START AN ACCOUT WITH US THIS WEEK. You owe it to yoursek'and your family to take care of your money and provide for uie ed ication of your chil dren and the comfort of yourself and wife when the time comes to take life a little easier. No other method of saving eqifalls the regular use of a deposit account at a good bank. Another strong fea tuie in its favoi is that, in case of need, you can get the full amount for the asking—no deductions or eharges for caring for it and no delay. Start with us— start NOW " ~ FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Hickory, N. C. Business Builders. Advertisements inserted under this he;ul at 5 cents a line for each insertion THE largest stock of Holiday Goods, lowest prices. Um stead's. ALL wool Leaksville blankets, socks and stsckings, etc. The Hall Co. EXTRAORDINARY Bargains in China. Umstead's. WANTED —For U. S. Army able bodied, unmarried men, betweer ages of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits,who can speak, read and write English. _Por information apply to Recruiting Officer, 15 West Trade St., Charlotte, N. C.; 40 S. M.iin St.,Aslieville, N. c.; Bank Build ing, Hickory, N. C., or Glenn Building Spartanburg, S. C.; or- Havnswortli and ('Oliver's Building, Greenville, S C. Umstead's for Toys. ANOTHER lot of wool and fleec ed underwear just in. The Hall Company. BEST suited and save money at Umstead's. > ONE plain pries on goods at Umstead's. WHEN you are thinking of smething for a Christmas present decide on something useful and then see if I have'nt got it. J. A. Bowles. THE right Holiday Merchandise at Umstea . s. at prices less than you are u >ed to paying. BLACK and knit underskirts at, J. A. Bowles. SPECIAL value at Umstead's. JUST IN—Third lot ladies coats and gents rain and heavy over coats. The Hall Co. BARRELS of 5 and 10 cent toys and gifts at Umstead's. I have GOOD trunks of all kinds, large and small, J. -A. Bowles. ODD pieces of china at Um stead's. Fine line of Box Candies and all other kind of fine candies at H. Suttlemyre's' WE are originators and leaders of classified 5 and 10 cent goods in Hickory. Umstead's, next door to post office, CHRISTMAS REMEMBRANCES - . • \ "REN.N I~i"I fn 1 Grif*fcs of Q,:HLCL Taste „ _ Christmas time is here and it is time to select your gifts. There is nothing more appropriate for Xmas presents than goods in my line. My stock is full and complete.of notions as well as all the staples. Diamonds Gold Jewelry, Watches, Silver Novelties, Silver Ware, Cut Glass. All of the best quality and design. Such presents have '' • * intrinsic value and are useful and lasting. GEO. E. BISANAR ~~~ Watch Inspector for Southern Ry - ~ Hickory, N. C. PRETTY dol 1 s at Umstead's. YOU will need ribbons in mak ing Christmas fancy work. I will have all kinds, J. A. Bowles. BEST candy for the money at Umstead's. LOST— A ribbon belt with silver carved buckle. Reward if re turned to Miss Julia Wheeler. NICE line of lace curtains at Umstead's. WANTED—To Rent a thiee or four room cottage in Hickory. Apply to this office. VJEW souveniar china at Um stead's. WE have a large select stock of Raisins, Currents, Citron, Nuts, Cranberries, Candy, Cakes, Crackers, Mince meats, Cocoanuts can goods of all kinds also a large stock of heavy Groceries fresh and salted meats. Call and examine our stock. Bost & Newt cn. WE invite you to come and see our line of holiday goods. Um stead's. GUITARS. Violins, Mandolines and Harps. The best instruments for the least money at H. Suttle myre's. THE latest in fine art vases at Umstead's. MUSICAL instruments —The best complete line found at H. Suttlemyre's. FULL line of post cards, at Um stead's. LOOK at the Suit Cases, l rav eling Bags and Christmas Nov elties at Moretz Whitener Clothing Co. If it is a pretty cup and saucer for child, lady, or gent, call at Umstead's and save money. SAVE money by buying your winter suit from Moretz Whit ener Clothing Co. SEE advertisement on opposite page. Haithcock. TRY our Chili-can-carne and hot tomatoes. The kind that moth er used to make. Chicken pot pie Saturday evening and Sun day at the Hotel Marshall Cafe. FINE glass ware at Umstead's. OPEN every night except Wed nesday night till 8:30 o'clock, Haithco :k. Real Estate, BUY your winter Overcoat from Moretz Whitener Clothing Co. UfllfiiTEAD'S is prepared 10 sup ply your wants in tin and enam eled ware. SOME desirable property in East ern part of town put on sale to day. (food value. Haithcock, cock, the Real Estate Man. Phone 232 and 261. FOR a good meal or a lunch at all hours go'to the Hotel