Established 1899 The Hickory Banking & Trust Co * We are fully covered by Burg lar and Fire Insurance : : : r Take no risk by keeping your money in your home or on your person, but deposit same with -- . ; We Pan Interest on and saving accounts, and will appreciate your business, great or small. You can get your money any time you want it, if left with us. Try us. * W. X. REID, ~ JULIUS f. ABERNETHY, Cashier. . President. FREE To Our Subscribers! - For a ltmited time we will give absolutely free\ of charge to each new or renewing subscriber year's subscription to The Southern Agriculturist, Nashville, Tenn. For forty years this paper has been the guide of thousands of Southern fanners. It you are not a subscriber to our paper, or if your sub scription has expired, order NOW and get this valuahle present free. We the right to withdraw this offer at auy time, so HURRY UP. The Hickory Democrat j Valuahle farms tor Sale! 5 47 ACRE FARM K 2 Five miles south, very near to churches, on 31 main public road, good orchard, assorted fruits, IC 5 room dwelling, good double barn, double crib, IC 5| buggy house, grainery. Price $1150.00. I? S 160 ACRE FARM. 3 21 Seventy acres of which is in woods, 12 acres of |C Jj| good creek bottom, 6 room dwelling house, |r C plenty out-buildings, another good 3 room dwel- 3 C ling house, all situated about four and a half fa 2J miles east. " Price $4000.00 2J 84 ACRE FARM S C Good dwelling and out-buildings, plenty of Si ej wood land, 12 miles north-east, on main public 3J road, R. F. D. route . Price $1300.00. IC 2 42 Acre Farm near town, north side. Kj 2} 21 Acre Farm on west side. 5 c! 100 Acres, 12 miles north-west. Price $550.00 Ni 50 Acres. Elegant home and farm, little way Sj jjj outside. Price $4800.00. 3 | John E. Haithcock. 1 >ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo We 2>ell W& Buy cS £>ell >, lasted) piateGlass. ; crtyLots, I j^ e al Estate Liability and 1 i -pjjjjjgj. Lands, \ Steam Boiler f and All Kinds of / We represent only reliable Gompa-} - • nies, and can Insure your property •: It you want to buy or rent any In the .. » { " kind of Real Estate, see us. Largest and Oldest Companies 1 &Syo^ve n y X in America. ' ' - „ ====== \WE WILL FIND it FOR YOU If you place your Insurance i_ - with us we will assure you \ If you have property to sell a prompt settlement in case or rent, see us. If we have, of a losp. , We respectfully \ not a buyer already waiting solicit your business. { for it, we will find one. I i ' '■!. i , Campbell Insurance & Realty Company No. 1230, Nineth Ave S. D.CAMPBELL J. A CAMPBELL ZEB. B; BUCHANAN THE HICKORY DEMOCEIf If you want a job of printing done thai will give you entire satisfaction, just give The Democrat Printery your order and you will be thoroughly satisfied. HICKORY, N. C., THURSDAY. APRIL 1908. The Liquor Traffic and Personal Liberty, For the honest, sincere heart who thinks that his rights will be abridged and that his rightful privilege will be taken away from him by prohibitory laws, we have the profoundest respect, and we honor any man who will resist encroachments upon his constitutional rights. We fre quently hear men severely criti cise the acts of the legislature as being inimical to the rights and privileges of freeborn American citizens, and again we often mis take their selfindulgences for Personal Liberty, and for the purpose of placing the truth of the matter before the honest voter, we quote from the decis ions of the Supreme Court of the Nation (the greatest tribunal in the world) and also from the. Supreme Court of North Caro lina. "No legislature car* bargain a way the public health or the pub lic morals. The people cannot do it, much less their servants." —Stone vs. Mississippi, 101 U. S. 816. ' 'lf the public safety or public morals require the discontinu ance of any traffic the hand of. the legislature cannot b& stayed from discontinuing the same by ( reason of any inconvenience which individuals or corporations may suffer."—Beer Co. vs. Mas ! sachusetts, 97 U. S. 32. "The State cannot by contract limit the exercise of her power to the prejudice of the public health or public morals."— Butcher Union Co., vs. Crescent City Co., 11l U.S. 751. - "There is no inherent right in a citizen to sell intoxicating li quors by retail: It is not a privi-: ledge of a citizen of a state or of a citizen of the United States." 1 —Crowlev vs. Christman 137 U. S. 86. j "We cannot shut out the fact that the public health, the public morals and the public safety may be endangered by the gen eral use-of intoxicating drinks, •nor the fact that the idleness, disorctr, pauperism and crimes existing in the country are tracer able to the drink evil." —Mugler vs. Kansas 123 U. S. 523. j In perfect accordf with the foregoing decisions of the Su preme Court of the United States ithe Supreme Court of North | Carolina, through Justice Mont i gomery rendering the decision in a case from Washington, N.C. says this: t "From the standpoint of* the j Statute laws on the subject and i the decisions of the Court, the 'rule with reference to what the [COMMUNICATED.] law would regard as undue re strictions upon useful business cannot be the same as that ap plicable to the liquor traffic. What would be a deprivation of the'use of the property without due process of law or an infringe ment of personal liberty against one engaged in a useful trade, I would not be such when consider ed in conpection with the prop erty or with one person engaged