tty&S&S&SGG&PBaoOQaOOOaeBOOeCOOfrhe man to Secure Harmony and Unity to the Pa*&3> - | Ashley Home, the Farmer's and Business Man's Candidate | ". '. • fl b We appeal to the FARMERS to support Ashley Home, to make him their candidate. Coming glgggg«l®gl |jj b out of the war without a dollar, he now owns more land and he is the biggest farmer in Johnston X county. He knows the farmer's life and his needs, and is pre-eminently the farmer's friend. Now g||| || X is the opportunity to make a successful farmer a successful Governor of North Carolina. The farm- i, 9 ers owe it to themselves to support Ashley Horne. - - ®p « K We appeal to the MERCHANTS to support Ashley Horne. Beginning with only a pittance, to- | a day he stands at the head of the line, and at his side door, perhaps, more bags of cotton are bought g X and paid for than at any store in the State. | K We appeal to the MANUFACTURERS to support Ashley Horne. In- these days of stress, of - t| S idle men and idle factories, but few, if any, men are furnishing employment to more labor than does- g | Ashley Horne, in the cotton factories, fertilizer factories and the various other industries with which he is associated. S We appeal to the BANKERS to support Ashley Horne; President of one bank and Director of several others, no line |j S of banking institutions in the State stands higher or has more assets in character, (the influence that pays dividends these o x panicky times), than the Banks with which Ashley Horne is connected. K x A man of clean life; a friend to education; a friend to the Elemosynary Institutions of the State; a friend to the poor jk © man; a friend to his fellow man; one who deserves the confidence and love of every--man, woman and child in North v n Carolina; we call upon every man who can vote to show his appreciation of his great worth and great work, and sup- o X port first, last and all the time, Ashley Horne for Governor. K x He has been a big success in managing his own affairs. Make him Governor and give him an opportunity of apply- k © ing his fine business sense to the management of our State affairs. S 8 —=— . ® A. R. Huffman, Merchant. S. E. Killian, Esq. Levi Hefner, Farmer. S. C. Simmons, Conover |1 §E. P. Killian, Farmer D. L. Russell, Lawyer D. H. Russell, Merchant W. L. Wolfe, Farmer N Jas. A. Martin, Cotton Mill Man W. C. Shell, Merchant G. F. Ivey, Cotton Mill Man D. H. Witherspoon, Blacksmith o 8L D. A. Abernethy, Farmer & Miller W. A. Day, Sherrills Ford Dr. W. E. Wilson, Sherrills Ford Prof. Geo. Hahn Q L. M. Williams, Henry, N.C. E. B.Brown Cotton Mill Man C. Hahn, Merchant M. L. Houston, Farmer v C, M. Burroughs, Farmer, Newton A. S. Kale, Catawba W. E. Holbrook, Editor I. Alex Yount. Ch. Board Co. Com g o OQOQCGOSOQOQOOOOOOOOGQO&90SOS The man who will be Governor, and Nothing more Ell I THE SUHSCIOL, Lesson Vll.—Second Quarter, For May 17, 1908. t - THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, John xviii, 1-27. Memory Verses, 2, 3 —Golden Text, Matt, xvll, 22—Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. ICopyrijht, 1908, by American Press Association.] We have Just this one lesson to cov •r all the events of that night from the time they left the Passover room Until the next morning when He wss led forth to be crucified. There was never a night like that in the history of the world, when the Son of God was than the vilest criminal by the creatures whom He had made and who depended on Him. or, rather, were Indebted to Him, for every breath they drew. Comparing the ac counts In the four gospels, we gather the following outline of events: The discourse being ended, and the prayer, they sang a hymn, probably some portion or all of Ps. cxlil to cxvttl, which, considered In this light, Is full of wondrous significance. Leaving the city and crossing the brook Kedron, He entered Gethsemane, and then fol lowed the prayers and the agony on His part, and on the part of the disci ples the stupor of sleep. Then follow ed the arrest, Judas betraying Him by A kiss to the band which he led to take Him prisoner. Simon Peter would fain have delivered his Master from their bands, and, having a sword, he drew it and did cut off a man's ear, but this !Was not the way, and Jesus, having remedied Peter's blunder, surrendered Himself into their hands and suffered them to bind Him and lead Him away as their prisoner. Then all the disci ples, even the brave Peter, forsook Him and fled. They never could have taken Him unless He had permitted it, tor Just a word from Him sent the sol diers backward to the ground, but this was their hour and the power of dark ness, and He yielded. They led Him to Annas, the father-in-law to Calaphas, first, and then to Caiaphas, the high pr'ast, where the scribes and elders .were assembled. Here many false wit nesses testified against Him, but no two agreed, yet they struck Him, blindfolded Him, spit in His face and treated Him most shamefully. Oh, /what a night it was of cruel treatment of the Creator by His creatures I One of the worst things that night iwaa the conduct of Peter, who, stand ing without In the palace and warming himself at lb* servants' fire, denied *rlth oaths and curses that he ever the prisoner. After they all foe- sook Him Peter and" John returned, and John, being known to the high priest, went in with Jesus into the pal ace, but Peter stood with the servants. It was so