THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT. Established JS99 Special Prices ON HEAVY-WEIGHT Suits and Overcoats For 30 Days Our stock is not large, 'however, we don't believe in carrying over goods, preferring to.sacrifice the price while the goods ?re yet very desirable, thus giving us room for Spring Goods, and giving you fhe new merchandise at low prices. DON'T FORGET OUR LINE OF "WALKOVER" SHOES in heavy Winter* weight are the very best to be had, $4.00 the pair. A complete line of "Hawes" and "Stetson" Hats and Furnishings. Moretz-Whitener Clothing—GO- The Quality Shop. | YOUR BANK ACCOUNT i Is Important f It would be foolish for you to entrust your funds and the in- > i terests of your business to a Banking concern about whose A Record, Resources and Methods you did cot know. Don't J you think so? J This Bank is under Government supervision, and not only \ invites your account, but invites you to inform yourself as to f its methods, and facilities, its resources, its management, its f officers, its record. A Come in at any time and let us talk the matter over; 4 per - A cent, interest paid on t'me deposits and savings accounts. \ Money loaned to customers. You can not afford to be with \ out a Bank account. J FIRST NATIONAL BANK i HICKORY, JS. C. i CAPITAL, $200,000.00 Surplus and Profits, $25,000.00 5 A. A. SHUFORD, Pres. K. C. MENZIES, Cashier \ J. D. ELLIOTT, Vice-Pres J. L. CELLEY, Ass'-t. Cashier The Value .of a Dollar 1 - - ♦ - 1 * Is what you get when you trade at l our store. » IN FIRST-CLASS GOODS I We sell Clothing 25 per cent, cheap er than you can get it elsewhere. | SHOES! SHOES!! I ' The Best line in the city. Come to J see us for bargains. 1 Setzer & Russell I HICKORY, N.C. n±.*r> * BOOKS! ' We have al' kinds of Books except School Books, and keep a full line of SCHOOL SUPPLIES Pen and Pencil Tablets, Composition Books, Examina- - tion Tablets, Pencils, Pens and Ink. " MAGAZINES. Whether you want a single copy or an annrial subscrip tion, you will find us ready and prompt to get you what you want. VAN DYKE BOOK & ART SHOP - A. L. MOSER, and L. R. MOSER, Proprietors. S Between C. M. Shuford and E. B. Menzies. j m T\ Is the best advertising medium in Cataw 1A lAlflAftPO county' ai it is read in very near every II I If] 111 11111 (I, | State in the Union, and in every home in lUu iJ\J illvvi uit county. The subscription price is only SI.OO per year. HICKORY, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 30,1908. JOINT BILL FOR PROHIBI TION Full Text of Law Submitted — Election in August. The most important measure before the legislature, was the Lotig-Dowd bill providing fqr prohibition, to become effective January Ist, 1909, after the people shall have voted for it at an election to be held the fir&t Thursday in August of this year. This bill has the endorsement ot the North Carolina Anti-Saloon League. ■ This bill entitled, "An Act to prohibit the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors i' North Carolina, is as follows: "That it shall be unlawful for any person, or persons, firm or corporation to manufacture, or in any manner make, or sell, or otherwise dispose of for gain any spirituous, vinous, fermented or malt liquors or intoxicating bitters within the State of North Carolina: ~ Provided, this act shall not be construed to forbid the sale of such spirituous, vin ous fermented or malt liquors or intoxicating bitters by a medical depository or by any druggist for sickness upon the written prescription of a regularly lic ensed and actively practicing physician having the person for whom such prescription is made under his charge, which said prescription shall specify the a mount of spirits required; Pro vided, further, that wines and ciders may be manufactured or made from grapes, berries or fruits raised on the lands of the manufacturers or other persons and sold at the place of manu facture only, and only in sealed or crated packages containing not less than five gallons per package; but no wjne or ciders shall be drunk upon the premises where sold, nor shall the pack age containing the same be opened on said premises. "That for the purpose of thig act spirituous, vinous or malt liquors or intoxicating bitters are defined to be such spirituous vinuos or malt liquors or intoxi cating bitters, or compounds of either or other medicines or be verages, as the United States Government levies a special tax upon, or for the sale of which a United States license is required to be taKen out by the person or persons, firm or corporation pro posing to sell tho same, and all liquor or mixtures thereof by whatever names called that will produce intoxication shall be construed and held to be intoxi cating liquors within the mean ing of this act. ' 'That any phvsician who shall make any prescription (except in case pf sickness), for the purpose of aiding or abetting any person or persons who- are not bona fide under his charge to purchase anv intoxicating liquors contrar/ to