Hn The Towns I Where you find the people making use.of their J ! Banks, depositing their money and paying their bills ) by checks, you will find a progressive, "get-there" f spirit that means the up-building of that town and f i vicinity. J i This is our home and we take an active inter- f I est in watching and aiding the material prosperity of f ! both town and surrounding country. We should like \ to see every man and woman who has an income, ev- f ery farmer, evepr laboring man, every mechanic] ev- F ery young man in this community start a bank ac- ) count. • _ . .. - You are interested—come in and talk with us # A about it. a • J , FIRST NATIONAL BANk } J HICKORY, N. C Business Builders, Advertisements inserted under this bead at 5 cents a line for each insertion WANTED— For U. S. Army able bodied, unmarried men, betweer ages of 31 and 35. citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits,who can speak, read and write English. Men wanted now for service in Cuba. Fo information apply to Recruiting Officer* i 5 West Trade St., t liarlotte, N. C.; jfc i-2 South Main St.. Asheville, N. C.;. Bank Building, Hickory, N. C.; 417 i-a Liberty St., Winston-Salem, N. C.; jj6 1-2 North Main St Salisbury, N C; j Glean Building, Spartanburg, S. C- Haynsworth and Conyer's Building Greenville, S. C.; or Kendall Building Columbia, S. C.; GUITARS, Violins, Mandolins, Banjos, Harps and all kind of string instruments at The Morri son Bros. Co. WANTED-Renter * or * arm nearConover, N. C. Apply to - Mrs. Henry L. Hickory, N. C. Rooms for rent, furnished or unfurnished. Apply at this office. LOST-On road botween Hick ory and Granite Falls, Ladies Brown Linen Coat. Finder please return to Hickory Demo crat office and reward of $1.50. LOST—A Southern Railroad pais book (or mileage book) lost July 4th between Hickory and Cataw ba Springs. Any person finding this and returning to Hall Co's. Store or information wilL get re ward for same at The Hall Co. Store, Hickory, N. C. FOR SALE—I wagon and surry for sale. See W. P. Huffman. LOOK, LISTEN A clearence auction sale will take place at our store Saturday evening at 3p. m. and continue until 10:00 p. m. At 'this sale will be given some of the most valued bargains ever offered here. Come and get a bargain. Huffman's Furniture Store, Hickory, N. C. FOR GOOD LIVERY Call phone 246 when you want a good double or single team with careful drivers. Our prices are reasonable. Carr & Teague, Hickory, N. C. Watauga. : Hon. S. L. Patterson, sioner of Agriculture, has been in town this week. The new public school house at Valle Crucis is being painted. Elder Cordell, of the Mt. Airy district held quarterly meeting in the Boone and Watauga cir cuits this week. Rev. 0. P. Ader gave a splen did lectureon character building. Mr. Brendall gave a splendid talk to the young men and Mr. Davis lectured on the Taber nacle. College of Agriculture and Me ohanic Arts. Practical education in Agricul ture; in Civil, Electrical, and Me chanical Engineering; in Cotton Manufacturing, Dyeing and In dustrial Chemistry. Tuition $45 a year; Board $lO. a month. 120 Scholarships. Address PRESIDENT WINSTON, West Raleigh. ; I LOCAL | Prof. G. W. Hahn spent Friday in Newton on business. Mr. Wiley Clay, of Raleigh, " | spent Sunday at home. | Mr. James Wood, of Asheville, j soent Saturday in the city. i Mr. F. A. Clinard spent a day in Newton on business recently. Miss Margaret Bost has re turned home from a visit to Stan ley. Mr. J. C. Fry spent a few days in Statesville this week on busi ness. , Mr. Nelson Triplett, of Lenoir, was in town Monday to seethe ball game. • Mr. Marvin White, formerly of this place, died at his home in Asheville Sunday. Miss Minnie Rector has re turned from a weed's visit to her home in Morganton. Messrs. Henry and James Van story* of Connelly Springs, spent Friday in the citv. Miss Myrtle Ferguson spent several days this week in Bridge water with her brother. Mrs. Carrie Gamble and her son, Connelly* are spending a week in Asheville. Mr. Gordon Bohannon after a few weeks visit home has re turned to New York. Mr. Reynolds Crook and Mr. F. P. Wharton, of Charlotte, spent Monday in the city. Mr. R. S. Parker, of Southern Pines, spent Sunday in the city to the delight ef his friends? Mr. J. A. Caldwell, of Char lotte, spent Sunday here with his brother, Mr. W. I. Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson of Baltimore, are here visiting his father, Mr. R. W. Johnson. Attorneys W. B. Gaither and Witherspoon, of Newton, spent Tuesday in the city on legal bus iness. Mrs. W. L. Abernethy return ed Thursday from Connelly Springs where she has been vis iting Mrs. Sherrill. . - Miss Ollie Hoyle entertained the Young People's Aid Society of the Methodist church at her home Monday evening. Miss Bessie Jones left Tuesday for Asheville where she will spend several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Joe Fisher. Mrs. J. A. Martin and her chil dren and her mother, Mrs. Blount, are at Edgemont for a few days. Messrs. Harris Burgin, Victor Motz, Hugh Cline and Victor Reinhardt, of Lincolnton, were in town Monday attending the ball game. Mrs. J. H. Sledge, of Louis burg, is here visitiug her son, Mr. W. T. Sledge on- Morganton St Miss Mary E. Wiggs and Mr. Sledge's daughter, Miss • Lucy Sledge, came with her. Mr. Geo. Hoke has gone ti Hickory to take a position as as sistant bookkeeper with th« Hickory Grocery Co. —Catawba News. ~ Ted Sides spent Sunday at Black Mountain. , The Streetr carnival is in full blast this week. Mr. A. Rarriseur and Mr. Ran.- sey of Asheville were here Tues day. > Mr. StoweCrouse of Lincolnton was here this week. Miss Daisy Sides is visiting friends in Asheville. Prof. Garland Sittlemyre spent Wednesday in the city. Dr. E. R. Russell, of Charlotte, spent Sunday in Hickory. Miss Katie Miller is visiting friends in Asheville this week. Will Henderson has gone to , Black Mountain for a few weeks. ? Capt. C. M. Young spent Sun j day at Old Fort with his mother. I Mrs. C. M. Young is stopping : with her aunt, Mrs. J. S. Sides. , Mr. L. J. McDonald, of Char lotte, was a visitor in town Fri day* • Mr. Gordon Wilfong,of Jacob's Fork townshipJJ was avisitor in town Monday. Mr. Jesse Warlick and family r have gone to Reepsviile to visit , his old home. ► The Lutheran churches of the . county will picnic at Lenoir Col lege Saturday. 5 Miss Kathryn Weh!er,of New ton, is visiting Miss Rosa Shu foid on Morganton St. Dr. J. L. Murphy and Dr. C. . E. Wehier, of Newton, exchang ed pulpits last Sunday. * We have some nice yard sticks and we want to give all of our subscribers one if you will call before they are given out. Rev. W. R. Minter and wife,of Lincolnton, spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Doll on their way to Black Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Hawn have gone to Blowing- Rock, Mrs. Hawn will spend a few weeks in the mountains for her health. Rev. J. L. Murphy will deliver the address at the annual Mason ic picnic to be held at Ball's Creek camp ground, Aug. Ist. Messrs. Ben and Frank Coop er, of Statesville, and Mr. Kahrs of Gastonia, are in town playing ball with the Hickory Bantams. Dr. R. J. Morrison was here Monday on his way to Cherry ville. Dr. Morrison has been to Chicago taking a post-graduate course in dentistry. Mrs. Carrie Nation will be here Friday and will lecture in Wesleyan Methodist church at 3 o'clock and 8 P. M. We don't know what else "Carry" will do. There will be no preaching at the Reformed church next Sun day morning, as thev will unite with the Presbyterians, but there will be services at night as the Presbyterians will unite with them. Dr. W. B. Duttera, of Salis bury; Rev. W. H. McNairy, of Lenoir, L. A. Carpenter and Dr. P. J. Kluttz, of Maiden, were in town Monday to attend a meet ing of the Board of Trustees of Claremont College. Mrs. C. F. Bialock and Mrs. C. I ■ E. Cole are at the Stokes Hospit al for treatment. They both had serious operations last week. * They stood the operation well and are getting on as well as t could be exoected. Judge W. B. Courcill has ' bought a large farm on the Yad " kin river near Salisbury. It is * ,said this is one of the best farms J in that section. The judge went down last Saturday and closed - the trade. v » C. E. Hawn, a brakeman on 1 the C. & N-W. Ry., v was knocked 1 from the train somewhere near s Lincolnton Tuesday night and badly scared up about the head » and face. Mr. Hawn says he t- does not remember how nor e where he was hurt, but the first a he knew was at home ' the next morning. ||Mr. and Mrs. Riddle are spend ing a few days in the mountains. I Mr. R. S. Abernethy, of Ruth erford College, was here Wed , nesday, , Prof. Woltz and Editor J. C. • Martin, of Lenoir, were in the , city Wednesday. We would like to see some of our ladies - start up the Civic League movement .in Hickory. Rev. Moody submits a few timely remarks in this issue headed "Trees or Weeds'* for our beautiful city. Misses English and Camp, of Richmond, spent a few hours in the city yesteiday on their way to the mountains. Services 'next Sunday at the Church of the Ascension at 11 a. m,, and 8 p. m. Subject of morn ' ing sermon —"Summer-time Re ligion." If Hickory had the hotel facili ties and a good city hall to meet in we could have such a grand » meetings as the State Press Assr i ciation and the State convention i to meet in our good city. ' A SSO Present. J. D. Elliott has shown hi§ ap ! preciation for the good work • done by the Hickory Volunteer Fire Co., during the burning of one of his ware houses a few weeks ago which is fresh in the minds of our readers. He has given Mr. C. A. Moser, chief of this department, a check for SSO. The company did some excel lent work at this time, and Mr. Elliott is a man who does not let good deeds go unappreciated. \ Lincolnton Defeats Hickory. Lincolnton took both games from Hickory this week, but Hickory made her work hard for it. The score in tfie first game was 6to 0, and the feature of the game was the pitching of Smith for the visitors. The score in the second game » was 3to 0 in favor of the visit ors. Colee for Hickory and Story for Lincolnton both pitch ed good ball. The Lincolnton team has a gentlemanly crowd of ball pla>- ers, and all we can say, oh! here is to Lincolnton we want anoth er whack at you. IveyMill Dots. Our mill is running full time with a full force of hands day and night. Mr. Cook's baby is real sick of typhoid fever. Hope she will soon recover. Also the little child of Mr. Miller's has fever. There is not much fever in our part of the city at present and we trust will not be. The daughter of Mr. Amsey Lafon who has been sick for sev eral weeks, died Sunday. We extend our sympathy to the be reaved ones. Malcom McKenzie and M. L. Sherrill have gone to Charlotte. Mrs. Nettie Goings and chil dren, of Rock Hill, are visiting her sister, Mrs. Drum. Mr. Bumgarner is fencing his house and lot which adds much to the looks and value of his property. Rev. J. W. Griffin's son and two other gentlemen from Gas ton county are with Mr. Griffin to spend some time, j ; Rev. 0. L. Stringfield, princi pal of South Fork Institute, Mai i den, gave us a grand lecture Fri • day' night. His subject was 5 "Christian Education" and he i handled it well. He is a good t speaker and his speech was well I received and enjoyed. The voting contest at thiswrit [ ing Miss Mattie Abernethy leads . in the contest for the watch giv , en by the Hickory Rifles to the I m&st popular girl in Hickory. i The Hickory Banking & Trust r Co., ask you to let them take t care of vour money for