Business Builders Advertisements inserted under thi head at 5 cent 9 a line for each insertio WOODS and Buists garden seed and field seed at The Hall Co. FARM for sale—l 73 acres, 31 river bottom. Known as the Abl geitz place. Campbell & Buchanar SEE the new embroideries at j, A. Bowles. NOT too late to buy a new Over coat, and you get them cheap ari Moretz-Whitener Clo. Co. k «■ WANTED— For U. S. Army able bodied, unmarried men, betweer ages ol ji and 35, citizens of United Slates, ol good character and temperate Ivdbits.wbc can speak, read and write EngKsJt. Foi information apply to Officer, 15 West Trade St., Charlotte N. C.; 4c S. Main St.,Aslieville, N. Build ing, Hickory, N. C., or G).eaa Building Spartanburg. S. C.; or and Conver's Building. Greenville, S. C. LOST—Breast pni, set with pearls, with diamond in center. \ reward of $5 will be paiil to the finder by returning same to Mrs C. L. Barker at Rotel Marshall FARM for Sale—36 acres, three miles from Hickory. Very good building. Will sell cheap. Campbell and Buchanan. NEW spring white goods in a great variety ofj patterns at J. A Bowles. WANTED-White girls for waitresses. Apply to Hickory Inn. YOUNG, or old men, can ahvavs find a hat to please them at Moretz-Whitener Clo. Co. FOR Sale—Three houses and lots in West Hickory, at the rierht price, Campbell & Buch anan, Persians Lawns, 40 inches wide at 10 cents yard up, at J. A. Bowles. YOUR CHOICE OP FOUR VAL UABLE LOTS. One only for sal«. You will want a nice residence on Shell street next summer. Buy a lot now, and be ready to build when spring opens. Apply to RUFUS F. HOFFMAN. TRY the "Walk-Over" Shoes, $4 in all the new lasts for young men. Moretz-Whitener Clo. Co. FOR Sale—B room house closeto Piedmont Shops—a very fine residence. Campbell & Buchanan. COTTON Batting at 8c pound at J. A. Bowles. 10,000 MINK SKINS WANTED AS ONCE. Highest prices ever known will be paid for immediate shipments. Address A. E. Burkhardt, D 73, Cincinnati, O. A six room house near W. P. Huffman's for sale by Campbell & Buchanan. PIGS at reasonable prices at Edgewood Farm. Naw ready for delivery. Both pure and cross bred Berkshires, FOR SALE—A mule. Call at the Morrison Bros. Co. Bobinet and all over laces for waists, at J. A. Bowles. ALL wool blankets ten and elev en quarter at the Hall Co. Store. m n >*• I— ■ ■ FOR Sale— Two vacant lots on Watauga St If you want one, see Campbell & Buchanan. WANTED —White girls for wait resses. Apply to Hiokory Inn. SPECIALLY desired for tlieU. S. Army —Both white and colored recruits are very much desired for Infantry and Cav alry Regiments designated for service in the Philippine Islands. This service af fords an excellent opportunity to young men of seeing the world. For foil infor mation apply to RECRUITING OFFICER, U. S. Army, Hickory. WILL sell cheap several vacant lots on Horseford Heights. Campbell & Buchanan. NEW percales at J. A. Bowles. _ , AND PERSONAL 1 Band concert at Huffman's Academy of Music Feb. 7th. Mr. Walkier Lyerly, of Bridge tfacer, was An theeity Sunday. Mr. J. L. Cfurou, of Valdese, spent the weekr's end in the city. Band Concert at Acaderi?y of Music Thursday evening, F'O*?- 7th. - „ Mr. Jones, the real estate man, spent Monday in Lenoir on busi ness. Master Decorcy Coiner, of Statesville, spent Sunday with Master Hubert Howard. Mr. J. F. Miller was in town Sunday and Monday with home folks. For early garden seed it will be to your interest to see H. T. Mayes, West Hickory. Miss Lilly Hawn left Friday for St. Petersburg, Fla., where she will spend the winter. P. P. Jones has purchased a house and lot belonging to Mr. P. York in West Hickory. Con sideration $lOOO. Rev. J. L. Murphy assisted Rev. W. W. RoWe in a meeting at Rockwell last Sunday. He returned home Monday. Miss Erma Bailey returned to her home in Winston-Salem Mon day