Gbe i frtchors Democrat ■ ■ Published Every Thursday by W. E. HOL.BROOK, EDITOR AND PRor. P .V. ' '■ ■" •. V Entered at the Post Office at Hickoo AS second class matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. N One Year Cash In Advance $ i.oc- Six Months, " " s" Three Months " " 2 - • •• ■ Special rates given "to long term ad vertising. ; MAR. 14, 1907. The race question has beer, put up to the Inter-state Com ' merce Commission. A complaint under the provisions of the rail road rate regulation law filed in its office t few days since # by Georgiana Edwards, a negrr woman of Chattanooga, Tenn.. against the Nashville, Chatta nooga & St. Louis Railroad Co. The negress in her petition complains of being compelled to ride in the "Jim Crow" cars of the railway named after paying a first-class fare. The petitioner alieges that under the provision of the railroad rate regulatior f "J law negro passengers are entitl ed to the same rights and privi leges in interstate travel as white passengers. Therefore she asks the Commission to make an order compelling the railways of the South to abandon "Jim Crow" cars on interstate trains. This suit presents a se rious question to the South. Ir the first place it brings about a conflict between State and Fed eral authorities; and, in the sec ond place, the safety of white women traveling alone on rail way trains is menaced by the possibility of the Federal Gov ernment compelling the railroads to allow negro passengers to ride in coaches occupied by white people. - ~ " Death of James Southerland. Little James Herbert, the six months-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Southerland, died Satur day night at Washington, D. C., while the parents were en route to Baltimore, taking it to Johns- Hopkins Hospital for treatment. The little body was brought back to Charlotte this morning and carried to St. Peter's Epis copal Church, where the funeral was held, the services being con ducted by the rector, Rev. Har ri» Mallinckrodt. Charlotte News. These bereaved parents have the heart-felt sympathy of their many friends in Hickory. .The Alaska Packers Associa tion give the heartiest support to the Pure Food Laws, and guar antee their products to meet all the requirements. „ A Coming Attraction. The Hickory Library Associa tion desires to announce to the public that a Concert will be given on Thursday, in Easter week, to which every one is cor dially invited. Since the establishment of the Free Library, the membership has much more than doubled and with new books and other in ducements, it can be made more attractive aria the number of visitors increased. Just now, the Librarian has calls on every hand for "new books" and the proceeds of this concert will be used entirely for the purpose of buying new reading matter. The greater the number attending the concert, the greater the fund for this purpose. Those who at tend will be doubly rewarded — in the musical entertainment as well as in the possession of the new books. Do not forget the date, Thurs day evening, April 4th. Try one can of Argo Red Sal mon, and you will use no other. All grocers sell it [ Mr. H. S. Suttlemyre Dead. With the-passing of ' Uncle Harvey" Suttlemyre. as he was generally called, Hickory mouns ie of her oldest and best citi z ns. Of his long life, more ,an half had been past here, at .3 had been living in this plact a'xmt forty years. When, in the e irly sixties, the call went oui to defend the South from inva -?ion, no family could have made A more prompt respone than the >ne of which he was a member. No less than eight sons did tha household send forth to battle. In Mr. Suttlemyre's very first ight, he received a dangerou. vound. He accepted his gallam conduct as a mere matter oj course. It was right for him t ight for his country, thereforf ie did it. Perhaps the most no dceable characteristic of tlu rood old friend who has passec from us to the better country vas his alipost fierce dislike oi iebt and aversion to anything . hat risked causing another tht oss of a penny through him. In hese days of carelessness in the 1 transactions of everyday busi ness life and recklessness of ob ligations, he set an example thai might well be followed by