Rings Round Eyes J-10 OLD SG3ESke"£™N BY IMPURITIES IN THE BLOOD Whenever a sore refuses to heal It la because the blood is not pore and healthy, as it should be, but is infected with poisonous germs or sosne old blood taint which has corrupted and polluted the circulation. Those most usually afflicted with old sores are persons who have reached or passed mid dle life. The vitality of the blood and strength of the system bave naturally begun to decline, and the poisonous germs which have accumulated because of a sluggish and inactive condition of the system, or some hereditary taint which has hitherto been held in check, now force an outlet on the face, arms, legs or other part of the body. The place grows red and angry, festers and eats into the surrounding tissue until it becomes a chronic and stubborn uleer, fed and kept open by the impurities with which the blood is saturated. Nothing is more trying and disagreeable than a stubborn, non-healing sore. The very fact that it resists ordinary remedies and treatments is good reason for suspicion; the same germ-producing cancerous ulcers is back of every eld sore, and especially is this true if the trouble is an inherited one. Washes, salves, nor indeed anything else, applied directly to the sore, can * —* . ..L do any permanent good : neither will remov- I vti afflicted with a eore on my . ,{ r fee® of tour years' ■tandln*. It mg the sore with caustic plasters or the wa **■H l * ll pi»ple flret but it surgeon's knife make a lasting cure. If eve?y particle of the diseased flesh were alarmed about it and consulted taken away another sore would come, bo treated me oontiaued cause the trouble is in the blood, and the BLOOD CANNOT BE CUT AWAY. vp_6ifi©cl Rnd commenced its use • « « ard after taking it a while I waa The cure must come by a thorough cl^ans in £ of the blood. In S. S. S. will be found Be »▼ purs ftiidl nealtny rrom tiie « • • « « ■ • • •ffact of S. S. s., and thase has not a remedy for sores ana ulcers of every kind. 8s Q ft 0i th 6 "° re Bince is an unequalled blood purifier—one that THOB. OWEN, goes directly into the circulation and Waat Union. Ohio. promptly cleanses it of all poisons and taints. It gets down to the very bottom of the trouble and forces out every trace of im purity and makes a complete and lasting # cure. S. S. S. changes the quality of the blood so that instead of feeding the diseased PURELY VEGETABLE parts with impurities, it nourishes the irritated, inflamed flesh with healthy blood. Then the sore begins to heal, new flesh is formed, all pain and inflammation leaves, the place scabs over, and when S. S. S. has purified the blood the •ere is permanently cured. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores. Write for onr special book on sores and ulcers and any other medical advict you desire. We make no charge for the book or advice. TH£ SWiFT SPECtnC CO,, ATLANTA, GAm A Narrow Escape. G* W. Cloyd, a merchant, of Plunk, Mo. r had a narrow escape four years ago, when he ran a jimson bur into his thumb. He says: "The doctor wanted to amputate it but I would not consent. I bought a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and that cured the dangerous wound." 25c at C. M. Shuford,Men lies Drug Co., and W. S. Martin's, Druggist. THE CHILDREN LIRt IT KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP- la Jattlcc to yoaraelf and to yoar family write lor tbeae folders. They're free. Learn of the wonderful opportnnitiet these states now offer. Wealth and happiness await yon in the South west. No section of the United States has ever offered greater possibilities, in no other section are there to many conditions favorable for laccoti. Glide With the Current In Arkansas aad Texas. • The Climate it mild and healthful. You can work out of doors the year round. There are good schools and churches. Live ttock hat good range nearly all year. No costly barm are needed for Winter hous ing. There il • long growing season thlt metnt bigger and more profitable crops. t You can raite and market tome crop nearly. every mouth in the year, i] There it