The Keeley Cure You will be satisfied, and so will the buyer of your tobacco H you improve the qualify an.l incr« ase wl /V C the weight of your tobacco by using SCO to boo lbs. or Fertilizer ■ per acre, ten days before planting. These fertilizers £*9 lwiy|pt give an early start to th; plant, which very scon ||gjf grows large enough to withstand the ravages of insects. Vgas Soils that under ordinary conditions wouid make a yield lfp|l of poor, papery tobacco, lacking in {.mnmy or aly matters, j will produce a very high type of tobacco by liberally usiag fifI HMHB Get from your dealer on»"' v - ; _'nia-CaroHna Fertilizer 4BB|j free almanacs. Its a beau. information on Richmond, Va. D ; -i-\ tl. C. Atlanta, Ga. grgS| Norfolk, Va. " Charleston, S. C. Savannah, Ga. 1/^aHl • Baltimore, Md. Montgomery, Ala. Memphis, Teen. Sbrevcport, La. * M^U \W* Ylwtdi Per Acre." i The Prescription Ist j The man who does the weighing, the measuring—who knows the technical points of compounding prescription: —the man on whom everything depends. We never loose sight of our responsibility for a moment IL. prescription filling. Every prescription leaving our store is fault less in its purity and accuracy. Youjmay feel "sure" when it filled here Walter S. Martin & Company, Druggists I , Hickory, N. C. 1 for Twenty-one Y®ars r* r - _ _ r t A Royster's Fertilizers have been the standard TRADEMARK because thsy are made /tQh w from honest materials. See that the trade mark •KiismuD is on every bag. None genuine without it. | F. S. POYSTER GUANO CO M Norfolk, Va, I > I ■ in T " ■- ■ ' 11 i ' HI ■ 1 , i I r •=:• IT r DO TOD HOI WHAT IT DOES? It relieves a person of all desire to strong drink or drugs, restores his nervous system to its "normal condition, and reinstates a man to his home and business. For Full Particulars, Address The Keiley Institute, GREENSBORO, N. CARO A. Correspondence Confidential. -gm A FIRE INSURANCE " POLICY ON HAND when a conflagration is raging is a source of great eomfort and consolatiou. Any one is lacking in common wisdom and prudence who neglects her or his insur ance. If you will consult us, we will have you protected in a first class company at lowest rates. Cllnard and Lyerly. PREPARE THIS YOURSELF. For those who have and form of blood disorders; who want new, rich blood and plenty of it, try this: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounces; Compound Largon, one ounce, Compound Syrup Sarsaparillia, three ounces. Shake well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime. Any good phaimccy can supply the ingredients at small cost. This is the prescription which, when made up, is called "The Vegetable Treatment;" bv others, the "Cyclone Blood Purifier." It acts gently and certainly does wonders for some peo ple who are sickly, weak and out of J sorts, and !s known ta relieve serious, longstandin6 cases of rheumatism and chronic backache puickly. 4 } Plant Wood's f ' Garden Seed? \ FOR SUPERIOR VEGE TABLES & FLOWERS. Twenty-eight years experience —our own seed farms, trial grounds—and large warehouse capacity give us an equipment that is unsurpassed anywhere for supplying the best seeds 8 obtainable. Our trade in seeds 1 both for the CJ Garden and Farm S is one of the largest in this country. We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Oats, Seed Potatoes, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and other Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog . gives fuller and more complete lnfor -1 matlon about both Garden and Fr.rm , \ Seeds than any other similar publlca- / I 1 tlon Issued In this country. Mailed f / II free on request. Write for It. II I T.W.WOOL & SONS, Sm4srm, / IJj RICHMOND, - VA. Seven Springs News. r- Seven Sittings, March 5.—-The i health of this section is good. At this writing we have 25 young chicks. We have nice cabbage and onions in our gar- : den. They are growing right along through cold weather. Tom Watson, the populist,says in his Jeffersonian Magazine that at railroad eating houses in South Carolina negroes dine with white people without being intimidat ed, disturbed or lynched. This is news to the public and espec ially to those persons who pa tronize the quick lunch estab lishment. And the statement is about as near the truth as the average statement of the popu list. Some of the Seven Springs la dies suggest that the legislature pass a law to make it a mis demeanor for a man to do as he pleases. Quit! Marion Butler may imagine that the general as sembly is playing into his hands, but with all the evidence of rad icalism the festive Marion has another think coming. We are taught, whether it be true or not, that there is on royal road to heaven, that the way is nar row and full of obstacles. The writer does not propose to discuss this question. I seldom discuss politics or religion, yet I will venture the casul remark that the aforesaid road is either narrow and rough or broad and smooth according to the view point of those who travel it I believe it is easy to do right, and