Great suffehag- is the lot or all women, who neglect the health of their wo- A manly organs. No reason to do so, anv more than to neglect a sore throat, W 4 II Ir Co \\ Ct or any other disease, that the right kind of medicine will .cure. " Take Ladies Wine of Cardui for all your womanly ills. It can never do harm, and is certain to do good. M 9 M Mrs. Sallie H. Blair, cf Jcimson City, Tenn., writes: "I had suffered from womanly troubles for sbc- S 8 8 teen months » and had f°ur dcc« rs, but they could not help me, until I began to take Wine of Cardui. 18 8 Now I think lam about well '* At all rehsble drjggists, in SI.CX) bottles. Try It ® ® IICk I E? s T lr f'Z^ !r> Write tod»y for a free ropy of valuable 64-pa*e Mastrated Book for Women. Hyw need Medical Jno UJk| If* Il\ A I I i , >pL. Advi.e, JesrtSbe your symptoms, statins axe, and reply will be sent h» plain sealed envelope. I* kttS I si E -* t " - A''re-.-- !.a.lVs Dept.. The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Tenn. ■: eft lL" ll 8I I N iMdlUmA [WIfI'IWiVJWj ■ For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought AVfcgetable Preparationfor As- If m similating the Food andßegula- IS , , m ting the S toinachs aalßowels of UOgLFS tllß f t I Promotes Digeslicn.Cheerfur-! |jf nessandßest.Conlains neither J3 A i? /. fii Opium, Morphine nor>Liieral i| Ui /i\'l w B Mi Wi pT jQkffr ObLLrSAMIHPITCHER || a \A^ /Vwjhli Scui- . 9 | l Mx-Smjt*. * ) n tia a I H J Am) Remedy for Constipa- |f?| ft* 0S B Tioik. iour Stomach, Diarrhoea p i lAf Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- « I IT Hifflfr . ness and Loss of Sleep. || \J* I"!#! UVUL Far Simile Signature of |fj Thirty Years EXACT COPY OF WRAPPE.R. ||| Ej| BISI g | gmm i i THf erHTMK COMPANY, NEW VORA CITY. r Economizes the use of flour, but- | ter and eggs; makes the biscuit, || ■■j cake and pastry more appetiz- N |j2| ing, nutritious and wholesome. I I II H ABSOLUTELY PURE B H This is the only baking R ■ powder made from Royal H Grape Cream of Tartar. SI M It Has No Substitute 8 8 *** A,n,n and Phosphate of Lime mizturas sold «t I IK 8 iuwer Price, but no housekeeper regarding the bcaltb 1 J J cl *>er family caa attord to tue tbem. ff Bw»i ■ lHiiHrT—f ft! rn th ° U } injury " Let * return charges on Pl&nta wUI be shit,ped G - O. D.. and you wiil have to pay 5 *t|L2sper l.'woj'fl I to 4,000 at 5150 P® l " 1 > 00 °: sto 3.000 1 C. M. GIBSON. Young's Island. .© J ^ — ! ——*aaaty PLUMBING, ROOFING AND GUTTERING Done by expert workmen. All kinds of Tin Work oa short hot'anH 11 B °» ls «* ShJ S hot and cold water fixtures. We will do your work right. Hickory Roofing & Tinning Co. The Law as to Sign Posts. Most read overseers are per '•laps not aware of the fact that the law requires sign-posts to be r>ut up at the forks of their re spective roads, but such is the •ase and the fine for failure to ollow the law is ten dollars. ,-n posts are a frreat benefit to he traveling public, and especial to strangers. In years past ;ioe law was observed far more han at the preseent time. Section 2722 of the Revisal of J. 905 reads as follows. "Sign-posts put up. Overseers 11 esase to be set up, at the v-ks of their respective roads, ft >ost or posts with arms pointing : he way of each road, with plaii and durable directions to the most public places to which they lead, and with the number of Tiiles from that place as near a§ t:an be computed, and every ove*- 1 eer who shall, for ten days after >e>tice of his appointment, neglect to do so and to keep the same in repair shall forfeit and pay for avery such neglect ten dollars." There is also a statute against defacing rnilp-posts, and this reads as foilows: "Injury to sign boards or mile posts. If any person shall nee - ies n ly remove, knock down on ef face any public sign posts, arm 3 or any mile-mark, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor," A whole lot of girls no more than cheap goods not yet marked down by time. A Card. This is to certify that all drug gists are authorized to refund your money if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Cures la grippe coughs and prevents pneumonia a«d consumption. Contains no opiates. The genu ine is in a yellow package. Re fuse substitutes. W. S. Martin & Co. You're simply losing everytime you stop to pick flaws in anything or in anybody. ► A r o x isery. "I have found a cure for misery malaria poison produces," says R. M. James, of Louellen, S. C. "It's cal =ed Electtic Bitters, and comes iu 50 cent bottles. It breaks up a case of chills or a bilious attack in almost no! time; and it puts yellow janndice clean jutof cornir;.ssion." .This great tonic nedicine and bioud puriiier gives 4uick relief in all stomach, liver and kidney complaints and the misery of lame back. Sold under guarantee at M. Shuford, vV. S. Martin and dm? stores. Unless a woman can read be tween the lines she will never know her husband like a book. •» » Of Vital Importance. No other organs of the body are so essential to good health as the kidneys. Foley's