that Jesus could see Peter from where He stood, and as the cock crew Immediately after Peter's third denial the Lord turned and looked upon Peter, and that look broke him up and sent liim out to weep as prob ably he had never wept before. In the morning they led Jesus, still bound, to Pilate, the Roman governor, for they had determined that He must die, and they came to compel Pilate to execute Him. Pilate, having examined Him, testified repeatedly that he found no fault in Him. His wife also, be cause of a dream which she had, urged him to have nothing to do with Him Learning that Jesus was from Galilee and Herod being then In Jerusalem, he sent Him to Herod, but because Jesus would not work some miracles for him Herod set Him at naught and mocked Him and returned Him to Pilate, who, finding Him again on his hands, made a last efTort to release Him by offering to release the worst prisoner he had or Jesus, for it was customary to release one prisoner at this feast To Pilate's amazement they demanded the release of Barabbas, and then Pilate delivered Him to their will to be mocked and scourged and spit upon and crowned with thorns and killed. He bore it all. and for me, that I might not perish, and how much do I care? Does my life show that I care, and to what ex tent do I hate sin because it made my Saviour suffer so? Turning to our les son chapter, we note that, as David's son Absalom rebelled against him and caused him to flee for his life across this same Kedron, so Jesus, Soa of David, Is now driven forth by the re belllon of Ills son Israel, but as truly as David returned and sat on his throne Jesus will return and reign on David's throne forever (Isa. ixf 6, 7; Luke i, 32, 33). Jesus knew all things that should come upon Him, and that made it all the harder. What a mercy it is that we do not know what a day may bring forth! Let us leave It all in His hands who loves us and never try fortune telling. Every cup which the Father gives us to drink is a cup of love, how ever bitter it may taste. We are call ed to follow His steps who when He was reviled reviled not again, but com mitted Himself to Him who Judgeth righteously (I Pet il, 21-28; iv, 12-14). When our hands are tied, as we say, by those who love Him not and we are Beemlngly hindered from doing what we would like to do for Him, let us not chafe or fret, but meekly sub mit to bearing all He permits to come and ask only that He may be seen In us and His beauty be upon us. Even if the guilty go free and the innocent suffer, consider Him. If falsely accused and all manner of evil be said of us, remember Mfttt. y, JO-12. Jitm never on an^ I account be found warming ou&elves at the enemy's fire lest we grieve Him and need such m look as He gave Pe ter. A cALIFORNIAN'S LUCK. "The luckiest day of my life was when I bought a box of Bucklen's Ar j nica Salve; ' writes Charles F. Budahn, jof Tracy, California. 4 'Two 25c boxes 1 cured me of an annoying case of itching whir.l, had trorblecme for years -d ih»t yielded to no other treatment. jid Glider guarantee at C. W. Shuford !W, S. Martin & Co. and Menzies & Co., diug stores . ! A physician says "ice is a per fect germicide." Doctors should be careful about making unguard ed rem&rks fit the opening of the ice reason, e.sneciaiiy such re rn-rks are likely to furnish an exc-u-'- ior shoving up the price. I Wi.en you think of Indigestion think of Kodol, fcr it is without doubt the on jly pii-p&ralion that completely digests : 3.11 Tbrses offocd that is what you ! •"« whft. :v have indigestion cr ; sto a:n ta- • • rrietliir.g thai will j act promptly i-ut thoroughly: something | that will get right at the trouble and i do the very work itself for the stomach ! by degesting the food that you eat and ! tns»t is Kodol It is pleasant to take, sold by C. M. Shuford & W. S. Martin. Amazed at the brevity of little four-year-old Grace's nap, her mother asked her why she awak ened so soon. "Why," replied Gracie. looking up in childish astonishment, "I slept all the sleep I had." THE WORLD'S BEST CLIMATE. is not entirley free from desease, on the high elevations fevers prevail, while on the lower levelsftnalaria is encount ered to a greater or less extent, accord ing to the altitude. To overcome climate affections lessitude, malaria, jaundice, biliousness, fever and ague, and general debility, the most effective remedy is Electric Bitters, the great al terative and blood purifier; the antidote for every form of bodily weakness, nervousness, and insomnia. Sold un der a guarentee at C. W. Shufordis, W. S. Martin & Co. and Menzies Drug Co. drug Stores. Price 50c. Subscribe for the Democrat: only SI.OO a year. Stop Grumbling. Get up two hours earlier in the morning and do something- out of your regular profession. Mind your own business and with all your might let other people's alone. Live within your means. Give away or sell your dog. Go to bed early t Talk less of your own peculiar gifts and virtues and more of those of vour friends and neighbors. Be cheerful. Ful fill your promises. Pay your debts. Be yourself all you would see in others. Be a good man and stop grumbling. Mr. E. Humphey, who owns a large general store at Omega, 0., and is president of the Adams County Telephone Co., as weil as of the Home Telephone Co., of Pike County, 0., says of Dr. King's New Discovery; "It saved my life once. At least I think it did. It seemed