the provisions of this act, and any druggist who shall sell or otherwise dispose of for gain any spirituous, vinous, fermented or malt liquors, or intoxicating bitters without the written prescription of a legally qualified physician, or who shall duplicate the prescription of a physician for intoxicating liquors for any person or persons not bona fide under such physician's charge, without the written di rection of the physician j*bo gave the same, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con viction, shall be fined or im prisoned or both in the discretion of the Court for each and every offense; and all druggists selling intoxicating liquors by prescrip tion as aforesaid shall keep a record thereof which shall bear the true dates of the sale, the names of all persons to whom sales were made, the names of I the physicians upon whose pre scription the salos were made, which said record shall be sub ject at ali times to inspection of the solicitor of the u trict the sheriff and other peace officers of the country, the mayor and police officers of the city or town in which said druggist's business is located and all other persons; and any druggist failing to keep the record aforesaid, or refusing to permit the examination of such record by the officers named or other persons, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction be find or im prisoned or both in the discre tion of the Court,* "The place where delivery of any intoxicating liquors if made in the Siate of North Carolina, shall be construed and held to be the place of sale thereof and any station or other place with in said State to which any per son shall ship or convey any in toxicating liquors for the pur pose of delivery or carrying the same to any purchaser, shall be construed to be the place of sale, provided that nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent the delivery of any intoxicating li quor to druggists in sufficient quantities for medical purposes only. •• "Nothing in this act shall be construed as leaking it to sell to any minister of religion or other officer of a church, wine to be used for religious or sacra mental purposes. ' That nothing in this act shall he construed to prevent the county commissioners or govern, ing body of any city or town from prohibiting the sale of spirituous, vinous, fermented or malt liquors or intoxicating bit. ters by druggists in their respec tive counties, cities or towns. "That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this act be and the same are4ierebv to the ex tent of such conflict repealed: Provided, however, that nothing in this act shall operate to re peal any of the local or special acts of the General Assembly of North Carolina prohibiting the manufacture or sale or other disposition of anv of the liquors mentioned in this act, but all such acts shall continue in full force and effect and in concur rence herewith; and indictment and prosecution may be had' either .under this act or any special or local a;t relating to the same subject. "Any person violating any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, "That the foregoing provisions of this act shall go into effect on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Nine, if a majority of the votes cast at the election hereafter provided for shall be, Against the Manu facture and Sale of Intoxicating Liquors." "That on the first Thursday in August, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hun dred and Eight, an election shall be held in the several election precincts in each county in the State of North Carolina to de termine whether provisions of sections one to eight (inclusive) of this act shall become effective Said election shall be conducted and held under the same rules and regulations and in the same manner as elections for State officers; and unless otherwise provided in this act the general laws regulating elections as set forth in Chapter Ninety of the Revisal of 1905 of North Caro lina and the amendments there to shall be applicable «to said election. At said election every person qualified to vote for mem bers of the General Assembly shall have the right to vote. "At each election precinct there shall be a ballot box pro vided for the purpose of said election, which shall be labeled in plain Roman letters. "For or Against and Sale of Intoxicating Liquors 'f In all other respects said ballot box shall b-»i 1 conformity with the general laws regulating elec tions as set forth in Chapter Ninety (90) of the Revisal of 1905 of North Carolina and the amendments thereto. At said election every qualified voter shall have the right to vote* u written or printed ballot, or a ballot partly written and partly printed, bearing the words "For the Manufacture and Sale of toxioattng Liquors" or a written or printed ballot or a ballot part ly written and partly printed bearing the words 1 the Manufacture and Sale of Intoxi cating Liquors." The ballots shall be of white paper and shall be without