| Local and Personal | G. D. Mosteller was in Newton Thursday. F. A. Clinard is spending this week in Charlotte. Miss Alma Killian of Hickory is visiting friends at Plateau. Dr. J. S. Johnson spent a few days in Morganton last week. Mr. Abel Flannagan has re turned home after a visit to New ton. Rev. Ottis Propst preached an excellent sermon at St. Stephens last Sunday. E. Ericson was in this city Monday, he is for the present located at Lenoir. Prof. Patterson will Dlay the violin in the Reformed church next Sunday morning. From what we can learn it looks now like everybody was coming to Hickory July 4th. Mr. and Mrs. John Rudisill of Crouse are visiting in the city this week and will attend the 4th. Mrs. Essie C. Sigmon and little son of Hickory, visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Couley. in Lenoir last week. Several Nswton people will come up to Hickory next Sunday to attend the special service at the Reformed church. Come to the Democrat office Saturdurday the 4th and get a drink of good lemonade free to all friends of the Democrat. Mrs. J. S. Johnson and little! daughter Effie, who have been visiting Mrs. R. F. Goodson, in Morganton have returned home, Come in Saturday and leave your order for job printing and subscribe for the best weekly paper at the price of $l.OO per year. J. C. Leonard and wife of Greensboro are in this city the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Leonard and Mr. and Mrs. Al fred Moretz. Come right along boys keep in the Democrat band wagon and go with us. If you don't, we will get there just the same without you. An excursion train passed thro' here Friday going to Edgemont from Gastonia. It seemed be well patronized, and everyone having a good time. Mrs. Jas. B. Beard writes us from Bright Angel Camp Grand Canon, Ariz., she is having a fine trip seeing rrany sights as well as having a good time. | Woi^p fuTMoving Picture Shows | | The GEM and WONDERLAND | lON JULY FOURTHS I I IN OF TH™ SS | Q x entertainments, which are highly amusing and instructive, have been pronounced SUPERIOR to en- 8 tertainments given in halls and opera houses, where much higher admission prices are charged. I Owr a Millien of People Have Seen and Applauded These Wonderful Pictures. | 1 It is worth coming a long ways to see. Everybody; men, women and children, are invited to see these b great sights on JULY 4th. . .„ , , . , , * | This great shows will be located at each end of the main square, and will be made conspicuous by the © | playing of electric pianos. | "W 7 DXN_CIEZ?LANZLC3_ &UJCL3L TIXE GJ-EMCL | S HICKORY, N. C. j Independence will be observed at the Reformed church next Sunday the pastor will preach a special sermon, music for the oc casion. by Prof. D'Anna and Prof Patterson. Mrs. Sydney Carpenter and children, of Gaffney, S. c. were visitors at the Hickory Hotel, Monday. Mrs. Carpenter will spend the summer with her moth er near this city. The editor of the Times-Mer cury has announced himself as candidate for County Treasurer. We know of ncr one the Demo cratic candidate would rather have as a competitor than that gentleman. There will be a grand opening ball at the Catawba Springs hotel on the evening of July 3rd. Everybody is invited and Mr. Smith on part of the manage ment will provide a good time for all. In another column is the in vitation extended to all Hickory by the Catawba Springs Hotel fcr the annual ball. The owners are especiaUv r-ixVm have all Hickory attend this opening ball. In another column will be found the ad, of the Hickory Banking and Trust Co. This is one of Hickory's best and solidest institutions. Any of our friends who are troubled with extra surplus will do well to see them. Likewise those who are in need of the same. ' At his office, on Thursday, Julv the 9th. our County Superintend ent of schools, Prof. G. E. Long, will conduct admission examina tions for the A. and M. College at Raleigh. The College officers in charge of admission urge that all who exDect to enter in Sept be examined at this time. R. W. Wolfe of this city is attending the meeting of the North Carolina Veterinary As sociation at Raleigh. The As sociation meets July 2nd and 3rd and numbers are expected to attend. Many notable addres ses are to be made and an inter esting program rendered. Miss Josephine Murphv and Mr. Robert Grimes, of Hickory, were married Wednesday nisrht and left for Asheville, returning Thursday. The couple had plann ed a more extensive trip, but owing to the illness of Mrs. Mar tin, Mr. Grimes, who clerks in Mr. Martin's drug store, decided to remain »t home.—Enterprise. The Special School are carried in Long View by a good majority only a few votes against. , Miss Myrtle Hahn has returned home from Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Gwin spent Sunday in Taylorsville. Just think how a street car line could coin mony the 4th. Miss Nettie I. Abernethy has returned home from Charlotte. J. W. Bailey, of Mocksville will arrive in tne city tonight to visit friends. The Carnival ComDany and the merry-go-round have arrived for the Fourth. Let's enjoy the Fourth as muuh as possible. We have Sun day for recovery. Miss Mary B. Heller, of Cecelia, Ky., is the guest of Mrs. Mary Davis at Mr. M. L. Cline's. It you want to see a big bunch of folks and see a few stunts, « ' come to Hickory the Fourth. Dr. W. H. Nicholson has just purchosed ~ a handsome New Autimebile it is built for three. Miss Rertha Council, of Lime stone, Tenn., is in the city for a few weeks visiting friends and relatives. Two merry-go-rounds already put up in the city for the Fourth Don't know how how many more are coming. Mrs. McCoy Moretz and three children will leave next Tuesday for Boone. They will spend several weeks in the mountains. Refreshment stands are being put up in ail parts of the city, visitors here the fourth will not suffer for something to eat and drink. A tub of dirt fell on Isam Han nah while engaged in digging a well of Lee Sigmon, and hurt him very badly. He is not ex pected to live. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croweli, of Charlotte, spent one night here with their cousin McCoy Moretz and family, on their way to Blowing Rock. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Houck will leave about the 15th for Raleigh, where they will remain during the next vear on account of schooling their children. C. T. Morrison has received a shipment of asbestos ropeing to use in his fire escape that will carry fifteen hundred pounds. This would carry ten people of moderate weight with safety. A telegarm from Senator Marrion Butler to Editor J. F. Click Wednesday announces that the Senathr will be in Hickory Saturday July the Fourth his friends will all be glad to see him "no change." Mr D. W. Holder has leased the Flannagen building and has opened a nice cafe for ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Holder knows his business and will serve meals to suit the queens taste. J M. Little one of oar popular traveling men from Hickory says that we'll surel> have a big crowd here the 4th because everybody from the surrounding county that can leave home will be here. Miss Cora Annette Harriss will leave Saturday for Hickory, and will later join her grandmother, Mrs. R. C. Springs, and her aunt, Miss Lula Springs, at Blowing Rock, where she will spend the summer-at their cottage.—Eve ning Chronicle. Young men are so blind to their future interests that thev never admire the g.rl at a picnic who stays and helps the old folks clean up the dishes and repack the baskets as much as they ad mire the snippy girl who walks off as soon as she has had all she can eat. Mr. W. J. Ried, the popular traveling representative of the new Hickory Milling Co., was here Thursday and left Friday with his family for Long Shoals, Lincoln County, where his fam ily will spend several days visit ing Mrs. Ried's parents.—Cleve land Star. Rev. J. L. Murphy was in Knoxville, Tennessee, last Sun day preaching a much needed gospel of peace to the primary burdened citizens of that placr. Mr. Murphy gives quite an en thusiastic account of farming in tl. at section. Land is worth $2OO an acre and frequently $3OO worth of ttfuck is sold from one acre. The following card has been received at this office: It is with deep sorrow we announce the death of our Southern representative Mr. S. M. Roberts Thursday May 28th. The Morden Tool Co. Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. A. E. Abernethy, who left here last Wednesday expecting to take his little daughtsr to Balti more to have her ear examined, only got as far as Hickory. His wife had taken the daughter to Hickory to see if the doctors there could give her relief, but they could not. But on Tuesday night the rising in the childs ear broke and, of course, gave her immed iate relief. Mr. Abernethy re turn t© Lenoir Friday very much elated over the way things turn ed out.— Lenoir News. Opening Ball at the Springs. The following invitation has, been extended through The Dem ocrat; while three hundred have been issued throughout the state: Catawba Springs Hotel Friday July the third nineteen hundred and eight, The management has been fortunate in securing a splendid orchestra for the entire season and there will be an informal dance given every Friday evening which will no doubt attract quite a number of our Social Set. A Narrow Escape. Yesterday, while sitting peace fully in our sanctum, we heard on the street the incontestable strains of "marching through Georgia/' Hastily connecting with our bouie knife and Colt revolver, which we always keep on hands for an emergency, we made a tall bee line for the misery. We found though it was the Minstrel band instead of an invading army and undecided to forgive them as evidently they knew what they were trying to do. v Base Ball. Friday evening the newly or ganized Hickory ball team will dedicate the diamond by trim ing the Lenoir team. They will meet the Lincolnton team on the 4th. The diamond is laid out near Mr. A. C. Link's, on land leased from A. A. Shuford. Good Time Coming. As the time is drawing near our friends from out-of-town and around town too for that matter, will do well to bear in mind our invitation to visit us on that day. We want you to come and will be disappointed if >ou do not. We are going to have lemonade for your refreshment and our office quartet will sing for your amuse ment. Our office is centrally lo cated and you can watch the par ade from the windows. If vou have any work to be done bring it along, hut if you haven't why come anyway and we will be glad co see you. You can't afford to miss the Fourth. If anyone feels like handing us a lemon on that day they can put it in the lemon ade and welcome. If you feel like licking the Editor, we have a new punching-bag here 1n the shape of the foreman. If you get hungry, the retaurant next door will feed you at a price pro portional to your good looks. Our quartet has all the latest songs in its repertoire, including ■ "Annie Laurie" "After the Ball" "Curfew must not ring to-night" and others. If the audience will kindly refrain from violence, they will undertake to sing 4 'The Holy City." j MOST i \ .ANY i J BANK \ i I c 4 Can handle your business after a fashion, when 4 _ \ times are good and moaey easy, When times J r are hard and money tight you feel the f I need of a business connection with a f | Big, Strong and Reliable Rank J 4 Do your banking business and make your credit 4 ? good with the strongest bank in this f section of North Carolina f ! The | | First National Bank | | of Hickory j | Gapital, $200,000 Surplus and Profits, $23,000. j ffll - T\ Is the best advertising medium in Cataw 1A ||A|Y|MPO county' as it is read in very near every 1) 111 lHi i State in the Union, and in every home in IliU l/UUlVUlltl the county The subscription price is only $l.OO per year. I^'sied^r&'piea^^sri Stock Reduction Sale 2 Two j Beginning Monday, ) Two J '* Weeks / July 6th j Weeks- o We have not the space to mention prices, but Af if you will visit our store for the next two weeks jl i you will not go away disappointed, for we have « the goods and the prices will surprise you. We A) 1 save you money. Our stock must be reduced regardless of cost. All desirable and season- U able merchandise at a sacrifice. * SLEDGE & PLEASANTS | n • i» I If you want a job of printing done that a j Jn I n |PfP I will give you entire satisfaction, just give I I'J ! The Democrat Printery your order and vou Uv w 1 I 111 » w jH 5 e thoroughly satisfied.