Its Convention r \iiuual Convention of Association -Began To day in Columbia Under Most Favorable Condi tions. Object is the Betterment oj the Militia Throughout th cln i ted St a tes. Pro minent Officers in At tendance. : i. in. S. C., March 25. —The In- National Guard Association, l,j, ; ; ; i\ r its object tho betterment j- militia throughout the United Sialt . ihe unification of the scv ;l ni/.a lions of State forces, be „.nl j;.. . iinual convention in tnis city U 'oi:.,., >.f several branches of the niiliuu service of the United States, t t u ;: i : uy attaches of several of the foreisrn ligations at Washington and tho adj'iiiani-generals and other repre stiitaiivv - of the national guard of nearly cwry state in the Union were, jiivsi'iit when the convention was form nil-' i-alloii to order by the president ii; tin Senator Charles pick i f Ohio. the author of the law now | -ov.-rniiv- the military organizations of the various States. In ailuitien to President Dick the other olJicers of the association on lj., n d yv-ie Gen. Armfield of North Carolina, vice president; Col. Carroll 1) Evan- of Nebraska, secretary; Gen. John l'. ! "rost of South Carolina, treas- ( iirtr. and Gen. James A. Drain of the State of Washington, chairman of the exectit i\ e committee. The program of the convention covi s two days and provides fori papers a:il discussions covering a ( ritV variety of topics connected with' th state militia. Among those who J will ailress the gathering are a num her of officers of the United States ! Army, t specially detailed for the pur-, pose. ; Maji r Millard F. Waltz, of the gen eral staff, will read a paper on the j subject of the educational system for officers of the regular army. Major Charles McK. Saltzman, of the signal corps, will deliver a lecture be fore the convention on the subject of "The Signal Corps «in Campaign." Col. Hanrv 6. S. Heistand, military secre-J tary. will read a paper on the subject i "The Military Secretary's Department! as a Factor in Military Training and j Its Value to the Nation." Col. Valery i Havard. assistant surgeon general of the army, will also be among the speakers. Prominent among the National Guard representatives who are sched uled for paper or addresses are Gen. j Joseph Bobletter of Minnesota, Gen. j Thomas R. Robertson, adjutant-gener- : tiled for papers or addresses are Gen. j "ral Boyd, of South Carolina, and Adj fant General Critehneld of Ohio, who vice-president of the National Board t ltirto Practice. The State of South Carolina and sie City of Columbia have made elab orate arrangements for the entertain ment • f the many distinguished visit ors. An official reception and a ban ket are among the features of the en- program. First Day's Proceedings. The inter-State National Guard As sociation met this morning in the hall of the house of representatives with the president, Senator Charles I'i k, of Ohio, in the chair. The convention was welcomed to South Carolina in a stirring speech I>y Governor Ansel, Adjutant General IJoyd and Mayor Gibbes, of Colum bia. Reports of the officers and commit tees were read and the first paper on 'lie program was read by Maj. L. M.' liiller. United States Army, on "New j Ma'crial," furnished by the Ordnance] Department. At 1 o'clock a rest was, 'ikon until 2:"0. i There are about 150 officers of the / national Guard present from every ' section of the country. Tonight the visitors will be given a reception at the Colonial by Gover nor and Mrs. Ansel. 518,000 IN DIAMONDS STOLEN. w York, March 22. —Eighteen tli'-ii. -and dollars worth of jewelry was stolen from the Lome of Charles Mor gan. ,no} the founder of the Morgan Sua:i>hi>) Lines, at his home in Or ai'Sc, X. J.. today. this afternoon Mrs. Morgan '■Hud a drawer in her dressing table !: ;' d and investigation showed • r j wel bag was missing. It " iie I a diamond bracelet valued at • ll! ! many other pieces of jewelry. Chamb - .rl3in's Cough Remedy is Both Agreeable and Effective. ( 'inli'Tlain's Cough Remedy has 11,1 upciior for coughs, colds and 11: '- ; '"d the fact that it is pleasant ' 1 'a'.o and contains nothing in any V; '. v in in l ions has made it a favorite "others. Mr. W. S. Pelham, a "•• ••:: , ni of Kirksville, liowa, says: in'.re than twenty years Chamber alp ("oiigh Remedy has been my lvniedy for throat troubles. It 'ciallv successful in cases of Children like it and my cus wlio have used it will not take ii;. o: ner." For sale by Shuford Drug v O. Aii' !