Kidney Remedy makes the kidneys healthy so that thev will strain out the impurities from the blood which is constantly passing through them. Commence tak ing Foley's Kidney Remedy at the first sign of danger. W. S. Martin & Co. You are no less a grafter be cause the other fellow beat you to it. There is no m aking pancakes without breaking the eggs. DOCTORS MISTAKES Are said often to be buried six feet under ground. But many vonu.n call on their family physicians, suUering, as they imagine, one from dyspepsia, another from heart disease, another from liver or kid ney disease, another from iservous pros tration, another with pain here and, there, and In this way they present alike to themselves and their easy-going or over busy doctor, separate diseases, for which he, assuming them to be such, proscribes his pills and potions. In reality, they are ail only nymptoms caused by some uterine disease. Theclan, > tgnorant of the cause of sufferfngVfcvPPS until large bills are made. patient gets no wrong treatment, but probably worse: nroner medjfine like Dp, Pile's Pq vnrug Prescription, directed tn the cause. wouM have'gmfrelv remoyed the disease, there by dispelling all tnose distressing symp toms, and instituting comfort instead of prolonged misery. It has been well said, that "a disease known is half cured." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a scientific medicine, carefully devised by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate system. It is maae of native American medicinal roots and is perfectly harmless in its effects in 7*a» conauOm or iritt h,*uc $ yst€in. As a powerful invigorating tonic "Fa vorite Prescription" imparts strength to the whole system and to the organs dis tinctly feminine in particular. For over worked, "worn-out," run-down." debili tated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, "seamstresses, "shop-girls," house-keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women gen erally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is the greatest earthly boon, being un equaled as an appetizing cordial and re storative tonic. As a soothing and strengthening nerv ine ? Favorite Prescription " is uncoualed and is invaluable in allaying and sub duing nervous excitability. Irritability, nervous exhaustion, nervons prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, St. Vitus : 9 dance, and other distressing, nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the uterus. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and despondency. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate »' tch, liver and bowels. One to • _.vsa. Easy to take as candy. A Suicide at Columbia. Columbia, S. C. Jan. 20,—A. D. Lingston, yard boss at the Southern Railway shops, in this city, csmmitted suicide this morning at his home on Laurel street by shooting himself twice once in the breast and again in the right temple. Not finding him in bed when she awoke, his wife made a searcn and foiftd Lingston's body in the closet where he had gone in order to muffle the shots. His time and pay had recently been reduced and it is presumed that despondency caused him to take his life. He leaves a wife and three children. He had insurance in the Woodmen of the World. No human hand touches D? PRICE'S WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FOOD from its first process of manu facture until it is served for the table. It is composed of Wheat, Celery and Salt. Not a trace of any other substance. Its daily use has a tonic and laxative ef fect. * i 88 For sale by all Grocers 1 Plant Wood's (\ / Garden Seeds u FOR SUPERIOR VEGE. TABLES & FLOWERS. ' business, both in Garden and Farm Seeds, is one of the largest in this country, a result due to the fact that 8 Quality is always our J first consideration, a Wefare headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Oats, Seed Potatoes, Cow Peaa, Soja Beans and other Farm Seeds. Y^®° d K '« Descriptive Catalogue , mo,t practical of sefed i Anup-to-data ant. re \ / « T. W. WOOD & SONS, / /j JEEDSPIEII, - Richmond, Ya [I Sale of Valuable Land, By virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Catawba county in special proceeding en tided C. A. Little, admini trator, against, at al, appointing: me a commis sioner I will on MONDAY, Feb. 3rd 1908, offer of sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the Residence of the late Thomas Setzer near the town of Hickory N. C., the following described land in Hickory town ship. to-wit: Beginning on a stake on the south bank of the W. N. R. R. and two poles north of the Mor gan old corner, and runs north with J. D. Morgan's line 149 poles to a stone in said line, then fast 70 p. to a stake in the old Fry line, ihonce north with said line 21 poles to a stakeond point ers, thence cast 250 feet to a .stake and-pointers Fry's corner thence south 152 poles to a stake aid pointers in the old Fry line, thence north 87 west with said line 50 pjles to a pine stump, thewe south 141-2 pole to a stake in the center of