Do You Know That - / You Can Buy a Good Piano For $100.00? Morrison Bros. Co. HICKORY, N.C. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the y/^TT" Signature of C "Your lankweedge," remarked the .visiting foreiguer, "it ees so strange." "Why so, count?" "When a inan spend all liees money, one man say bee's all in. Another man when he has no money say hee's all out. I no understand."—Philadelphia Inquirer. } A- F=_ HART^™T| f Manufacturers' Agent ? GOOD-ROADS MACHINERY j Contractors' Equipment and Supplies f \ Hickory, N. C. J Agent for the Austin.Western Co., Ltd. of Chicago. T r American Road Rollers, all sizes; Aurora Rock Crushers, jaw and f A rotary: Street Sprinklers aud Sweepers; Western Road Machinery, A \ scrapers, graders, plows, wheel and drag scrapers; Special Western T reversable road machine and ditcher; Dump wagons and carts; Steam f A Shovel Cars and tram cars, all sizes; Dirt Spreaders, leveler-grader i » and ditcher; Offcial Safes and Vaults, all sizes; County Vaults a spe- \ f cialty; Hand Traveling Cranes of the Reading Crane & Hoist Works, f- A Reading, Penn.; County and township orders especially salicited, and i > prompt attention given, Austin reversible horse power rollers; Wes- \ f tern elevator grader, ditcher and wagon loader. Write or Wire for f A Particulars and Prices. i I THIS SPACE j 1 Reserved for i I The Hatcher Furniture Co. I I See Ad. . I I Next Week 1 MtiiiL Jl This woman says she was saved from an operation by Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable Compound. Lena V. Henry, of Norristown, Ga., writes to Mrs. Pinkham: " I suffered untold misery from fe male troubles. My doctor said an opera tion was the only chance I had, and I dreaded it almost as much as death. " One day I read how other women had been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I decided to try it. Before I had taken the first bottle I was better, and now I am en tirely cured. " Every woman suffering" with am female trouble should take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham invites sll sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Stanley Enterprise: "The mar, who stops reading newspaper? now to save a few cents is prac ticing a doubtful economy. One man who sometime as;o had his paper stopped because he couldn't afford it, remarked to us that he realizes now that he lost more than he gained. If. there was ever a time for the farmer and readers generally to keep abreast with the times it is now." Subscribe for the Democrat; only SI.OO a year. Another for Ashley Home. Mr. Editor: Please allow your correspond ent to speak a good word for the honorable Ashley Home e think him quite a nice old gentle man, as the boys call him, and he is not old neither, just the right age to make a good gover nor. Thoroughly established in all things that go to make up a good citizen. Endowed with all the qualities that make up the business man, the man of affairs given to charity and deeds of benevolence. The burden of his sixty years has not bowed his stature, but with form erect like the true soldier he was forty years ago. He can catch the step to martial music or the drum beat. Like old Moses his eye is not dimmed nor his power abated. He is a combination* man (so to speak.) He has forged his way from poverty high up the ladder of business success. As chief executive of our great State he well knows how to sym pathise with the poor man for he has trod the path of poverty. The industrial workers can con fide in him. He has large hold ings on these lines, and should be called one of the captains of industry. The bankers and moneyed men can rest assured of his care for he has the cash laid up in banks of his own earn ing and knows how timid and shy gold is at all times and especially gold eagles, how they take wings of the morning and fly away. His bank account at tests his knowledge of the ways of these valuable birds. And the farmers, Ashley knows farming from start to finish. He started pulling the bell cord over Buck, on rented land, plowing the good old way, barefooted. Thus, step by step he climbed to the very pinnacle of success as a farmer, and no one up to this writing to! our knowledge has ever said | ought against him or intimated | that he ever took any unfair ad vantage of his fellow men in business competition or trade. But when as a farmers' supply merchant and crops were short and seasons bad he always carried the boys over till they grew an other crop. He is a Democrat of the Demo crats—never wandering away after the manner of some, fol lowing after the false idols of liberals, Butlerism, populism, nig ger and radical fusion, but has kept in the beaten paths of Dem ocracy always coaxing and plead ing with the boys to keep to the Democratic fold as their political stronghold. 