For Twenty-one Years Royster's Fertilizers have been the standard TRADE MARK because they are made from honest materials. JY * See that the trade mark AEGisTERto * s on every bag. None - genuine without it. - . 1- ' F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO., Norfolk, Va. CONOVER NEWS. Postmaster John L. Isenhower suffered a severe fall from a stumbling horse on Saturday, the fifth. He is attending to busi ness again. Capt. P. W. Carpenter, one day lately, slipped on the sloap ing gangway in rear of Lester Hunsucker's hardware store. The hurt seems not to be serious. Mr. Hunsucker is refitting his selv ing so as to enlarge his stock. Our washed sidewalks and streets have to some extent been repaired. The mighty Roosevelt does a good thing now and then, as when he dismissed from the army ihose negroes who would not tell who did the shooting. What is a commander-in-chief for, if may not act in an emer gency? A professor has been secured for the chair of English in Con cordia College. The second call was made by the board of elec tors, before one accepted. He is said t! be a good man, and is expected by February first. Prof. J. S. Koiner is filling the vacan cy until he arrives. Two married young men, named Bracket, have removed to Conover. They make and repair jewelry, watches, etc. Gen. Robert Edward Lee de cided to stand with his native state, when the Civil war came on. He loved the United States; but when the issue came, he loved Virginia more. He knew the danger and trials and mis cries he must meet. But duty, as he saw it, compelled him. He wrote his son, soon after decid ing;: "Puty is the sublimest word in our language." GRANITE FALLS. Granite Falls, Jan. 17.—We have a few items that we hope will find the way in your columns or at least not to the waste bas- ] ket, where we suppose our last one went or at least it was not put in the columns of The Dem ocrat so were loth to write again so soon but we will try and give you the best we have in town. Mr. J. W. Whisnant and Miss Mamie Dixon, of Wake Forest College, were married the 2nd inst. Thev spent several days with Mr«D. A. Whisnant. father of the groom, and left for Lenoir their future home. Mr. Raby Conway and Miss Amanda Ennas were married a few days since. Mr. J. A. Turnmire will move to Drexel in a few days. Work is being pushed right along on the new cotton mill at Dudley Shoals and it will not be many months until we will have three cotton mills near our little town. Dr. Donnelly is visiting frienc's ai;d relatives in town after spending several years in Ore gon. The Virginia Bridge Co., is building another bridge across the Catawba a few miles up the river at a point about opposite Rutherford College, Mr. A. M. Martin, cur clever depot agent, has moved into the new depot at last. ' Miss Bessie Payne, of Hickory, is visiting Miss Maud Allred. We will soon have a band in in good Working order under the master hand of Prof. Barb, of Hickory, who is here two or three nigh's weekly, giving them les sons. They will be ready for business by the time summer opens with its picnics, etc. Letter From Rusticus. While Rusticus was standing upon the mountain top of time taking a general survey of the old world of ours, found it to be a very curious old concern and too found it to compose of many men of many minds and opinions. Also found it composed of many politicians with an enormous ! bundle of public opinions rela tive to general affairs of curs all governmental plans to carry out all those plans that will make a successful government in all of its different departments and operations. Tnese many politi cians all seeking to get a pull at pie. When they want to stir up a xreat and importaiif matter it seams that old Pitchfork Ben Ti Jman 'gets after them with his old pitchfork and stirs them around'awhi,le and does not care ' who it hits or when it pierces them, but he wants them feel it. It seems that our Bob, the gov ernor, is after Blackburn with a sharp stick to "stir him up a lit tle," as the old dutchman said bring him to his senses. Since the different legislators are