Consumption is less deadly th&Q it used to be. J Certain relief and usually complete recovery. «Q will result from the following treatment: Hope, rest, fresh air, and— Scott's Emulsion. f ALL DRUGGISTS: 50c. AND SI.OO. >Ll| ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ K . ' IMBheFhwMem —lt means f SSm \ aS "H| hottest and cleanest i 3-/ D Qlß!§r> any stove. This is WS- t^ie ame t^ie ' New B j; Perfection Oil Stove |7 \ I ' 1 1 i f)\ -gives the instant a \\ ]| \I I [ lighted match is ap- J) U if \v plied—no delay, no • \\ trouble, no soot, no • t dirt. For cooking, the /"NEW PERFECTION I Wick Blue Flame Oil Cock-Stove is unequaled. It gives quick results because its heat ishighlyconcentrated. Cutsiuel-expense •" in two. made in three sizes. Every , I stove warranted. If not at your deal- M § er's write to our nearest agency. rj fW The * Keelcy Cure 1 - ' I ForAli Uve Stock EASY AND SAFE TO USE. KI L lC l£o fi£££v, * IITES - CURES MANGE. SCAB. RINGWORM, SCRATCHES, ETC. DESTROYS DISEASE GERMS AND DRIVES AWAY FLIES. NON-IRRITATING. EFFECTIVE. INEXPENSIVE. THE IDEAL. DIP W. S. MARTIN fc^CO You will be satisfied, and so will the buyer of m| your tobacco if you improve the qur.'ity and increase tottV the weight of your tobacco by using 500 to Bco lbs. of Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer per acre, ten days before planting. These fertilizers wMpfpv?~ give an early start to the plant, which vry soon j, grows large enough to withstand the ravages of insects. Soils that under ordinary conditions would make a yield • of poor, papery tobacco, lacking in gummy or oily matters, |9sS?gjHl 4 will produce a verjt high type of tobacco by liberally using Get from your dealer one of Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer |R free almanacs. Its a beauty, *nd full of information on 1 . SALES OFFIC-S: Richmond, Va. . Jptnrham, N. C. Atlanta, Ga. IjjSV Noriolk, Va. - Charleston, S. C. Savannah, Ga. * Baltimore, Md. Montgomery, Ala. |BlK c - Memphis, Terra. Shreveport, La. V; - "Increase Your Yields Per Acre." * | DO YOO KNOW WHAT IT DOES? It relieves a person of all desire for strong drink or drugs, restores his nervous system to its normal condition, and reinstates a man to his home and business. For Full Particulars,. Address The Keeley Institute, GREENSBORO, N. CAROLINA. Correspondence Confidential. | The fact that Mr. Richard V Manfieid has declared for Roose y velt for a third term, is a sign } that the third term idea is rathei b unpopu'a**. j 1 If the earthquake was sent up r on San Francisco lor its sins, why iidn't it destroy Abe Ruef and I Schmitz instead of so many acres I of improved real estate. The Alastca Packers Associa tion have liberated from their Hatcheries in Alaska, up to 1906. over three hundred and fiftv one million (351,000,000) young salmon. Their Fortmann hatch \ - sry is the largest in the world. ✓ V I These are words of wisdom, and should airest the attention of every one with property to lose by fire. A Fire Insurance policy costs but a trifle,com • oared to the security and. protection 1' , \ffcrds. So much so, that it is actual- , 'y criminal negligence to leave your property uninsured, even for a single day. - ' BE WISE-BE PRUDENT, insure your home and see about it to- , day, to morrow may be too late. " - Canard and Lyerf>.; i PREPARE THIS YOURSELF. ] For tliose who have and form of ' blood disorders; who want new, rich ' blood and plenty of it, try this: 1 ■ Flu'd Extract Diidelion, ore-half 1 ounces; Compound Largofl, one ounce, s Compound Syrup Sarsaparillia, three ( ? ounces. . : { Snake well in a bottle and take in I , - .v teaspoonful doses after each. meal and at bedtime. Any good phaimccy can ■ ] supply the ingredients at small cost. ] This is the prescription which, when made up, is called "The Vegetable Treatment;" by others, the "Cyclone s Blood Purifier." It acts gently and certainly does wonders for soine peo ple who are sickly, weak and out of j _ sorts, and !s known to relieve, sarious i longsta i iin6 cases of rheumatism and i chronic backache puickly. j r ■ . I SHORT TALKS BY L. T. COOPER. i! 1 RHEUMATISM. 