1 Wonderful Moving Picture Shows 1 | The GEM and WONDERLAND 1 lON JULY FOURTHS _ ~~ 1 X The people of Catawba and surrounding counties will have a rare chance to see and hear the best | 0 MOVING PICTURE SHOWS EVER SEEN IN THIS PART OF THE STATE. These wonderful | K entertainments, which are highly amusing and instructive, have been pronounced SUPERIOR to enter- a q tainments given in halls and opera houses, where much higher admission prices are charged. 1 Ovsr a Million of People lave hi and Applaud oil These Wonderful Pictures. | It is worth coming a long ways to see. Everybody; men, women and children, are invited to see these x great sights on JULY 4th. x These great shows will be located at each end of the main square, and will be made conspicuous by O the playing of electric pianos. ~ - | The Wonderland and The Gem Jf^OCOSCCOOC^jd Peace and Good Will. Did you ever stop to think that our city is a city that enjoys many natural and acquired re sources—a city that needs but the skillful manipulation of man to make them yield bountifully of their rich treasure—a sub stantial city whose foundations are laid upon a soil that cannot be surpassed for productiveness —a city supplied with the very best and purest of water—a city whose educational advantages have reached a standard through the skillful direction of compet ent officials, second to that of no other place of its size anywhere —a city where harmony among the communicants of the differ ent churches is in perfect accord with the object sought by our forefathers of the "Mayflower" and all doctrines are ably ex pended with untrammeled free dom from the pulpits of our dif ferent churches —a city whose social advantages are equal to those afforded by places many times its size and age —a city where the rich enjoy every lux ury desired and the poor are not allowed to suffer—a city where peace and good will towards all men is exemplified. Speak Out. Don't be afraid to speak a word for the newspaper and your town. If you have made up your mind to live in town, then stand up for it, and if you know posi tively no good, the silence is is golden. -Do all you can to help along every man who is en gaged in legitimate business. Do not send away for everything nice you want and still expect the home men to keep a stock to suit the whim of one or two customers. The success of your fellow townsman will be your success. No man liveth to him self and no man does business independently of his fellow busi ness men. Take your home paper. Do not imagine the big dailies fill up all this space. There are many little crevices of 1 a good cheer, social sunshine, personal mention, in the home paper chat the big dailies donot print. Then do not abuse your neighbor. The main difference in the number of his faults and your own is that you see through a magnifying glass as a critic. The ill omened, the croaker, can do a town more harm in a minute than two good citizens can re pair in a month. The Democrat is $1 a year. Patronize Home. A perfect town is that in which you see the farmer patronizing the home merchants, the labor ers spending the money they earn with their own tradesmen, and all animated by a spirit that will not purchase articles abroad if they can be bought at home. The spirit of reciprocity between man and the mechanic, trades man and laborer, farmer and manufacturer, results every time in making the town a per fect one to do business in. "Per fection" should always be de sired, even where attainment is barely possible, we presume, but a perfect town must be de nominated a great rarity until we reach a more advanced stage toward the millennium than has yet been gained. Hospitality. Our town is noted far and wide for its hospitality and cord iality. Man meets his fellows here with a "Good morning James; how are you feeling this morning?" While the answer i J wafted back on the morning breeze: "-Quite well, I thank you!" The good women, as they toil during the greater part of they the dav in looking after the domestic duties, hum a mer ry tune the while, because "love lightens labor." And over their teacups at an afternoon function or around some family circle, banded together as a club, they discuss topics al«ne intended to elevate their race. I. N. Ebbs Disbarred. The I. N. Ebbs disbarment hearing was resumed before Judge Peebles in Superior Court at Asheville, last Thursday at 3 o'clock, when Judge Thomas A. Jones, representing the persecu tion, was heard in reply to the argument of Joseph S. Adams, of counsel for the defense. After hearing Judge Jones, who cited numerous authorities, Judge Peebles made an order disbara ing Mr. Ebbs under the statue from the practice of law in the courts pf North Carolina. BORN IN lOWA. | Our family were all born and raised in lowa, and have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy (made at Des. Monies) for years. We konw how good it is from long exper ience in the use of it. In fact, when in El Paso, Texas the writer's life was saved by the prompt use of this remedy We are now engaged in the mercan tile business at Narcoossee Fla., and have introduced the remedy here. It has proven very successful and is con stantly growing in favor. —Ennis Bros, tihis remedy is for sale by W. S. Mar- Tn & Co, For County Treasurer I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer having been a lifelong Democrat and a . confederate veteran and have served as a magistrate for 26 years at a sacrifice to myself, therefore I asked for a unanimous support however subject to the Demo cratic primaries and County Con vention. If elected I will be found at my post of duty at all times. Yours Respectfully S. B. KILLIAN. Announcement for Treasurer. As to office of County Treas urer will be open for a new man this year, the present incumbent W. A Day. Assuring us that he will not be a candidate for re nomination, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject however to the action of the Democratic primaries and county convention soon to be held. If nominated and elected to that re sponsible position I will endeavor to discharge the duties of said office faithfully and impertially. I Asking the patronage of every ' voter in the county who can con scientiously do so, and assuring everyone of my appreciation of same. lam fraturnally yours. GEORGE P DRUM. Announcement. Not because there are not al ready enough, and good enough men whose services have, been offered to the Couuty as Treas urer, but because, I believe I can serve the people of Catawba Cou nty, in that capacity as well as they, and thereby be able to make a living from same; since I have been disable to continue serving as pastor and preacher. I therefore, present myself to the voters of Catawba - County for the office of Connty Treasur er, subject of course to the act ion of the county convention. J. Allen Arndt. Announcement. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Regis ter of Deeds of Catawba county, for a second term, subject to the Democratic primaries and County convention. Respectfully, Jacob E. Setzer. Announcement. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Catawba County, subject to the Dem ocratic primrries and county convention. Respectfully. D. M. Boyd. CONSUMPTIVES MADE COMPOR TABLE Foley's Honey and Tar, has cur ed many cases of incipient consump tion and even in the advanced stages affords comfort and relief. Refused any bat the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold by W. S, Martia & Co For The Legislature. To the voters of Catawba county, I hereby announce my self a candidate for the Legisla ture subject to the action of the Democratic primaries and coun ty convention. Repectfully, M. H. Yount. i "■ Announcement. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the House of Re presentatives to the next Gener al Assembly of North Carolina subject however to the action of the Democratic primaries and county convention. D. L. RUSSEL. Announcement. —I hereby announce mvself a candidate for the office of County Treasurer subject to ac tion of the Democratic primaries and County convention. April 15, 1908 J. U. LONG. NO HUMBUG. No humbug claims have to be made for Foley's Honey and Tar, the well known remedy for coughs, colds and lung troubles. The fact that more bot tles of Foley's Honey and Tar are us ed than of any other cough remedy is the best testimonial of its great merit. Why shen risk taking some unknown preparation when Folep's Honey and Tar costs you no more and is safe and sure. Sold by W. S. Martin & Co. / The Merry Widow Circular- Saw. The man who ha'd the seat next hers — Why when she moved her head She sawed along his shaven cheek A scratch that showed blood red. The woman on the other side, With anger she turned pale When she perceived her neigh bor had Made tatters of a veil. She left the car, that girl, and scratched Th#» varnish off the door, And lace cravats and frally-dals On every side she tore. But naught- cared she. Why should she stop For. little things like that? She tripped off, smiling gaily in Her Merry Widow Hat. THINKS IT SAVED H{S UFE. Lester M. Nelson, of Naples Maine, says in a recent letter: "I have used Dr. King's New Discovery many years, for coughs and colds, and I think it saved my life. I have found it a reliable rem edy for throat and lung complaints, and would no more be without a bottle than. I would be without food " For nearly forty years New Discovery has stood at the head of throat and lung remedies. As a preventive of pneumenia, and healer of weak lungs it has no equal Sold under guarantee at C. M. Shuford & W. S. Martin DRUG Co. l 5Qc. and 1,00, Trial bottle free, CUT Expenses By'having your Job Work done at'» Democrat i Printery All work execut ed by an Expert Compositor The Best at lowest prices. i _ send us I 111 111 Dill Out-of-town orders giv-en our special at tention. MINSTRELS COMING Hickory, Saturday, 26ih Annual Tour of A. G. ALLEN'S Big Minstrel Show The Oldest and Largest Minstrel Or ganization in the United States Refined and up-to-dat •, including tlie greatest galaxy of Sweet Singers ever assembled ia one company. Artistic ; Cake Walkers, Contortionists Trick Bicycle Riders, Acro bats, Singing and Dancing Comedians, an avalanche of j thrilling ieatnres presented under a Mammoth Canvas 1 Theatre, seating 2,000 people. ADMISSION: - 25 and 35 cents \ aTFI f Manufacturers' Agent f t GOOD-ROADS MACHINERY t f Contractors' Equipment and Supplies J Hickory, N. C. 1 f Agent for the Austin.Western Co., Ltd. of Chicago. American Road Rollers, all sizes; Aurora Rock Crushers, jaw and fl A rotary; Street Sprinklers and Sweepers; Western Road Machinery, J f scrapers, graders, plows, wheel and drag scrapers; Special Western i reversable road machine and ditcher; Dump wagons and carts; Steam H \ Shovel Cars and tram car-, all sizes; Dirt Spreaders, leveler-grader j and ditcher; Offcial Safe;- and Vaults, all sizes; County Vaults a spe f cialty; Hand Traveling Cranes of the Reading Crane & Hoist Works, fl A Reading, Penn.; County and township orders especially salicited, ami A j \ prompt attention given. Austin reversible liorse power rollers; Wes- \ ; r tern elevator grader, ditcher and wagon loader. Write or Wire for f A Particulars and Prices. _ f Q00CO000C000000000b00»»»»e»««CC00000000300000000000C § LAWRENCE CO. 0 ESTABNiSHED IN ISl* 5 | Wholesale Commission Merchants | Q Poultry, Eggs, Fruits and Product Sweet Potatoes a Specialty 5 Q Faneuil Hall Market. Stencils, etc., furnished upon application c « BOSTON, nASS. I OOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOO»»»»»«C«€€OOOOOOOOOOOC 0000°°^' g NORTH CAROLINA ! STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE | Maintained by the State for the Education of the Women of North Carolina 1 i ! Four regular Courses leading to Degrees. Special Courses offered in Teacher Training, Music Manuel Arts ( and Domestic Science and in the Commercial Department. j Free tuition to those who agree to teach in the schools of North Carolina. . J 2 Board, laundry, tuition and all other expenses, including use 01 1 § text-books, $170.00 a year, For free tuition students, $125.00 a s 'y ear - ..* T .- ] Those desiring to enter should apply as early as possible, A J | capacity of the dormitories is limited. f a Fall Session begins September IS, 1908. t § For catalogue and other information address ? J. I. FOUST, President, § GREENSBORO, N. C. | T H' J' I If you want a job of printing done tha A \ Jn|n 11 p fl) 1 will give you entire satisfaction, jus « i .111 I I The Democrat PHntery your orderand WW yVU J ill U'"q * will be thoroughly satisfied. ■ ' '• C. . ' *

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