after spending two weeks here with the Misses Rosebor ough. Mrs. S. F. Watson is building a new home on the lot joining the one on which she lives. This will be a beautiful cottage when completed. We noticed on the platform here Monday an autimobile di rected to Mr. J. E. Mattocks, Lenoir. He sell the earth and get orer it in a hurry. Mr. R. F. Hendley left Tues- ' day for Greenwood, S. C., where he will take charge of a branch house for the Singer Sewing Ma- ' chine Co. A. J. Edmisten, formerly of , Blowing Rock, but now proprie tor of a hotel in Hickory, writes that he is well pleased with his new location. —Wautauga Demo- 1 crat. J. Edgar Poag, broker, real i estate dealer of Rock Hill, S. C., 1 has a few proposition® to submit « to the people. Some real values ] of cnoice property in Hickory and , Catawba county. Rev. R. L. Patton, of Morgan- , ton, preached a moat excellent ; sermon on the subject of foreign ] mission in the Methodist church 1 Sunday morning. He preached at the Baptist church at night. ( The Lord had the right idea 1 when he made man./ He said it was not good for • man to be alone, but had he made more than one wife for Adam . there would have been more trouble than there was in the shade of that old apple tree. We do not pretend to say where they get liquor or wheth er it is easier gotten now than it has been. But more folks carry ing a full load-of/it have been seen abont tUe streets recently than for 9. long time. Some of them don't get arrested but some have been seen! the pasc few days just able to navigate. * - Chief Jones informs us that! the boys at Lertoir and Morgan-1 ton that were put under a $400; boncC being charged with go ing into Mr. W. ;G. Fox's store on Saturday night with Charlie Stevenson and Earl Wilfong have been released. Stevenson and Wilfoog now say these boys were not with them. They named {hail because they were scared when arrested. Congressman E. Y. Webb sends us this note from Wash ington, D. C., under the date of Jan, 22: You will oblfee me greadtly by stating in you -paper that all per sons desiring free vegtable seed can obtain &aj ne by writing to me. Cotton market Hickory eleven cents to-day. Mr. Jake Childs, of Lenoir, was here Wednesday. Mr. S. D. Houck, of Newton, was here Wednesday. Don't forget the date of If he Band Concert, Feb. seventh. ' Mrs. L. R. Walton, of Lincaln ' ton, is visiting Mrs. S. F. Wat son. Henkel Live Stock Co., will w * 10° head of horses and mute in next week ' court week. v„. •„ , fee band con- You will hear a, %jNmetal . cert some of the b. vio ent in voice, piano, re* lin, etc. The great bargain sale of n . Hickory Mercantile Co., will co tinue to Feb. 12th. Some of the biggest bargains yet offered. Campbell & Buchanan have a lots of real estate for sale. If you want to buy it will pay you to see them. Mr. Chas. F. Creswell, of Charlotte, spent a few days here this week with Mr. J. H. Aikin game shooting. Mrs. F. B. Gwin exptcts to leave next week for Washington, D. C., where she will take her baby to the Childrens, Hospital for treatment. Mr. R, C. Gilbert, of "Atlanta, has moved his family to Hick ory. (They occupy a house on Richardson street. Mr. Gilbert will have a position in tlie freight depot The Legislature will probably be asked to pass an act increas ing the pay of jurors and wit nesses in the Superior Courts of the State. The pay is too small and we think some provision should be made to increase it. - We have been requested ta an nounce chat the Rev. Dr. J. H_ Weaver will preach in the Meth- i odist charoh Sunday evening at seven o'clock. Altaj*e cordially invited out to hear him. The quarterly conference will be held Monday. - •- • Don't teach your children that it is a shame to wear worn and patched clothes if you are not able to afford better, butjthat it is no honor in wearing