KWhat is medicine for? To cure you, if sick, you say. * But one medicine will not cure every kind of sickness, because different medicines act on different parts of the boay. One medicine goes to the liver, another to the spine, Wine of Cardui to the womanly organs. So that is why Builds Wine of Cardui „ * -- as proven so efficacious in most cases of womanly disease. Try it. TP! A. M i ra - J*'®' JJanw; of Bartcmville, IH. writes: "1 suffered for years with femala d scales, and doctored W" 14 , aa * would hurt me, and I suffered agony with bearing-[own pains. At last Mb W* W ' 1 took Wine of Cardui and now lam In good health." Sold everywhere. In SI.OO bottlia. ... WRITF k I FTTFD K2? tod J * y copy of vnlMbie 6»-pare Illustrated Book tor Wo *n. If yc» need Metftol A-21 ft 111 I La l/J A I*l* I ILn d f sc r, ib * r™ sutln* ace, and reply wffl be sent h plain amUd wvalope. Address: Ladlts Advisory Dept.. The Chattanooga Mgdlctoe Co.. OntUnooga.Tenn. RHEUMATISM CAN NOT BE RUBBED AWAY It is perfectly natural to rub the spot that hurts, and when the mnacka nerves, joints and bones are throbbing and twitching" with the nainsof Rheumatism the sufferer is apt to turnto the liniment bottle, or some othS external application in an eSort to get relief from the diseas4, by producing counter-irntation on the flesh. Such treatment will quiet the pain tempo rarily, but can have no direct curative effect on the real disease because it does not reach the blood, where the cause is located. Rheumatism is mot* than skin deep—it is rooted and grounded in the blood n««TVo W only k. reached by constitutional treatment— lT. CANNOT BE RUBBED AWAY Rheumatism is due to an excess of uric acid in the blood, brought about br the accumulation in the system of refuse matter which the natural avenue* of bodily waste, the Bowels and Kidneys, have failed to carry off This refuse matter, coming IU contact with the different acids of th« body forms unc acid which is absorbed into the blood and distributed to all parts' of the body, and Rheumatism gets possession of the system. The aches and pains are only symptoms, and though they may be scattered or relieved for a time bv surface treatment, they will reappear at the first exposure to cold or dampness, or after an attack of indigestion or other irregularity. Rheuma tism can never be permanently cured while the circulation remains saturated with irritating, pain-producing uric acid poison. The disease will shift from muscle to muscle or joint to joint, settling on the nerves, causing iuil animation and swelling and such terrible pains that the nervous system is often shattered, the health undermined, and perhaps the patient becomes deformed and crippled for life. S, S. S. thoroughlv cleanses the blood %pd renovates the circulation by neutralizing the acids and expelling all foreign matter from the system. It warms and invigorates the blood so that instead of a weak, sour stream, constantly deposit ing acrid and corrosive matter in the mus cles, nerves, joi nts and bones, the body is fed *nd nourished by rich, health -sustaining • 9 blood which completely and permanently cures Rheumatism. S. S. S. is composed PURELY VEGETABLE of both purifying and tonic properties— just what is needed in every case of Rhea* mat ism. It contains no potash, alkali or other mineral ingredient, but is made entirely of purifying, healing extracts and juices of roots, herbs and barks. If you are suffering from Rheumatism do not waste valuable trying to rub a blood disease away, but begin the use of S. S. S. and write us about your ease and our physicians will give you any information or advice desired free of charge and will send our special treatise on Rheumatism. THE SWIFT 3/RKGtftO OQ» f MTUUtTAg 6Am State News John B. Benton, night clerk in the Charlotte post office, was ar rested Tuesday night by Post office Inspector, Frank P. Bar clay, who has been in Charlotte for some time working on the suspected thefts in the office. The offense with ' which he