Regime hi E o ic Interest t Continuation of the Strugs Already Flag ging• So Disorders Under Ncu> O 1V . ; ..—The first day of the reparation of church j.avuK passed without any P ,v . t !. I,t 1 ,t "■',■!>:»inuation of the strug- visible flagging. ?!e that the residence 11 ,' s will be purely passive of , ~ ,! r o?-;oct of religious passions ® 1 -a unless the churches isfciUs am- ■ therefore is resting '"I'ViU a-niinue to do -so until parlia !• -ni'horize.- drastic measures o viV the ("ilnnet is preparing. rSriioal Richard is awaiting expul •„ from the Episcopal mansion. ■» government desires to avoid the . Viuce of fe-ree in the case die ased primate and is post- S in ; action in the hope that he will j .f nf !iis own volition. Cabinet Met Today. The cabinet met today, President Micro* in the . hair. An order to de ride upon the new legislation is to be •rented at parliament, but the text ; '-le measv.r. s decided upon will not v reai'v until tomorrow. The steps' Jb, taken are of a very sweeping t&araeier. | The continuance ot the public wor- j shin will be provideed for under the! combination of th > laws of ISBI and 19i*l with regard to pensions and al-! lowances of the clergy. Distinctions fi!! be made by which those entitled to tie former will lose their rights if! they art' deprived of their French; titizensiiip. SIMPLIFIED SPELLING NOT YET. House Objects to it and President Yields. Washington. Dec. 14. —Simplified sppiiing received a final quietus in :te House yesterday. The subject to been under more or less centinu- j cus discussion i:i the House and in committee ever since the convening if the present session of Congress, but it was brought to a sudden ter mination by ihe adoption of a reso lution favoring ihe return to the old standard of orthography just before the House adjourned yesterday. It was understood that this action had i teen taken as the result of an inter ! view with the President, in which he had said that if the House should go on record as against the new system le would abandon his effort in that direction. The House was prompt in netting this condition and the res olution was adopted by a unaimous rae. SOUTHERN SENATORS MEET. Conference of Representatives and Senators Called for Purpose of Se lecting Sits for Sub-Treasury. Washington, D. C., December 15. — A conference of Senators and Repre sentatives of Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, Florida and Alabama *23 called at the suggestion ,of the Secretary of the Treasury for the pur pose cf selecting a location for the new sub-treasury to-day and it was decided to postpone action until Jan uary t'ae seventh. Representative llcon of Tennessee was elected chairman, and Representa tive Lejrare of South Carolina, Sec ratary 01 the? conference. The movement for the postponement was championed by Representative Gaines cf Tennessee. PASSES FOR EDITORS. Tennessee Representative Introduces '! Permitting Newspopers to Ac cept Transportation for Advertising. Washington, D. C., December 15. — Representative Garett of Tennessee, . educed a bill amendatory to the ' a . e . ' aw ' permitting publishers of newspapers and periodicals to accept ransportation from the railroads for advertising. 'iou.?.nds nave Hidncy Trouble sad Do:: ; t Know it. To Tied Out. r -men glass with your ' -i-r.d :v/cnty-four hoursr a , fr=A sediment or sei tHng indicates an r ; * •j.aTTTi 'unhealthy condi- I : ■/">' {f tioa cf the kid ' •••' ■ • . neys; if ;; stains i •j- your linen it is : '* ; ' evidence ot kid ney trouble: tc.c* _ ! ■ ■ frequent cesi.-e tc -* p&ss it or pain in ccr.v r - ~'T 7 lns * D2 - CK i- 3 ? -l £o cere.:. ■ Y''.'' "' ;c i ; 'Oneys and blad- Tr--. . to Do. cf:-.- the knowledge so P/.v -r. Kilmer's Sv/amp [ tr.ii .. ' ' f-mccy fulfills every U:.:. - r, pain in the ci:h«> -.adder and every part toh;ii . • "" corrects inability Icrj pain in passing p&ec* ' 'Allowing use o> liquor, . ' ' • overcome j tha; unpleasant fax.- •/ . '. . compelled to go oftch " T-*- up many timca tenr";; ; • mild and the extra- is soon r ' c fl est for its won r/-u p cc * cis-.rsscir.g cases. If::. 2. ' .. " ' ; :iC y°u should have the Yc;r--. .«n COc. andsl. sizes. '*o:.c=,.