waist, back, front or side, are nearly sure proof of female trouble. * 9 JL * I Some other signs are headache, pressing down pains, irregular functions, resHess w MM T | ness, cold limbs, nervousnesetc. These pains may be allayed, the system braced 1 jnL w I ®nd the womanly functions regulated by the use~of the Wine of Cardui I Mrs. Annie Hamiltoa of Stetsonville, Wis., writes: "Cardui saved me I WIT • a from the grave after three (3 ) doctors had failed to help me. It Is a good medicine R lr|/ *■ Qlf and I recommend it to all suffering women." For sale at all druggists, in $1 bottles. | ygqiot WRITE US A LETTER I AIOTAIIIA r^pJjjuflSTOKlfl M For Infants and Children. - B/jCTnP|l|The Kind You Have i'h 1 ii[ll T ~~ --7 j-jjo M|||QyQ UUUfiIH Xtegetable Preparalionfor As- 9 ■ HI similating ttteFoodawffiegula- m # ling the Stomachs andßoweis of |ig # . PMHWli.Tiaiil''" I'"— 1 '" g /Sh 3P Promotes Digestion, Cheerful H M lA^ ness and Rest .Contains neither En n r ML Vil OpiiwuMorphine nor Mineral. jv Ui #|\ 11/ NOT Narcotic. B| llUir 8 .\A^ /Smpim Sga4" . IH IJf f Mx.Serut*. * I OH » MM m AJUUSJ*- I fjj fU . ■_ 1 Ift ur ' n fefej MM Jr* II SB Aperfecl Remedy forConsHpa- l[ a V UO U Ron, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea u 1 lIT Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- II wg iitfftP ness and Loss OF SLEEP. 1 \JI rOl UVul Fac Smite Signature of gfl I Thirty Years TmittHHMMMHKimNMCITT. hRHHTOH RMHHwHIHHHKHHHHw j|e#=#=#=#=©=#=#-=#3=®=a SNOMIFJI H The Southern standard of super- j j| lative satisfaction. Purity person- j • ified. Nature's natural cooking- £ j| fet, for all purposes, from bread I HI making to fish-frying. Economy, | • wholesomeness, and healthful- 9 ness combined. There's none II H| other anywhere near so good. \ y - J(f THE SOVTHEBN CarrON OIL CO. l f II ft fV YORK'S AWJtfjAH -ATWiTA fiEW OBLEANS CHICAGO-1| ) piant Wood's T ' Garden Seeds \\ FOR SUPERIOR VEGE TABLES & FLOWERS. Our business, both in Garden and Farm Seeds, is one of the, largest in this country, a result' due to the fact that 8 Quality is always our JJ first consideration, q We|are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Oats, Seed Potatoes, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and other Farm Seeds. 'Wood's Descriptive Catalogue la the best and most practical of seed |\ ""iff*™ 83 - An up-to-date ant re |\ authority 0 n all Garden 11 ana Farm crops. Catalogue mailed / 1 \ free on request. Write for it. If V T. W. WOOD I SONS, / M - Ricbmonrf, Ti . jl- Carolina & North-Western Ry. Ct . Schedule effective Feb. 2nd. 1908. North Passenger Mixed Mixed No. io No. 60 No 62 Chester Lv 805 am 100 pm Yorkville " 853 am 225 pm Gastonia •« 944 am 415 pm 600 am Lincoln. «• 10 48 am ® an> ' 9 05 am Newton " 1128 am 1000 am Hickory » 1205 pm 1225 pm Lenoir „ " 122 pm 255 pm South Passenger Mixed Mixed No. 9 No. 61 No. 63- Lenoir Lv 150 pm 905 am Hickory " 243 pm 11x5 am Newton « 310 pm 120 pm Lincoln. •« 346 pm 225 pm Gastonia" Yorkville" -5 52 pm 915 am- Chester •• 640 pm 10 35 am CONNECTIONS L C^^ TER—Southera R y-. S. A; L "and YORKVIIXB—Southern Railway. GASTONlA—Southern Railway. LmcoiNToN-S. A. L. NEWTON AND HlCKOßY—Southern Ry C L & J N IK ~ 810W * IgROCkStage Wne and «. F. RBID, G. P.-A., Ch«ter, 8. Sir. Brown—ls that doc of yearn smart? Mr. Ridge (proadij)—Smart? s-j Well, I should say so! 1 was going: oat ■ with him yesterday, and I stopped and , •aid, "Towser, we have forgotten omething!" And. bothered, if he ~ iidn't sit down and scratch his head •o see if he aid think what it was. AFFORDS PERFECT SECURITY . - t ' Foley's" Honey and Tar afiocds perfect security from pneumonia and consumption as it cures the most obstinate coughs and colds. We have aever known a single instance of a cold resulting in pneumonia after Foley's Honey Tar has deen taken. W. S. Marim & Co Inheritance and environment are not >nly realities, but are the most lmpor int elements of the everyday life, -j The thought of yesterday fixes the tend- , -ncy of today. The conditions of to- ' lay are the background against which ; every life is projected. Albion W. Tourgee. IMPORTANT DECISION -It is important that you should ' dedide to take only Loley's Honey and Tar when you have a cough or , cold as it will cure the most obstinate racking x>ugh and expel the cold from j your system. Foley's Honey and Tar containing no harmful drugs. Insist upon having it. W. S. Martin & Co. . ~ , 1 _ i "Tour lankweedge," remarked the ] visiting foreigner, It ees so strange." , "Why so, count?" "When a man Bpepd all hees money. ' one man say bee's all in. Another man \ when be has no money say hee's all ' out 1 no understand."