every young man who ever knew him. i And though economical and f u " gal, he had a warm heart for those in trouble of any kind. The Irst the writer ever met him, 1 many, many years ago, it was in 1 the room of a "shut in," and his kindliness with the helpless one made an impression that wa? never forgotten. "Uncle Harvey" clung to "the faith once delivered unto the saints," and we believe that it is very well with him now. When we come to lay down the *arm nt of this flesh, may those tve leave behind be able to say of us, as we of him 4 That was one >vho would not have defrauded or lied to save his life or that of the dearest to him." The funeral was held from the Methodist church, Rev. W. M. Bagby, the pastor, conducting the funeral services assisted by Dr. W. R. Gwaltney. At the close of this service the body was turned over to the Masons for burial, and this was done with Masonic honors. Edgar L. Flowers has invent ed a fire escape that seems to be a success. He has descended from a three story building a number of times in perfect safe ty. William Taber Houston is prob ably the most versatile entertain er on the Lyceum stage and holds a position all his own. He, with his wife, Olive Lock wood Hous ton, will, on next Monday night, March 18th, at the Academy of Music, render a most varied pro gram—impersonations, - songs, readings, musical imitations, and novelties. Ip Auction SALE The old Able Seitz place or Catawba river containing 173 acres, 32 acres bottom, 41-2 miles from Hickory. This farm will be cut into four lots, and sold for the high dollar. Terms 1-8 cash, balance one or two years time. Sale will take place on the premises 11 o'clock, March 30th, 1907. We will also sell at auction one farm containing 36 acres, known as the Jake Sea poch place, 3 miles from Hick ory. Sale to take place at 3 p. m., on premises, March 30. 1907. Terms 1-3 cash, balance 6 and 12 months If you are interested in a farnr near the best town in Western North Carolina. You cannot af ford to miss this sale. Don't foaget the date—March 30th, 1907, by CAMPBELLS BUCHANAN Hickory, N. C. Mortgage Sale. By virtue of a mortgage exe cuted on the 15th day of Aug. 19CC. by A. P. Isenhour and A* 1 - di* Isenhour, his wife, of Cataw >a county, N. C., to S. D. Camp >ell, of said county arid state" ind recorded in register's office, -took 78, page 197, of Catawba sounty, N. C. I will sell at public sale foi• •ash to the highest bidder oi Saturday, April 6, 1907 at 1L /clock, in front of the post of fice in Hickory the following property to wit: Beginning at a stake Cab Bos tan's line on east margin of Ca tawba street and runs with Bos tan's line N. 88, E. 120 feet to a •take, thei.ce S. 11-2, W. 215 to t stake on an alley, thence S. 84, iV. 120 feet to a stake on eastern margin of Catawba street,thence with eastern margin of Catawba treet N. 1 1-2, E. 231 feet to the beginning. To satisfy a note endorsed in jank. S. D. CAMPBELL, Mortgagee. This March 8, 1907. Don't fail to hear "The Little German Band" at the Academy of Music next Monday night, March 18th. Much in the Method We can't all be beautiful, it ap pear*, but we ca« all make BEAUTIFUL PICTU R ES We tuake tlie sort which are in teresting and lovely, whether or not your proportions are abso lutely correct or your complex ion faultless, G. M. HARDIN, Photographer. Morganton St. Hickoiy SHORT TALKS BY L. T. COOPER. CONSTIPATION. 1 can tell a person who is constipated on sight. Their complexion is pssty or yellow. Their eyes are dull, and tney look and feel HHTC sleepy. No wonder bowels are a sewer. They carry away the poisonous re- SjaKL fuse. If they dont ' akct the poisonous -'« Pr matter is absorbed headaches, dull ness, bad complex ion and eventually SAMUEL BOOREN. serious troubles re sult. There is no better rule for good health than that the bowels should move eyery day at the same hour if possible. Regu larity can be acquired by making a habit of this. Foolish people neglect this and when chronic constipation effects them they take pills every few days to foroe the bowels to perform their natural function. As years go on they require more and more pills. This should be stopped. Cooper's New Discovery will build up the stomach and