\V """ c bottle of this i Ific - '"" -sovery P' .Ein? ~ w J-im? r f Etramp-Iloot. *ior> Y. When v/riting men- D°H't n, i. f ' !S r ' nerocs in this paper ber tj t . a , c mistake, but remem "ner's Swamp-Root, Dr. Kil- '' atu tlle address . jn . a. f., ou every bottle. I SIMPLIFIED SPELLING ADIEU. The House Administers a Solar Plex j us Jab to President's Hobby. Horse. I Washington, Dec. 14.-The House ! ftruck out of the legislative bill the . provision relative to simplified spell ing. * This action was taken because of the promise of the President to re voke the order to the public printer nna the consequent adoption of yes tercay's resolution on the subject, the friends and relatives of the de ceased about $B,OOO. The Italian }jO\ ernment then took the matter up end effected a satisfactory adjust ment so far as it was concerned an:l infused to co-operate with the United' States government in further prose cution. The 'government, however, placed several men in jail as witnesses to testify before the grand jury at this tession of the court. The Carolina Company, employed at this time by tlie South and Western, became in volved and was indicted for peonage. The defendants were represented by Judge Phlegar, of Virginia, and Mr. J. Crawford Biggs, .of Durham. Had the case gone to a jury, have proved the most interesting as -veil as the most unique evei tried iii the local courts, as District Attor ney Holton remarked this morning when the case came up. FOR MISSOURI IMMIGRATION. "Five Millions for Missouri" Motto of Immigration Association. Jefferson, City, Mo., December 14. ' "Five Million for Missouri/' is the mot to of the prosperous-looking men of I the American business type who were I gathered , in the hall of the house of representatives today at the opening of the second annual convention of the Immigration Association of Missouri. Cities, large and small, are repre sented at the conference, which is to continue two days. Governor Folk, Frank P. Sargent, national immigra tion commissioner; F. D. Coburn, sec retary of agriculture of Kansas, and others are to address the meeting. Efforts are to be made to set on foot a movement looking to securing from the ligsilature an appropriation to put into operation the state immigration law which has been a dead letter for many years. Plans will be discussed i also for advertising the wonderful nat ural resources of the state with a view obtaining a desirable class of immigrants. TYNER'S DYSPEPSIA REMEDY. Many Have Dyspepsia and Don't Know It. Do not belcn up wind? Taste your food after eating? See specks before the eyes? Are you pale and haggard? Do you have pains vbgkqjbgkqjbgkqj Dees your heart flutter? Are you diz zy? Do you have pains in side or back? Risings or pimples on the skin? Are you low spirited? Is there a sour taste? Breath bad? Weak kidneys? Bilious? Constipated? Are your ner vous" If so. you have Dyspepsia, and it is a dangerous condition. To cure, take Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy. It is made for just such troubles and srnyptoms. Tyner's Dyspepsia Reme dy removes acids from the stomach, strengthens weak stomachs, and cures the worst Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Druggists or by express 50 cents a bottle. Money refunded if it fails to cure. Martin & Co., Hickory, N. C. The Unsympathetic Law. Savannah News. Hundreds of children In all parts of the country write letters to "Sauta- Claus' in anticipation of Christmas, and it will be the fault of the Post-1 office Department, or, rather, of the law, that they are not answered. AI wealthy lady in Philadelphia the! other day wrote to Postmaster Gen- j era! Cortelou requesting that every letter intrusted to the mails and ad dressed to 'Santa Clau3' be forward-1 e.l to her, so that she might have the pleasure of granting, as far as possi ble, the requests of the little writers. Her idea was fine and her philanthro py of the gentlest and sweetest sort. The idea, carried into execution, would have brought joy into hundreds of homes that must lack a visit froc; Santa Claus because the Postmaster General says the law forbids any such delivery of letters. They must J go to the dead letter office. It is a pity that the law is so unsympathetic. f IMMIGRANTS FOR THE SOUTH. Good Chances of South's Getting More Immigrants. New