you and t pay you 4 per cent for letting them take care of it, See adv. C. C. Moore, President of Cotton Association, to Speak in Newton. -• Everybody should go to New ton July 31st to learn what the cotton association means to the South. The business men as well as the farmers should be inter ested in this great subject. Mr. C. C. Moore, president of the as sociation, will speak there on the above date. ' t-.. - . . We note from the Asheville Citizen Wednesday the death of Marvin H. White, the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. White, now of Asheville. The family is form erly oi Hickory where\he spent his early years. - Fourteen men carried Jolly Joe from the car in which he to the undertakers room. Notice. Ail persons wishing to make settlement with the estate of Thomas W. Setzer, deceased, will please-present same and make settlement with me within i twelve months from date C. A. LITTLE, Admr. , Game well, N. C., July 11, 1907. f Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children. Succesfully used by Mother Gray nurse in the Children's Home in New York, Cure Feverishness, Bad Stomach, Teething disorders, mo*e__and regulate the Bowles, and destroy Worms. Over 30,000 testimonials. They never fail. At all Diuggists 25c. Sample FREE. Address Allen S. OTmsted, l,eroy N, Y. Much in the Method We can't all be beautiful, it ap pears, but we can all make BEAUTIFUL PICTURES We make the sort which are in teresting and lovely, whether or not your proportions are abso lutely correct or your complex ion faultless. G. M. HARDIN, Photographer. Morganton St. Hickory. ■ ■ TRINITY COLLEGE Four Departments —Collegiate . Graduate, Engineering and Law. Large library facilities. Well : equipped laboratories in all depart- ■ ■ ments of science Gymnasiums furnished with best agparatus. Ex penses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Yowif mt« wUMdj; lo st#dy law should investigate tfce saperior advantage* offered fcy the Department of Law ii Trhritr Coltefe _ For Catalogue and further in formation, address D. W. NEWSOM, Registrar, Durham, N. C. UNIV&RSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA 1789-1907. Head of the State's Educational System DEPARTMENTS. College, Engineering, Law, Graduate, Medicine, Pharmacv Library contains 45»ooo volnr&es. New water works, electric lights, central » heating system. New dormitories, gym nasium, Y. M. C. A. building, library > 732 STUDENTS 74. IN FACULTY *HSe Fall Term begins Sept. 9, 1907, Address FRANCIS P. VENABLE, Pres. Chapel Hill, N. C. r Mr. E. L. Flowers left this , morning for Washington, D. C V w j— , GREAT Closing Out Sale Only a Few More Days of This Greatest of All Sales Are you getting your part of the great Bargains? it not why not. My house will be occupied by Messrs Morrison Bros, of this place, and lam under contract to give them possession in 30 days. Hence this immence stock of swell merchandise must be moved out at some price, so here goes, and if you dont get your part, you need onlo to blame yourself. Mens- 's3 Oxfords for $ I 98 $3.50 shoes and oxfords for $2.48 Mens $1.50 hats for 99cts 50c Under wear for 25cts' 50c wool dress goods for 24 l-2c 10c white and fancy Lawn for 7 3-4 c 50 A: 75c Shirts for 39c Best $1 Shirts for 69c $lO Mens Fine Suits best goods-for $ 7.48 $9. Suits for $5.98 SB. Suits for $4.98 Boys $2 Suits foj>s4.39 - - > In fact every thing is mark ed down. to prices that is simply rediculous, as they must be sold quickly. HICKORY MERCANTILE tO McCoy Moretz Mgr. ' .g*' 1* i&e haw a dtoh-e tuCC oa£& hmdte ofi why not eome to ou\ temjytation sa£e and i£ you cannot that you need \iffht ok- that you need£ate\? vm hie&e ojf pj-h-nitiPie i\ &o£d \ eity and you onCy vtfiat good jAnitu\e vw have how ; teCC U you wouCd bu\&£y Suy it I farm u±. eome and Cet ju£ &hot& you what you haw. youkd' . W. 0. Player's furniture Store