gggggggggggM *''^' wl ''^ ggggggggggggggggg^ FM " l " M^!gg!eg^ " / r + ===== do YOD KNOW WHAT IT DOES? It relieves a person of all desire for strong drink or drugs, restores I lIP his nervous system to its normal ■ condition, and reinstates a man to - his home and business. Kcdcy For Full Partic H are, Address Cure he e2,ey Institute ' GREENSBORO, N. CAROLINA. Correspondence Confidential. I una 11 You will be satisfied, and so will the buyer of JUf your tobacco if you improve the quality and increase ■IAJ\ m the weight of your tobacco by using 500 to 800 lbs. of ■\frcsjE Virginia=Carolina Fertilizer per acre, ten days before planting. These fertilizers VMHHV give an early start to the plant, which very soon wMET grows large enough to withstand the ravages of insects, y Soils that under ordinary conditions would make a yield jpi 1 of poor, papery tobacco, lacking in gummy or oily matters, will produce a very high type of tobacco by liberally using these fertilizers. Get from your dealer one of Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer W free almanacs. Its a beauty, and full of information on I|§ farming. SALES OFFICES: M\ Richmond, Va. Durham, N. C. Atlanta, Ga. |S| Norfolk, Ya. Charleston, S. C. Ga. |||H Baltimore, Md. Montgomery, Ala. HBnV Memphis, Tcsm. Shreveport, La. Your Yields Per F 1 1 1- X ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ The Prescriptionist j I The man who does the weighing, the measuring—who knows the technical points of compounding prescription —the man on whom everything depends. We never loose sight of our responsibility for a moment it. prescription filling. Every prescription leaving our store is fault less in its purity and accuracy. You juay feel "sure" when it filled here Walter S. Martin & Company, Druggists Hickory, N. C. I , ■ ■ ■ 1 J- -~L for Twenty-one Years Kff +Z4T V-£ ai £• ' ~ . -N * :-. .- i Royster's t w % - t I Fertilizers *i c : \jQ nliU ■.;(. o I { Ml' I\ - have been the standard I TRM>E MARK because th ;y are . made || P from honest materials. II fy See that the trade mark MeisTCßu is on every bag. None II V genuine without it. || F. S. pWsTER QIiAVO CO., Norfolk, Va. I II ' y \ ~ Si " ■ - - -———— - i n ii i II Q JU A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY ON HAND when a conflagration is raging s a source of great comfort and :onsolatiou. Any one is lacking n common wisdom and prudence -vho neglects her or his insur nee. If you will consult us, we ,vill have you protected in a first •!ass company at lowest rates. Olinard and Lyeiiy. PREPARE THIS YOURSELF. For those who have and form of Mood disorders; who want new, rich )lood and plenty of it, try this: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-hall ounces; Compound Largon, one ounce, Compound Syrup Sarsaparillia, three ounces. Shake well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and *t bedtime. Any good pharmccy car ;upply the ingredients at small cost. This is the prescription which, when made up, is called "The Vegetable Treatment;" by others, the "Cyclone slocxi Purifier." It acts gently and certainly does wonders for some peo ple who are sickly, weak and out of sorts, and Is known to relieve serious, longstandin6 cases of rheumatism and chronic backache puickly. J Plant Wood's | I Garden Seed* \\ If FOR SUPERIOR VSOE. U TABLES * FLOWKRS. f Twenty-eight years experience '—our own seed farms, trial groundß—«nd large warehouse eapaeity give us an equipment that is unsurpassed anywhere for supplying the beet seeds 8 obtainable. Our trade in seeds _ both for the CJ Garden and Farm Q is (me of the largest in this country. We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Oats, Seed Potatoes* Cow Peas, Soja Beans and other Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog (I (tree fuller and more complete infor |\ maUon about both Garden and Farm / II Seeds tbaa any other similar publics- / 11 tton laiued In this country. Mailed /, \1 free 00 request. Write for it. II uT. W.WM ft Sin, SnissN, U J] IHCHMONP,. VA. Some History by Col. G. M. Yoder. Traditional history tells us that there came a Mr. Messer to this section of tlie country soon ' after the close of the Revolution, ; we suppose from the state Penn ! gylvania and settled on the bank of Henry Fork river, only a few miles from Hickory. We know not what year he came, but tradition tells us he lived here before 1792. When ) he settled on this farm he built a : small log house, which has been I the writers pleasure to see. Hert r Frederick Messer was born, i who died a few weeks ago at the age of 114 years, 2 months 1 and a few days. We do not ■ know whether his father owned the farm or not, nor whether he went to Haywood county or not. , But we know by history that af ter Messer left, it came into pos . session of Daniel Whitener, the oldest son of the Pioneer, Henry , Whitener. It is said that sever * al of the Messers are buried on f • his