Orleans, La., December 15 — Another step in the movement to bring white immigrants to the South was taken by the Illinois Central, which arranged with the European Steamship line run immigrant .steam ers between New Orleans and Jpuro pean £orts as soon as the new immi grant station is erected in New Or leans. Washington, Dec. 14. —The House by a vote of 214 to 51 adopted the amendment to the legislative execu tive judicial appropriation bill rais ing the salaries of speaker and vice president to $12,000 also by a vote of 204 to 60 the amendment increasing the salaries of cabinet officers to 812,000. — . It is a mistake to use a violent cath artic to open the bewels. A gentle movement will accomplish the same re sults without causing distress or seri- Little Earlv Risers are recommended. Sold by C. W. Shuford and W. S. Mar i tin. No, Alonzo, a bachelor isn't neces ! sarily an advocate of the single-tax idea. ing is ouite as good as an application of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Put -; it on before going to bed, use ,an old -1 pair of gloves and see what a differ , I one ethe morning will bring. Sold by | C. W. Shuford and W. S. Martin. AFFLICTED WITH CATARRH— LIFE HAD BECOME A BURDEN. Pe-ru-na, Used As a Last Resort, Affords Complete Relief. MRS. F. CARR. VYftc Experienced By Mrs.^ I Carr Through the Use of Pc-ru-na,* o After Having Tried the Best Pro-| ; fessiona! Treatment in Vain, Is a. Matter of No Small Wonder Among Her Many Friends* Mrs. F. Carr, Yinoland, Out., Can., writes: "For several years I was afflicted with catarrh, which made life a burden. "The coughing aud hacking which accompanied the disease was terrible. "The complaint finally extended to the stomach and 1 was in a wretched condition. "I tried different remedies and the best professional treatment all in vain. "Finally, as a last resort, I tried Peruna upon the recommendation of my sister in Hamilton. "I could see steady improvement and after using four bottles of that precious medicine I was feeling well again, my Ask your druggist for Free Peruna Raleigh, N. C., Dec. 14.—Jan. 8 is the date on which the general assem bly will convene in Raleigh. The law, provides that the legislature shall meet biennally on Wednesday after the first Monday in January, hence the date, January 8 for this year. It is understood that there will be a strenuous effort this season to change the time of meeting to some time in the spring. Weather conditions are so bad during the sixty days specified in January and February that the health and lives of members are great ly endangered by the exposure. SUIT FCR DAMAGES ,'dministrator of 7-Year-0!d Boy Brings Suit. Asheville. N. C., Dec. 15. —J. S. Red mond, administrator of Paul Redmond the 7-year-old boy who was killed by a Southern Railway engine, several years ago, ha 3 begun suit in the supe rior 'court against the Southern Rail way company, Richard Kanley and Kelsey Hughes, for $lO,OOO damages. This is the third suit brought against the railway for the oeath of the little chap, who was run over by an engine just in front of the passenger depot. The child had wandered on the track is stated, to have stooped to pick up something when the engine struck him, His arms and legs were severed, and ho died in great agony a few hours later. HOME FOR N. C. D. Contract Awarded for Home of U. D. C. at Jamestown—A Reproduc tion of "Beauvoir." Norfolk, Dec. 14.—The Contract for the building to be erected at James town by the Daughters of the Con loderacy all over the country, has teen awarded. The building will cost $5,000 and' will be a reproduction of "Beau voir" the home of Jefferson Davis, at Gulfport, Miss. King of all Cough Medic.:ies. Mr. E. G. Case, a mail carrier of Can ton Center, Conn., who has been in the U. S. Service for about sixteen years, says: "We have tried many cough medicines for croup, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is king of all and one to be relied upon every time. We also find it the best remedy for coughs and colds, giving certain results and leav ing no bad after effects." For sale by Shuford Drug Co. Cousul W. C. Hamm, of Hull, writes that reports agree in saying that England is on the eve of a marked increase in the cost of living. Deadly Serpent Bites are