that the doing of it will not only make others happy, but will add i happiness and contentment to ourselves. You have all, no doubt, observed that some peo ple work mighty hard to be mean. The man who gets uo out of bed of a frosty night and walks four miles to steal a half bushel of potatoes, digging them himself, works harder for his po tatoes than the man who plants . and cultivates them. There is an innate principle in our hearts that is ever admonish ing us for the rierht and against the wrong. It is the finger board pointing out the good way. Evil influences may lead us away, and continue to do SQ until drunk with wickedness, ;we no longer see the board nor need its ad monition. But the way of the transgressor is hard, and at last he dies friendsless, and without reward here or hope in thi» beyond. But my dear friends, I jam not writing to turn the dark side of the pictures of life to your view. How to be happy, ah! if we ofily knew. Nine people out of ten make the mistake of look ing ahead for happiness. They seem to think that when they amass a certain amount of prop erty when they attain this end or that, then they are going to be happy. Heaven help them. They don't seem to know that they are putting happiness further away from them, and that'when they reach their goal, there is a chasm between them and happiness that can never be . bridged. Happiness cannot be bought. You can neither coax or bribe it. You must allow it to absorb you. After all, it is a good deal in the way we look at things in this life. I have seen a party of young folks dressed in the height of fashion, caught in a heavy shower of rain at a picnic and their laughter and merriment indicated that they regarded it as a great joke. Yet. if some of them had been simi-1 larly caught in the field at work in their old clothes, they would have considered it as a great hardship. So it is a good deal in the way we look at it; we can be happy even in misfortune. Don't look ahead for happiness. It is right at your door. It will come in if you will invite it; and every day must provide for itself. In the morning make up your mind to be happy. ~Hold your temper and smile. If there is no sun shine, think how nice it will be when- it does come. The next morning do the same thing, and' \ repeat the dose every day. If you think you can't be happy for a whole day at a time, try it for half a day, or until 10 o'clock. It is all to work for comfort, ease and independence in old age; but don't worry about it, or old age will come before it is due. You don't need to sacrifice happiness to that end. Smile when you get out of bed in the morning. Smile as you go to breakfast; smile when you start to W&rk; smile at your wife, but be careful how you smile at oth er men's wives; smile at every body but the girls on the street. Smiles are cheaper than frowns, and they beautify the features. While frowns will make wrin kles, bring gray hairs, and im pair the health. Let us all be happy, and read the Democrat for it will do you good. Success to the Democrat. Luke Lightning. This is worth saving. The following simple home- made mix ture is said to relieve any form of Rheu matism or backache, also cleanse and strengthen the Kidney and Bladder, overcomes ail urinary disorder, if taken the stage ofßright's disease: Fluid Extreck Dandelion, one-half onces Compound Kargon, one ounce; Com pound Syroup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Mix by shaking well in a bottel and tnkel in teespoonful doses after meals and at bedtime. A well-known authority states that these ingredients are mainly of vege table extracts and harmless to use, and can be obtained at small cost ffom any good prtscaption pharmacy. Those who thidk they have Kidney trouble or suffer with lame back or weak bladder or Rheumatism should give this pre 1 scription a trial, as no harm can pes • sibely follow its use, and it is said to ! da wonders for some people. [ " ~ TLZ If Ton Bead This l It will be to learn that the leading medl -1 cal writers and teachers of all the several • schools of practice recommend, in Che strongest terms possible, each and every 1 Ingredient entering into the composition of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the cure of weak stomach, dyspepsia, 1 catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint," . torpid liver, or biliousness, chronic biwei affections, and aH catarrhal diseases of , whatever region, name or nature. It is i also a specific remedy for all such chronic ■ or long standing cases of catarrhal affec i tions and their resultants, as bronchial, ' throat and lung disease (except consump tion) accompanied with severe coughs. It Is not so good for acute colds and coughs, but for fingering, or chronic cases it is especially efficacious in producing per fect cures. It contains Black Cherrybark, Golden Seal root, Bloodroot, Stone root. Mandrake root and Queen's root —all of which are highly praised as remedies for all the above mentioned affections by such minent medical