in the sale of intoxicating liquors as is pointed out in State vs. Ray, where the Court said:- It must be understood that saloons stand on a very different footing to tne sale of dry goods or fami ly groceries. Liquor itself is re garded as an evil, an enemy of civilization and good govern ment. ' From the foregoing decisions of_the highest tribunals in the State and nation it will be seen that no man has any inherent right in the liquor traffic and that no man's personal liberty is involved or taken away. No man will say that his personal liberty is taken away bv the statute that says he shall not sell spoiled meats ©r rotten fish to his neighbor Neither will he say that that the statute that forbids the coward carrying concealed weapons to shoot down some good man takes away any right belonging to the citizen. All All these statutes are the same footing and there is no per sonal liberty or privilege invol ve in the matter. The question before the peo ple of North Carolina is of world wide interest. The devotees of the wine cup must put aside their wineglassess or go down in disgrace. Already they are debarred from entering nearly every vo cation, profession and industry of life. JThe drinking man finds it hard to obtain a position any where to earn a livelihood. He foresees his doom and appeals for freed. Already numbers of States have driven the traffic from their borders, to wit: Georgia, Ala bama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Indian Territory and in the Cen tral West the traffic is prohibited in from 75 to 80 per cent in each State and they are moving for total prohibition. The promoters and advocates in North Carolina are states men and patriots and are appeal ing to the citizens to rise in their might and strike the shackles from the arms of our young men that they may rise to that height in the moral, intellectual and commercial world that* they are entitled to and not doom them to be underlings and hew ers of wood and drawers of water to do only the most menial ser- Forego appetite to help your vice. boys and girls. There is no privilege to be taken awav. Men may garble the Scriptures to fortify their position for liquor drinking as much as they please but they will find that the- same Bible which says, "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me," also says, "No drunkard shall enter enter the kingdom of God/ ' and that the latter declar ation is as positive and certain as the former, and we defy any man to find where God has re scinded this decree. RECEIVES CONGRATULATIONS You will soon recieve the congra tulations of your friends npon your improved appearance if yau will take -Foley's Kidney Remedy as it tones up the system and imparts new liver and vigor. Foley's Kidney Remedy cures bachache, uervOus exhaustiou and all forms of kidney and bladder tsoubles. Commence taking it today. W, S. Marti* fc Co. Registrars and Judges Appoint ed for the Election. The following Registrars and Judges have been appointed for the election May 26th 1903. Catawba—J. A. Sleuman, Reg. J. H. Coulter, and J. J. Smith. So. Hickory— D. E. Whitener Reg. J. E. Abee, Wesley M. Hawn. No. Hickory—lfrfH. McComb, Reg. Frank Ingc'd, D. E. Hahn. Brittians—R. P. He ivner, Reg. Nash Wyant, Marion Huffman. Shawnee—A. L. Erwin, Reg. J. Q. Rowe, Walter Annas. Jacobe Fork —D. H. Shuford, Reg. E* D. Blackburn, Wallace Rhoney. Mt. Pleasant —Jno. Gabriel, Reg. Austin Sherrill, Ed Litten. Conover—P. E. Isenhour, Reg. N. I. Rowe, Lawson Hunsucker. Claremont —G. E. Setzer, Reg. Loy Yoder, Jno. Huitts , Catawba Springs—J. Q. Isen hour, Reg. W. L. Cline, Levi Heffner. Sherrillg Ford—L. L. Sherrill, Reg. D. W. Whitener, Alex Brotherton. Eaily Grove—F. E. Bost, Reg. J. A. Whitener, T. J. Thomason. Newton—A. J. Seagle, Reg. P. C. Shuford, S. Hawn. Maiden—Lafa>ette Hefner, Reg. H. P. Rudisill, David F. Propst. Piney Grove—Chas. Deal, Reg. Jfto. H. Drum, Jno. Hoke. Oliver's—T. J. Drum, Reg. R. M. Drum, Andrew Clippard. If any of the above judges fail to serve, the registrars and judges who are present will pro ceed to fill the vacancy according to section 4337 Revisal of 1905: D. P. Rowe, Chm. J. B. Little, Secy. S. M. Hamrick. Mew ton, N.'C. April 2.1908, DEATH WAS ON HIS HEELS Jesse P. Morris of Skippers, Va., had a close call in the spring of 1906. He says: "An attacts of pneumonia left me so weak and with such a fearful cough that my friends declared con sumption had me, and death was only my heels. Then I was persuaded to try Dr. King's New Discoveryr. It helbed me immadetly, and after taking two and a half bottles I was a well man again, I found out that New Discovery is the best remedy for coughs anb lung diseases In all the worlo." Sold unber guarutee at C. M. Shuford E. B, Meazies, W. S. Martin druggists. Democratic Executive Com mittee Meets. The County Democratic Exe cutive committee met in the court house at Newton Monday of this week." Chairman E. L. Shuford presiding. It was agreed that onfy one convention be held this year. The primaries be held Saturday June 20th and the county convention be held the following Monday June 22nd. - The primarie in Hickory and Newton to open at 2: p. m. and remain till seven p. m. and other precincts from 2 to 6 o'clock p. m. All candidates for county of fices will be voted for at these primaries. " Let every voter at tend their respective places HE GOT WHAT HE NEEDED. * "Nine yeara ago it looked as if my time had come, ' says Mr.X. Farthing of Mill Creek, Indi. Ter. "I