•" • - • 1' - ' 1 1 ir " ' ' • ' ; 3. '•-■■ ■ . i 1 ===== DO YOU KMOV WHAT IT DOES? = , % It relieves a person of all desire Tl A for strong drink'or drags, restores I lift) his nervous system to its normal ■ 11V | condition, and reinstates a man to ~ his home and business. Keeley For Full Particulars, Ad f Jress I J? f urc The Kee,ey ,nstitute ' " GREENSBORO, N. CAROLINA. Correspondence Confidential. th . ' , • ~ 0\ =^========= ar ai t* — tc ei J\ Is well and interestingly told in Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer free almanac by experts on tobacco farm- ing. The free burning qualities of tobacco are impaired by using impure, inferior and "cheap" fertilizers. ~ ing you with high grade JrJK M/rJI Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers yTfrjp r&M/ Vfil for they contain no ingredients that will • injure your soils like so many other J* guanos. > Use from 500 to 800 lbs. of these fertilizers per acre, according to wpiWriPfi the strength of your soil —and the growth of your tobocco will be hastened forward two or three weeks. Your yield per acre will be greater, and the quality better —larger leaves containing good body and excellent {f finish. Then you will obtain more money for your crop. "W J Get one of our beautiful almanacs. It is free but worth % 1.00 SALES OFFICES: SALES OFFICES: RICHMOND, VA. * ATLANTA, GA. NORFOLK, VA. W SAVANNAH, GA. DOR HAM, N. C. WMMCZTNF&ITWIM MONTGOMERY, ALA. CBMUVRON, S. C. MEMPHIS, TENN. / KWIMDRE, MO. SHAEVEPORT, LA,; "IncreaseiYour, YteMs.FaTAcre/ The Prescriptionist The man who does the weighing, the measuring—who knows the technical points of compounding prescriptions —the man on whom everything depends. We never loose sight of our responsibility for a moment iu prescription filling. Every prescription leaving our store is fault less in its purity and accuracy. You'may feel "sure" when it filled here Walter S. Martin & Company, Druggists Hickory, N. C.— ?or Twenty-one Years "i ■ * •. ? I>v a - - ' ? I ' Royster's Fertilizers i - > k . J / • ./ • -- - .. . N ' - % ■ have'been the standard ~ • tRAoc ham because they are made jSXLhfr°n» honest , materials. See that the trade mark | - RtotsTißEo is on every bag. None I*; \ ' genuine without it \ _ F. S\ ROYSTER GUANO CO., Norfolk, Va, 13 V >•' 1 • , " ~ *» II «■ I Ml. II• x ' bL *"* ' —' I GEORGE WASHINGTON What name so dear to ever£ atriotic American! We honor is memory this week on his nniversaly of his 'birthday. A memory loved and revered y every loyal citizen. Long may le Stars and Stripes emblem of tie Liberty he won for us, wave vera free and happy people, nd many the spirit of truth that nimated him be ours also. Until he next anniversaly, we will try o be first in Stability first in Lib ality, and first in the heart of OUT ustomers. )llnard and Lyerly. CITY BAKfRV 1 J. H. WILLIS, Pr6p. BREAD, CAKES, PIES, CONFECTIONERIES, AND FRUITS. AI.T. OFDFRS DELIVERED J'ROM PTT.Y. Wood's Seeds. Irish Cobbler Seed Potatoes htve proved by long odds the moat productive Extra Early Po tato in cultivation. Read the let ten from truckers, in our New Descriptive Catalogue for 1907. •- We are the largest dealers in Seed Potatoes in the South; _ Maine-grown Second Crop Northern-grown all high-grade stocks selected and grown especially for seed purposes. Write for prices and WOOD'S 1907' SEED BOOK, telling aboot all seeds for the Fc rm and Garden. Mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD t SOIS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. ' - Opie Read. Opie Read is like no on one in else in the world. His very yresents leads a strange encht- Q ment to his stories. You may c j have enjoyen his books in the solitude of yoyr libary; pre- w chance you have been stirred by his plays, or spent delightful Q in the reading of his clever character sketches; but n anless you have sat within the y sounds of his voice, and hearp j ( from his own lips the quain tales that originate in his brain, you 0 lo not fully appreciate the splen- did genius of the. man. On the platform Mr. Read shedes with a a bailliance all his own. Every- f where he is received with enthu- j sisam. The indescribale witch ery of his words, the chaom of his voice and manner, the influ ence of his presonah'ts, combined to waves the music sjjell that j holds his heares enthralled" One minuite roaring wi£h laugh- | ter at some homorous bits the - next sting at the speaker through _ hou, blinding tears, with a feel i 1 ing that you will never smile. ' 'ajcain—only to break into I 1 schreamsof laughter immwiat ely after—you realize that this remarkable man has,.the power to sway his audience at will. Mr. always entertining His program is viried and ore ( number is a gem. In all his readings ee shows