as common in India as are stomach I and liver disorders with us. For the latter however there is a sure remedy: Electric Bitters: the great re3torativo medicine, of which S. A. Brown, of Bennettsville, S. C., says: "They re stored my wife to perwect health, after years of suffering with dyspepsia and Eitters cure chills and fever, malaria, biliousness, lame back, trou bles and bladder disorders. Sold on guarantee by C. M. Shuford and W. S. Martin & Co. old trouble being completely a thing of tho past. "To-day 1 would not take one dollars for what this grand med:nnf has done for me." Many women owe their lives to Peruna. A great many moro owe thei; health to Peruna. A multitude of women throughout Canada are using Peruna as a preventa tive and a relief from catarrhal coughs and colds. We have in our files a groat number of letters from grateful women who have been benefited by Peruna, •with permission to use these letters in public print. Catarrh would not be such a curse to the human race if people thoroughly understood its nature. Catarrh is a disease v/hlch never im* proves of its own accord, b'jt becomes deeper seated the longer it is neglected. it should be treated ct once to pre vent it (rota making inroads upon vitai organs. Almanac for 1907. BIG KANSAS SUGAR FACTORY. A SI,GGO,CGO Beet Sugar Factory Suc cessfully Opened. Garden City, Kansas, December 14. —A $1,000,000 beet sugar factory, pro nounced the most complete plant of its kind in the world, has just been suc cessfully opened here, and within a short time Kansas sugar in large quan tities will hep laced on the market. The plant has a capacity cf SOO tons of beets a day and will turn out about ninety tons of pure white granulated sugar every twenty-four hours. The working force consists of between 500 and 600 persons. The beets are raised by irrigation in the Kansas end of the Kansas River Valley. Up to this year they have been marketed in the beet sugar fac tories of Colorado. The tonnage cf beets grown around Garden City this year is nearly four times greater than the aggregate for tho entire state in all previous years.; These lands will produce from twenty to thirty-five tons of sugar beets per acre. This is enough to keep ten or l.velve factories busy. Each factory means to the com munity in which it is situated the dis bursement cf from ?250,000 to ?500,000 a year for beets and about the same sum for labor. BODY FOUND. Remains of Nelson who Mysteriously Disappeared Found in Woods. Ashsville, N. C.„ Dec. 15—The hody of Lawrence Nelson of Lenoir who mysteriously disappeared about two weeks ago, was found yesterday after noon about two miles north3ast of Lenoir by a hunter. The remains were brought to that place and an autopsy held, the verdict being murder by per sons or a person unknown. Little doubt is expressed that he met with foul play. He was shot with a pistol or rifle, the ball passing through his neck. Hamp Kendall and John Vickers have been arrested and are in jail at Lenoir awaiting a pre liminary hearing. Every possible ef fort is being made to collect evidence and it is stated that much incriminat ing testimony will be introduced against the prisoners. Private counsel has been employed to assist Solicitor Linney in the prosecution. Death From Lockjaw never follows an injary dressed with Buck ten's Arnica Salve. Its antiseptic and healing properties prevent blood poisoning. Chas. Oswald, merchant, of Rensselaersville, N. Y., writes: "It cured Seth Burch, of this place, of the ugliest sore on his neck I ever saw," Cures Cuts, Wounds, Burns and Sores. 25e at C. M. Shuford and W. S. Martin & Co. One of the nicest things about being rich is all the people that want to lend you money you don't need. Back-ache, cold hands and feet, rheu | matism and kindred ailments caused S by improper action of the kidneys yield readily to a short treatment of De- Wit's Kidney and Bladder Pills. They quickly drive the poisons from the sys tem and thus afford relief. A week's ; treatment for 25c. Recommended and j sold by C. W. Shuford and W. S. Mar tin. MILITARY RECOMMENDATIONS. Eoards Asks for Increase in Adju tant's Salary arid Small Compensa tion for Captains. Raleigh, Dec. 15. —Adgt. Gen. T. R. Robertson this afternoon gave out th£ recommendations