in session of the many differ ent states we suppose they have introduced a bill to ehange Jan uary to June since it has turned so warm for the past few days, so as to run the thermometer up to 30 degrees in the shade. Why it is so warm that it makes the li ezards hop up and down on the fence rail There are many men of the opinion that the government ad ministration has something to do with the ratlnglof the price of cotton and -other produce. Tht manv co-ton factories that have sprurg up in the different sec tions of the country are the lead ing cause of the great consump tion of cotton, and the great amount it takes to run all those fictories. After che war, Ca tawb? countyhad [only one cot ton factorv —to-day it has ten. And the consumption of cotton is nine times more than it was then, and so it is at other points of the county. Take, for instance, Gastonia, Tenys Mountain and manv other places where cotton factories have sprung up, where there were none at the close of the Civil war, and this ought to con vince any sane mind that it is the demand and consumption of it that makes the price of cotton. Of course, they say that the country is in a prosperous condi tion, and that prosperity ifc bringing a fair price. So it is, but if you will make a thorough examination of/the fact you will find that the greater portion it done on piper. If you will make a close examination yot will find their money is rathei scarce it the country among the common people. A great many who have property for sale hold the money between their thumbs and fingers and have no necessi ty to pass it out. * Real estate is so high and everything in proportion that .he common class of farmer* cannot reach it. Then there i an iinpjrtmt int that S barrier to the comrtpn cla?s o papier The Homestead h-.s damaged their credit. It is im possible lor them to buy in towi unless they maHe a mortgage o: ; same property to secure thai debt and hence, if you examine the court record you certainly will be astonished to find the .country in a bad shape, Wt hope the legislature will repeal this o leous homestead. It is quietly rumored that one oi Lenoir's prominent Lawyers and one of her splendid young worn en are to be married at an early date. No cards are Out yet and we are not at liberty to give names and date. —Topic. The friends of Mr. R. W. Rosebrough, will deeply'sympa thize with him in the death of his mother in Hickory last week. Mrs. Rosebrough was ajnost es timable .woman and will be sadly missed in her home town. News-Herald. Miss Hattie Hoke, spent Sun [day with home folks near the Springs. Southern Senators and Repi e sentatives are united in favor of the proposition to appropriate $50,000 to be expo Ted by the j Department of Commerce and Labor in sending special agents to fore g i countries to develop la-gar markets for American cot ton goods. Although the export sales of American-made cottoft goods have increased materially in recent years, it is a well kaown fact that this increase has not been as rapid as it might have been had the foreign mark ets looked after intelligent ly. This is espeaially true of the S>ur,lv American markets gener ally and also of some of those in the ' Orient notably Jan—and there is no doubt that the send ing of special agents to these countries will lead to largely in creased sales—especially of the grades of goods, generally manu factured in Southern mills. They Stand Alone. Standing out in bold relief, all alone, and as a conspicuous example of open frauk and honest dealing with the sicu and afflicted, are Dr. Pierce's Favontt Inscription for weak, ever-worked, de bilitated, UC-VOL.;, IRUN-UOWN," pajL racked women, and Dr. Pierce 8 Golden Medical Discovery, the famous remedy for weak stomach, indigestion, or dys pepsia, torpid liver, or bilioueneM, all t utarrbal affections whether of the stomach, bowels, kidneys, bladder, nasal passages, throat, bronchia, or other mu cous passages, also as an effective remedy for all diseases arising from thin, watery or impure blood, as scrofulous and skin affections. . ~ , Each bottle-of the above