—Philadelphia 1 inquirer. • 1 Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea i never fails to tone the stomach, purify the blood, regulated the kidneys. Hver and bowels. The greatest spring tonic ( makea and keeps you well. 35 cents j Tea or Tablets. , \ E. B. Menzies. j "Tour father la In politics," said the j strangef, "is he not?" I "Teh," replied the boy, "bat mem thinks he's getting cared of It" "How do you mean?" "Why. his stummlck has gone back on him, and he can't drink like he useter. "-Catholic Standard and Times. 1 j Possess marvelous curotive powers, * removes all disorders, makes health, t strength and flesh. After taking ' Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. you'll ] realize the wondeoful good it does. \ 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. * KB. Menzies. c Office Boy (giving valuable hints to c newcomer)— And, say, don't you have nothln' to do wid Maloney. New Boy , —Wofs de matter wid him? Office Boy—He's a coward, dafs why. He I sneaked up on me ylsterday an' kicked * me in de stomach when me back wuz I turned.—Woman's Home Companion. Stop itcbsng instantly. Cures piles, eczema, salt rheum, tetter, itch, hives, herpes, scabies-Doan's Ointment. At any drug store. ———" '* Town Cynic—l* don't like th' way | they're doin' business over In ear i courthouse. Friead Why? Town j Cynic—Tom Sim moods, the ceart crier, tells me that Some one stole th' court } Bible more'n a month ago, an' since then he's been swearin' th'' witnesses on th' town directory.—Bohemian. For a ml!d, easy action of the 1 po-vies, a single dose of Doan's 1 Regulets is enough. 25 cents a npy, ] Ask your druggist for them, - l "8o your divorce was granted, eh?" * remarked Uttle, "Tell me, howjdo yoa « find single lifer "Great!" exclaimed Large. "Ton don't understand me," Inter rupted Little. "I'm asking for lnfor- I inatlon. Hew do yoa find It?"—Bobe- ■" mian. * 4 Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil is the best remedy for tfaat often fatal disease 1 —croup. Has deen used with 1 success in ourtamily for eight yews." 1 —Mrs. L. Mhiteacre, BuSalo, If. Y. ' "Young man," hailed the walking delegate, "do you believe in anions?" "Yoa bet I de," replied the yeang man in the black salt and white tie. "Glad to hear it * On your way to work, I suppose?" - "No, on my way to get married."— Kansas City Independent Foley's Grino Laxative is best for women and children. lis mild and pleasant taste make it preferable to violent purgatives,, such as pills, tablets, etc. Cuferconstipatkm. W.&Mwtjo&Qv i Heavy import blood makes a muddy, pimply 'complexion, headache, nausea, indigestion. Thin blood makes you weak, pale sickly. Burdock Blood Bitters makes the blood rich, red, pure —restores perfect health. Wat*M*«a ami Their Bark. The watchdog's honest bark te a pretty goad thins in theory and hi poetry, but ifs a goqf) deal of a nui sance in real life, when the owner of the watchdog lives in your neighbor hood and the honest bark Is sounding away at night when you want to sleep. It is then that you would like to hear a shotgun bay deep mouthed welcome to the honest barker in question.—Em poria Gaxette^ It has set the whole world a-think ing Upon it all Doctors, as one, agree; The tonic all your Mends are taking is,Hollister*s Rocky Mountain Tea. £. B. Menzies. "What Is' the meaning of 'alter ego?*" asked the teacher of the begin ners' class in Latin. "The other 1," said the boy with the curly hair. "Give a sentence containing the phrase." " 'He winked bis other I.'" A TWENTY YEAR SENTENCE. "I have just completed a twenty year health sentence, imposed by Bucklen's Arnica Srlve, which cured me of bleeding piles just twenty years ago," writes O. S. Woolever, of Le Raysville, N Y Blucklen's Arnica Salve heals the worst sores, boils, burns, wounds and cuts in the shortest times. 26c. at ~" r *r C. M. Shufard, W. S. Martin, aud B. B. Menzie Druggists. It Is estimated that $5,000,000 is spent each summer by American tourists is Canada. Kingston is almost daily vis ited by hundreds of American excur sionists, adding a considerable sum e|cb season to the income of the mer chants, hotels, steamboats and railroads $f this district Letter to Abee & Edwards. Hickory, N. C. Dear Sin Todd & Downing, con tractors and builders, Morgan City, La., have painted Devoe for 3 or 4 years. They say it takes less gallons Devoe than of any other paint they have used. That means that a job costs less with Devoe; not only for paint, for labor as well. They paint nothing else, Devoe ex clusively. They We said nothing about the comparative wear at Devoe and others; oversight, may be; perhaps too soon for that. But Devoe is the strongest paint; that's why least gallons; best wear, same reason. . Least cost and longest time between jobs. Yours truly, 49 F. W. DEVOE & CO. P. S.