is charged is breaking into a pack age of coffee. Benton denies his guilt at the preliminary trial. He was held under a bond of $250 and will be tried in December. The Wilkinson building in Charlotte, in which are the offi ces of the Charlotte News,would have burned Tuesday night but for the unusually quick work of the fire department. The fire started through the carelessness of a negro boy, and would have endangered the entire block, on which are the Central and Bu ford hotels. Between 4 and 6 thousand men have been laid off by the Union Pacific railroad. The United States Furniture Finishing Company will put up a large factory at Biltmore, and will move to that point the plant now at Lenoir. Contractor Fish er. of Lenoir will do the work. Fayetteville is to have a $35,- 000 auditorium and market com bined. Mr. William E. Curtis, of the Chicago Record-Herald, is in North Carolina gathering mate rial for articles on the sweep of the Prohibition sentiment. A reception was given him in Char lotte. Governor Glenn would say nothing as to matters in the rate case when he returned fromj Washington where he has been in consultation with President Finley and the road's counsel. Heavy, impure blood makes a muddy, pimply complexion,head aches, nausea, indigestion. Thin blood makes you weak, pale sick ly. Burdock Blood Bitters makes the blood rich, red, pure—re stores perfect health. FtoIITSHONEY^TAR #*oo» the cough and hesla luagf Announcement.' lam opening up a full and complete stock of dry goods and notions in the building adjoining Setzer & Russell's. I invite al of the people to come and see me and the bargains we are offering. Look out for our big adv. next week. McCoy Moretz A SHOP We do all kinds of re pairing on Buggies, Carri ages, Wagons, and all Kinds of Vehicles Painting, Etc, Tire Swinking and Horse-shoeing a Specialty All kinds ot Blacksmith and Wood-work done to order. Wilkinson ft Berry West Hickory Korl a 1 For Indigestion, * Relieves sour stomach, palpitation of the heart. Digests what you eat. jf, I Tfie Bart 8 Packard I i 55.00 ! i 'KORRECT SHAPE' I is the Shoe that has | tills positive guaranty ' ifthoupporhroaka through j i before tho aolo •» w»m through i wo will roplaoo )' with a now i»lr of ahooa. J] PACKARD 4 MIOi IROCKTOH. W a You will find {§) a KORRECT IOU II V 5L' SHAP ® The $5.00 Guar (| antoed Shoea at )| J. A. Bowles, Hickory, ? N.C. >l® and Ist Claaa Boot Shops generally Notice North Carolina Catawba County By virtue of a degree of the Superi or court of Catawba county ia a special proceeding entitled C. A. Little, admr., against A. J. Setzer et al ap pointing me a commissioner! I will on Monday, Dec. 2, 1907, offer for rale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Newton, N. C., following described land, to.wit: Be ginning in Hickory township, on a stake on the South bank W. and N. R. R., and 2 poles North of the Mor gan old corner, and runs North with J. D. Morgan's line 149 poles to a stone in the said line, then East 70 poles to a stake in the old Fry line, then N. 21 poles to a stake and point: ers with said line. Then E. 50 poles to a stake and pointers Fry's corner; thence South 152 poles to a stake and pointers in the old Fry line; then N. 87 W. with said line 50 poles to a pine stump, then South 14 and one half poles to a stake in center of the W. and N. C. R. R., then S. 84 W. with said railroad 16 poles to a stake in said railroad. Frank Lock's corner, then South with said Lock's line 11 poles to a stake Frank Lock's corner, then W. 54 and one-half poles to the beginning. Containing 110 acres more or less. Excepting and reserv ing however from the above, describ ed boundary about 45 acres heretofore sold by said Thos. W. Setzer to one Mr. Geitner, reference being had to the said deed for a description of the said land. Said land will be sold in lots first, then as a whole. Terms one-half cash, balance in equal payments on three and six months, with interest from date ol sale. This Oct. 28, 1907. C. A. Little, Commissioner. Mr. Arthur Ingold, of Morgan ton, spent Sunday here with his mother and sister. Harsh physics feact, weaken: the bowels, cause chronic consti- j pation. Doan's Regulets operate I easily, tone the stomach, cure constipation. 