• Congress had adjourned it was !« d that the treasury woula I - 1 ' i Lav(? a surplus of $20,000,000 next • :,r iitit can't an extra session be callt d > HITCHING THE SUN. Eletrlc Motors Run by the Sun Fur .l nish Lioht and Power. | George Ethelbert Walsh, in St. Nicho - L las. | Electric power from sunlight ap | pears more wonderful than harnessing ; the streams or wind. Yet we know j something of the vast heat of the sun. I Solar engines for operating pumps ; l ave been in use in different parts of f I !i le - for several years now, and I their value in warm climates where f, j the number of days of clear sunshine average high, must steadily increase, j one cf the most successful of these j solar machines is located near Los , Angeles to irrigate fruit land. An au j to mafcic stand carrying great reflec j tors follows the course of the sun as I legularly as the best telescope ever 1 made, and the sun's rays are thus re , j hected on a central point, where the boiler of a small engine is located, I T thin an hour afte r sunrise the heat cf the sun raises the temperature of the water to the boiling point and thus creates steam, and the pumping machinery begins its day's work and keeps it up until sundown. ,i The power of the sun for heating { has only been faintly appreciated by ! scientists in the past, but the predic j tion is made now that if all the coal should give out we would soon be able to run much of our machinery from the yower of the sun. With 500 mir rors properly aranged to focus the rays upon one point, a temperature of more than a thousand degrees has been obtained. This almost equals : one-fifth the highest temperature re corded by the electric furnace, which i& considered today the most powerful heating apparatus ever discovered. As there is no limit to the number of mirrors that may be employed, and as the intensity of the heat increases in proportion to the number of rays re- 1 , fleeted by the mirrors, it is conceiv- j able that a temperature may be obtain- [ ed in time that will surpass anything ever dreamed of in the past or pres ent. . Hitching the sun to run electric mo tors for furnishing light and power for our homes and factories is the very ! latest achievement of the modern I ! work of harnessing the elements to do! j man's work; and one square yard of, sunshine in the tropics may represent 1 ; on the average one horse power. THOS. W. RYAN TALKS. Tells What He Thinks About Railroad Politics, Etc. Washington, March 23. —Thomas F. Ryan, of New York, en route to Oak Ridge, Va., said the railroads were I really owned by the people and not by 1 Wall street brokers. "They should be taken out of Wall street and stock quotation tickers —should be taken | out of the railroad offices," he said. He then added that railroad men should "aid the President in his efforts to reach a solution of the railroad problem. Ho said he did not believe, unless we can draw upon European money centers, that there is enough money to carry on active stock speculation in Wall street. As to politics, he said he was confi . dent the South holds the power to dominate the Democratic policies and that Roosevelt will name the Republi can candidate. HIGH POINT NEWS ITEMS. Mr. Pearce Holds Patent on Folding Bed and Table—Ban on Skating. High Point, N. C. March 22—The Board of Aldermen at its meeting Wed nesday night took up the matter of putting a stop to the promiscuous skat ing on the sidewalks which in some quarters has become a nuisance. The law as passed prohibits children over fourteen years of age skating on the streets. J. G. Pearce of this city is the pat entee of a folding bed and table which at present is being manufactured at the Union Furniture Company of this city, and which promises to revolution ize things in the way of folding beds, and tables. ' Just two things could have happened to that big sum of paper money that disappeared in the Windy city. It was either blown away or blown in. WASTING STRENGTH Women who suffer from unnecessary, disagreeable, painful, weakening, female complaints, will find that Wine of Cardui is a safe and pleasant remedy for all their ills. It acts directly upon all the delicate, inflamed tissues, purifying the blood, throwing off the clogging matter and relieving female disorders such as irregular, scanty, profuse, painful catamenia, prolapse; etc. Also relieves headache, backache, dizziness, cramps, dragging pains, nervousness, irritability, etc. If you need advice, write us a letter, telling us dl your symptoms. We will send free advice (in plain sealed envelope). Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT IN SI.OO BOTTLES "MVEOCE YOU I WINE Pill ft If 1 for advice, anj by ft Moving il and H SfV B tal-ir ; Ordui, my l-eniale Troubles M mm M M H ■ H B ■ H ■ s- I OF UFlllllUl •Vx \ Inllillilw wlilnlJHHf And see tHat you get what you ask for ! i Th e largely increased demand for Sun Cured j 5 ; tobacco, created and sustained by the distinctive quality of the original Reynolds' Sun Cured tobacco, ; has encouraged other manufacturers to place on the » j market imitation brands and tags which are made to look so near like the genuine Reynolds' Sun Cured >; that unsuspecting chewers and dealers receive the imitations under the belief that they are getting the s genuine Reynolds' Sun Cured tobacco. ; Look close and see fliat the letters on the tag spell R-e-y-n-o-l-d-s' Srn Cured, and you cannot : be deceived in getting what you ask for and want > ' j > best value for your money that can be produced from the genuine Sun Cured tobacco, grown where the best sun-cured tobacco grows. ASK FOR "REYNOLDS'" and see that you get the original and genuine Sun Cured tobacco. Its like you formerly got, before Reynolds' Sun Cured was offered to the trade, costing from 60c to SI.OO per pound, and is sold at 50c per pound in 5c cuts, strictly 10 and 15 cent plugs. H. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winstou>Salem, N.C. ' State Election Board Met in Raleigh 7 o-day Raleigh, N. C., Marcn 23.—The State board of elections met in I special session here this afternoon for the purpose of appointing a 1 board of elections for the new county of Lee, created by an act of the legislature out of portions of Moore and Chatham with Sanford, Jonesboro being the county seat. The county election board have the direction of the election to be held later in the spring on the question of the creation of a county. Of course the general expectation is that the vote will be practically unanimous. All members of the state board of elections were here for the meeting today. The board is as follows: Col. Wilson G. Lamb, of Williamston is chairman; R. T. Claywell, of Mor- secretary; J. R. Lev/el lyn, of Dobson, A. B. Freeman, of Hen rienville and Clarence Call of i Wilkesboro, the two latter named being Republicans. You should be very careful of your bowels when you have a cold. Nearly all other cough syrups are eonstipat; ing, especially those containing opia .'tes. jCennedy'r:— I .nyntive Cough NO opiates.- Conforms to National Pure Food and Drugs Law. Bears the endorsement of mothers everywhere. Children like its pleasant taste. Sold by C. M. Shuford & W. S. Martin. Great Increase Shown In the Nation's Wealth Washington, March 23. —The total estimate of the valaution of the na tional wealth in 1904 was $107,104,- 192,410, according to the special re port issued by the census bureau. This represents an increase from 1900 to 1904 of $18,586,885,035. NEW NEWSPAPER CO. Raleigh, Marcli Zi>. —A charter was issued today for the Western Carolina Printing Company, of Marshall, Madi son county, at a capital of $25,000, by J. H. White and others, for pub lishing daily and weekly newspapers :*nd doing job printing at Marshall. ■ John D. 11l Has Birthday. / New York, March 21. —Totally un conscious of the fact that he may some 3 day be the richest man in the world, a so far as money goes, a little blue-eyed i chubby baby, living in West Fifty fourth street, had its first birthday an -1 niversary today. The little fellow is r the son of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and f grandson of the Standard Oil Com f pany magnate, whose millions he will eventually inherit. The Rockefeller fortune to which 3 the baby will succeed is estimated at I $1,000,000,000. At simple interest of 3 1 per cent., in fifty years the fortune a will have grown to $2,500,00b,000. , Should the baby inherit the money making traits of his grandfather, and j, merely go on compounding the fortune T that will be his in fifty years, when he * is much younger than his grandfather " is now, it will amount to nearly $5,000,- s 000.000. This is twice the amount of the na * tional debt of the United States, so " that if the one-year-old of today de i sires at the age of 50, he may be in a 1 position to wipe out his country's na tional debt and still have a couple of billion dollars to keep the wolf from r the door. y i Story of Death » An d Ruin i • Vienna, March 22.