for- changes in the law by the military board that has been in session here for the past lew days. Among other things the board will recommend that each captain be paid 5100 a year, as the law now is the captain is required to look after the arpurtenances of the company, with out any compensation for his trouble and expense. The organization of signal corps is also recommended, to be composed of representatives from each town. An increase in the salary of the adju tant general is also asked for with the recommendation that he be re quired to live in Raleigh. Of gourse the recommendations have to be passed on by the legislature before they become a law. In Memory of Prince Albert. London, England, December 14. — The 45 anniversary of the death of the Prince Consort was observed to-day with impressive services held in the Mausoleum at Frogmore. The ser vices were atenfrded by the King and Queen and other members of the roy al family. The exercises consisted of a brief memorial sermon and appro priate music. At their conclusion many handsome wreaths and other floral offerings were heaped about the tombs of Queen Victoria and the Prince Consort. THE RED MAN'S HOPE. Only One Hope for Indians Against Preying of Real Estate Men. Washington, Dec. 15. —Secretary Hitchcock yesterday unequivocally declared before the Senate committee that he believed the Interior Depart ment to be the only agency through .vhich the rights of the Indians may be secured against the preying of real estate agents of Indian Territory fcnd Oklahoma. BAR JAP CHILDREN. Japanese Children Who Have Passed Grammar School Barred From Schools. San Francisco, Dec. 15. —"The Japanese children who have passed the grammar grades will not be de barred from the high schools." This statement was made by the president of the board of education. MOTIVE POWER NEEDED. Kansas City, Dec. 17. —The Jourr.ll says: "A systematic inspection «>£ terminal railroad yards show tint there are 3,000 empty freight cars idle because the rait -o»vls have not sufficient motive power. Island Lost New Orleans, Dec. 18. —II is an rounced by officials of the Audubon Society that Grand Cochere Isftind, in the Gulf of Mexico, where the daughter of Thomas Taggart, chair man of the Democratic National Committee, lost her life several years ago, had been swept into the sea by a hurricane last September. •jajseid snojed ieuiGijo It's Allcock's, first introduced to tits people sixty years ago, and to-day un doubtedly has the largest sale of anv external remedy—millions ebing sold annually throughout the whole civil ized world. There have eben immitar • ion - ;, tc be sure, but never there been rno to even compare with All cock's —the world's standard external remedy. For a week back. co!l cn chest or any lccal pain, the result from taking cold or overstrain, there's nothing we know of tc compare with this famous plaster. 0n» Ufnnliati'c sent free to sv Uli W00118; 0 users of morphine, QAiyi ccc opium, laudanum _T M■ _- clixirof opium,co 1111 l caine or whiskey, 1 ■UI large book cf pai Wr 111 IWI tlcularson homeo IWI sanatorium treat " * ment. Address, Dt AND B. M. WOOLLEI Whiskey Cure Atlanta, Georgif Wedding Gills >»•* one of your friends to be n. Tiec sonn? If so, you will want a nice ent ror diem. Sterling silver and cvi glass make exquisite gifts (hat are *1 ways useful. Write us for auythli.) you may need In this line, Southern RAILWAY, The Standard Railway of £he Souti The Direct Line to a'i Points TEXAS, CALIFORM, FLORIDA, COBA AND POTOR m ••jtnetly First-Clise Equipment tor 3 Appiy to Ticket Agents for Time 1c bJes. Rates and Genera Infa.nm tion, or address- K. L. VERNON, T. I ... Charlotte. N. C. J. H. WCOII D. P. A.. Ashevilie. j>l. L si H 'JK P. A., P £ To Meat - |E2f Cold Rooms Iflgu Quickly //***•■ .