the Western North Carolina railroad, then south 84 west with said railroad t» poles to a stake in said rail r >ad, Frank Lock's coner, thence a >ld to the Lock's line 11 poles to a take, said Lock's coner, thence west 5412 poles to tne btginning, containing 110 acres more or less. Excepting and reserving, how ever, from the above described boundary about 45 acres herefore sold by said Thos. W. Setzer to one Mr. Geitner, reference being nad to said deed for a description of the said land. Said land will be in lots first, then as a whole. xci.iis> half cash, balance in equal payments of three and six months, with interest from date of sale. . This Dec. 31 1907. VV.C NEvVLAiND atty. . C. A. LITTLE com. lilllWilk FijUil M SMTHI fWa here^s Si/' wealth and /// independence //v/ 1 /p for you along (/// vy the Cotton Belt 111 * Route in Arkansas Jill and Texas ! j ' Why? I / Because the soil is rich, j/ i It is not worked out. It j can be bought MW for i from $5 to $25 an acre— about one-fourth of its value. / The Climate is mild and || healthful. /1 \ You can work out of doors J) the year around. y/j There are good schools (//' and churches. {// Live stock has good range fj/j nearly all year. Iff/. No costly barns are needed 1/7 / for Winter housing. 11l There is a long growing season —-this means bigger and more profi table crops, j You can-raise and market i some crop nearly every month in the year. There are good markets I nearby. If j There is an abundant 11/ supply «f good water. /// T* l6 rainfall is plentiful I l/l 1 * nd even| y distributed. /I j Think what yon're U[ offered! U j Low land values Ay Good water — A\ J Two crops a year ly V Convenient markets —- i\\y Grazing for stock the lu/, year around \W Can yon afford to slay I In where yoi are? \IV Just consider whether it's better \\\ to take advantage of the won- V\\ derful opportunities this terri- A\\ to »y now offers, or continue V\ \ where you are, struggling along \Vy under adverse conditions, wast-' YVil in $ your time and energy \\ ! r 5 ,in ß to m*ke .a high-priced v \\| "rm which is "all worked vVw out" pay. - Don't delay! Go Southwest! You won t make a mistake. Twice a month, Homeseekers' tickets are sold by the Cotton Belt at very low rates. Make a trip of investigation —it will be the best thing you ever did. Write for our descriptive literature—tells all about Arkansas and TeAs—Let as help you to Success. H. H. SUTTON, D. P. A., Cotton Belt Rente, 109 W. 9th Street, Chattanooga, Tens. Se«4 me roar free descriptive folder.. I want to learn something about Arkansas and Texas. Name _ Post Office ... PECULIAR PROPERTIES OF NEW MEDICINE Cooper Preparation Attracts Widespread At tention by Expelling Internal Parasites. Th© interest created in leading cities daring the past year by young Mr. Cooper with his new preparation, is largely accounted for by a peculiar quality possessed by this medicine, which he calls his New Discovery. Mr. Cooper believes that internal parasites, or tapeworms, are respon sible for much HI health, and it is an undoubted tact that his medicine has expelled immense numbers of these creatures in various cities visited by him. The young man also believes that stomach troublMq the main cause of all ill health. He claims that few can have poor health with a good di gestion. He further claims that his Mew Discovery medicine does nothing but tone up the stomach, yet it not only expels the parasites, but relieves many other ailments not as a rule as sociated with stomach trouble. Little Jessie Birdsall, daughter of Mrs. Ida Birdsall, living at 2138 Car roll Avenue, Chicago, is among many relieved of a large parasite by Mr. Cooper's preparation during bis stay in that city. In speaking of the mat ter to Mr. Cooper, the mother said: ; 'My child Jessie, who is fourteen years old, has been suffering with this trouble for over seven years. Until this morning we did not know what! Cc C CURES d* d* d* RHEUMATISM Every case of Rheumatism has its origin and its development in the blood. It is not a disease which is contracted like a cold, but it is in the blood and system before a pain is felt, and the changes in the weather or any physical irregularities, such as a spell of indigestion, bowel disturbance, etc., are merely the exciting causes producing the pains and aches, which are the natural symptoms of the disease. Rheumatism is caused by an excess of uric acid andather corrosive, irritating poisons in the blood, which are carried through the circulation to every part of the system. Every muscle, nerve, membrane, tissue and joint becomes saturated with these acrid, irritating impurities, or coated with fine, insoluble caustic matter, and the sharp, piercing pains or the dull, constant aches are felt with every physical movement. When the blood is filled with uric acid poison, perma nent relief cannot be expected from liniments, plasters, or other external treatment. Such measures give temporary relief, but in order to conquer Rheumatism and bring about a p— ————————————— complete