writers and teachers as Prof. Bartholow, of Med. Col lege; Prof. the Univ. of Pa.; Fro/. Flnl*v--BHfh*wood, M. D., of Ben nett Chicago; Prof. John King, M. IT of Cincinnati; Prcf. John M. Scuddett*\.f. D., of Cincinnati; Prof. Edwin M. D., of Hahnemann Med. Curfew*; Chicago, and scores of eminent in their several •chqgpttf practice. v TnH"GoKien Medical D 1 scoverv " Is thi* aragglstojfor nwe nnrnoses- that any »uch porevKmql endoptment-wortg ttore tnan m "YUf r nf "rdmarvTest - SRONCTI. Open publicity ot its formula is the best possible guaranty of iu merits. A glance at this published formula will show that "Golden Medical Discovery" contains no poisonous, harmful or hahlt formlng drugs and no alcohol —chemically pure, triple-refined glycerino being used i Instead. Glycerine is entirely unobjec tionable and besides is a most useful agent in the cure of all stomach as well as bron chial, throat and lung affections. There is the highest medical authority for its use In all such cases. The « Discovery r is a concentrated glyceric extract of native, medicinal roots and is safe and reliable. A booklet of extracts from eminent, medical authorities, endorsing its Ingre dients mailed fret on request. Address Pr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Home-made Catarrh Cure. . Any one can mix right at home the best remedy of its kind known. The name "Cyclone" is given to the fol lowing prescription, it is suppored, be cause of its promptness in driving from rhe blood and system every vestige of catarrhal poison, relieving this foul and dread disease,no matter where located. To prepare the mixture: Get from any good pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid Extraet Dandelion, one ounce Com pound Kargon and three ounces Com pound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Shake well and use in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bed time. This is a harmless, inexpensive mix ture, which has a peculiar action upon the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys, assisting them to flltnr and strain from the blood and system all catarrhal poisons, which, if not eradicated, are absorbed by the mucous membrane, and an open sore of catarrh is the re sult. Prepare some and try it, as it is the prescription of an eminent catarrh spe cialist of natioeal reputation. 35 TIBED AND tiCK YET MUST WORK "Man may work from «un to sun F \ hut woman's work is never done."' I f 1 r, \ In order to keep the home neat I £||«W| J I and pretty, the children well dressed I A~-' 1 and tidy, women overdo and often \ ' ] suffer in silence, drifting along from / bad to worse, knowing well that they ought to hare help tooveroome , A// the pains and aches which daily H f "*l* is to* these women that Lydia R. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, (.vV-A 'Mrs" J\) m.iri from native roota and herbs, {SS^SSST&.tiS.wSS MRS. AUG. LYON aches, there are drafrging-ddwn pains, nervousness, sleeplessness, and reluctance to go anywhere, these are only symptoms which uniev* ' heeded, are soon followed bjf the worst forms of Female Complaints. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound keeps the feminine organism ina strong and healthy condition. It cures Inflammation, Ulceration, displacements, and organie troubles. In preparing for ehild-blrth and to earry women safely through theCbauje of Life it is most efficient. Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of East Earl, Pa., writes:— Dear Mrs. Pink hua: "For a long time I suffered from female troubles and had all kinds of aches and in the lower part of back and sides, I could not | sleep and had no appetite Since taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable I Compound and following the adrioe which you gave me I feel like a § new woman and I cannot praise your medicine too highly." Mrs. PinkhanT* Invitation to Women Women suffering from aay form of female weakness are invited to g write Mrs Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass.! Out of her vast volume of ex- B perience she probably has the very, knowledge that will help your | case. Her advice is free and always helpful. 1 rJTJST'I'oOg * 1 j All inds of Artistic ) SIGN PAINTING j J HATS CLEANED WHILF YOU WAIT. J | 7 BOOK AGENT J i W. C. L. V. NEWMANN j r N. Morganton St. Hickory, N. C. i Give me a call f > ' ii fKBHIFM" aKmttBKmSKBKBKmmKBmSKK SHtSESr^P! 1 Old Reliable. | M Our new Spring stock of Clothing is 1 arriving fast and we want to show 1 you through our line whether you buy M I or not. We sell Clothing for nearly one-half what it will cost you at other I SHOES, SHOES. 1 The best line in €he fcity. We han- jg die CeneraJ Merchandise. Call on us for bargains. 1 1 ffieizsp & Js«sseZZ,i I HICKORY, N. C. | ■ - - Before You Buy I »on't fail to see my line of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats and kinds of Under wear for winter. Also handle GROCERIES and COUNTRY PRODUCE. Don't fail to see my iine before you buy. Yours truly, W. G. FOX ~ Hickory, N, C.