I CUT * r " i iExpenses By having your Job Workdone at Democrat ' : ... i Printerv . All work execut i ed by an Expert Compositor The Best Work at lowest prices, semi us - v . » in mn .- - I Out-of-town orders given our special at tention. (Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine— BLACK-DRAUGHT I Liver Medicine - The reputation of this old, relia- I ble medicine, for constipation, in- I digestion and liver trouble, is firm- B ly established. It does not imitate I other medicines. It is better than ■ others, or it would not be the fa- I vorite liver powder, with a kuger I sale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN Fg UNIVERSITY of North Carolina 1789*1907 Head of State's Educational System DEPARTMENTS: College, Engineering, Graduate, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. Library contains 48,000 volumes. New water works, electric light =, cen tral heating system. New dormitories.- gymnastum Y. M. C. A. build ing, library. 790 STUDENTS 70 IN FACULTY The Fall term begius Sept. 7, 1908. Address FRANCIS P. VENABLE, PRESIDENT CHAPEL HILT,, N. C. » TKE CHILDREN LIHC 11 KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Subscribe for the Democrat. k Women as Well as Men Are Made r miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discourages andlesseusambition; beauty, j. vigor and cheerful-* liess soon disappear when the kidneys are Mm, out °f order or dis j _ " Kidney trouble has » b ecome so prevalent ~J that it is not unconi /7 i 111011 or a to be |r— born afflicted with -weak kidneys. If the child urinates toooften, if the urine scalds the fiesh. or if, wbtH the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is vet afflicted with bed-wet ting, depend upon it, tbecause of thediffi culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these iniportaat organs. Xhis.uupleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys aud bladder ai;d not to a habit as most people sujpposd. Women as well as inert are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, . and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is sQOHJ-ealized- It is sold by druggists, in fifty cent and -one-dollar size bottles. You may ig§ffijjfS have a sample bottle bv mail free, also a Home of Swamp-Root, pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. lit writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. , The Real Question. I A Minnesota candidate for ! governor is said to eat pie with his knife. How he eats p'e should be less important to t! e boys than how he peases it around. Removal Notice, Persons needing my* services at night or on Sunday, can find me at my new residence on 17th street, or by calling 'phone 43. J. W. SHUFORD. Funeral Director & Embalmer. Bert Barber of Elton Wis says "I have only raken four doses of your Kidney and Bladder Pills and they have done for me more than any other medicine has ever done. lam still talking the pills ai I want a perfect cure to De- Witts Kidney and Bladder Pills Sold by C. M. Shuford & W. S. Martir. ' NOTICE. : All stock holders of the Hick ory Merc. Co., being, it was moved and carried that the Cor poration be disolved, all claims against the Corporation will be presented to the president for adjustment - This April 12, 1907. McCoy Moretz, Pres. J. F. Norris Sec. Appalachian Training School Will open its sixth annual ses sion on September 2, 1908. Public school teachers pay no tuition. Other students are charged a small monthly tuition rate. The boarding arrange ments are ample for all who may ottenH. The Catalogue and other prin ted matter is sent free. Address Secretary of the Faculty, Boone, N. C. HUMAN HANDS DO NOT TOUCH IT. From the time the raw materials reach our factory they are handled entirely by ma chinery, kept scrupulously clean. No chance for ~ Jell-fl ICE m Powder to beeome contaminated. It is strictly pure and wholesome. Our factory is aa clean as your kitchen. ICE CREAM is Easy to Make/ II quart milk. . 1 package J ELL.-O ICE CREAM Powder. Mix, and freeze without cooking. Simple, isn't it 1 This makes two quarts of smooth, vel vety icecream, deliciously flavored, in 10 minutes at cost of about 1 cent ;i plate. Flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla, Straw berry. Lemon and Unflavored. Sold by your grocer 2 packages for 25c. "Enough for a gallon."—or by mail if he does not keep it. THE NORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture & Mechanic ARTS Practical education in Agriculture; in Civil, Electrieal and Mechanical Engineering; in Cotton Manufacturing, Dyeing and Industrial Chemistry. Tu ition $45 a year; