Our Graded School. The Democrat has 110 interest in the graded school of our town other than to see a good school maintained and to have one of the best institutions of our town not to be evillv Spoken of. For two and a half yeass the school has been in operation, patronized by the whole town irrespective of religion, or political affilia tion and social standing. The faculty has been composed of a number of efficient and compe tent young ladies headed ijy a| gentleman of the University of ! North Carolina. That these have been competent-no one denies. Jt is an easy matter by insinuation to create a spirit of dissatisfac tion and distrust. It is easy ,to undermine the standing of any man in the community and to hurt the usefulness of any insti tution. In this way Absalom won the affections of the people from King David to himself. He stood beside the gate and when the people came with a cause he would say, that they could not set justice and if he were king then they would receive their rights. In this way they were led to declare him king, and a poor king he was. This leads up to what we wished to say. We nardly be lieve that tax-payers in last week's Mercury state d a fact when he said that a majority of the people were dissatisfied with the present management. We know that it is a fact that many of Hickory's largest tax-payers and most substantial citizens are greatly grieved because the pres ent superintendent is not to be retained, - Neither can we share the feelings of ourneighbor, the Mercury, in saying that the school has not been satisfactory and perhaps never will be. It is not likely to amount to much if we all pursue the policy of our neighbor. However" that may be.' The town has elected a board of trustees of worthy and competent men and it is the duty of every citizen to uphold them in their work. Let us trust them. ■ 1 - I ' i• ■! J* 1 For A Good Investment I IN REAL ESTATE IN THE growing TOWNS or |||QKORY AND LONG VIEW I We will sell to the highest bidder 65 choice lots, ranging in size 50x185 to 50x285, oil SATURDAY, JUNE 15th. 1907. I I Sale Begin tiHng at 1 OoloOfc P- M. . I '' ' !"" " ' _ ■ ' i i " / - —— —-—.. " . I Come and buy some of thes6 fine lots. They are FREE L^ T Free Trip to Exposition I I beautiful located and form a link between two grow— Ride to the Grounds I I ing cities, West Hickory and Long View! , Growingj Free Lemonade * I I in value all the time. A home lot or business lot. J 'Free Music I I Terms of sale 1-3 'cash, balance in 6 and 12 months. : j Every adult on the grounds will get a ticket gjv- I It is fact a depot wUI be builtat this point i tagtt,em a cliance atU,elot to beg.Tenaway. I it is a positive * uc v" Every person buying a lot will Receive a ticket I I " . - .._ .. '; - ; •' "which will give them a chance of a free trip to the I I Lfldics Cordially Invited. Jamestown Exposition. . I I Don't forget the date and be on the grounds and get a chance at the lot you want. They are goingat some price I I CAMPBELL MP BUCHANAN I ' V ... ...... i Is ._ ■ .l-l - ... ■ .v.-' .. .... i - . , ... . uc. v* -,.T .. If they find that the present management is best let them be at perfect liberty to endorse it, but if they find that a change would be better let them make it and let no man stand behind them * ith threats. This school is dedicated to the cause of edu- j ration of the masses and let it be • as sacred as the Ark of the- cov-j enant and let no- ruthless hand tear it down. . • ! , Education in Catawba County That commendable progress > has been made in the educational work in Gatawba county within the last few yearti&n hardly be denied. This is evidenced by the erection of school buildings. In many districts the Jog hut has given way to the large _painted building which is an honor to any community. All that one has to do to be convinced of this improvement is to take a drive through the country. TheJDem-, ocrat is not as well acquainted with the teaching force of the county as it would like to be, nor as faptiiliar as it intends to be, but as far as our knowledge goes the teachers are a'competent set and just as faithful as the teach ers in almost any county. Ca tawba county has always had some strong men among . the teaching force and some of these have retired and their work is missed, but take the tethers as a body and they will average up as well as at anytime in the his tory of the county.As there will soon be a change in the man agement of the educational work of our county arid the new board will take charge we wish to express our confidence in these gentlemen and say that we be lieve that in their hands the work will be entireiy safe". * The Democrat has no pet candidate for the office of county superin tender!*, but could name a num ; ber that would till the office with credit Some person should be selected who is a practical school man and will give .time to the office and not run.it as a sid§ line to some other business. In conversation with the Ur njers (£ the cour ywe learn Uat the prospect for a gool wheat crop in the county is fine. Those of our friends who live in t'it South Fork valley says that a fint crop will be harvested in „ theii section while in the Oxford Ford community the prospects are most encouraging. As Catawba is one of the wheat counties good news when the wheat is well filled and matures well- Good Cheer. . >. •"A. The Christian, above all others should be cheerful and happy. . "A religion without thanks giving, praise and joy, is like a lower without tint, - perfume or honey. There may he such a flower, but surely no one would care to pluck it." —Selected.. • There js quite a difference t .in silliness or affected cheerfulness, and real joy 'or/ gladness. The fortner has a about jt which leaves the impression that it is an effort to be funny, while the latter naturally springs froin the heart filled with love and Gratitude to God. "Ought we not to made a cov enant with ourselves, and ask God to send it with his blessing una that we will he kind from the time we rise until we retire at night? If everyone did an act oi daily kindness to his neighbor and refused to dc any unkindness, half the sorrow would be lifted." —John Watson ("lan McLaren") To "Forget'it" is the best cure for feelings of irfit&tfpn, and the best way to forget a thing is to get interested in something else Therefore diversion is often the best cure for irritation. How many of us have been thorough* ly Shamed of ourselves to find that our uglv» ungovernable feel ings in a certain matter have en tirely disappeared, simply be cause we were- interrupted in its consideration, entire at tention drawn off for the time being. Irritated feelings result from self being rubbed the wrong way, and the best way to conquer self is to get interested in something outside of self. We can do all this if we will. He is the wisest fighter who knows when to win a victory by beat ing a retreat.— Sunday-School Times. -1 •V NATURE'S GREAT BLOOD TONIC Piedmont-Bedford Concentrated Iron & Alum Water ( Rcpretesting the Famous Bedford Alum & Iron Springs of Va.) contains 17 of the most powerful Mineral Tonics. "An 18-ofc. 7 bottle contains all the minerals in a barfel of • the average wafer. We furnish the minerals, you furnish tho'water. We have "certificates both from"the public and from emi nent physicians, tellingr of its virtue in Dyspepsia, Rheumatism# a large variety of Female Diseases* Chronic Diarrhoea and Dysentery, General De bility, Anaemia, Malar a. Ulceration of the Throat, Diabetes, Piles, Chronic Ecxema, Ner vousness, Chronic Constipation, and many show ing the wonderful cures in that dreadful disease, Scro fula. • - DR. T. LT KABLBR, for fifteen years a resident at the Springs, says: Tor Scrofula, that fearful destroyer of human health and happing, we have in this water .a remedy which neither science nor fortunate accident has hitherto found an equal. Itdsln this malady, and some forms of secondary and tertiary Syphilis, that this water token carried to tit full alterative effect, displays its highest curative powers. In aH formi of diseases peculiar to females, this water wUI be found to exert a curative influencs second to none in Virginia. I have given your Concentrated Water a fair trial, and say with pleas ure I liave been greatly benefited. Tor some yews I have suffered more-or leas with Indigestion, followed by Constipation and otiier attendant ills. Within the past two months I liave found such relief from your remedy that I have improved in strength and weight; have eaten what I have not dared to do for a long time, and have done harder work than I have been able to do before for years. ■ REV. OSCAR UTTWTQi?, Presiding Rider, Lynchburg, Ya. Since 18&4 I haye been afflicted with Chronic Diarrhoea. About six months ago I commenced using your Concentrated Iron and Alum Water with the most wonderful and satisfactory results.. For three or four years past I have been deprived of the privilege of visiting friends or going to church, as my trouble kept me in constant apprehension, having lost almost entirely the control of my bowels; but now I am happy to state that atter using about a half dozen bottles of your remedy I am entirely cured, not having used any" for the last four months. I can confidently and most gladly recommend your remedy lor Chronic Diarrhoea. CAFT. RUFUB AMIS, Ya, I was an intense sufferer for some months with Indigestion, and could : get no relief from the ofdinwi jefftedies, During the month of January I oogan tltf* US9 your Qonoenwated Water, and one-bottle has entirely re lieved wa. Jean now digest any diet and am entirely free from suffering. X take great pleasure in giving this testimonial. REV. H. M. A-L..RVI v Editor N. C. Christian Advocate, Greensboro,_N. C. I have used and prescribed waters from »everal Iron and Alum Springs, but none of them begin to come up to your Concentrated Water in all that goee to the ideal alterative, strengthened appetizer and restorative, ft is at once a fine tonic and flesh-builder. Have advised several recently toiry .it, *oi; always wjth fine and quick results. In January I had a bottle sent from one of /our dealers to a lady, with the understanding that if it did not at once improve her digestive apparatus, I would pay the SI.OO myself. She not only willingly paid the bill, but used a part of one-half dozen more bottles, and is now completely cured of a long and annoying Stomach Tronble. This seems to be the case with all who try it. ' - 8. P. MILLIARD, M. D., Rocky Mount, N. C. 1 i " . For Sale by C. M.SHUFORD M A Mother Made m Happy . W wNJwg A mother writes: "The first food that my child jiffiiwflt XNm'r j has t>een able to takelEor some time without vomiting |i« w !) DR. PRICE'S 1 HI if WHEAT FLAKE CELERY 71 1 FOOD / /Y1 He eats the food regularly and has improved so much! iff as plnmp as a partridge and getting so strong. I - W If U am delighted that he is again so well." Dr. Price's ' ML a Food is the ideal food for children; prevents sour ■ft 1 stomach and constipation. ■ Palatable—Nutritious—Easy of Digestion and Ready to Eat I - CM be served list. Pat to a tot ovea for a few olMrte*; or cook la toltlos nlHc M T /- .. I " _ . " J I Am Still Adding to My ( j STOCK OF SPRING HATS J J S J METHING NEW TO SE- * | I LECT FROM EVERY DAY J Our Shirt —7' I of drawing ' j . work are just \ | The Spring is hard on complexion. Try a box of our complexion goods at* i rirs. A. P. Whitener's | ' Millinery Store. v jj HICKORY, - NORTH CAROLINA

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