25c. Ask your drug gist for them. f| ft OTfIFII A ' lllfldlUmH for Infanta and Children. Th e Kind You Have - SUP Always Boushf I AVegetabte PreparalionforAs- 9 « I siailating theFoodandfiegula- H _ - # I ting the Stomachs andßowels of J BOOTS tllß f a Signature //Ly* B Promotes Digestion.CheerPuh H M*Y UT i) nessandßest.Contains neither m n f A Ail j Opitim,Morplune nor Mineral. ■ Ul #l\| H ( NOT NARCOTIC. | ALLIJT I jtjearadJtrSMunptTuan I |\Ak Amptm Sttd>- i |H 1 W f '> JbcjSut* 1 |S 1/1 ■ ! lib l iIL r> m J 1/ft T IIS B \ A perfect Remedy for Oansßps- I [ ■ Q' Hon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea II \kf 1 Worms,Convulsions,Feverish- n 1 WT | A M filing } ness and Loss OF SLEEP. W IUI UVUI I Facsimile Signature of H ! J- Thirty Years \ 1 1 «M> annM MMMOT. «n» *««■ orrr. Sale of Valuable Land. By virtue of an order of the Superior court of Cstawba county made in an an action therein pending wherein Mrs. Lina A. Arthur, W. A. Stilley, Mrs. G. A. Weston, Mrs. Ruffin Swin dell and others are plaintiffs and Ma mie, Charlie, and Neppie Brothers, in fants defendants, the undersigned commissioner appointed by the court, will resell, at public auction, to the highest bidder, in front and- from the steps of the First National Bank of the City of Hickory, N. C., on SATURDAY, NOV. 30th, 1907 at 12 o'clock M. the following de scribed property One two-stoiv frame shingle roof dwelling, situatea in West Hickory, ! near the Hickory shops, on South J Morganton street, south of railroad | near property of Willie Wilfong, and I known as the Dick Maynard prop erty The above property is well located and very desirable, and is sold for par tition among the tenants in common, heirs of th" late Maj. James A. Wes ton. The bidding to begin at $935. Terms are cash upon confirmation of sale by the court. Final sale. George McCorkle, Commissioner. Widby-Dale. Miss Bess Widby, of Marion, and Dr. Lee Dale, of Lenoir, were married in Marion on Tues day last. The bride formerly lived in Lenoir where she has a host of friends. Dr. Dale also has the res]>ect and affection of all the best citizens of Caldwell county. He has been working with Dr. Reii, and is making a fine reputation. The bridal party passed through here Wednesday, Stop ping a few hours en route. The Catawba College foot ball team defeated the Lenoir Col lege team on the latter's ground Wednesday by the score of 15 to 0. The Catawba team made three touch downs but failed to kick goal. HONOR ROLL > Of the Graded School for the Second Month The attendance during this month has been unusually good. The enrollment for the month is 483, and the daily attendance is 94.3 per cent. Following is the honor roll for the different grades First grade, A. Section —Thom- as Barlow, Ernest Bumgamer, Harvey Huggins, George John son, Dewey Setzer, Stewart ; Whitener, Norman Woodliff.Alex Menzies, Edwin Self, Earl Ber ry, Carlyle Crouse, Moses Ken nedy, Maurice Morton, Ernest Swearinger, Claude Setzer, Rus sell Fisher, Aileen Aiken, Beat rice Berrv, Goldie Dietz, Irene Dysart, Gertrude Fox, Eunice Lon®, Lover Miller, Jessie Pat rick, Pamela Starnes, Anna Wa caster, Carrie Hahn, Dorris Hutton, Annie Killian, Grace Pavne, Eula Reitzel, Treva Smitherman, Norma Stephenson. First grade, B Section*-Inez Abernethy, Willie Josie Bradford, Louise Elliott, Clement Geitner, Clarence Huntley, An | nie Long, Donald Menzies, Don | aid A. Shuford, Donald E. Shu- I ford, Katie Wacaster, Harvey Wilfong, Flossie Woodliff, Pat Wooten, Miriam Whitener. Second grade—Beatrice Sig mon, Fostina Jones, Mary Abor nethv, Irene Seaboch, Hattie Fox. George Shinn, Green Long, Thomas Henderson, Ewart Huff man, Olan Kale, John Cilley, Leon Milton, Charles Menzies, Horace Long, Shuford Whitener, Harvey