—According to news received from Moldavia, the peasant movement in Roumania is spreading. I The town of Dorogo has been sack ed and burned by the peasants and the inhabitants compelled to llee for 1 their lives. At Cucuteni, four Ijlongarians are re * ported killed and 30 wounded. Fourteen peasants were killed in a collision with troops at Belgestie. 1 In Fokshanu the people are in re volt. The villiage of Sulice was destroyed by the rioters. * Cowboys and Indians had a fierce >• fight in Chicago the othor,day. Those ■ frontier towns are certainly rough. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep r\|| [ | jj'ljTi Vft t ' ve * Many sudden CIIS/A. p) deaths are caused by it heart disease, pneumonia, heart 1 MJ \ failure or apoplexy * I TS. r are °* ,sn result M kidney trouble is al |. \\V fci,j lowed to advance the "T 14 pjil kidney-poisoned ™ blood will attack the vital organs or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles most always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald ing pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won' derful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and sold Vy all .druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar eize.d bottles. You may have a sample bottle of tfjESSgfeSf this wonderful new dis- iHiijjjjgSj] covery and a Look that tells ali abuut it, both Home of Swamp-Root. I sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co, Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Oon't make any mistaice, but remem | ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kil- I mer's Swamp-Root, and the address, • Bingbamtou, N. Y., on every bottle. He Firmly Believes Lun acy Commission, if One is Appointed, will Find Him Sane. Fitzgerald Wants no Arguments. New York. March 25. —It is stated that if a commission in lunacy is ap pointed Harry Thaw will not take ad vantage of the legal devices to thwart a thorough examination by such a He is said to be eager for the chance to prove that he is sane. He is also credited with saying: "I will submit to all phases of the examination that is rationel'and rea sonable." All Are Confident. Thaw is in high spirits over the affidavits in his behalf. The counsel for Thaw share the prisoner's belief that Justice Fitz gerald will not find it necessary to appoint a commission. Jerome is confident of the appoint ment of a commission. ANOTHER CHARLOTTE CO. Secretary of State Today Chartered Another Company—Other Charters. Raleigh, N. C., March 25. —A charter was issued today for the Mecklenburg Land and Improvement Company of, Charlotte, at a capital of $50,000. The corporators are, J. W. Conway, E. A. Don and S. A. Abbey. Charters were also issued to the Piedmont Directory Company of Ashe ville, at a capital of $63,000, by Gel. L, Hackney and others and to the Montreat Supply Company of Mon- Ireat, Buncombe countty at a capital of SIO,OOO, by W. H. Kempton and others. MAY EFFECT ARBITRATION. Mexico and United States Will Prob ably Restore Harmony in Warring Republics. Washington, March 25. —Negotia- tions for peace in Central America are being carried on in Washington. The Mexican ambassador and Nic araguan minister, called at the State Department to discuss the Central American war, although Mexico and the United States have not yet found a way to restore harmony among the warring republics, it is belieVed ar bitration will be effected. NUMBER OF SMALL FIRES. Fire at Columbia, S. C., Destroyed Number of Buildings. Columbia, S. C., March 21. —Colum- bia had two fires yesterday evening, neither of which destroyed or dam- 1 fged any building that could not be spared. About four o'clock in the afternoon an explosion of gasolene in the dye works of Copleston & Dough ty set fire to the small one-story name building on East Washington street opposite Law Range. Almost in a moment the building was a mass ot flames and the two* small one-story buildings were also afire. All