an abundant supply of good, pure water. The rainfall it plentiful and evenly dittrib oted. | The toil is rich lt's not worked out. You can buy a farm now for about one-third itt actual value and pay for it in a few years, from tbe crops, and live comfortably while you are doing it. Doesn't the Soathwett appeal to you ? Jnst con sider whether it'* better to take advantage of the wonderful opportunitie* this territory now ofiers, or continue where you are, ttrug gling slant under adyerte condition!, watting your time and energy trying to make a high priced farm which ia all worked out" pay. Act U one* before land valuet take another Jump. You can't make a mistake. Delay may mean dittppointment. Seeing il believing. Mtke a trip of invettigation now. It will psy >you. Low rate Home Seekert' Excursions . Nov. 19, Dec. 3 tnd 17, 1907. Thirty- M day return limit—ttopovert allowed L both wayt. Fill out and mail this coupon st once. It will be one of the best things you ever did. H. H. SUTTON, Dlst. Pats. Agent, Cotton Belt Route, 109 W. 9th Btreet, Chattanooga, Tenn. Send me your fKC detcriptive folders. I want to learn something about Arkantat and Texas. Name .... The IDs peculiar to women, take different forma. » Some ladles suffer, every month, from dark rings round their eyes, blotches on their skin and tired feeling Others suffer agonies of pain, that vords can hardly express. Whatever the symptoms, remember there Is one medicine that vID go beyond mere symptoms, and act on the cause of their troubles, the weakened womanly organs. Wine of Cardui Mrs. M. C. Austin, of Memphis, Tenn., writes: "For five (5) years ! suffered with every symptom of female din*?**, but after using the veil-known Cardui Home Treatment, 1 was entirely wdL" ■.tnrrr I«C at I'ITCH Writ* today tor a free copy o* valuable 64- pege Illustrated Book fhr WOMB. If you need Met* WDITF VIV A I FTTrH Advice. describe yeut symptoms. stating «xe. ana reply wUI be sect In plain sealed en villain VVIUIL U3 fl L,L I I I*lV LaJies* AJvisory Dept.. The Chattanoota Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tean. Don't Pay Alimony to be divorced from your appendix. There will be no occasion for it if you keep your bowels regular with Dr. King's New Life Pills. Their action is se gentle that the appendix never has cause to make the least complaint. Guaranteed by C. M. Shuford, Men zies Drug Store, and W. S. Martin, Druggist. 25c. Try them. A SHOP We do all kinds of re pairing on Buggies, Carri ages, Wagons, and all Kinds of Vehicles Painting, Etc, Tire Swinking and Horse-shoeing a Specialty All kinds ot Blacksmith and Wood-work done to order. Wilkinson £ Berry West Hickory FOLEYSHONEMAR iioo«th« cough and heals lon^i if-IKDRRBCT 1 ffi L VSHAPE i We are| ithe largest maters of jj Iss. GUARANTEED! PHOES in the World! pFifty years of first-jf | class boot making|| 1 backs this guarantee: il 111 If tk, upp«r of aS9 "Korrect || P? Shape" Shot breaks through k JpJ baforatha tola it worn through, 111 [lfj wo will roplaca with a naw pair [p r=v of shoes. A PACKARD a FICLO. BROCKTON. |®Jl . ffl Carried in Stock fey L lllJ fA. Bo les, Hickory IJ| (ill aa4 Plrst-ClM* Slim staraa f Maraity |fll *A (SuppCfed) Mid Dog There was some of the liveliest hustling for a hile on the Par ker corner Thursday afternoon that has ever been dene in Hick ory. Everything was quiet, and nothing doing, when of a sud den. the cry of "Mad dog, mad dog!" went up, and several folks went up too, up telegrah and tel ephone poles, awning rods and any other old thing tnac came | sort of handy. Unfortunately, a number of the school children were on the streets and the poor things were as badly -cared as their elders. Before the alarm was raised, almost, the dog bit Mr. Walter Martin and Mr. Al len. A bystander gathered up a rock and "hit him a clip," with a rock scarcely taking aim in the excitement of the moment. But it happened to strike the dog on NATURE PROVIDES FOR SICK WOMEN WLif f||r a more potent remedy in the roots I F and herbs of the Held than was ever If f i / v produced from drugs. I I In the good