himself to be a wonderiuldelineator of charac ter, and an artist in the intery»re tation of his own work, fou may enjoy hearing Opie ilead at the Academy of Music Tuesday evening, Feb. 19th. • Forget the date, and regret it all your life. Below is a specimen of the programs that Mr. Read giv^ o . SPECI 4EN PROGRAM Negro Whims Big Bill and Little Bill Shooting Out the Moon The Bransons Rsad ing Book Reviews- A KENTUCKY COLONT, • Jasper and the Judge FROM Tm DRAMA or IMI 3TA«IUCN» Uncle John bees Richard lIL Paying His Fare To Hurt Your Town. Fight on the street Oppose improvements Mistrust public Men. Run the town down to strangers. Go to some other town to trade. Refuse to advertise in your paper. | Do not invest a cent; lay out your money somewhere else. Be particuly to discredit the motive of public sprited men. Lengthen your face when a stranger speaks of locating in your town. If a man wants to buy. your property ask him two prices for it If he wants anybody's else, interfere and discourages him. Refuse to see the merit in any scheme that doej not exacly"ben. efit you. Run down your newspaper. Run down your offices. , Ran down everybody 'and everything hut Number One. Who doaen't like a good story well told? Opie Read's stories A'ill be repeated in Hickory for /ears. Wouldn't you rather tear him tell them from some one else? In his telling lies half che charm, too. If you want to spend a jolly eve ling, to laugh awap dull aire, :o lose yourself and your than half-imagined troubles in a world of wholesome, nearfy pure fun, spend Tuesday even ing, Feb. 19th., with the King of American Fun-maker, Opie Read. A subscriber writing us from the far west is certainly a fine specimen of a brag. He says: "This is, indeed, a wonderful country. Epry hamlet is a town, every town a city, every farm a ranch, every barnyard a corral, every mound a mountain, and every man a liar." SOCIETY NEWS. , Mrs. T. M. Hufham was host as to the Round Dozen Book ;iub, on Feb. 6th. At the inter hange of opinions on the-books ■ead since the last meeting, it vas evident that the favonte looks are "Coniston," and The harden of Allak.'' The hostess ;hen told of Justus Miles For nan, the author of "Buchanan's Wfe," and gave interestingcrit cisms on this book. Following ;his she read a delightful humor >us selection "A Severed Part nership" from Outing Magazine. The social half hour with its accompaniment of dainty re freshments was thoroughly en joyed. Mrs. C. M. Shuford was-the hostess of the Travellers' Club Feb. 7th. Mrs. John Shuford, ' Mrs. Harvey Geitner and Mrs. Cnarles Geitner were visitors. After quotations from Walter Savage Landor from the mem bers. Mrs. Patrick gave a very interesting account of The Knights Templar. The omission of Mrs. K. C. Menzies' article shortened the program. -Mrs. J. d. Shuford gave the readings **Abou Ben Adhem" and "Life .n Christ's Hospital," Current events and dainty refreshments concluded an enjoyable evening. Wednesday, Feb. 6th, Miss Geitner entertained the Hickory Book Club at her home, all being present except Mrs. E. L. Shu ford. The hostess held the in terest of all by the discussion of her special book Miss Primrose by Gibson. After the general interchange of opinions on all the books. When current events were discussed an adj mrnmeni to :he dining room *wa3 greatly enjoyed with blooming flower; and graceful foliage under tht soft candle light. Mr. M. M. RuJisile of thi Henry Cotton Mills, was hen Saturday v Miss Mary Peeler is in'Charks ton S. C. visiting her brother. \ What Ails Ycut Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, have frequent headaches, coated tongue, bitter or had taste in morning, "heart burn," belching of gas, acid risings in throat after eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred symptoms? If any considerable number of you liver with Indl* Discovery is made up of the most valuable medicinal principles know nto medical science for the pewnanPnt «nire of *iM?h abnormal conditions, ft Is a efficient liver invigorator, stomach tonic, bowel regulator and nerve strengthened The "Golden Medical Discovery " is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum, a full list of its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. A glance at its formula will show tkat It contains no alcohol, or harmful habit-forming drugs. It is a fluid extract made with pure; triple-refined glycerine, -of proper strength, bom the nJOts of the following native American forest plants, viz.. Golden Seal root. Stone root Black ' Cherry bark. Queen's root, Bloodr.-ot, and Mandrake root. * The following leading medical authorities, anion* a host of others, extol the forego!*-7 kk>* s for the cure ot just such ailments as t .