three were burned down. They belonged to different parties and were not heavily insured. The dye company lost about SI,OOO above insurance; the law office of W. D, Simpson was destroyed but his library and furniture saved and the bowling alley in the third building was burned up. The buildings were between the Kendall building and the Berkeley fiats, both cf which were slightly damaged by fire and water. The burned buildings occupied valuable fcftes but of themselves were not worth much. AGAINST NEGRO SERVANTS. Bill Introduced to Forbid Negroes From Waiting on White People. Little Rock, Ark., March 22. —Sena- tor McKnight introduced a bill in the Senate, making it unlawful 'for ne groes to wait upon white persons. "It is to prevent negroes from tak ing white women about the waist and helping them off trains." It wil lnot cost you a cent to try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets, and they are excellent for stom ach troubles and constipation. Get a free sample at Shuford Drug Co's drug store. DEATH AT WADESBORO. Wadesboro, March 23. —Mr. John B. Ingram, a prominent river farmer, a modest, retiring gentleman and one of the old time hospitable Southern gentlemen, died yesterday afternoon of a lingering illness. The winds of March htwe no terror to the user or DeWitt's Carbclizetl Witch Hazel Salve. It quickly heals chapped and cracked skin. Good too, for boils and burns, and undoubtedly the best relief for Piles. Sold here by C. M. Shuford & W. S. Martin. Representative Champ Clark, of Mis souri. is making a lecture tour of the South. Rheumatic Pains Relieved. B. F. Crocker, Esq., now S4 years of age, and for twenty years Justice cf the Peace at Martinsburg, liowa,*says: "I am terribly afflicted with sciatic rheumatism in my left arm and right hip. I have used three bottles of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and it did me lots of good." For sale by Shuford Drug Co. The child culture class of the Wo man's Club will meet at the library on Thursday. An fllinois boy, aged three years, reads the newspapers, and has been much interested in the Thaw case. We trust none of those journals which "have been reporting the trial in detail fell into his little paddies. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has hem in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of -* - and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy* /-cAllow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are bub Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infhnts and Children—Experience against Experiment* What Is CASTOR IA Castor!a, is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. -It is Pleasant. ?t contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrlicsa and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend* GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS si Bears the Signature of The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. I THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 7T MURTAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. WIFE AS HOME DEFENDER. Shoots One and Bests Another Female Visitor of Husband. Joplin, Mo., March 21. —Returning , home suddenly and finding the door locked, Mrs. C. M. Clark, living down j | in the south western part of Joplin, l forced an entrance, and with a revolv ; er opened fire on a woman she found in the house with Mr 4 . Clark. > Three shots were fired, one grazing the shoulder ofsyictoria Wilde. Afterward she struck her with the butt of the weapon, and turning on Julia Messinger, beat her so badly that 1 she is confined to her bed. Mrs. Clark was informed by neigh . bors that the women had been visiting her home during her absence and she watched for an opportunity to catch ■ them there. Her husband is a semi-invalid, and [ today sent his wife down town after medicne. While she was away the two p women went to the Clark home. Mrs. L Clark watched them and saw them . enter, and hurried home. " The shooting and beating followed. r No arrests have been made. J 1 "In 1897 I had a stomach disease, t Some physicians said Dyspepsia, some Consumption One said I would not live ) until Spring. For four years I existed on boiled milk, soda biscuits, and doc j tor's prescriptions. I could not digest ; anything I ate; Ijhen I picked up one of your Almanacs and it happened to ')be my I bought a bottle of KODOL and the benefit I re ' ceived from that bottle all-the-gold in T Georgia could not buy.._ In two months 4 I went back to my work, as a machin [ ist, and in three months I was well J and heart uy. May you live, long and D prosper."