new ones that are not paid for. A poet said, "Remember, that rags may cover a boy, who will some day be the great world's joy." If there is one thing more than another in our experience in pub lishing a local newspaper that makes us tired, it is the prac tice of some that tell us that we must not say anything about this or that thing that has happened. There are two sides to every question and it would be a very easy matter to formulate a rea son why a pap*r should not re | port everything.. At the Reformed Church. Dr. Murphy will preach in the Reformed church next Sunday | morning and night. His sub ject in the morning will be; "God bless our home." At night he will speak on the subject; "Thou shalt not tell a lie. "These sermons will be a continuance of the series of sermons on practi cal subjects being preached by Dr. Murphy. The last one was on "Fault-Finding" and elicited much interest from those who heard it. Band Concert. There will be a Band Concert at Huffman's Academy of Music Thursday evening, Feb. 7th. This concert promises to be one of the best ever given by the Southern Symphony Band. In - addition to the music by the band the Oak View Orchestra, consist ing of fifteen pieces, wiH render a number of selections. Besides the music by the band and orchestra, the usual number of specialties will appear in the program, such as piano, voice, violin, reading, etc. 1 Don't forget the date, Thurs day, Feb. 7th. Ezpsrisnce and Preparation aw fteceasarj ttws !or I j Here is Where W1 j W e have the Experienoe and ften, we don't haaitate to invest JU L We tell the people far and , jiave to offer. That's one reasmfaglljg:.. J 1 [handle the business. And Hi, rfittuer reason: \ II Are Workers aI Quitters. 11 Wk*■«*• toUowin * I e > fferms inthiß«sminty, and then te .p:| l "S .you want 0 ka®* the * J , . / liv niahpd to us by the ; , \ '* eSeh fB )>® fanuabed to othee, ai» 1 W,M 1 - IX.J.■ :J . ■*?, r -. »,,/$ 4 I •Wfeyfi upon request. wy . . •'P«lc.,Q U otSdr sWS ' ! ' MI tions. * A this is only our list in ti.. ' • compete ' is f > £f» r °»erin«s in different . and states w. _ furn,shed on application to „ Rock Hill office * - Catawba bounty Property. No. 831. 117 acres 5 n * ttewton, church and school 1 mile, 50 cultivated, 64 tinu Sc f' *° n » rolling, orchard, log j house, barn, fine wheat farm, t. #(ortl> 11,200 to $1,500, fine springs. Per acre * " $3O No. 879.—260 acres 4 miles of HHdefecan, church and school j 3 1-2 miles, 50 cultivated, 200 timber,' gray boil' 1,500 fruit j tiees, diversified, 5 room house r ibarn, 4 branches, can be cut in to small tracts. - * $3,000 Ne. 881. —7-room lot i00x325 ft., Moore street, Hickory, good well, could be sold for business lots $4,000 No. 882. —3 lots] 25x100 ft. each, on iancolnton street, Hic kory, near depot, nice business lots . - $3,750 No. 883.-8 room dwelling on 1-acre lot, Church street,Clare mont, orchard, barn, well and milk house, garden, all fenced. e Price - . * $1,500 For any fuither information in regard to this property apply to >our local representatives, Morrison Bros., Hickoiy, N. C. When it Comes to Auction Sales. We have the County guessing. We have our own Auctioneer, •and a good onp he is; knows how to get all there is in the crowd. We also have our own Surveyor to survey property and lay it off iinto small tracts-, large farms into smaller ones. Small jjrogesi- i tions sell best. v i f§ . Let us knoW your wants in this line. We are | lion to give you the best service possible, as we are $ adding improvements. We haye several Auction Sales booked , i lor the near future. I You can buy property from us and leave it to be resold for profits. S J. EDGAR POAG, Broker. ] Rock Hill, South Carolina. | "Cuts the Earth to Suit Your Taste." j Farms for Sale in Catawba Co | THE ALLEY FARM — 500 acres, 5 miles south