4 ] Old Mr. Rheumatism hangs on tight and bites and pinches when he takes hold. tc m I aren't to fclamc. { UWKSHCE TUSCANY. { *• think . . they were. Now C I know better. It's that over worked and over crowded stomach giving the kidney* part of its work and the kidneys ean't do • it. I found this out with Cooper's New Discovery. It puts the stomach in shape, that's all it does, and yet I have seen thousands o! people get rid of rheumatism by taking it. That is why I am positive that rheumatism is caused by stomach trouble. Here is a sample of letters I get every day on the subject. 1 "For a long time I have been a victim of sciatica and inflammatory rheumatism, ' and my suffering has been too great to de scribe. For weeks I lay helpless with every joint in my body so tender and sore i that I Could not bear to move. The slight* est touch would cause me the greateat 0 agony. _ Several doctors treated me but t they failed entirely. I tried many re roe* r dies but nothing seemed to reach my eaae, so I continued to lay helpless. My kid* J neys and stomach were affected also. I could eat but little, digest less and grsdu- 5 ; "tßCngth left. I lost flesh rapidly." I began the use of the famous Cooper medicines of which I heard so mueb.- To 1 my surprise and delight I improved fan* a mediately, and after using several bottles I felt like another person. My strength tod appetite returned. The pain and Mr*. *1 m ® and now I feel better than I /°T months." Lawrence Tuscany, tj m£» Ave., North, Minneapolis, ° c — g We sell Mr. Cooper's celebrated prepa* - rations. " E ? B. MENZIES ° i Druggist. 5 F ' i' - •' ff **"4" J t A 1 jPor nice printed stationery call 'phone 87» . C. T. Morrison went over to Shelby Tuesday on business. Mr. B. E. Herman and family of Mt Airy, are spending a few days in the city. Miss Agnes Collins has re turned to her home in Ashevii le after spending some time in Hickory the guest of Miss Vioia Mayo. V* Mrs. Nannie Williams, repre senting the N. C. Childrens Home Society, was in the city Monday soliciting funds for thai most worthy cause. Mrs. Wil liams tells us Hickory is one of her brag towns for good collec tions. Dr. D. L. Fry, of the Indian Tei ritory, is here prospecting with the view of going into some kind of mercantile business. We hope the Doctor will locate with us no better place than Hick ory can be found for business. I Dr. Fry and wife are stopping with Mr. R. H. Thortiasson in East Hickory. It does not pay to advertise say some merchants who have done but little of it and that without keeping it up. , The incident of the boy and the pump illustrates the matter very well. The boy, was sent after a pail of water. He poured in the priming and 1 poured out as much-as he poured in. Then he stopped to rest and the priming ran down. After some time of alternate / pumping and resting he concluded it did not pay to pump and quit in dis-, gust The merchant who doesj not believe in advertising does it j like the boy did the pumping. He j advertised a few weeks, thea stopped a while and allowed the people to forget him. and his busi ness before he advertised again and then concluded advertising didn't pay. Notice! Notice!! Notice!!! On Monday, the 6th day of May, A. D.,1907, there will be held at the Mayor's office in the City of Hickory an election to determine whetfeer or not bonds shall be issued in of $25,000, to install and erect an electric light plant in paid City and residue for street improve-, ments. Every qualified voter who favors said issue of bonds may cast a ballot bearing the written or printed words; "For Improvement Ronds : ' ano every qualified voter of said City who opposes said issue may cast a bal lot bearing the written or print ed words: "Against Improve ment Bonds." Said bonds shall run for thirty years drawing in terest at 5 percent payable semi annually on the Ist day of Janu uary and the lsu day of August respectively. A new registration for said! election has been orderxi and I oooks will be open at the office of J. F. Click, Regis; rar,, in said City every 1 day for thirty day? next preceding said election ex