farm, whether it is the old h 'atherornot. But his son, Fre derick Messer was borned in Ang If ist, 1792. the year the old Pio s ieer, Henry Whitener died, e Frederick Messer was 16 yean >ld when Haywood county wa* n ormed from Rurke county ir d 1808, to which county he went a' d che age of 80 and settled on Pig »on river. About three years ago Q Robert Hoke went to his house f with a artist and had a photo e jraph taken of him and hip house, and sent one to the writ * er. With these photographs 1 there also came a letter which ' said that he had an interview d with him and talked with h-.n about matters pertaining to h i life. One ot the tacts he relat ~ ed was that he learned the black smith trade under Adam Yoder, ) who was born in 1785. Frederick Messer was one o: the greatest hunters of his day. He lived and died on Pigeon riv er, about 21 mile 3 from Waynes ville, Haywood county seat. , . G. M. Yoder. Conover Letter. . Rev. J. M. Smith, we are glac to report, soon recovered from an attack of a sort of epilepsy. With proper care, Dr. Youni thinks no return of the troublt need be experienced. Mrs. P. F. Smith has been il i for some time with fe er. Mr. John D. Yount, who drives a locomotive in Tenness »e. is at home for a short s?ason. j Mr. Oney Simmons now runs on this branch of the Southern, i having his home at Conover. ' Most farmers have done most of their plowing for spring crops. The Brackett brothers, Gaith er and Erskine, are now located at Conover, mending jewelry, watches and bicycles. Mr. W. E. Hallman, expect 4 soon to return to Gaffney, S. C. Owing to the rain and sieet on Sunday, missionary Lost did not reach Conover. The Lutheran mission among the negroes here are preparing to build a chapel. We think the plan to erect a monument with statue of a con federate soldier at the court house should be seconded by the whole community. The Daugh ters of the confederacy have in vited the public schools of the county to send contributions. Let all schools do so, and let all pub lic spirited citizens cheerfully contribute. It i$ a noble pur pose, arising from pure senti ments. BOONE NEWS. The Boone baseball team will cross bats with Gordon to-day. The Tennessee students of A. T. S. gave a Tennessee song at Chapel Thursday morning. We gather this from A. T. S. 195 enrolled in advanced grades and 40 m the preparatory. Rev. J. M. Parson, of Alta mont, Mitchell county, has se cured twenty-Jive names as char ter members of the Jr. Lodge. He will return soon to organize the lodge. There are three good schools in Cove Creek township. -Wal nut Grove Institute, Cove Creek Academy, and Mast Seminary. Each school teaches as high as the eighth grade. • People seem to be very much interested in the Appalachian park, but know very little about it. We understand that Hon. K. Z. Linney greatly opposes it, while many people believe it will be a great help. The "Old Maids Convention" given by the Euterpean Literary Society of A. T. S. on Feb. 22, was considered a success. A large crowd Was in attendance and everyone present seemed to enjoy the exercise. B. G. There is nothing more dainty for a picnic or luncheon, than Argo Red Salmon sandwiches or salad. The Cook Book tells you how ty prepare them- Ask your grocer. A Woman's Back Has many aches and pain? caused by weakness** and falling, or other dispiaro ment, of the pelvic organs. Other symp toms of female weakness aire frequent headache, dizziness, imaginary specks or dark spot* floating before the feyes, gnaw ing sensation in stomach, dragging 01 bearing down in lower abdominal or pel vie region; disagreeable drains frum pelvic organs, faint spells with general weakness. If any considerable number of the above symptoms ara present there is no remedy maient Shc than Dr. Pierce's "Favorite PreSoJNftmSJt has a record of over forty years of cuffed It Is the most potent Invigorating tonic and strengthening ncr vlne Known to medicaUclence. Itla nade of the glyceric extract!" of native mtdici nal roots found in our forests and con tains not a drop of alcohol or harmful.,or habit-forming drugs. Its ingredients are all printed on the.bottle-wrapper antl at tested tinder oath as correct. Every Ingredient entering into "Fa vorite Prescription " has the written en dorsement of the most eminent medical writers of all the several schools of prac tice—more valuable than any amount of non-professional testimonials—though the latter are not lacking, having been con tributed voluntarily by grateful patients in numbers to exceed the endorsements given to any other medicine extant for the cure of woman's ills. You cannot afford to accept any medicine ■ of unknown composition as a substitute for this well proven remedy or knows composition, even though the dealer may make a little more profit thereby. Your interest in regaining health is paramount to any selfish Interest of hi* and it is an insult to your intelligence for him to try to palm