medicines "jears upon its wrapper a badge of hon ~sty in the full list of ingredients com posing it —printed in plain English. L'his frank and open publicity places those medicines in a class all ay theny set ves and is the best guaranty of their merits. They cannot be classed as patent nor secret medicines for they are neither —being of ktunvn a/mposition. Dr. Pierce feels that he con afford to take the afflicted into his full confident; and lay all thfr ingredients of his mcdi -inos freely before them because theri ingredients are such as are endorsed and most strongly praised by scores of the most eminent medical writers as cures for the diseases for which these medi cines are recommended. Therefore, the afflicted do not have to rely alone upen Dr. Pierce's recommendation as to the curative value of his medicines for oer tain easily recognized diseases. A glance at the printed formula on each bottle will fhow that no alcohol and no harmful or babit-forfaing drugs enter into Dr. Pierce's mudicines, they being wholly compounded of glyceric extract? of the roots of native, American forest plants. These are best and kafest foi the cure of most lingering, chronic dl« eases. Dr. R. V. Pierce can be consulted FRKR, by addressing him at Buffalo N. Y. t and all communications are re garded as sacredly confidential. It is as easy to be well as ill and much more comfortable. Constipation if the cause of many forms of illness. Di Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipa tion. Thev are tiny, snsar-crsted gran ules. One little "Pellet" is a gentle laxa tive, two a mild cathartic. All dealers IF medicines sell them. Is the Moon Inhabited. Science has proven that the moon has an atmosphere, which makes life n some form possible on that satellite; but not for human beings, who have a hard enough time on this earth of oars; especially those who don't know that Electric Bitters cure Headache, Bil iousness, Malaria, Chills and Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Torpid Liver, Kidney complaints, General Debility and Female weaknesses. Une qualled as a general Tonfc and Appe tizer for weak persons and especially for the aged. It induces sound sleep. Ful y guaranteed by C. M. Shuford nd IE. B. Menzies' Druggist. Price only 50c. \\ Woocfa S~ds |7 if Seed \ RedeMted) UdtS Stocks. We have thousands of bushels in stock, selected from the best crops grown in this country; all the best and most productive kinds: >3 Burt, or 90-Day, d P Black Tartarian, Swedish Select Red Rust Proot White and Black Spring, Vir ginia Gray Winter, etc. Write for prices. WOOD'S IEV SKD BOOK fir 1907 \ tells all about Seed Oats and all \ Farm and Garden Seeds. Muled / \\ free on request. II \ T.W.Wori&Sons, Sudsmen,/ J) RICHMOND, . VA. & TIMBER LAND WANTED If you have timber lands for sale, write us. We have a num ber of customers for. large and small tracts of good pine and hard wood timber. Give price and full particulars aa to kind, j quantity, distance from railroad, 1 etc. VENABLE & FORD, I * Lynchburg, Va. A Lucky Postmistress. [s Mfs. Alexander, of Cary, Me., who has found Dr. New Life Pills to b- the best remedy she ever tried for keeping ihc Stomach, Liver and Hotels BJW.IS ii order. Yoa' agree with her if you try these painles* purifiefi that infuse new life. .Guaran teed by C. M. Sbvford and E. B. Menzies' Druggist. Price 25c Devil's Island Torture is no worse than the terrible case of Piles that afflicted n e 10 years. Then 1 was adv'sed to ap: ly Bucklen's Ar nica Salve, and less than a box per manently cured me, writes L, S, Na' pier, of Rugles, Dy. Heals all wounds, Burna and Sores like magic. 25c at C. M. Shuford and E. B. Menzies' druggist. I CONSUMPTION PREVENTABLE PI6I>FBCnO. -« 1 »0 ItTANT. lUtnlt, Obtained la n Ury Institution The importance of disinfection S* show by the resuV obtaiael at W Urook'yr Home for (Jocu r.ptlves, the finest iu»L*u t;on of the kind 4 n Now York. A letter from the President id quoted "We have two.l Flat U* Chlorides In the Brooklyn 11 "> for C for more than ten yea**, an* "u-l it not on*v a com fort but a L'iiruugh Ife use we tefy the go!