— F. B. Ingold sells our paint. • "What is the gender of the noun Y " asked the teacher of a class. ' It was evidently a puzzle, for child after child-did not attempt to answer. At last one boy, who evidently be lieved It was a catch question, replied: "Yon can't tell till it's hatched."— Westminster Gazette. A COMMON MISTAKE Many women mistake kidney and bladder troubles for some irregular peculiar 10 the sex. Foley's Kidney Remedy, correct irregularities and make Women well. Miss Carrie Harden, Bowling Green, Ky., writes: 'I suffered mnch pain from kidneny and bladder trouble until ! started to use Foley's Kidney Remedy. The first bottle gave me great relief, and after taking the second bottle Iwas entirely well." W. S. Martin & Co. Little Girl—Mamma, what is a "dead letter?*' Mamma—One Chat been given to your father to post—Ulna trated Bits. Coveji^HP^ Surface Dries in 10 Minutes «**•!. fcet is Ymry tfcio "aata «»" rusftas wrtertfooa - •Mia B, tofold. h VeR is 14,8r lade Miserable If liter ud :r > Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discourages and lessens am ration; beauty, _vigor and cheerful ness soon disappear ■ - _ when thekidneysare out of order or dis- Kidney trouble has. SHjl* 1] become so prevalent that it is not uncom- mon for a child to be W |P born afflicted with weak kidneys. If the child urinates too often, ifthe urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the • passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet ting, aeoend upon it, the cause of the diffi cult v is* kidney trouble, and the first step'should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty cent and one-dollar iflHMg 1 j* size bottles. You may * jfc ■ have a sample bottle bv mail free, also a, pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters' received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Biaghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember tlie name Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's,Swamp-Root, and -the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Colonel Thornton's water power out on Catawba river only three and one half milee from Hickory is now on its legs anf will be pushed to completion as rapidly as money, men and modern machinery can do it. The chief engineers, Messrs John C. Temple and Eugene A. Som mer of Philadelphia, arrived here Wednesday and will proceed with the detailed specifications with all speed to complete the job in six months from now* They are sent here by Messrs Vandegrift & Co.,*of Philadelphia, who are to do the financing, construction and installation in its entirety. Mr. A. Frank Hart, of Hickory, Treasurer of the company, will superintend the work on "Col. Thornton's side. Mr. Sommer has brought his wife with him to remain in Hickory during the period of construction. The > engineers will have all the plans and specifications ready in about three weeks or a month. It-will take some time t• haul the cement ont to the river after the ware house for it is finished and shacks built for the men. The construc tion company is one of the larg est in the United States, They will bring their machinery from the North. This is a grand enter prise for Hickory and all this territory OLD PEOPLE NEED VINOL. It Strengthens and Vitalizes. With old age comes feebleness and loss of power; the organs act more slow ly and less effectually; the blood is thin sluggish and watery; digestion is weak and food is not assimilated as it used to be. Vinol repairs worn tissues and checks the natural decline. It tones up the digestive organs, assimilation, makes rich, red blood, and strengthens every organ in the body. In this natural manner Vinol replaces weakness with strength. Vinol is not a patent medicine but a delicious cod liver preparation which contains all the medicinal body build ing elements of cod liver oil in a con centrated form, taken from fresh cods* livers, the useless oil is eliminated and tonic iron added. It is because we know so weU of what Vinol is made that wo offer to return money if it fails' to benefit. Menzies Drug Co., Hickory, N. C, Thomas Purcell. This young American violin virtuoso will be heard with the Schubert Co. on April 23rd, au spices Fire Co. Close