR fiOLL!STZRG siscky W!Gunt3"\n Tea ftuggeis A Busy MoJioino for Bnsy People. Brings Golden Health ar«l I-.ene .7od Tigor. A aneeific for Constipation, In>li;'e%t!on, J.U'O nnd Ktfnar Troubles, Pimptes. E«rem;, Inipmv •Wood. Bad Breath, SluKurish Iso>vcis, Ilenlaobc ' Backache It's Rocky Mountain Ten in tab lot form, as cents a Uov. Gfiiuin* mad® fc~ ILJLUSTHR 7)•.!"> COMFJNV. IllaiJiSCi), Wis. LGLDE:* F-JUGuETS TOR SAL- PEOPL? Womenqu*c- icjiciinZy ,liiaciiei's L.iv_'r and Blood Syrup. a For Infants and Child** CASFIIIIphe Kind You Have y&-^— I Always Boocm Preparafionfor As- 9 ' $ 1 similatingliieFcodaridKeguia- ■ # lii% theStomatiis aMßowels of |! til 6 0 i Signature /)\ # Promotes Digcshon.Clieertui- ill - if Iftr ness and Rest.Con tains neither ij X» & .-f Opium,Morpliine nor Mineral. p 01 #l\ *\ If NOT NARCOTIC. m gi \ \ , V 73cdpe afOld-LrSAMUELPITCHER ;;|| flmtfJun Sted>" \ sifl jft Sf g Mx.Sauui * | 2 Sotkciu sjUg— I §j JmA I •, jtaitc &■*& •» I ai fiy $ Bft * | |\ Ij\ MnpSeed- I :if ll \J £ " Ctai/ud .&»»• i m Jsuk. w 0m "52==S=_J I |]«. Aperfecl Remedy for Cons : || I n fy SJQy Tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea jiff I 1 far Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- |ft C«m f1... ness and Loss OF SLEEP. i i" U B IIV fi T Facsimile Signature of I Thirty Years TH« OCMtMin tOMNNV. NEW YORK C."W. DAI/ DLVvI/ AND INVITES DISEASE Every part of the body is dependent on the blood for nourishment and Btrength, and when from any cause this vital stream of life becomes impov erished or run-down, it invites disease to enter. No one can be well whenti blood is impure; they lack the energy that is natural with health, the con plexicn becomes pale and sallow, the vital energies are at & low ebb, a~d the; suffer from a general broken-do ,vn condition cf health. The system is weak ened and unable to resist the diseases and disorders that are consta mly assuil-jl ing it. The Liver and Kidneys, failing to receive the proper stimulation asd nourishment from the blood, grow inactive and dull, and the waste matters] and bodily impurities that should pass off through these channels cf nature' arc left in the system to pioduce Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers,; Skin Diseases or some other blood disordei. When the blood is l in this weak ened and diseased condition it should be treated with a remedy that is sot only thorough, but gentle in its action. S. S. S., a purely vegetable remedy, made of roots, herbs and barks, is just what is needed. It not only cleanses the blood of all impurities and poisons, and enriches and strengthens it, bat gently builds up the entire system by its fine tonic effect. S. S. S. reinvigorates every ;;:e:::- -cTSX ber of the body, gives tone and vigor to the blood, K. and as it goes to the different parts, carries ro -3 and strength. S. S. S. acts nor. PL'BELY VEGETAQ- £ promptly and gives better results than any other « • " medicine. It cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases and all other blood disorders, and cures them per manently. Our Medical Department will be glad to give advice "svuLout charge to all suffering with blood or skin diseases. Addrpr.s =\V * *7 Pncrc PQ m r#«4T it /•& * «.»-* '~Jii ELECTRIC LIGHT Tlie office of the company is end r Martin's Drug Store. Flease keep your lamps clean. Rub them with soft art paps?. When lamps are wanted in plaofc of old ones the latter must- be returned to the office. For any trouble notify the office so repairs , made in due time. New wiring of stores and residences will be dona at of material and labor. The faniily medicine in thousands of homes for 52 years—Dr. Thacher's Ln-c-r and Blood Svouo Ik J 6 Lemons •'" 1 Pineapple tnM Quarts Red Rock 7' 'la 1 Pound Sugar. AW |J ] |iJi j ||| 1 Pint Maraschino Cherrses Ejli |ij[ : ji |j;i I Crush Oranges and Lemons, cbop ■ ijii ijiiji |j J | Pineapple fine, cover with Sugar, allow to stand three hours, press out the Hi I j|g juice and add to this juice the pint ol I | 89 Cherries and plenty of cracked icc.-hist 11 before serving add the four quarts c. ■ This amount will serve e nth sucst3 ' Hickory Batlinp Work I Bottlers ot Ml ll if High-Grade Scda Water in ai! Stsn- {ii 111 dard Flavors. KiiLLWE GOUSfI AHD THE L ~^ T!i Ik iiiri 1 n n»n j 11 HW $ li-Va | | Price S Fyfl 3 OUSHSard 5Cc £51.00\ Frea Trial. | Surest and Guickfist Cure for aUfi THROAT and LTKTG 11X72-g LE3, cr MONEY BA OS.