device. The votes cast at said election shall be counted, compared, returned canvassed, certified r-eport e4 un4ep the same rulei and regulations and in the same manner as the vote for State officers a \ provided in the gener al laws of the State above re ferred to except that the board of State examiners shall, im mediately after they have com pleted their canvass of the re turns of said election from the abstracts transmitted to the Secretary of State, certify to the Governor a statement of the result of saeh canvass, and the Governor shall forthwith is sue his prqQlamation announcing and declaring the result and such proclamation by the Gover nor shall have the effect to de termine the result of sai.i elec tion, "The State Board of Elections ahd several county hqards of elections are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to take all sueh actions as may be neces sary to fully provide for the election to be held in accordance with this act. The several coun ty boards of elections shall meet in their respective counties not later than the first day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eight and arrange for the hold ing of said election by selecting and. appointing a registrar and two judges of election for each election precinct in their respect ive counties, the duties and powers of whom shall be in all respects as provided in the gen eral election laws of the State as above referred to. In making the appointments of - judges of elections the county boards of elections shall, if possible, each appoint for each election precinct one comoetent person generally known to be in lavor of the manufacture and sale of intoxi cating liquor in the State of North Carolina and one compet ent person generally known to be opposed to the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquor in the State of North Carolina. The several cortnty boards of elections shall make publication of the names of the registrars and judges of election and serve notice upon them as required by the general election laws of the State. "The compensation of all officers engaged in the said elec tion shall be the same as is pro vided by law for similar service in case of general State elec tions. - "In order to fully effectuate the purpose of this act and 10 carry out the true intent and meaning of the same it is hereby provided that that the State Board of Elections in matters affecting the entire State and the several county boards of elections in matters affecting their respective counties shall respectively have full power and authority and they are hereby directed to make all such rules and regulations and to do and Democrat *nd Press, Consolidated 1905. perform all such acts and things as shall be necessary to complete the details for the holding of said election and to conform the same as nearly as possible to the general laws of the State regu lating State elections as set forth in chapter 09 of the Revival of 1905 of North Carolina an 1 V e amendments theret> n>* or hereafter adopted, \ "This act"filial] in , r orce from and after its ratification " Rank Foolishness. "When attacked by a cov h or a cold, or when your thro? is sore,,it is rank foolishness to take any .other medicine than Dr. King's New Discovery," says C. O. El Iridge, of Empire, Ga. "I have used New Dis covery seven years and I know it is the best remedy op earth for coughs and croup and a'l throat and lung troubles. My children are subject to croup, but New Discovery quickly cures every attack." Known the world over as the King of throat and lung remedies. Sold under guarantee at C. M. Shuford; W. S. Martin and Menzies drug to res. Punishing Children. Our quotation about the training of tiger cubs and its application to the punishment of children has created quite a breeze.. We concede tho right of every man to his own opinion but we mist insist that the free use of whip in the schoolroom for children is little short of barbarity. We have even known cases where the older children of a family were allowed to punish the younger children without leave hinderance. In our humble judgment this is nothing short of a crime on the part of parents who are thus sowing the seed of hate and bitterness that will last as long as life itself. The indis criminate punishment of pupils by teachers is nearly, if not quite, as bad, * The child who obeys through a sense of fear obeys in the wrong spirit and such obedience does him no good. It has been suggested that the Bible speaks of the necessity tor whipping. But such wisdom was written for another day than ours. In the age of force, when parents had the power of life and death over their children, and when every man's chief aim was to be a soldier and every woman's chief duty to bear children who should make soldiers, that was very good. But we are living under a new dispensation. Does the New Testament any where enjoin the whipping of children? We have also seen it stated that if children are not to be punished, then