cure, the uric acid and Sometime ago, I had Rheumatism and had to other inflammatory matter must be If The pain T back 11 j j 4.U--T . « j my shoulders was so intense I could not rest or CXpd lea, this cannot DC done sleep. I tried everything, but nothing did me any with external treatment. S. S. S. Xooi till I heard of and took s. S. s. This med- CUreS Rheumatism because it is a ' cine cured me sound .and well- It purified my __ vi 3 blood and made me feel like a new man. perfect and entirely vegetable blood conrad lohr, purifier. It goes down into the Anderson, Ind. IS2 E. 19th St. circulation, neutralizes the acids, I was severely troubled with Rheumatism. I and dissolves the irritating depos- had it in my knees, legs and ankles, and .any one its which are pressing: on the sensi- who has ever had Rheumatism knowa how excru tive nerves and tissues and produc- at work. I was truly in bad shapa—having been ing pain, enriches the weak, sour bothered with it for ten years, off and on. A blood, and removes every atom of local physician advised me to use S. S. S. I did imnuritv from the circulation takin * bottles I noticed the sore impurity irom circulation. t>o ness and p , in were Kreat ; y reduced. I continued instead Of being a weak, sour the medicine and was thoroughly cured; all pain, stream "distributing uric acid to the aoreness and inflammation gone. I recommend different parts of the system, the s " s - s - t0 BXI Rheumatic sufferers. agn£W blood is strong and healthy and 803 E. Greenbrier St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio, therefore able to supply every mus- ■■ cle, nerve, bone and tissue with nourishment and strength. Then the inflam mation and swelling subside, the pains and aches cease, and not only is Rheumatism permanently cured, but under the fine tonic effects of S. S. S. the entire general health is benefitted and built up. -In all forms of Rheuma tism, whether acute or chronic, S. S. S. will be found a safe and reliable treat ment. Special book on Rheumatism and any medical advice you desire will be furnished free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Plain Talks on Fertilizers I A Talk to Fruit-Growers '■ok You use a fertilizer The yield will be of course but do you J according to the use enough ? Hp|Ejg|l amount of plant food The yield per acre, ■ 1 y ? u give > r ° ur trees , or and the profit therefrom gsff; J P j S ~ 7°V Ca ? de " increases in far greater s pend on it. The better proportion than thecost WHSM the 7 are feo the greater of additional fertilizer. ' ? more Wll What is an increase in your crop. Fertil cost of $2.00 to $lO 00 T 1 lze sparingly and you per acre for fertilizer rea P sparingly, when the returns therefrom The fact that over a million increase of $50.00 to tons of Virginia-Carolina #250.00 per acre ? Fertilizer were sold last year tv vi w . proves them to be witnout ine big Magnolia Fruit equal. Every fruit farmer, Farms at Durant, Miss., tested no matter what method he the well-known Virginia-Car- now uses, should get the Vir- olina Fertilizer ginia - Carolina * Bin different Company's quantities on new Year Book "kjigf 1 their-straw- Almanaer BjjHIH berry crop. J's to all w , u Result: when who are inter " r > &J. 1,000 lbs. per ested enough acre were used to write for it. the profit was Address us to $75.00 moreper the nearest city acre than when below. ' 500 lbs. per acre were used. VIRGINIA-CAROLINA This is modern intensive ci:l- CHEJIICAL ca ture, the method that is doub- Richmond. Va. Durham, N. C. ling and trebling the crops of ? c 7 fo! ! c .' Va - Charleston, s. c. all kinds of fruit in Columbia, SC. Baltimore, Md. either good or in poor ■MMh Columbus, Ga. and worn-out land all Savannah, Ga. over the country—and Montgomery, Ala. in good soil, too. ' ■utfl the trouble was. She was extremely nervous; the least little thing would upset her; her tongue was coated, and at times she would have a good ap petite, then again could not bear the sight of food; lie was restless at night, had a jad breath, especially when she got up of mornings. We tried everything to relieve her, but met with no success. We were just on the point of giving up trying any thing else, when we began to read of Cooper's New Discovery. Several days ago we purchased this medicine.- Jes sie has been using it regularly, and this morning this parasite left her system. I don't wonder that she has always felt bad, and nothing we would give her seemed to relieve her. Now that she is relieved of this tapeworm I feel sure that she will grow better each day, and enjoy perfect health. Mr. Cooper, your medicine is worth a thousand times more than you charge for it. I know of a number of people troubled the same way as Jessie has been, and I certainly expect to tell them personally to try your medicine." We would advise anyone who has been troubled for some time with gen eral poor health to try this great med icine. We are agent for it in this city. —E. B. Menzier,

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