McComb, Willie Wood liff, Alvin Bolch, Ernest Wood liff, James Barlow, Eugene Burns, itobert Stephenson. Third grade—Marvin Bumgar ner, Pearl Bumgarner, Lijlie Burns, Julius Chester, Grace Chester, Hampton Hale, Lina Johnson, Mabel Long, Jo Moore, Anna Miller, Isabella Morton, Carl Murphy, Bailey Patrick, Jean Rich, Roscoe Sublett, Guy Pollard, Myra McFall. Fourth grade—Loula Wolf, Herman Kiser, Thomas Bisanar, Caddie Starnes, Marjorie White ner, Annie Fry, Roy Lawrence, Grace Henderson, Rebecca Boone, Romona Rich, James Keever. Ethel Woodliff, Margie Hall, Victor Seaboch, Paul Huffman, Herman Payne, Oscar Deaton, Murphy Whitener, Ralph W'nis enhunt, Gladys Fisher, lucy Sledge. Fifth grade—Kerley Elliott, Ernest Kale, Claud Deal, Ed Abee, Claud Abernethy, Glenn Abernethy, Arthur Hawn, Allen Clarke, Hubert Howard, Harry Wells, Clyde Herman, Edgar Fox, Jennie Rheinhardt, Corilla Winkler, Katherine Peterson, Lois Peterson, Emma McFall, Kate Elliott, Frank Martin, Pher ibee Whitener, Ora Sublett. . S.ixth grade—John Aiken, Ber tha Bradshaw, Emma Bonner, Aralee Cook, George Dietz, John Field, Lelia Huntley, Sam Hawn, Louise Jones Sadie Seaboch, El len White. Seventh grade—Estelle Payne, Mary Henderson, Bertha Harris, Mary Allen, Alice Abernethy, Lilia Johnson, Neta White, Mabel Cooper, Beulah Huffman, Ade laide Jehnson, Grace Patrick, Gertrude Deal, Marie Whitener, Mabel Flanagan, Mary Field, Ora Sigmon, Lottie Cline, Arthur Bost, Ralph Whiteside, Roby Chester, Robert" Bonner, John Henderson, John Geitner, Frank Elliott, Julius Abernethy, James Fry, Frank Johnson, Charlie Del linger, Henrv Whitener, Grover Huffman. Eighth grade—Aldis Hender son, Harold Shuford, Arthur Huffman, Bessie Rainey, Fannie Bagbv, Ira White, Essie Robin son, *Gaither Hawn, Fleta Moore, Lynda White, Richard Shuford, Gertrude Finger. Ninth grade—Netta Deal, Pinkie Forney. FOIMSHONITHCAR ft children! MM. Mm m+imtm* I BACKACHE AND DESPONDENCY Are both symptoms of organic de- 1 \ rang-ement, and nature's warning to **_y UMMM&& \ women of a trouble which will Boon- *■ M .y ' '•*'}) eror later declare itself. s\ ■:■■'••• :j I How often do.we hear women say. $ A "It seems as though my back would /A \ **' -jjs 7A\ break." Yet they continue to drag Il}J y\\ along and suffer with sches in the J {/])* vv AVI small of the back, pain low down in I \Vv/ the side, dragging sensations, nerv- 7//\VT\ ouinesa and no ambition. {( / r> 'Paw' \\J ] They do not realize that the back V*. O _> is the main-spring of woman's organ- —H ism and quickly indicates by aching MISS LENA NAG-E.L n a diseased condition of the feminine organs or kidneys, and that ac.r. s pj and pains will continue until the cause is removed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compouric 5 made from native roots and herbs has been for many years the m >s - y P" successful remedy in such cases. No other medicine has such a rer - of cures of feminine ills. £j Miss LcnaNagel, of 117 Morgan St., Buffalo, N. Y., writes;— "Iv t.s g $j completely worn out and on the verge of nervous prostration My back & 3 ached all the time. I had dreadful periods of pain, was subject to Jits H S of crying and extreme nervousness, and was always weak and tirod. I] 1 Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound completely cured me.'* § Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cures Female Qj such as Backache. Falling and Displacements, and all Organic x>ioca> ii«. A 8 Dissolves and expels Tumors at an early stage. It strengthens i;ad ij 1 rones the Stomach. Cures Headache and Indigestion and iuvigcrctcs d g the whole feminine system. I Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Wons- Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to u i write Mrs Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free. Cosby Patent Air-Tight Baker aM Heater IT HEATS COOKS TOO. The Most Convenient, Useful and Economical Stove for the ' Home Ever Made. . . . IT DOES DOUBLE DUTY It warms the coldest and largest room in jF" OL the house, making it cozy. The busy % \ housewife can cook or bake anything p- ;* from light rolls to a Thanksgiving or pH^JS* J Christmas turkey. Still it looks just as |-~ || \ neat as any heater made. It is air-tight \£> M . 