1 As a soldier of the lost cause j his record grows brighter as the /ears go by. See him surrender ais musket to his conqueror at j A.ppomattox and receive his permit to return to his devastated I home, ragged and dirty, without ?hoes or rations, poorer than Job's turkey. See him as he is ttday, the well rounded capable citizen, successful in every de partment. We say three cheers cor the honorable Ashley Home ! she next governor of North Caro lina! Now soldier comrades hear the call, \nd vote for Ashley Home lopsided, lame, piglegs and all, braver has been born. [lis is no dingy, dinted Horn Its notes are clear and round; Though with long service it is worn There's no uncertain sound. Then rally round him to a man, You ask whats all this for? To have a gray coat veteran For our next Governor. To show these upstarts since the wars These Kitchins and these Cralgs, If we did train the stars and bars i We still can pull their legs. The little imps behind our backs Say we're not in it much, With our piglegs their heads we'll crack For cussin and all such. But still we know its getting late. The shades are -lengthening fast And soon the boys must run the State. When we heed Gabriels blast. Lets vote our best for Horne next fall, And beat the boys this year, Some will be left but not near all To vote next time I fear. —W. L. Wolf. Roosevelt and Devastation. High Point, N. C., April 17.- Mf. W. G. Newman, a prominent financier of Wall street, on a re cent trip in this locality, .handed out an interesting circular of which he is the author and one has reached the newspaper men of this citv. The cicular which is illustrated gives the results as he saw it from Mr. Roosevelt's poli cy and as it has not been in print in the State as for as we have seen itwwuld nodoubt prove in teresting reading. The illustration reviewed the result: "There was devastation and ruin in the United States trees growing up between the rails of the railroads and through the walls of the largest factories of the earth; Morgan, Rockefeller, Rogers and Harriman begging for something to eat loaded down with millions of securities, and in the heavens there loomed up on a golden throne Emperor Roose velt crowing aloud between the peals of thunder and lightning, "My policies shall continue for ever," while the angels in heaven were wailing and gnashing their teeth and hungry dogs and wolves were gnawing the bones of wid ows and orphans and thousands of working men striving and fighing against the famine of the country with empty pails and empty stomaches crying a loud, the wrong policies pursued the wrong light turned on des troying our employers' factories, a million homes ruined, fen bil lion dollars lost and only one dead bear. We have all been humbug ged. U. S. A. 1909, THE PEO PLE." It was learned that hundaeds of thousands of these circulars are being sent out all over the country by the business men of New York. suggestion is sure to pe restored to health and strrngth in a short time. We will return your money if Vinol fails to give satisfactions Menzies Drug Co. Unearthed Confederate Treasure. Blue Mountain- Correspondence Cincinnati Enquirer. Wore than $1,000,000 in Con federrte currency and about $4, 000 in gold coin and bullion was unearthed by the prong of a plow on Bret Knox's farm near here today by the planter, who had just taked the reins of the mule in hand in an effort to show a negro how to "ditch" a trough intended to carry the accumula tion of water from the plot of ground in cultivation. The treasure is believed to have originally belonged to Sam uel H. Thompson, whose farther was prominent in the Confeder ate cause during the civil war, but as there are no heirs Knox will retain possession unless a claim is mad®. The Confederate bills were mostly of $5 $lO and S2O de nominations, and were so mil dewd from age that they fell to fragments when handled. OASTORXA. Bern th. Kind You Han Always Bought A New Jersey woman spanked her 81-year-old husband a few days ago. Evidently that old boy will never reform. J . The effect of Scoffs Emulsion on Am, 2 v ptle children is magical. A It makes them plump, rosy, active, happy. j X It contains Cod Liver Oil, Hypophosphites a. S A and Glycerine, to make fat, blood and bone, 2 and so put together that it is easily digested f&JIf L X by little folk. 1 2 ALL DRUGGISTS; SOc. AND SI.OO. jjLl I £99**9999 999*999*9*9*9*»»g | Society News. | i*9*9***94e*************** Owing to the death of Mr Geitner, the regular meeting of the Traveller's club was not held April 9th but was postponed a week later Anil 16th. Mrs. A. B. Hutton was the hostess. Seventeen members responded to the roll-call with quotations pertaing to Justice McCarthy, Mrs. E. B. Cline read an inter esting summary of Irish history and characterestics in an article on "Ireland" by Goldwin Smith Mrs. Chad wick read for Miss Geitner the selection: "Glentia- Srhoel" by Furlong. Mrs. J. H. Shuford concluded the program by reading "A Faction Fight" by Carleton. A business meet ing followed in which Mrs. L. R. Whitener was elected president for the next year, Mrs. C. M. Shuford Vice-President, Mrs. Chadwick Secretary and Treas urer. Current events were varied and int?resting. The refresh ments which followed adjourn ment were also varied and in teresting, one delightful surprise following another in course, to the great pleasure of the recipi ents. The next and last meet ing will be with Mrs. Mumhy the 23rd. PLENTY OF TROUBLE is causee by stagnation of the liver and bowels, to get rid ot it and head ache and billiousness and the poison that brings janndice, take Dr. Kings, New Life Pills, th; work without grinding ordriging. 