*ul j vc jake auy inn iids oa oe iiures an • ..•urtSrf**"' wl»o are in 001 ttant attoTi''* n 4' ai v.i. »-(* bun dra'. of wl .»!u ft e u w iu j iu>j uliou. Juftnurse iuk b vj. tjvv ; W' H o. to teu J earh, aseix,ud ui-io t a- Jo t : u -«i .sot one person over emplo * J i: t 0 H >mo ha* c!e /elo;x>* Kne trou *- ;v!- S. V White *rerii lem hlnf •.«. AV.. br joklyu, N Y Pla oio: j:h ac. odor. co lor lea; r»id - jfecUiu* whicb remove? an/ fo ing m. er a. q*u» -ft* t, - last an *mii. .» n. r— duu.* * can be obuiinet. at nil '*■ rug> .~fcß Hickory Lutheran Church. • Gentlemen! We want to donate some L. &to Paint to your church whenever they * paint. The largest Methodist church in Georgia expected to use 100 gallons of the usual kind of paint, they only used 32 gallons L, & M. mixed with 24 .gallons Linseed Oil. It costs less to paint a house with L. &M. than with other paint, be cause painter mixes Linseeu Oil fresh" from the barrell at 60 cents a gallon with v & M., and doesn't pay $1.50 per gallon for Linseed Oil as done if reaiy-for use paint is used. Also be cause the L. & M. Zinc hardens the L. & M. White Lead and makes tht paint wear like iron. Actual oost L. & M. about SI.2C per gallon. Sold by Shuford Hardware Co. LEGAL NOTICE. Notice is hereby giver that ap plication will be made to the General Assembly of North Car olina at its next session for a supplemental amendment to the charter of the Hickory Railway & Pvwer Company so as to in clude of said railway run ing fr~>m Hickory to Erookford, and from Hickory to" Penelope, md from Hickory "to Lincolnton, and from Hickory to Shelby, and from Hickory to Catawba river, and from Catawba river to Tay iorsville, and from Taylorsville to Wilkesboro, and thence over he turnpike to Jefferson; on the u>p of the Blue Ridge, a*ong the ■outhwesc corner of Flat Top r and from Jefferson to Boone, and from Boone to Plowing Rock,and for other p-irpos s. 'lickor *, N. C., M. E. THORNTON, President. Human Blood Marks A tale of horror was told by marks ->f human blood in the home of J. W. Williams, a well known merchant of Bac, Ky. He writes: "Twenty years ago I had severe hemorrhages of the lungs, and was near death when I be gan taking Dr. King's New Discovery. It completely cured me and I have re mained well ever since."' It cure: Hemorrhages, Chronic Coughs, Settles Colds and Bronchitis, and is the onl} known cure for Weak Lungs. Ever} bottle guaranteed by C. M. Shuforc ind E. B. Menzies' Druggist. 50c rod sl. Trialbottle free. * "w. ..... • ► " ... \ The Prescriph'onist '''■" J. .. ' y '■ , /;" / The man who does the weighing the measuring— who knows the technical points of compounding prescriptions —the man 011 whom everything depends. We never loose sight of our responsibility for a momert i«. prescription filling. Every prescription leavir.g our store is fault less in its purity and accuracy. You may feel "sure" when it filled here Walter S. Martin & Company, j)ru^ists Hickory, N. C. 1 Groceries for the | FAMILY i ■ When you order your groceries from us they \ come up right. We are in a position 1o fill your \ every -want, and if we do not have the articles in 4 stock will be glad to go out and get them for you. f It is our purpose to furnisn everything in this line that our customers call on us for. Call No. 165 when you want to get every advantage that can # be give i a grocery buyer. All orders promptly delivered. Morton & Peterson. HICKORY, N. C. Tlie Old Reliable. I Our new Spring stock of Clothing is £ arriving fast and we want to show li you through our line whether you buy M or not- We sell Clothing for nearly ft one-half what it will cost you at other S places, m SHOES, SHOES. | The best line in the city. We han- P die General Merchandise. M all on us for bargains. |S Seizor (§r Russell, ♦ HICKORY, N. C. Before You Buy f 'on't fail to see my line of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Ha'.s and kinds of Under wear for winter. Also handle -GROCERIES and COUNTRY PRODUCE. * , -v. . Don't fail to see my line before you buy. Yours'truly, W. G. FOX HickoryC.