'I and a great fuel saver. Thousands are be- 3 m |l||Sg£» >C T; i ing sold. Thousands of housekeepers are 2W Jmgkgj&t enthusiastic. Fine Cast Iron tops and . ; bottoms, making it last for years without ?' repairs. Made only by %.} - UNION STOVE CO., Inc., ' [ 1 4 1 ~ Box 2745, RICHMOND, VA. Ww WANTED i Every Man, Woman and Child | in Hickory to call at our store for the greatest, strength creator and health restorer} which we have ever sold—Vinol. It; is not a patent medicine, bvt the most valuable cod live preparation made by an extractive and concentrating process j from fresh cods' livers without a drop of! oil tQ nauseate and upset the stomach ■ and retard its work, and tonic iron which ' is a needful constituent for the blood added. We do not believe there is person in , this vicinity who cannot be benefited by Vinol at this searon of the year. Vinol is delicious to the taste, and it is rec ognized as the greatest strength creator fo. lod people, Weak, sickly women and children, nursing mothers, and after a severe sickness. Vinol is unequaled for hacking coughs, chronic colds, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Creates t an appetite and makes those who are! too thin, fat, rosy and - | We have had so much experience) with Vinol and seen so many wonder- j ful results from its use that we offer to j teturn money without qnestion if it does ' not accomplish all we claim for it. Men-; zies Drug Co., Hickory,„N.[C. 1 If taken patiently and persis- ! tently will relieve the most ob stinate cases of indigestion, con-' I stipation, bad blood, bad liver no matter how long standing.That, s what Hollister's Rocky Mountain j Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. E. B. Menzies Let no food impair the powers of the stomach. Eat B? PRICES WHEAT FLAKE CELERY i FOOD which is the most perfect food for the brain workers, clergy men, lawyers, merchants, grow ing children, and the muscle working classes. * M ' J Far ml* B* aN SPOON* The General Accident | Special Deposit With N Y. Insurance Dept $250,0 H).00 Change of occupation does not forfeit your policy. ! Claims are not reduced by reason of other insurance j All honest claims positively paid at sight. Increased Benefits: Ten per cent is added to all benefits on » aims originating after the payment cf one year's premium in advance. Double Death Benefit ant. Ac cident Monthly Indemnities are paid if injuries are received' while on 'pas senger conveyances propellec by steam, cable, electricity or compressed air. Health and Accident Insur ance combined in one Policy. Month ! lv Indemnities graded according to the j hazard of the occupation and amount 'of premium paid. Absolutely the ' most popular form of insurance offered !to the public. A policy that anj wage I earner can afford, and will make him independent. It pays for rent, living, clothing and fuel while disabled from accident or sickness. It gives a man ; food, solid comfort and confidence in 'the event of disability to know na his ■> household is not deprived of its usual comforts. Our policies provide indem nity 24 months for accident and 6 months for sickness. It is cheaper and safer to have it always and not need it, than to need it— once and not have it. I The B. &P. Policy paying SIOO per month, cost $2 per month. WALTER E. SLOAN Gen. Mgr. . Statesville, N. C. W. A. HALL, AGENT f - j DISOLUTION NOTICE. The Partnership heretofore ex -1 isting between N. E. Aull and 'Mrs. OM. Royster undt* ne name of the Phoenix Mai. fac toring Co., has been dissol r> d by mutual consent, and Mr. Aull will not hereafter have any con nection with the manage nent and conduct of that businet 3. This October 22nd, 1907: j N. E. 'Aull, Mrs. 0. M. Roysier.

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