to reach the spot —the veary seat of my cough, — when everything else failed." Dr. King's New Discovery not only reaches the cough spot; it heals the sore spots and the weak spots in throat, lungs and chest. Sold under guarantee at C. M. Shirfore, W. S. Wartin and Co, and Menzaes Drug Co. We are still of the opinion that certain Kentucky feud districts might well be wiped off the map, though we hasten to assure the good people that we do not hanker for the job of wiping them off. Nature has provided the stomach with certain natural fluids known as the digestive iuices, and it is through these juices that the food we eat is acted upon in such, a way as to produce the rich, red blood that flows through the veins of our body and thereby makes us strong, healthy and robust, and it is the weakening of these digestive juices that destroys health. It is our own fault if we destroy our own health, and yet it is so easy for anyone to put the stomach out of order. When you need to take something take it promptly, but take samethiug you know is reliable —something like Kodol For Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Kodol is pleasant take, his reliable and is guaranteed to give relief It is sold by W. S. Mar tin and C. MShnlord. Subscribe for the Democrat. What Do They Cure? The above question is often asked con cerning Dr. Pierce's two leading medi cines, "Golden Medical Discovery" aad "Favorite Prescription." The answer is that "Golden Medical Discovery " is a most potent alterative or blood-purifier, and tonic or invigorator and acts especially favorably in a cura tive way upon all the mucous lining sur faces, as of the nasal passages, throat, bronchial tubes, stomach, bowels and a large percent, of catar rhal cafes whether 4je disease affects the ' nasal passages, the th*oat, larynx, bron ! chia, stomaensfas catarMtal dyspepsia), bowels*(as bladder, uterus or other pelvic orgSTrs-* Even in the r.hronlr f»r nW.mtivo of thwsp affections, it is nfton snpppssful in atfeet "favorite Proscription" is for tne cure class of diseases—those peculiar we^neS^ana tqwofteii qfiTV~"Tt Is a powerful yet gentTy aelifiglrivfgsrat- Ing tonic and nervine. For weak worn out, over-worked women—no matter what has caused the break-down, "Favorite Prescription "will be found most effective in building up the strength, regulating the womanly functions, subduing pain and bringing about a healthy, vigorous condition of the whole system. A book of particulars wraps each bottle giving the formulae of both medicines and quoting what scores of eminent med ical authors, whose works are consulted by physicians of all the schools of practice as guides in prescribing, say of each in gredient entering into these medicines. The words of praise bestowed on the several ingredients entering Pierce's medicines by such writers should nave more weight than any amount of non - professional testimonials, because such men are writing for the guidance of their medical brethren and know whereof they speak. Both medicines are non-alcoholic, non secret, and contain no harmful habit forming drugs, being composed of glyceric extracts of the roots of native, American, medicinal forest plants They are both' sold by dealers in medicine. You can't afford to accept a§ a substitute for one of these medicines of known composition, any secret nostrum. Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar-coated, easy to take as candy, regulate and in vigorate stomach, liver ana bowels. To the Public. All persons are notified t>>at large Picnics are not permited at Cacawba Springs. Select parties in limited numbers can get per mission under certain conditions by applying to Catawba Springs Hotel Co, Some men are so fond of bor rowing trouble as to run off with other men's wives. FWill cure any case Kidney or Bladder Disease not Disease beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. or Diabetes Sold by W. S. Martin & Co, Druggists. 1 The Optical Store § m p | Everything | | Spectacles, Eyeglasses | 1 Properly Fitted Guaranteed S g _ S Kodaks and Cameras and 1§ p Supplies for same. Develop- || || ing and Printing. fe | B. A. SOUTHERLAND, J g Jeweler and Optician. || 1326 Union Square Phone 148 || MMMUUUi I m VALUED SAME AS GOLD. B. G. Stward, & merchant of Cedar View, Miss., says: "I tell my customers when the buy a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills they get the worth of that in weight, if afficted with constipation, maleria or biliousness." Sold under guarantee at C. M. Shuford W. S. Martin & Co. and Menzies & Co. drug stores. 25 cents. "And now the 'Merrv Widow' bug has been discovered," says the Baltimore American. As a matter ot' fact, the entire country seems to have the Merry Widow "bug." NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA, [ Catawba County ) The undersigned having qualified as administrator Of the estate of A. Bur bonnais, deceased, late of Catawba county, hereby gives notice to all per sons having claims against his intestate to present the same to the undersigned within twelve (12) months from the date hereof, as required bp law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar; and such persons as may be indebted to his in testate are asked to make prompt pay meut. This 21st day of April, 1908, J. TELES MILLER, E. B. Cline, Administrator. Attorney.

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