Business Builders Advertisements inserted under this head at s cents a line for each insertion The R. & G. Corset is the standard corset of the universe. For sale only by J. A. Bowies. • New Fall styles in Suits and Overcoats at Moretz-Whitener Clo. Co. WE now have the largest assort ment of Edison Machines and we tver had. Call and make your selections. Morrison Bros. SMOKE The Buck Cigar, the best. All kinds of ribbons at right prices at J. A. Bowles. Lady's cloth, surges and waist goods at Harris Little's, Hickory Indies and children's sweaters at J. A. Bowles. , FALL Suits in all the latest styles at Moretz-Whitener Clo. Co. WANTED— Card Room Hands, Spinners, Doff ers, Warpers, Beamers and Weavers. Good wages, healthy location, stop Saturday at noon, pay for 6 days. Special inducements to people desiring to move to cot ton mill. J. B. READLING, Highland Park Mfg. Co., Char lotte, N. C. A car load of guauo just arriv ed of all kinds at Harris & Lit tle's, successors to the Hall Co. WANTED—For U. S. Army ablei 'bodied, unmarried men, betweer ages of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good character aud temperate habits.who can speak, read and write English. Men wanted now for service in Cuba, Fo information apply to Recruiting Officer, IS West Trade St., Charlotte, N. C.; 26 1-2 South Main St., Asheville, N. C.; • Bank Building, Hickory, N. C.; 417 M Libertv St., Winston-Salem, N. C.; 126 1-2 North Main St Salisbury, N C; Glenn Building, Spartanburg, S. C- Haynswortli and Conyer's Building Greenville, S. C.; or Kendall Building Columbia, S. C.; _ . ' Boys "Indestructible" hosiery at J. A. Bowles. A nice line of handsome silk plaids for ladies waists at Harris and Little's C. T. Morrison is agent for the Edison Edison Motion Picture machines and can save you mon ey if you are in the market for one. You can get the old Kentucky Jeans, the kind that will make good britches and coats at Harris and Little's. Flannelettes for kimonas, dress ing sacques and wrappers at J A. Bowles. Buy the ' Walk-Over Shoe from Moretz-Whitener Clo. Co. All kinds of grass, clover and field seeds for sale at our store. Harris & Little. WANTED—Two or three hun dred bushels of good dried Wal nuts and Hickory Nuts. Hickory .Milling Co., Hickory, N. C. FOR the Lest high grade guano and fertilizers for wheat and other grain; see T. E. Field, Hickory. SEE our ladies' and children' jackets. J. A. Bowles* LOST— A dark blue overcoat on excursion train Oct. 19th between Hickory and Newton. The find er will return to this office and get reward of $l.OO. The coat belongs to J. M. Lingle, Hudson, N. C. LOST —Golden elgin wath with a ribbon fob, and has a picture' in the front lid. It was lost be tween W. S. Stroups and Clare mont College, but not Supposed to be lost till between the Lutheran church and Claremont college. Finder will be rewarded $5. to please return to this off or J. A. Bowles. fiiiiliitili J| LOCAL g3 IliilWiWfl In publishing Mr. Link's state ment of the public school funds in last week's issue. The amount due Mt. Creek township being $193.12 was left out, an over sigtft of the printer. - Dr. J. W. Wallace, of Hunters ville, spent Tuesday night in the city. w Mrs. T. F. Stevenson left Wed nesday for Charlotte to take in the fair. Mr. J. L. Riddle returned Tuesday from a business trip to several Northern cities, Cupid has one or two marriages booked for November. The con tracting parties are Hickory peo ple. Mr. A. A. Miller Hinton, West Virginia, spent the latter part of last week in the city visiting rel atives. Attys. T. M. Aufham and D, L. Russell are at Statesville this week attending Federal court. Mrs. C. W. Tray wick and chil dren have returned to their home in Virginia after a few days vis it with friends here. Rev. J. P. Stirewalt and wife of New Market, Va., spent a few days here tUp week with his son, Prof. W. J. Stirewalt Rev. W. M. Bagby returned Thursday from Lenoir where he assisted Rev. D. Vance Price in a protracted meeting. I Court at Newton next week. The Democrat will be represent ed; don't fail to see him and re new your subscription. McCoy Moretz left Tuesday for New York where he goes to buy a stock of goods for the fall and winter trade. Careful Investigation shows that the South isn't a bit more enthsiastic over Mr. Bryan than a small boy is over Christmas. Mr. John F. Ferrell of Keen ersville