we ought not to punish criminals in the first place we don't think a young and innocent child stands on the same footing with a criminal. In the next place we are in favor of whipping neither child ren nor criminals. -Some better method of punishment can be e:> forced. Farmers News Scimiters the best farm paper in the West with the Democrat one year for $1 35. A Cure For Misery. "I have found a cure for misery malaria poison produces," says R. M. James, of Louellen, S. C. "It's cal led Electtic Bitters, and comes iu 50 cent bottles. It breaks up a case oi chills or a bilious attack in almost nc time; and. it, puts yellow janndice clean out of commission. " This great tonic medicine and blood purifier gives quick relief in all stomach, liver and kidney complaints and the misery oi lame back. Sold under guarantee at C. M. Shuford, vV. S. Martin and Menzies drug stores. Subscribe for the Democrat - Teachers' Association. The teachers are requested to attend the Association at Newton on Feb. Ist, 1908, to be held at the Court House. We hope all the teachers will be present. Subjects for discussion. "Whenshould .a pupil take up the study of North Carolina History?" Profs. S. S. Keisler, and Cox. Give the Natural order of Teaching Geography," Profs. C. 0. Smith and A. P. Whisenhunt "How to Prevent a pupil from Selecting his own books of Study. Profs. Lee Setzer and Chas. M. Staley. Program Committee. R. L. Whitener, Pres. r , Etta Baker, Sec. OAfTORtA. Satrnth. s*T!n Kifld Yw Haw Always Bougftt Sale of Valuable Land, - By virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Catawba county in special proceedings entitled C. A. Little, administrator, against, at al, appointing me a commis sioner I will on MONDAY, Feb. 3rd 1908, offer of sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the Residence di the late Thomas Setzer near the wn of Hickory N. C., the following described land in Hickory town ship, to-wit: Beginning on a stake on the south bank of the W. N. R. R. and two poles north of the Mor gan old corner, and runs north with J. D. Morgan's line 149 poles to a stone in said line, then east 7Q p. to a stake in the old Fry line, thence north with said line 21 poles to a stake ond point ers, thence east 250 feet to a stake and pointers Fry's corner thence south 152 poles to a stake and pointers in the old Fry line, thence north 87 west with said line 50 poles to a pine stump, thence south 14 l-£pole toa stake in the center of the Western North Carolina railroad, then south 84 west with said railroad to poles to a stake in said rail road, Frank Lock's coner, thence sold to the Lock's line 11 poles to a stake, said Lock's coner, thence west 5412 poles to tne beginning, containing 110 acres more or less. Excepting and reserving, how ever, from the above described boundary about 45 acres herefore sold by said Thos. W. Setzer to one Mr. Geitner, reference being had to said deed for a description of the said land. Said land will be sold in lots first, then as a whole. terms, half cash, balance in equal payments of three and six months, with interest from date of sale. This Dec. 31 1907. W.C NEWLANDatty. C. A. LITTLE com. -The Blood is The life.* Science has never gone beyond the above simple statement of scripture. But It has illuminated that statement and given it a meaning ever broadening with the increasing breadth of knowledge. When the blood is "bad" or impure II is not alone the l~Jy which suffers through disease. The brain la also clouded, HJje mind and judgement are effected, an evil deed or impure traced to the can be mad* nnra h T ">p ftfDr, Pierce's Golden Medical R and mirifl»« thfi thereby curing, pimples, blotches, eruptions and other cutaneous affections, as eczema, tetter, or salt-rheum, hives and other manifestations of impure blood. • • 9 • • • In the cure of scrofulous swellings, en* larged glands, open eating ulcers, or (rid sores, the "Golden Medical Discovery "has performed the moet marvelous cures. Ia cases of old sores, or open eating uloers, it is well to apply to the open sorts Dr. Pierce's All-Healing Salve, which pos* senses wonderful healing potency when used as an application to the sores in con junction with the use of "Golden Medical Discovery" as a blood cleansing consti tutional treatment If your druggist don't happen to have the "All-Healing Salve" In stock, you can easily procure it by Inclosing fifty-four cents in postage stamps to Dr. B. V. Pierce, 063 Main St, Buffalo, N. Y., and It will COM to you by return post. Most druggists keep It as. well as the "Golds* Medical DlMOvery." • »»••• Ton can't afford to accept an) medicine of unknown comportticm as a substitute for "Golden Medical Discovery," which is a medicine or KJTOW* COMPOSITION-, having a complete list of ingredients In plain English on Its bottle-wrapper, the same being attested as correct under oath. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate dbowek,

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