cause the bowels to act naturally. While taking the medicine get the habit of regularity, then gradually stop taking the medieine. Here is a sample of letters from those who have tried it: "For sixteen years 1 have suffered from stomach and liver trouble, and chronie constipation. I had frequent headachea and always felt tired and worn out. I heard of Cooper's New Discovery and began its use, After I had finished one bottle I was wonderfully improved. Con stipation gave way to a pleasing regularity of the bowels and I ate better, slept bet ter aad felt better than I had for months. It is the greatest medicine I have ever known." Samuel Booren. 1742 Munsey Ave., Scranton Pa. Our customers who have used them say . the Cooper medicines do the work. W# •ell them. E- B. MENZIES » Druggist. M How Few Enjoy Jill ||§ Perfect Health Tff Wt jassr-gtil stomachs »~» b ' n S, , " n fi C sS S time to br*J IB made foodstuffs *"?.«„ ow / P W », dyspepsia and all m ( f DR. PRICE'S q u\b wheat flake celery jS FOOD . y otl will not find any other food so ddiciotis. * U stomach will require no and a A \ ose. A vw CMleiemifcot. rotliaMtjirww" "»»■" ' A » M L -• \ All Crteew « • **—• * i; THE rilD-WAV CAPEI COME IN AND GET A GOOD DINNER FISH,OYSTERS AND BEEF STEAK Cut to suit you. Hot Coffee served with lunches all times a day. GROCERIES FOR EVERYBODY. T. G. HUNTLEY, MAIN STREET - HICKORY, N. C. . j 1 Sell | I T. W. Wood's & Sons Seeds. | i My seeds have arrived. Seeds of all kind. % Garden Seeds, Onion Sets, Wood's Seed | Potatoes, Seed Corn, White Spring Oats, | g trade mark brand, and other kind of seed. | Garden seed two packages for 5 ctff Call & J and see me. f I H.-T. MAYES | 1 WEST HICKORY. . 2 ® 5 WtMIItIimWWfW—WWWCWICIICCfWCWCK Gr. lEEE, Gr A..TZE3S- Successor to Gates Bros. Plumbing and Steam Fitting.; Office: Huffman's Furniture Store Hickory, N. C. WE CARRY A FULL STOCK OF Staple and Fancy Groceries A line of Fine Candies, Cigars, Tobaccos, Etc SEED IRISH POTATOES. We want your Country Produce. Highest Prices Paid for Butter and , Eggs ALL GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. Morton and Peterson. Phone 65 Hickory, N. C. SPRING CLEANING I have changed my place of business to Next Door to Express Office We do all alteration Cleaning and Press ing, giving special attention to Ladies Skirts, etc. Work done to satisfaction. - i F. TMLOH. Spring Offerings! Having visited the markets earlv for my spring stock, lam pleased to say that while all are talk ing advanced prices and a scarcety of goods, we V ] iave our house full to overflowing of the greatest values in the best known merchandise. I admit that they are not easy found, but I go for them per sonally, and I get them don't forget it Our stock of Dress Goods, Wash Fabrics, White Goods, Ginghams, Madrass Cloth. Percales, Lawns, Waistings, Linens, Bleached Domestic, Sheetings. In fact everything you need in your household can he had at our store, not 6nly at the lowest mar "ket. but much cheaper than others ask for the same goods. Our stock of Muslin Underwear, Embroideried Waists, Ready-made Skirts, Black Underskirts from OSc to $7.48. Men's and Boys Clothing. Hats for Men and Boys; Shirts, all grades, is the finest we have ever shown, and the prices most rea sonable. Now ready for youa inspection for Men, Ladies and Children. Don't fail to see onr Mammoth Stock before you buy. Special Wholesale Prices Giv en to Merchants. McCoy Moretz, Manager. 1 t " i— v New Models in Spring - Suits NEW HATS, NEW SHOES NEW OXFORDS NEW SHIRTS In all the latest Styles. Call and give us a look. \ Mort-Whitener Clothing Co _ ___ - / JO Mo,t people know that If they have 0 been sick they need Scoffs Emttl- j & sion to bri n* back health and strength. T 9 * But the #lron * ett Point about Scott's J a Emulsion is you don't have to be & •"«* to get results from it \ S f» 1* keeps up the athlete's strength, puU fat ? § ?* thm ~kes a fretful baby happy, X ? nng# crto i 4 P*!* cheeks, and pre* ft vents coughs, colds and consumption* ift jf Jood in concentrated form for sick ynd A fj weß » young and old, rich and poor. h And it contains no drugs and no alcohol. IQI f AN ° °° j

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