N, C. spent a few days here this week visiting his sis ter Mrs. W. 0. Player. Mr. Emmett Moore, who has been in school at Central. S. C., came home Saturday on account of scarlet fever breaking out in the school. Don't fail to read the adv. in th issue headed, "Horse sense for people who think." It will pay you to think about the facts stated therein. A large number of Hickory people went on Mr. H. B. Lin gle's excursion to Chester last Saturday. Mr. Lingle has a neat little sum out of the several ex cursions he has run this season. Miss Ivali Bagby has been elect ed English teacher at the State Normal CollegeTThe Greensboro Graded School Beard released her from her work in the city schools and she entered upon her new work last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Miller who have been spending sometime at the home of Mr. W. E. Miller, left last Saturday for Lincolnton where they will visit Mr. Miller's parents/Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mil ler. Rev. L. L. Lobr, of Williams port, Pa., is here visiting his brother, Mr. S. T. Lohr. Rev. Lohr will locate in this county and fill the pulpits of Grace and Daniels churches, that being the community in which he was reared in. " See Morrison's theatre every night this week. A change of program every night. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. SOME NEW PRQPERTIES just brought on the market. Houses and lots, vancant lots. Farms, business properties, etc. Talk with Haithcock, the Real , Estate man. Ask for new list. Moved to offices oyer McComb Bros. Store. ? 1 E. Bryan Jones spent Sunday s ia the city. I Mr. R. W. Curtis of Burlington ► wa3 here Saturday. Rev. Jordan of Lenoir was in , the city Thursday, ' Mr. R. H. Milton was in Lenoir I last week Oxi business. ' Mr. Hugh Miller, of Lenoir, spent Monday and Tuesday in the city. , . V Mrs. Ji. T. Regan is visiting ! her sistet Mrs. W. H. McNairy m Nenoir.~ Mr. Shuford Abernethy, of Bridgewater, spent Sunday here witu his parents. Atty. A. A. Whitener spent 1 Monday and Tuesday in States ville on professional business. Dr. J. H> Weaver will preach at Houck's Chapel, the third Sun* day of Nov. at 11 o'clock and West Hickory at 3 p. m., same day. Quarterly conference will be held at those churches on Sat urday before the Ist Sunday !n November. Rev, J. L. Murphy returned from Washington City where he had been attending the meeting of the Synod of the Potomac. This bodymet in the church at which Roosevelt worships Mr. Murphy will fill his pulpit both morning and night next Sunday. The Chiefs Good Cfitch. Chief of Police Jones made the biggest and best catch in the way of a blind tiger here Satur day, of all. The identical thing caught was one L. W. - Brown who submitted to retailing in four cases and was fined $200.00. The chief al ways has his plans well laid and when he brings a fellow before the recorder there is trouble ahead for his victim. Milling Outfit Sold The Moore Milling Co., has sold their outfit of machinery to the Corydon Milling Co., of Ken* tucky. The machinery is now being moved to that place where they will make flour and supply the Hickory market at a cheaper rate than it could be made here on account of a high freight rate that we have to pay. Church of the Ascension Will have service next Sunday at 11 a. m., with celebration of ' the Holy Communion for those especially connected with Sun- j day-school work. Mr. Hardie Turner, of Mor ganton, will preside at the organ and will erganize a well-trained chorus choir with first rehearsal on Saturday evening next at the Rectory adjoining the church. Text for morning service: "I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day." Rev. 1:10 Formal Opening of New Dor mitory, Lenoir College, Monday Evening 7:30, November 4th, To this important and interest ing occasion the citizens of Hick orv and vicinity are most cordial ly invited. All should be pres ent who are interested in the up building of the town, in educa tion, in Lenoir College. We are pleased to announce that the chief address willSbe de livered by Col. J. Gaither Hall on the ''Founders and Future of Lenoir College." He will have much of interest to say concern ing the earlier history of Hick ory, about Col. W. W. Lenoir with whom he was intimately acquainted and by whom he was made original trustee of the Le noir College site, and about the men and the