•« iV'fe symptoms indicate: Prof. R. Bnrthol.rw. M. D.. of Jefferson Med. College. Phiia : I'rof. H.C Wood. M. D..of Cnlv.of Pa.; ProL Edwin M. Hale. M. D.. of Hahnemann Med. College. ; Chicago: Prof. John King. M. D.. Author of American Dispensatory; Prol Jno. M. Scud-- L d#r. M. D.. Author of Specific Medicines: Prot . Laurence Johnson. M. D.. Med. Dept Univ. of N. V.; Prof. Plnley EUingwood. M. D.. Author of Materia Medica and Prot.in Bennett Medi cal College. Chicago. Send name.and ad dress on Postal Card to Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buf falo. N. Y,. and receive frre booklet giving extracts from writings of all the above wedl cal authors and many others endorsing. Hi the strongest possible terms, each and every in gredient of which "Golden Medical Discov ery - is composed. Dr. Pierre's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. They may be used In conjnnctlon with "Golden Medical Discovery " If. bowels me much con stipated. They're tiny and sugar-coateL j r>y 1 V 'i-t 'Mm ,'Y J . Pl2l THE !o M R njew R Og ORCHERADE g * E A Delicious E fl9 D Blending of p Fruit Juices - * '' l PURE D RKFRCBHINO D KjJB B INVtSORATINO tm KM C ' WHOLES©IBS 6 MANUFACTURED BY Hickory Bot. Works THREE EPOCHS IN A WOMAN'S LIFE MRS> ELVA BARBER EDWARDS There are three critical stages in a woman's life which leave their mark .in her career. The first ot these stages is womanhood, or the change from a care free girl to budding womanhood, The second is motherhood, and the third is Change of Life. Perils surround each of these stages, and most of the misery that comes to women -through ill health dates from one or another of these im- should remember that Cydla B. pf ok ham's Vegetable Compound made from native roots and Herbs has thousands of young girls over •he critical period of puberty, has prepared mothers for childbirth, una in "later years carried them safely through the change of life more suc cessfully than any other remedy in the -vorld. Thousands of testimonials from grateful persons, two of. which are here published, substantiate this fact beyond contradiction. Mrs. George Walters of Woodlawn, 111. writes i Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— "I feel it my duty to tell you of the good Lydia E. Piukham's Vegetable Compound his done me in preparing for childbirth. Tfter suffering and losing my children a friend advised me to try your valuable me dicine, and the result was that I had very ittle inconvenience, a quick recovery and During its long record of more than thirty years its long list of actual cures, entitles Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to the respect and confidence of every fair minded person. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoaad Makes Sick Women Well, * • 1 i w - " | Old Reliable, j sy ■■ u| * Our new Spring stock of Clothing is 1 arriving fast and to show | I you through our line whether you buy 1 1 or not. We sell Clothing for nearly ft ® one-half what it will cost you at other ■ places, « > 1 j | SHOES, SHOES. I The best line in the city. We han- I Sj die General Merchandise. J ■ Call on us for bargains. ■ ' ■ 9 ($* I 9 HICKORY, N. C. a * § ■ • ' ~ % • - • ; . - . •'" v. v Before You Buy . I >on't fail to see my line of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats and kinds of Under wear for winter. Also handle GROCERIES and COUNTRY PRODUCE. Don't fail to see my line before you buy. Yours truly, W. G. FOX Hickory. N, C. j MRS. GEORGE as healthy a child al Can be found any wliera. Lydia E. Einhham's Vegetable Compouuj is a blearing to all expectant mothers/ Mrs. Elva Barber Edwards of Cathlamet. Wash., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— "I want to tell ycta bow Lydia E. Pink barn's Vegetable Compound carried m« th.-ough the critical period of the Chang* of Life without any trouble whatever, also cured me*of a very severe female weakness, I cSnnet say enough in praise of what your medicine has done for me." What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable '] Compound did for Mrs. Walters and Mrs. IJdwards it will do for other wo men in their condition. Every suf fering woman in the United States ■ is asked to accept the following in- j vitation. It is free, will bring you health and may save your life, Mrs. Plfikham's Invitation to Women. Women suffering from any form of j female weakness are invited to promptly oommunicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. From the symptoms given, the trouble may be • located and the quickest and surest way of recovery advised. Out of her vast volume of experience in treating female ills Mrs. Pinkham probably 1 has the very knowledge that wiil J help your case. Her advice is fre' and helpfuL ' _- .MM. •A 1 1 • J »