old-fashioned days of I fMSipiA Our grand mothers few drugs were -4 /'-* \ " medicines and Lydia E. I A A :PmkHjJm, of Lynn. Mass., in her V /] stedy*»f roots and herbs and their \\ 1 / / poweWover disease discovered and \l Ov, J'jlWKvl ( ( gave to the women of the world a /~jjj S j \_ remedy for their peculiar ills more potent and efficacious than any combination of drugs. * LYDIA E. PIJNK'HAM Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ic an honest, tried and true remedy of unquestionable therapeutic value. During its reoord 6f more thaa thirty its long list of actual cures of thoee serious ills peculiar to women, entitles Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound to the respect and confidence of every fair minded person and every thinking woman. When women are troubled with irregular or painful 1 fanctlooa, weakness, displacements, ulceration or inflammation, backache, flatulency, general debility, indigestion or nervous prostration, thsy should reor ember there is one tried and true remedy, Lydia SL-Piak ham's Vegetable Compound. No ether remedy in the (jountry has suoh a record of cures of female ills, and thousands of women residing in every part of the United States bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia B. Pink ham's Vegetable compound and what it has done for them. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. For twenty-five years she has been advising gick women free of charge She is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pink ham and as her assistant for years before her deoease advised under her immediate direction. Address, Lynn, Mass. h iq i A ms lunvllHHil I For Infants and CMldren. ' I The Kind You Have Preparation for As- if similat'tng thcFoodandßegula- fl - m ting the Stomachs au&Boweis of jg JJeaTS tllo J ft ■l,'iiti.aj.fciJiiiiHiga | /%$ 1 Promotes Digestion, Cheerfu- w M lip ness and Rest.Contains neither M n r A V Opium,Morpliine nor Mineral. W U1 #|\ |l/ NotHAhcotic. 1 fli \\ 1 r Pxmpldn. SmJ>- v 9 If | Abe Smut* * 1 Jfl 1 Mm a • rmu SJ*- I m oU I M lI "f\ * in IA J 1 |U R A perfect Remedy forCoitstipa- If 1 W UO 0 Hon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea HI l|f t Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ;lg 1 tg [mm ff «f n p j neas and LOSS OF SLEEP. I\/ |J j UVul FacSimile Signature of .. ■ - - ; i Thirty Years !—1 c ASTORIA TWinwiii atmmmt. mmivmmvL the back of the head, and killed him at once. There is much doubt whether the poor creature was really some cruel person had poisoned it. The Democrat man inter viewed Mr. Allen who did't scare worth a cent over his bite. Says the ma I stone and the Pasteur treatment are not things that would attract a busy man's attention, and seems to think that if the dog could stand it, he can. Mr. R. H. Milton has resigneo the position of superintendent and chief electrician of the Thornton Light and Power Co., and has accepted a position with the Salisbury and Spencer Elec trical Co, We are sorry to IOJV Mr. Milton, but glad he will hav his family remain in Hickory ant he will visit the city once a week Brookford Items Not having seen anything in; your popular paper from our lit tie town, we decided to dot you i few and especially inform you t ist, neither the panic nor tlic burglars have visited us as yet, but that Uncle Sam's flag is gracefully floating unmolested over a hundred feet high in the center of our tjwn. The mill is. running on full time, hauling in coiton and shipping mandfactur ed goods every day. The opera tes are a much better class of people than is usually found at cotton mills. They are well pro vided for and seem to be well contented and Jt>usy, especially on avery other Thursday,when they receive the pure cash and not script for their services. But what else could be expected from christian business man, Mr. Hol brook, who holds the highest es teem of all the people, ; espec ially the children, for whom he always has the kindest greetings. The new store, under the man agement of that efficient* busi ness man, Mr. Behon Shuford, ind his polite clerks, is doing a .rood business. Many new goods are coming in every day. But the busiest. little man in town is Mr. Wade Shuford, who seldom gets time for a social ;hat. It was up to him several iays last week, to digress from his routine business to * pay his respects to Miss Worthington, the lady representative from the Department of Commerce and Labor at Washington,', gathering time to child labor in Southern factories. However, friend Shuford-, was equal to the emergency and gallantly escort ed the young lady over town, taking in the mill, school, etc. Our school is progressing nice ly with eighty pupils enrolled, and nearly this number in aver age monthly attendance—the largest in its history. Mr. Holbrook, the big hearted superintendent of the mil], visit ed the school last week and in a short talk, gave the children wholesome advice and told them that the mill authorities were their friends and would aid them more in the future in their educational needs. Such a prac tical talk was highly appreciated I by both teacher and pupils. Better Farming. The U. S. Department of Ag riculture is soliciting the names of one hundred or more farmers, in this county, who want to grow fifty bushels of corn and fifteen hundred pounds of seed cotton I per acre. Meetings will be held' at the j following places at one o'olock j p. TOM Dec. 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, i 1907, for the purpose of discuss- 1 ing the methods to be employed • and to secure the names of all | who wish to co-operate in the work. Progressive farmers will not let this opportunity pass un heeded. Hickory, r - Monday 16th Dr. Foard's store Tuesday 17th Maiden Wednesday 18th Terrell Thursday 19th Prof. C. R. Hudson, . Special Agent U. S. Dept. Ag riculture, and M. A. Abernethy, local agent for Catawba county, will be present to enlist names and give the methods used. Drs. J. M. Whary and C. A. Munroe attended a called nieetir g of Concord Presbytery at States ville. This was held to dismiss Rev. Mr. Gilmer, of Newton, to his new charge at Mt. Airy. It is with great regret that this Presbytery gives up Mr. Gilmer. A logfcal, thoughtful speaker, s devoted pastor, his place will be hard to fill, and his charming wife will be miised as much as her husband. • . The marriage of Miss Mable Rhodes and Wm. Jacob Stire walt, will t&ke place at the home of the bride in Lincolnton, Dec. l&th. Judge Ward spent a few hour iin Hi :kory Saturday. • wyvvyyT T a Convalescents need a large amount of nourish* # S ment in easily digested form. || ? Scotfs Emulsion is powerful nourish* X ment —highly concentrated. V It makes bone, blood and muscle without ®S|L 5* putting any tax on the digestion. I^l X ALL DRUGGISTS* SOc. AND SI.OO. 1L f XMAS GOODS!!! Let us fill your order with good things fori Xmas, our line of cand ies, fruits, nuts, etc. are just what you are look ing for.: Come and see what I have in the best quality you can buy nothing but the best and . freshest goods used. MLSMLL West Hickory. Old Reliable I Our Fall Clothing lor 'f . Is just what you ra ►!: want in quality and \c£ *" im price. We are just opening up a beauti- bJfflgJ ful line of these goods m Gome and get what . ' M MLjgf $ B WE SELL CLOTHING FOR NEARLY HALF H I WHAT IT WILL COST YOU AT OTHER PLACES. SHOES, SHOES. 1 The best line in the city. We han- jj die General Merchandise. Call on us for bargains. H B A . Christmas Suggestion Give your family a 20 Pay Return Loan Policy in the North State Mutual Life In surance Company of Kinston, North Carolina. This policy gets bigger ev ery year. See J. A. Herndon or E.V. Morton Hickory, N. C. The Price of Health. The price of health in a malarious district is just 25 cents; the cest of box of Dr. King's New Life Pills, writes Ella Slayton, of Noland, Ark. New Life Pills cleanse gently and irn part new life and vigor to the system. 25c. Satisfaction guarantead at C. M. Shuford's, Menzies Drug Co., and W. Martin L. druggist KILL thb couch AND CURE THK LUNCS w,th Dr. King's Nan Discovery for cot 8 ANO ALL TIMOT^I»MMFITWOUBLES^ | GUARANTEE D SATISFACLOB* 08. KONXT REFUNDED. m*.