cept on Saturdays when saids oooks will be open at the Mayor j * office. J. D. ELLIOTT Mayor, J. F. CLICK, Sec. and Treas. This is worth saving. The following simple home-made mix- is said to relieve any form of Rheu matism or backache, also cleanse and strengthen the Kidney and Bladder, overcomes all urinary disorder, if taken the stage ofßright's disease: Fluid Extreck Dandelion, one-half onces Compound Kargon, one ounce; Com pound Syroup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Mix by shaking well in a bottel and* . tnkel in teespoonful doses after meals and at bedtime. A well-known authority states that , these ingredients are mainly of vege- | table extracts and harmless to use, and 2 can be obtained at small cost from any t good prtscription : pharmacy. Those j who thidk they have Kidney trouble or E suffer with lame back or weak bladder a or Rheumatism should give this pre s cripticn a trial, as no harm can pos ibely follow its use, and it is said to i do wonders for Mmc people. c NOTICE OF BOND SALE The Mayor and Foard of Al dermen of the Carity of Hickory will receive saaled bids for the purchase of eleven thousand dol , iais bcvverage bonds of the City of Hickory issued by virtue of act of legislature of ISO 7, said bonds being in denominations from $50.00 to SIOOO.OO each to suit purchaser, and drawing six^ ( per cent from date, to run ten years, interest payable semi-an nually on the first day of May and November respectively of each year. Said bonds will be sold to the highest bidder, but right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit or cer tified check for ten per cent of the amount of said bid. All such deposits and checks returned if bids rejected. No bids will be accepted later than midnight of 28th of April, 1907. Address, J. F. CLICK, Sec'y. and Treas. j City of Hickory. The spring plowing goes on as steadily as though Wall street did not exist. A Kansas man asserts that he recently saw a rat with horns, j As the authorities insist that the prohibition law is being enforced in Kansas, there must be some- - thing radically wrong with the so la water in that State. What Do They Cure? The above question is often asked con cerning Dr. Pierce's two loading medi- . cines, "Golden Medical Discovery" and "Favorite Prescription." The answer is that "Golden Medical Discovery " Is a most potent alterative or | blood-purifier, and tonic or invigorator I and acts especially favorably in a cura- i ! tive way upon all the mucous lining sur- i f faces, a» of tha nasal passages, throat, j bronchial tubes, stomach, bowels and . bladdefc-curing a large per cent, of catar- j ! rhal cases whether fie disease affects the nasal the thvat, larynx, bron chia, stomachNtas catarNiiy dyspepsia), bowels (as bladder, uterus or other pelvic Eyen in thp or MrTr"* PT affagtiniw. it. is nf.en successful in affect : la Kxlfgd for triftftiirenf one class of diseases—ttjose pWlar' weaEpEfe ffifefflHits'afo irrepiiamies Incident to wottier) on.ry.Tt Is a powerful yet gently acting mvigorat ing tonic and nervine. For weak worn out, overworked women—no matter what j has caused the break-down, "Favorite ; Prescription "will be found most effective , In building up the strength, regulating * the womanly functions, subduing pain J and bringing about a healthy, vigorous condition of the whole syst«m. A book of particulars wrap.; each bottle giving the formula: of both medicines and ; quoting what scores of eminent mtd- . leal authors, whose works are consulted i by physicians of all the schools of practice as guides In prescribing, say of each in- j orreuient entering into these medicines. « The word-* of praise bestowed on the ' several Pierco's medicines 1 y such writers si.ould nav« more weight ihan any amount of j non - professional testimonials, because j such men ave writing tor the guidance of jj their medical brethren and know whereof they speak. Both medicines are non-alcoholic, non secret.'and contain no harmful habit fnrminsr drugs. loiny composed of glyceric i i :rr u- •• of rrot? ■-.