--Li—fym ii "*\\ Every house has its ' // \\ cold room. Abnormal weather [( conditions, inadequate stove or J3p | H furnace heat often result in some particular * part of the house being cold and cheerless. You jBF can make home warm and cheerful with the / PERFECTION \ I Oil Heater 1 I (Equipped with Smokeless Device) . I Carry it about from room to room. Turn wick high or low—there's no danger. Smokeles device prevents smoke and smell. Easy to operate as a lamp. All parts easily cleaned. Brass oil fount beautifully em- Bl bossed. Holds 4 quarts of cil and burns 9 hours. Gives intense • ■ft heat. Two finishes— nickel and japan. Handsome, useful, reliable. r=\ » Every beater warranted. >lf not at your dealer's write our f it B fa nearest agency for descriptive circular. . ' VL \ rbe M@&& Lamp j~! f\ you can Equipped with W a. m —y*-* \jfJL latest improved burner. Gives X jBSSgM / bright, steady light at icwest cost. Made of brass Wt. throughout and nickel plated. Suitable for any room /£?-■ ' K whether library, dininjr-room, parlor or bedroom. Safe X \ TißfeL. and satisfactory. Every lamp warranted, Write to nearest agency if not at your dealer's. jaffSS^^r-rrrr^^ Standard Oil Compaay j\ REPORT 0~ ATTORNEY GENERAL. Record cf Criminal Cases for the Past Year —Comparisons With Years Previous. Raleigh, N. C., Dec. 14. —The report cf Attorney General R. D. Gilmer to Governor Glenn and the General As sembly for the past two years each ending July 1 shows that 10,117 crim inal cases in the state courts last year against 9,554 for the year previous. During the past year 6,715 were con victed, 1,215 acquitted and 2,125 no! pressed. For the previous year there were 6,455 convictions, 1,946 case 3 against white end 4,599 against ne groes while for the previous year there were 4,423 against white and 4,616 agaihst negroes. A comparison of the crimes commit ted for the two years shows a number of interesting figures: Assault with deadly weapon 1250 last year against 1,066 for the year previous; carrying concealed weapons 1,101 against 1,049; criminal assault 24 avainst 35; gam bling 360 against 315, murder 123 against 128; retailing whiskey 1,044 against 1,222; cruelty* to animals 59 against 75. Arson 14 .igainst 7. Stockholm, Dec. 14. —Crown Prince Gustaf arrived today from Berlin and assumed the regency, which will hold during his father's illness. '*fpm9lpWi9lrnp«W , i oliauiy tiuiSiliuuu | "Last Fali," writes Mrs. S. G. Bailey, of Tun nelton, W. Va., "I was going down by inches, I; J from female disease, with great pain. After tak ing Cardui, Oh! My! Howl was benefited! I jjj am not well yet, but am so much better that I will | keep on taking Wine of Cardui till lam perfectly l $ Despite the envious attacks of jealous enemies % and rivals, Cardui still holds supreme position Jjjj today [as in the past 70 years] for the relief and t % |i] cure of female diseases. It stops pain, tones up the organs, regulates FREE ADVICE I If the functions, and aids your w s ? m VoU £22. SiftSWE . , , , r ' ree Advice, in plain sealed envelope. in the replacement Ot Address: Ladies' Advisory Department, - ' r Ths Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatta a misplaced organ. i-cnn. | At Every Drug Store in $l.OO Bottles.* Plumbing, FLoofing —: —AND—.— Guttering ONE by expert workmen. All kinds of Tin Work on short notice A full lino of Bath Tubs, Bowls and Sinks, with hot and cold atec fixtures. We will do your work right. hickory Roofing and Tinning Co McC^BB^THERS DEALERS IN / Groceries Fresh Meats, Butter, Corn, Hay, Cotton, Seed » HuHSj Meal and Country Produce. H I GKO RY, N. C. Rate Law aFailure. j Gutluie, Okla., Dec. 14. —In address ing the Oklahoma constitutional con vention Oscar B. Colquitt, member of the Texas railroad commission, de clared while the Texas railroad com mission act is a good law, the rate regulation in Texas had "been a failure, except in producing uniformity. King Oscars Condition. Stockholm, Sweden', Dec. 14. —King Oscar's condition shows considerable ! improvement. He passed a cuist night. His temperature this morning was 100.9. His pulse is still irregular but his condition is fairly satisfactory. Von Buelow In Jeopardy. Berlin, Germany, Dec. io.—Political fortunes of Chancellor Von Buelow are , regarded both among statesmen and i other persons about the court as hav ! been placed in jeopardy,by his advice to the femperor to dissolve the Reich stag. WAGES OF 17,000 INCREASED. | Lowell, Mass., Dec. 15. —Notices were posted in all the cotton mills of ; this city of a 5 per cent, increase of wages, effective Monday next. ! About 17,000 operatives are affected. Nothing else is calculated to warm the hearts of politicians like an appli cation of cold cash.