Marshall Cafe. Open day and night. At present the best sight in town is our HANDSOME STOCK OF HOLIDAY GOODS which includes the pick of the market in Bright, Fresh New Styles and novelties for Christmas season and we are waiting to show it to you.' OUR store will be open at nights from now until Christmas day. Umstead's. HANDSOME corner store room for rent. Frontage 24 feet. Length, 100 feet. Story, 14 feet, Situated in Newton on East cor ner square under Virginia Shipp Hotel. Electric Lighted. Best location in county. Apply to Mrs. V. F. Shipp. Newton, N. C. If you will look carefully over the "List of Suggestions" by the Morrison Bros. Co., in this pa per you will be reminded of the handsome present you want for your friends.. Don't take any chance in buy ing. your Xmas presents. Our large stock will meet the most exacting demands of the most fastidious shopper. The Morrison Bros. Co. Hickory, N. C. EAST side, West side, all around the town. Haithccck Real Es tate. DWELLING houses, vacant lots, business properties manufacto ries, farrqs, anything in real es tate. Haithcock, the real estate man. SAYS I bought it, meaning prop erty No. 7, from Haithcock few days ago a s—, and would not take s2oo for my trade Stock-hold°rs Meeting. The annual stock-holders meet ing of the First National Bank, of Hickory, N. C., will be held at their office Tuesday, Jan. Bth, 1907, at 9 a, m. sharp. K. C. MENZIES, Mr. Frank Foard, a former student of Lenoir College, was in the city Monday and Tuesday. When you think of buying real estate just look up Jones & Mattocks advertisement in this paper. You can always find them quot'ng you prices orv val uable property in and around Hickory. No trouble to find ad. It appears in every issue. LOCAL AND PERSONAL - Mr. B. A. Kluttz JpentSplur c'ay at Connelly springs oi busi n ss. U. W. Roi mough, of Morgan tin, spent a few days in the city 1 ist week. If you want ar handsome skirt or shirt waist for Xmas go to Mrs. A. P. Whitener. Dr. C. A. Munroe will preach in the Presbyterian church Sun day morning and evening. The Morrison Bros. Co. will give Diamond Ring: coupons with every fifty cent purchase at thiir store. % - Mr. J. L, Riddle has just com pleted a very handsome little birn near the Henkle Live Stock Co's. stable. Miss Hattie Hoke, of Taylors yille, has trken a position with the Morrison Co. , as sales lady. The Lenoir College students lift for their respective homes Tuesday and Wednesday for the Ho lidays. The Hfclcory Grocery Com pany have a very nice office since moving their offtee to the front of the building. Farmers and Merchants Bank will open business in the Vir ginia Shipp building, Newton, N. C., Feb. 1, 1907. If you want to see old Santa Claus himself call at the New ton Hosiery Mills Store, New ton, and ask for the manager. Col. Thornton says everything is working all right for the de velopment of the electric plant aid it will materialize next year. ! During the holidays you can buy goods from Mrs. A. P. Whitener, the milliner, at one third reduced price. See her beautiful stock of ladies hats,etc. Mr. J. W. Pope, of Newton was in the city Monday, He came in and had the Democrat sent to him a year as many oth ers are doing. • J Mr. R. R. Williams, a promi, nent young lawyer of Newton and superintendent of schools of Catawba county, will, after Jan. Ist, locate in Asheville for the practice of law. The members of the W. C. T. U., of Hickory, will send a Christmas Box to the inmates of the County Home. If any one who does not belong to the or ganization wishes to send a con tribution it can be lefc at Moretz's store on the 24th. Mr. D. H. Warlick, of Granite Falls, spent Tuesday in Hickory. He says the bank of Granite is doing a nice business, already large deposits made and fine prospects for much larger in the near future. Also states the Dudloy Shoals Cotton mill be ready to work the new crop of 1907. t * Rev. L S. Moody preached in Lenoir Sunday. Mr. J. H. Patrick spent Sun day in the city. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. (Jline are i i New York for a week. □Mr J. A. Stewart, of Hende - ville, with the Hickory Gic ce y Co. , Rev. W. R. Gwaltney is spend ing a few days over in Alexan-, ler county. E. F. Reid, G. P. A. of tne C. & N.