25c. atC.M. Shu ford, W. S. Martin and E. B. Menzies druggists, Highland Primary Held. At a convention held at High land last week N. W. Clark was suggested for mayor, aldermen J. W. Mouser, J. D. Miller, J. T. Rogers and W. G. Shell, school trustees, Harvey and Her bert Miller. • i Negro Shoots His Wife. ' Joe Hoke and wife, colored, of Bobtown, began a qurrel which grew with what it fed upon Fri day night. About midnight Dr. J. H. Shuford was sent for to sew up Joe's head, which had been cut oyen by his wife. Af ter this, the quarrel plainly be gan once more and about six o'clock Joe shot the woman through the bowels inflicting a dangerous, if not mortal wound. Reliable details of the matter are somewhat hard to get, as the ' cloud of witnesses" on such oc casions generally tends to make the testimony obscure. But it was a bad scrap that is certain. PUNY CHILDREN NEED VINOL It Builds Them Up and Makes Them Strong and Robust. Rapid growth, overstudy, insufficient nourishment, ■« convalescence after children's diseases, and run-down con ditions mak children thin and delicate and stops development. Because Vinol conntains all the med icinal, bone, tissue and body-building elements of cod liver oil, actually taken from fresh cods' liverr, the use less oil elemented and peptonate of iro added, it quickly restored robust health and children love it. Mrs. C. W. Stump, of Canton, Ohio, writes: "I wish I could induce every mother who has avweak, sickly shild to try that delicious cod liver preparation, Vinol, as it restored health and strength te our daughter af ter all else had failed." We have never sold a medicine in our store equal to Vinol for delicate, ailing children, weak old people, or sickly women and children, and we re turn money if it fails to benefit. Men zies Drug Co., Hickory, M. C. Subscribe for the Democrat. ■ " '4 HiHiiiiJiiinii - I ' l ■ Preparalion Car As - | simulating the Food andßegula- I ling the Sloinachs andßoweis of | Promotes Digesiion.Cheerful- I ness and Rest.Contains neither | Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. [ not "Narcotic. - I JtmpeafOOI£tSSHVELRTCHER I /Vqafail JW* » Alx.Smnm. ♦ 1 Rm&tUtSJ*- I AaueSettl *■ V ; ' 1 Apetlecl Remedy forConstipa- 1 Hon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea | Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- 1 ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Fac Simile Signature of _N^TOHK i __ 1 EXACT COPY or WRAPPER. r—" || McComb Bros. Old Stand 8 8 U/ E a?e °ff er i n g tliis week a full and com- j|| Hff plete line of Ladies', Misses' and Chil- j|| ||j drea s Black and Tan Oxfords, Ladies' from §1.25 to $3.00, Genuine Welts and j|| £p Hand Turns at §2.00, soft, easy, comfort ||jj able, iucluding all the wide widths and w jj|| low heels for those seeking comfort. I SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR I ?|| We are showing the most complete line of 1 |p Men's and Boy's Shirts in the city, com |p prising all the newest and best things in !|| the line, from 50 cents to $3.00. Com- O IS plete line of the noted Soiesette in cream i|S and tan, with collars attached, 95 cents, 21 II $1.25 and $2.00, and all silk at $3.00. I DRYGOODS 1 New and complete line of White Goods, H§ HJ in all the sheer Swisses, Mulls, Nainsooks, j|| Wk Dimities and Persians, Bc, 10c, SI 18c, 20c and 25c. All tlie new creations %> pj in colored and figured Lawns, Swisses, |I Foplene with stripes and bands, || to 25c. Susine Silks, plain colors, 45c, best |1 yard wide. i Taffeta Silks, in Black, Blue, Green and colors, at SI.OO, worth at least $1.25. • |1 Laces and Embroideries, stock very com i plete with the new things arriving daily. I McCoy floretz. | Phone No. 44 if HICKORY, N. C. Diarrhoea When you want a quick cure without any loss of time, and one that is followed by no bad results, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It never fails and is pleasant to take. It is equally valuable for children. It is famous for its cures over a large part a! the civilised world. emu For Infanta and Children. The Kind. You Have ASways Bought Bears the / . /(Vnli Signature / A *S~ * W ft rijf Use v For Over Thirty Years GASTON! TIM MNMMM VOMMMV. MCW YORK MTV. ■mHHHHHRS KILL the COUCH *WD CURE TWi LUNCB w,T " Dr. King's New Discovery FOR i»IP ALL THROW AND LUNG TROUBLES. Y| . —nwU*TBED BATISFAOTOB. OB MONEY REFUNDED.