off upon you a substitute. You know what you want and it is his busi ness to supply the article called for. Dr. Pierce's Pk-asant Pellets are the original "LitUe Liver Pills" iirst put up by old Dr. Pierce over forty yeifrs ago, much imitated but never equaled Little sugar-coated granules—easy to tako a§ candy. iPgDmMKMe IM R new r yg ORCHEBADE Ml E A Delicious E HP Blending of B " Fruit Juices I n PURE FSI/ REFRESHING U yfl C INVIGORATING £■ 3| C WHOLESOME C MANUFACTURED BY HiGkory Bot. Works Home-made Catarrh Cure. Any one can mix right at home th e best remedy of its kind known. The name "Cyclone" is given to tire fol lowing prescription, it is sup pored, be cause of its promptness in driving from rhe blood and system every vestige of catarrhal poison, relieving this foul and dread matter where located. To prepare the mixture: Get from any good pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid Extraet Dandelion, one ounce Com pound Kargon and three ounces Com - pound Syrup.Sarsaparilla. Shake vrell and use in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bed time. This is a harmless, inexpensive mix ture, which has a peculiar action upon the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys, assisting them to flltnr and strain from the blood and system all catarrhal poisons, which, if not eradicated, are absorbed by the mucous membrane, and an open sore of catarrh is the re sult Prepare some and try it, as it is the prescription of an eminent catarrh spe cialist of natioeal reputation. 1 AILING WOMEN How Many Perfectly Well Women Do You Know? M 1 am not feeling very well,** "I am so nervous it seeing as though I should fly." "My back aches as though it would break." How often do you hear these signi ficant expressions _ from women friends. More than likely you speak the same words yourself, and there is a cause. More than thirty years ago Lydia E Pinkham of Lynn. MasS. discovered the source of nearly all the suffering endured by her sex. "Woman's Ills, these two words are full of more misery to women than any other two words that can be found in the English language. Sudden fainting, depression of spirits, reluctance to go anywhere, backaches, headaches, nervousness, sleeplessness, bearing down sensations, displacements and irregularities are the bane of woman s existence. The same woman who discovered the cause of all this misery also discovered a remedy. Lydia E. Pinlt ham's Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs holds the record for a greater number of absolute cures of female ills than any other one remedy the world has ever known and it is the greatest blessing which ever caine into the lives of suffering women. Don't try to endure, but cure the cause of all your suffering. Lvdia L. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. The following letters prove this : Old Reliable. I Our new Spring stock of Clothing is IS arriving fast and we want to show » you through our line whether you buy or not. We sell Clothing for nearly m one-half what it will cost you at other S places, |9 SHOES, SHOES. | The best line in the city. We han- jl Idle General Merchandise. Call on us for bargains. ■Metzor ($* jsfcus&ell,i ♦ HICKORY, N. C. | Before You Buy I 'on't fail to see my line of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats and kinds of Under wear for winter. Also handle GROCERIES and COUNTRY PRODUCE. Don't fail to see my line before yoirbuy. Yours truly, W. G. FOX Hickory, N, C. Mrs W. 8. Ford of 1938 Lanedowne St., Baltimore, Md. writes : Dear Mrs. ' For four years my life was a misery to roe. I suffered from irregularities, sup pression, terrible dragging sensations ttml extreme nervousness. 1 had given up all hope of ever being well again when Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound "w U s recommended. It cured my weakness and made me well and strong.'' Miss Grace E. Miller, of 1213 Michi gan St., Buffalo, N. Y. 'writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham : "I was in a very bad condition of health generally; irritable, cross, backache ami suffered from a feminine weakness. Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Compound, cured me after all other medicines had failed/' What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound did for Mrs. Fo-d and Miss Miller it will do for other wumcu in like condition. Every suffering woman iD the United States is askt-d to'accept the following invitation. It is free, will bring you health and may save you* life. Mrs. Pirtham's Invitation to Women. Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass From the symptoms given, the trouble may be located and the quickest aud surest, way of recovery advised. Out of vast volume of experience in treating female ills Mrs. Pinkham probably has the very knowledge that wiil help your case. Ber advice is free and always helpful.

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