-W. Ry. spent a part of Monday in the city. • Mr. H, Rodgers, of Chatta nooga, is in the citv visiting: his son, Mr, Jacob Rodgers. • Mr. and Mrs, Charles Weaver, of Davenport College, Lenoir, were in Hickory this week. The children say- they hope Santa Clays will not attempt to come on the Southern railway. If you wish to know who Is to be married, or where Cupid's ar row fell, read the Claremont Col lege notes. We hope our subscribers will all come in and renew the first of the year and save us sending out abatements. We are glad to learn that Mr, i A. H. Parker, who has been cor finerl with rheumatism for a few days, is some better. Miss Bessie Little, of Hickory, who was visiting her uncle, Mr. |R. K. Black, was called home I Wednesday by the illness of her ! father. Times. I * ( The Singer Sewing Machine Co., will occupv their new quar ters in Hickory January Ist. They have rented the new Rus sell building. Mr. "Kirk, the glever manager, was here Mon day. j A communication from Rev. C. W. Trawick who is now at Crav-\ mont, Black Mountain, for a I rest states, "lam making very satisfactory progress. Have gained 3 pounds in 4 days. 1 ' His many friends will be rejoiced to I hear this. The Democrat will be open all during the holidays,call in and tell us what Santa Claus brought you, or you can leave your order for job printing and subscription for the Democrat and get on the band wagon for 1907. We spec ially invite those who are behind on subscription, don't fail to come. Now in order that we all enjoy Christmas and a visit from old Santa Claus together, you will not have to forget to pay what you are due us on back subscrip tion. We have spent all the money that we might have had for Xmas sending you The Dem ocrat for the past years. Now our money is gone and you have been getting the paper and we hop 3 you have enjoyed it and will now let us have this much needed money and amount due us at once. "WE DEAL IN DIRT" Buy a residence and give your wife a Christmas Present worth having. HOUSES AND LOTS 6 ROOM HOUSE, in East Hickory, New, in good condition,cor ner lot and fruit trees, very desirable - $l2OO 3 ROOM HOUSE, near center of town, fair condition, nicely ceiled, good fire places. Lot 100x200. Garden $7OO 10 ROOM HOUSE, Shuford Ave., three minutes walk from Post office' house finished in hardwood throughout. An ideal lo cation for a physician ' - $3250 4 ROOM HOUSE, North Hickory, new and in good condition, a bargain at • - $6OO 6 ROOM HOUSE, Heights, Lot 10Qx200 with one acre additional. This house is built of carefully selected * lumber, and each room is beautifully finished. It will be worth your while to look at it - $lBOO 6 ROOM HOUSE, North Hickory, together with 3 acres of land. Good barn, corn crib and outhouses $lBOO 3 ROOM HOUSE, 4 1-4 acres land just outside city limits on - Brookford road. 25 fruit trees. Good spring of water $650 3 ROOM HOUSE, South Hickoiy. Good condition, nicely paint ed, 1 3-4 acres land. Look at it and you will buy $6OO 4 ROOM HOUSE, corner lot, Lincolnton St., five minutes walk from post office - $l2OO 5 ROOM HOUSE, near center of town. In good condition.Large lot. Very desirable - $l4OO OR BUY A LOT AND BUILD YOUTSELF A NICE HOME. SUILDING PROPERTY. 7 1-2 ACRES on Brookford and Shell streets, contains nine de sirable building sites. Land is watered bv branch. Crop ex cepted, « - JsBso 1-2 ACRE eomer lot just outside city limits on Brookford road, very desirable. ' - - $lOO 5 ACRES undivided city property. Land lies well and would make an ideal dairv proposition - $l3OO 3-4 ACRE rear Lenoir Collet et One -of the most desirable lots we ha e - - $250 3 1-2 ACRES onHoneford Heights. Oocupiesthe top of a beau ful ridge. 9 beautiful lots, besides 6 rcom/nouse 4 good barn, corn crib and outhouses « - $lBOO ■ 2 LOTS each 50x195 feet, Campbell plan, very desirable. $B5 4 LQTS South Shell St., each 50x182 ft. Something cheap $3O 4 BLOCKS from Graded school is a corner lot 150x200x112, which we ean sell you for - $250 5 LOTS beautifully located each 100x300, range in price from $75 to $l5O each, or will dispose of tract as a whole for $5OO 1 LOT only 100x200, close in, purchaser must agree to put Nip nice residence $6OO 3 LOTS 100x200. Residence section, convenient to center of town, each * - $550 10 ACRES unimproved. 1-2 mile from city limits, 5 acres wood land, balamce in cultivation.Can be cut up into nice lots $5OO Jones and Mattocks Phone 225 - Hickory, N. C. H.JJJHJ 1 - . . ■ . . . IJ 'i. « i» iin M FARHERS Open an account with us and grow with a growing Bank. The prosper ous and influential men of all com munities are the men who carry bank accounts. The smallest depositor here receives the same courtesy and consideration as the largest. If there is anything you do not un derstand about the banking business* come in and let us explain it to you. The Hickory Banking & Trust Co