•? native. American : medicinal forest plants They are both j soi l b* dealers in rfiedicine. You can't afford to ai'.c. pt as a substitute for one of ) laese medicines of known composition, I any secret nostrum. Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar-coated, easy to take as candy, r gtilate and in vigorate stomach, liver and bowels. There Will Be A. Mappvj Parting j ~vVith yo-j ani whiskers, i you shave with us. \ $ Good Specialty. Diet z Barber Sip Home-made Catarrh Cure. Any one can mix right at home the best remedy of its kind known. The name "Cyclone" is given to the fol lowing prescription, it is suppored, be cause of its promptness in driving from rhe blood and system every vestige of catarrhal poison, relieving this foul and dread disease,no matter where located. To prepare the mixture: Get from any good pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid Extraet Dandelion, one ounce Com pound Kargon and three ounces Com pound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Shake well and use. in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bed time. This is a harmless, inexpensive mix ture, which has a peculiar action upon the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys, assisting them to flltnr and strain from the blood and system all catarrhal poisons, which, if not eradicated, are absorbed by the mucous membrane, and an open sore of catarrh is the re suU. Prepare some and try it, as it it the prescription of an eminent catarrh spe cialist of natioeal reputation.' a pretty face, a g«> d sooner or later learn that tha RffM&W wthy. happy, oDnteu ted woman >I®IM , is most of all to be admired. • fffmtemg *** &Wm Women troubled with fainting } j"' •-. Wv:.v..-.-v ( o and X S )fi those dreadful dra«r»n* sensations, /# cannot hope to be happy .or popular, Mr VX 1 8 and advancement in either home, ..y business or soeial life is impossible. V/i,\ The cause of these troubles, now- / ~ 1/V? A ' «rer. yield? jnickly to L*dia E Pink ham's Vegetable Compound made from native root* and herbs It acts MISS HURLER . tually aU those distressing symp- . , , ... H toms. No other medicine in the country has received such unqualified U indorsement or has such a record of cures of female ills as has Ljdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I Miss Emma Euntzler, of 631 State St., Schenectady, N. Y., writes:- i "For a long time I was troubled with a weakness which seemed to . drain all mv strength awav I had dull headaches, was nervous irritable and all worn out. Chancing to read one of your advertisements \ similar to mine cured %y Lydia E. Pinkbam s Vegetable Compound, I decided to try it and I cannot express my gratitude for the benefit received. lam entirely well and feef like a new person. Ly 11a E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the moat successful remedy for all .forms of Female Complaints, Weak Back Falling and Displacement*, Inflammation and fJleeration, and is invaluable in pre- i paring for childbirth and the Change of Life. . Mrs. Pinkham'* Standing Invitation to Women 1 Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to | promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her adviee I is free and always helpful. J I " I THE HID-WAY CAFE! COME IN AND GET A GOOD DINNER FISH, OYSTERSAND BEEF STEAK Cut to suit you. Hot Coffee served ! with lunches all times a day. T" ♦ GROCERIES FOR EVERYBODY. * I T. G. HUNTLEY, MAIN STREET "V - HICKORY, N. C. | Old Reliable, $ | # Par Spring Clothing lor m &> | ■ ' s * ußt what you i|sg want in quality and "Hftl J 8 TKi We are just f"7 i rjt' m | |r| opening up a beauti- & ift 1 I _ ful line of these goods jm 4j G° me and get what WE SELL CLOTHING FOR NEARLY HALF js WHAT IT WILL COST YOU AT OTHER PLACES. SHOESr SHOES. 1 The best line In the city. We han- S die General Merchandise. S Call dn us for bargains. | (s>■ Russell, | M HICKORY, N. C. 1 0001 OU SDMMEE JIME Goods is What You Are Looking For The most handsome line of Dress Goods, Silks, Em broideries and beautiful Shirt Waist Goods. We Have the Stock to Choose From EVERYTHING IN THE NOTION LINE IS FOUND IN OUR STORE. j Come and get a bargain W. G. FOX Hickory, N, C.