—N. C. Cornell, Roding, Ga., 1906. . The above, is only a sample of the great good that is daily done every where by Kodol For Dyspepsia. It is sold h .e:-e by He might not dig the deep canal, Though talking glibly through his 3 hat, ' But Harriman could water it — There isn't any doubt of that. L A PI E S 1 (H UymROJUNDj Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator Superior t» other remedies sold at hlßli price*. 1 Cm* tmajant.eed. Successfully used by over 200,000 Women. Price, 28 CentH, dnif;- 5 (flits or by mail. Testimonials & booklet free 1 Mr- Lat'raneO) Philadelphia, l?i ODr. Woollen's ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ calneorwniskey.i HH large book of pai WT 111 IWI ticnlarson homeo I U 111 sanatorium treat «ur> ment. Address,Df AMD B. M. WOOLLEN Whiskey Core Atlanta, tieorglf ; Wedding Gifts A**** one of your friends to be n. Tie3 eonn? If so, you w?Il want a n»c* pres ent lor utoem. Sterling silvdr and cuj [ glass make exquisite tffttj that are al f ways useful. Write ua for auythlt j you may need In this lln*. A free bottle oi Dr. Thacher' s Liver and | Blood Syrup will be sent to any reader of | r this paper who will write to the Thacher I Medicine Co.. Jhattanooga, Tenn. The iamily medicine in thousands of j i homes for 52 years —Dr. Thacher's Liver . Blood Svruo | Women find cju.c- rciici. i iiacher's Liver i_t.d Blood Svrup. Report Says 1000 Men Were Killed In Battle Washington, March 22. —A dispatch . received at the State Department J arora the American consul at Mana gua says that the government reports that, on March 18 an army of 5,000 Salvadoreans attacked the Nicaraguau vanguard near Namaseque. The battle lasted three days, re sulting in the complete rout of tho Salvadoreans who lest 1,000 men killed. The Best Physic. When you want a physic that is mild and gentle, easy to take and pleasant in effect, take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price 25 cents. Ev ery box wararnted. Get free somple at Shuford's Drug store and try them. Southern RAILV/*v. The Standard Raftv.-../. °t the Soutu The Direct Line to air Faints TEXAS, CALIFORNA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND POTOR RICO Strictly First-Class Equipment tor all Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Ta bles. Rates and Genera Into/na tion, or addreea- R. L- VERNON, 7. t Charlotte, N. C. J. H. WCOn, D. P. A., Ashoville, N. U 8 H P. A., HELP IS OFFERED i TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE | We earnestly request all yrans persona, no matter how limited their means or education, who wish to obtain a thorough business training and good posi tion, to write by first mail for our great half-rate offer. Success, independence and probable fortune are guaranteed. Don't delay. Write today. Tbe Ga.»Ala. Basinets Collcge.Macon, Gs. "T " HOLUSTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nugget* / Busy Mediolne for Bu3y Toople. Brings Golden Health on! Benowod Vigor A sneciflc for Constipation, Indigestion, I.lve and Kidney Troubles, Pimples. Eezeirn; Impur. Blood, Bad Breath, Sluggish BOWPJK, Hea>)oche un l Backache It's Itoclry Mountain Tea in tab' let form, 35 cents a box. Genuine made by HOLLISTEH DUITO COMPANY, Madison, Wis. ' '' GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR PEOPLE NOTICE! ' We want every man and women in the Onited States interested in the cure ol Dplnm, Whiskey or other drug habits, either for themselves or friends, to havt ineof Dr. Woolley's books on these dls» aases. Write Dr. B. M. Woolley, Atlanta, 3u., Bos 287, and one will be sent you fret* PARKER'S 1 &pS HAIR BALSAM \ Sr~— MM Clean*:, and beautifle* the hair. J -» M| Promote, a luxuriant growth. I ; wßNerer Fails to Beatore Gray! Hair to its Youthful Color. I . JwBI Curt, Kalp clisea«£ It hair falling. I : JOc, and SI.OO tt Bruggirtj | I KILL the COUCH I AND CURE THE LUMCSI " ITO Or, King's \ New Discovery i Ir#1 r# , n /*CWSUMI»TIOII Price 9 FUR 1 OUGHSand 50c & SI.OO 2 u " V0 Lt) S Free Trial. J Surest and O.uickestCure for all R THROAT and LUNG TBOTJB- I LEVorMONE^BA^^^^^J