work of the found-*, ing of the college. Col. Hall is a good speaker, one of the founders of Hickory, and for a long time one of her most prominent citi zens. Our people will welcome an opportunity to hear him a - gain. Shorter addresses will be giv en, possibly by Dr. R. A. Yoder, of Lincolnton, and Mr. J. J. George, of Bessemer City. NOTICE! On Saturday NOVEMDER 2 starting jsTompt ly at 10.00 a. m., at Mt. Olive ■Church at Pitts' Mill We will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following property merchandise, ete. 100 pair shoes for men, boys and women Gloves, hats, Caps, patent medicines,over coats for men and boys, pant§ f overalls, and in fact everything that is kept in a first class store THIS IS THE LAST OPPORTUNITY Per buying ftrstclass goods at your own prices. We also have a lot of Ladies Fall Styles of Trimmed Hate to be sold. We will also sell two good mules, a wagon, blacksmith tools and otfc? er things too numerous' to men* tion. r The sale begins promptly at 10 o'clock a. m., Saturday, Nov. 2nd, 1907 Terms cash. W. P. _ Pitts & Son The Store That's Always Busy Dress Making Dept. The beauty of our drers making is on the tip of every tongue. Has created great sensations. The dearing dash ing styles. The beautiful creations, these are the talk of the town. Don't fail to see us before having your fall suit made. - . . New Millinery Shown Dally We are showing the largest assortment of trimmed Hats in the city. Our styles are ex clusive and up-to-date. All ladies are requested to call daily and see the display of hats and decorations. For the latest fads in milli nery go to' Mrs. A. P. Whitener HICKORY, N. C. An unmarried lady on this sid» of fifty, hearing of the marriage of a very young friend, observed with a deep sigh: —"well, as soon as all the infants are disposed of I suppose the women will have a chance". Announcement. lam opening up a full and complete stock of dry goods and notions in the building adjoining Setzer & Russell's. I invite al of the people to come and see me and the bargains we are offering. Look out for our big adv. next week. McCoy Moretz DISOLUTIOM NOTICE. The Partnership heretofore ex isting between N. E. Aull and Mrs. 0 M. Royster under the name of the Phoenix Manufac turing Co,, has been dissolved by mutual consent, and Mr. Aull will not hereafter have any con nection with the management and conduct of that business. ' This October 22nd, 1907: N, E, Aull, Mrs, 0, M, Royster. 1 ■ - ' •« Stops itching instantly. Cures piles, eczema, salt rheum, tetter itch, hives, herpes, scabies— Doan's Ointment. At any drug store. Doing Business Again "When my friends thought I was about to take leave of-this world, on account of indigestion, nervousness and general debility," writes A. A. Chisholm, Treadwell, N. Y., "and when it looked as if there was no hope left, I was persuaded to try Electric Bitters, and I rejoice to say that they are curing me. lam now doing busi ness again as of old, and am still gain ing daily." Best of ell tonic medi cines. Guaranteed by C. M. Shuford, Menzies Drug Ca., and W. S. Martin, druggist. 50c 11(1 AouAHTtaid ! UwA IM Wo Ja^ +& eopyriqkt, 19c; j wgg. " n / ft(yme£ove>i:~ 4 - like elotfan^ you won'tea\e Ij t ij you. have iuti f Vioute vnth nlee new- thtng&^willyou? when you sta\t to look abound you J w-vll d4oj> just as toon eome yu\ Seeau&e you will bee that tuhr ju\nltu\eid- not toaetheb^ tut &Pitngly and handsomely Ao why not eome bPiawht to ud- at %e Seolnnino. M. 0. Player's • furniture Store I ! STYLISH niLLINERY j j Have you seen Misses § Michael handsome fall \ have a larger line and (\ (f ' •% 1 more room to display "* J fj their goods this season \ than ever before. You J will do well to see their k hd) 4 3 | goods before buying i save money by doing _ lfs| jSF fort-.' • o'i y&f w SO, : Jr 0 | All Ladies are invited to examine our goods. ! | MISSES MICHAELS j | Second Floor Moretz Building j gk H: G-atbs . . . Successor to Gates Bros. Plumbing and Steam Fitting. Office: Huffman's Furniture Store Hickory. |i Our Fall Stock of Millinery j J 1 IS COMPLETE I j | jj Igive you the latest styles % a nd fashions. X "' We carry a beautiful • , fcM 2 5 line of Yeager silk skirts K ... 2 g 4*.-' ■ / v;s^ r v. > y 5 2 for your inspection. .. ••>•: . 0 1 :: Ladies come in and see our goods n -.- i> *| r ~ u i! ~ ■■■••' j! I! £siss |j Hickory, N. C. 1 1