applica tion to study under the best American and foreign masters, coupled with rare natural talent, has enabeled him at an early age to win a place among the fore most artists on thfo acknow ledged king of instruments. CASTOR IA IW Istuta and Children. Tk KM Yn Ran Ahnjs tagMf Bears the y Signature of frm r-'T ■ liSja "£* r v-V I ' ■ MANY INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE ADOPT NEW THEORY .v ; : talned AttumW of statements from promi nent psopSe located la various cities whore the widespread discussion over L. T. Cooper's new theory regarding the human stomach has recently waged, givs an idea of the intense in terest the young man has aroused dur ing thspast year. The statements are as follows: .. s • *••• .. >■: . Mr. C. D. Mitchell, of 241* Avenue C, Birmingham. Ala., has this to say with regard to his belief In Cooper's medicine: "I have been troubled with indigestion and stomach trouble' : for the past year. I had heartburn, bloat lng after eating, gas on stomach and bowels, palpitation of the heart, pain in the lower part of my bask, and various other symptoms, and. was a Victim of much distress. X tried many -emedies, but received little or no enefit from them. I was advised to ry the Cooper preparations, and did o» In one week's time X was im roved wonderfully—the first relief I ad been able to obtain. Mr. Cooper's dicine dees aQ IM for ifT" Mr. 1. O. Spradling, of 706 South jjon Street, Colorado Springy Cox, ys: "I was troubled with Indigestion r two years. It caused me a great al of suffering and misery. I did it dare to eat meat at all, and every iing I did sat soured on my stomach, tried various remedies, bnt found no siief. Three months ago I started | DIAMONDS I o■ l 'i. t ' ; • ; 8 1 OPTICAL GOODS, ETC | V A Q The best quality and right A X prices. X X B X I GEO. E. BISAMAR | V Watch inspection Southern Ry V 1 1 ■" ' r ' *===z==sasßxamtss3==—2jßßasssa& § LAWRENCB&" CO"" "' U " L " II,UL | I\l ESTAMOM» M *» ♦ ||! i;| Wholesale Commission Mercharits | j![ Fllteg, eggs, Frwtta artrndata. swv*t rotate a Specialty !) ijl Faneuil Hall Market. Stencils, etc., furnished upon appfcatkm R | ' BOSTON, fIASS. jj I : , - - -1 ■■ : : ... _ mis GLORIOUS GOLDEN CLOCK FREE for * few minute* of your time. No en« who hat _ M * ITIVFLY a homo to llvo in can afford to mi as thia trtiiy * 11 * GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY euAKA " TE " To secure FREE of charge a Clock, tho 9 "01 to TarniS®, moat important tiling in tho home. And EZ Mi to K«M auch a Clock, too! BEAUTIFUL GOLD _ - 7mm AND GUARANTEED FO* TEN YEARS. ** T,> Of OFFEftfflMHfc YMnk is write Of ° > Oe re ° f b^ d ' i^ > I^^t port^lt^ neighbors. tilCm to * OUT ]ajjjjJUE known paintlngr*of the % 1 and handsomer tU&n lnjfon fflygW of home and country In old ,3JIIm Jife«M3lßlE BeH and everybody mak«.fc only have to fijtgjtt 1 Iwf TWO BEAUTIFUL EXTR/T'GIFTS PAID a. aion^i VtcJE? * ill «« nd tom ntSB AND PRE -35 U*s^KS?^BFC^* 2 *1 "" "*"" o °* " ■PU TAKIJIO CKAMES Inwrltlngrtomo. beoause, If the Clock doej scribed it. and if it nft prov " to *• «ven better than I have JO and I will pay «"»» IFFSLS£* «£&*** yottJn €very way, you may send IT or for any other reason y ° ur Also, if yeu set efcfc you do. Soyo* ° f tl ?» wilfpay you well for what follows; «B, Jt, ji^ tOWI> 11,14 WTste t0 me a taking Cooper's NSw Discovery, anil after using the contents of three bot tles I was entirely cured. I can now eat and relish anything that my appe titecravea. The New Discovery Is , Street, Syracuse, N, Y, Is very strong ih his expression of belief In the sew , medicine, and has the following to asp ' ca the subject: *1 have sufiered from *, catarrh at the nose and throat for foer . years. It mast have been communi cated to my stomach, for all this time my stomach has given me a great deal of jtrtmbl©, and caused me much pain 4 and suffering. My stomach was often f sour, and my food did not digest. I was bothered br » continual desire-ts spit, and there wan a constant drop ping of mucus into the throat. The first relief i have been able to obtain Is from Cooper's New Discov- . ery, which I have been taking for about a week. My catarrhal condition ha? been greatly Improved and my stomach is almost well. Mr. Cooper's medicine has benefited mo more than anything I have ever used." These statements are from reliable citizens ha various communities woo have tried these celebrated medieiaes. - We sell them mad will gladly explain, their nature to any one Interested, iEL B. Menzier, i '

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