was run sown that life hung on a very slender thread. It was theu my dauggist re commended Eleetric Bitters. I pought a qottle and I got what I neeed —streugth. I had one foot iu the grave, but Electric Fitters pnt it back on the turf agrin, and I've been well ever since.'' Sold uuder gurmtee at C. M. Shuford, W. S. Martin & Co. and Menzies Drug Co. "The man who knowes enough to attend to his own business knows about all that is worth knowing," says the Chicago News, which, of course, in now wise chonges the fact that the man who thanks he knows about all that is worth knowing invari ably wants to attend to everybody else's business. — 7 -g . ■ li _ —— - • Democrat and Press, Consolidated 1905. Prohibition Notes. •'lt is undemocfatic"-Cy Wat son. It is Democratic-Glenn, Aycock, Jarvis, Kitchin, Craig, Simmons. Who is authority? It is. claimed that prohibition interferes with personal liberty. us see. A man went to Salis bury, bought liquor from the sa loon, went home crazy with strong drink and knocked his wife down and .cruelly beat her. Has that woman no rights which be reapeefced by the sa loons? $1,000,000 spent by the liquor association , to defeat prohibition in the South. Are we for sale to the liquor interest? The re sult will be resented at the polls May 26. The saloon is the only institu tion which leaves the finished product in worse condition than the raw material. It takes the boy pure and innocent and con verts him into a drunkard de graded and debased. Wanted. In the interest of personal liberty the, saloons want 2000 boys to take the pre liminary course in dram drinking next year preparatory to enter ing upon the second year's work of drunkeness. Any mother who has a boy to offer will com municate the information to the committee working in the inter est of personal liberty. The country people are the best people in the world. They stand for the home. They will j not be prejudiced against prohi bition by the appeals which are made to them by the liquor men. A vote for prohibition is a vote for home against the saloon. For Which do you | Let every school house and church in Catawba county have at least one meeting before the election in May. Let every one willing to speak ofc work for the cause of prohibi tion in Catawba county com municate the fact to P. A. Hoyle Newton N. C. Prohibition does not prohibit. If it does not, what is the reason the liquor men are fighting it Are you for liquor or against liquor? That is the question to ask yourself, and if you are for liquor, vote against prohibi tion, but if you are against liquor then vote for Prohibition. The number of arrests in Hickory with saloons was twice as great as they were the follow ing year without saloons. Catawba will have the Gover nor in April. Remember the date April 10. In the afternoon at the Startown Graded school lEiKUNISAYS JGm | I NO ALUM Jp3y I In Food I and strictly prohibits @9 baking powder— . JiJw I So does France I So does Germany 1 I has been made illegal in Washington and the District of Colum- ■ jl bia, and alum baking powders are everywhere recognized as I I mjunous. To protect yourself against alum, I when ordering baking powder, I Sap plainly- I I ROYALPowder I and he very sure you get RoyaL Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. It adds to the digestibility and whole- and in Hickory- at night. Let there be a large gathering to hear h m. Work, pray, vote.. Let the majority be great. Resolutions By the Teachers' Association. The teachers of Catawba coun ty, through their Association» are trying to advance the cause of education, to do more efficient teaching, to secure a larger en rollment and more regular at tendance, and to make the school work in general better. They realize the great importance of the work, arid they see the need for longer terms. They feel that, the time has come for the ful-/ fillment of some of the many promises made concerning the elementary public schools. Much has been promised the schdftls, and but little has been donos* : The teachers are beginning to feel that these promises may never be kept unless some one demands that they be fulfilled. At the last meeting of the As sociation the following resolu tions were adopted unanimously. •» Whereas, there is great need for a larger school fund for the support of the elementary public schools, in which more than 95 per cent of the people of the State receive all the school train ing they ever get. Whereas, the appropriations by the State for the- institution of Higher Education, and for other purposes, have been large ly increased, without any in- . crease being made to the ele mentary public schools. Therefore be it resolved by the Teachers' Association of Cataw- TTa county: First, that we ask the next General Assembly of North Carolina to increase the State levy for schools from 18c to 25c on the SIOO valuation. Also, that the second one hun dred thousand dollars special ap propriation be made permanent, and that it be appropriated per capita among all the counties of the State. Second, that we respectfully ask the Board of County Com missioners of Catawba county to increase, for the levy for school puri>osesfrom 18c to 22c on the SIOO. Inasmuch as there is quite a surplus in the county treasury, we believe this increase can be made without detriment to the other county ob jects and without raising the total tax levy. OABTORIA. Bmhth» Kind You Haw Always Bougtit

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