of Catawba Station; 50 acres bottom, three good dwellings, three tenant houses, mostly level, red clay- sub-soil. Well adapted to cotton # wheat and corn. Price $l5 per acre. 168 acres, 2 miles north of Catawba Station; 30 acres bottom, two story eight-room brick building, good average out-buildings, good orchard, well watered, 75 acres open land, well adoDted to wheat, cotton and corn. 4 f > 125 acres, 2 miles from Catawba Station; good barn, fair dueli ng 65 acres open land on which 30 acres are good bottom. One tenant house. All open land fairly well improved. For prices and further particulars, apply to R. V.BRAWLEY, Real Estate Agent Statesville, N. C. i- P ! '- • ' ■y *" *■ " ■ I "WE DEAL IN DIRT" L WE CAN BIJYERFOR YOUR PROPER XY. LOOK AT THIS LIST. 1 HOUSES AND LOTS 13 ROOM HOUSE. percenter ,J^ ,,i^° n ' lltlon ' "Jjoo .«•* ; -i flrood fire plaices. Lot 100x2UU. uaraen * • AlO ROOM HOUSE, Sfeaforf Ave l**"j ee . l ® ma *** See'-bouse finikin h^woodttaou t hMt. An Htadta **" to800(1 COndlt '^M 2 R©OM*HOUSE, Hora«ford,Heittits, JM lOO'WO^with^ne *e TOfchcpM » built ol «£*>* "?*£ »i 6 ROOM with 3 mm. oH«nd. I outride tit, limit, on I ' jro 3 5 Good iprin, ol water M5O "- 7 ROOM house, .Morpntoo St., three blocks from bu«me« . If tion tf towi Good-conditioo. Lot 100x320 _ *2OOO 5 ROOM SO*, n«r *« tower. OM «»*«». I. T M nbERN RESIDENCE, one of the most desirable in ffic*ory.v. I' ' Wrodm. «* Went. Eve* «*» ceuvenieZtce. Lot 150x300 ' : 1"' ~AT GttAMTE FALLS. A two »to«y. 12 «om bouse ne«i; cen- > 1 : te a)! town. A good hotel proposition Terns to *uit pm-- JMJ. 1 ; ") BCilioing PROPERTYJ.^: s^t UtiA Res JJjJJ { s ACh | 3-4 ACUS near i.. |IW g we have | M $3O | 3 1-2 ACRES onHorceforu fj" 2 T • ful ridge. 9 beautiful lots, u Vjirf 0 corn crib and outhouses § 4 LOTS South Shell St., each 50x182 ft. j | 4 BLOCKS from Graded school is a corner > which we ean sell you for - v | 5 LOTS beautifully located-each 100x300, range in ! , Tn l ? wiU dis P° se tract as a who'le *._✓ 1 LOT only 100x200, close in, purchaser must agree to put „ ~ g nice residency H 4 VERY DESIRABLE LOTS 100x200, close in. Purchaser S -» T put up nice residence. - 1600 3 LOTS 100*200. Residence section, convenient to center of jjj town, each . . II VERY DESIRABLE LOT. 100x215, Bridge St.* Residenc. section - $5OO 1 LOT 100x500 Church St. Beautiful buiiding site. Surrounded by nice residence. - _ jj OAKLAND HEIGHTS. Very desirable lot 88x155 $5O Best part of tow n SBOO 1 ' " FARMS ( 10 ACRES unimproved. 1-2 mile from Citv limits. 5 acres | . woodland, balance cultivation. Can be cut up into nice I lots - - • $5OO 64 ACRES in Caldwell county, near Hudson. 34 acres in culti qation, balance .timbej. Hsuse, barn and outhouses $l5OO 300 ACRES, three miles from &enoir. 20 acres bottom. 75 in cultivation, $ dwellings, barns, com cribe and outbuildings. Land weH watered - . $3OOO g ,140 miles from Lenoir. 50 acres bottom, 10 acres timber, 7 room dwelling, good bam and oithouses $3500 40 1-2 ACRES Similes from Lenoir, 32 acres bottom, 5 acres timber; 1 dwelling, bium, com crib and outhouses $lOOO 45 ACRES four miles from JNewton. Six miles from Hickory. Lincolntoa nwd, smatt dwelling, good bam, 20 acres in cul tivation: Balance timbefc Price $2O per acre $9OO I ■ KHi ijl ' J — — mm | We keep open on Tuesday and Saturday nights. I Jones and Mattocks Phone 2%5\ - Hickory, N. C. f->. ' ;, ' » . - * ! ' • : i K * • FARMERS * . ' '"X ' * ' • x % Open an account with us and grow with a growing Bank.£The prosper ous and influential men of all com munities are the men who carry bank accounts. The smallest depositor here receives the same courtesy and consideration as the largest. m If there is anything you do notj un- , derstand about the banking business come in and let us explain it to you. The Hickory Banking 4 Trust Co " •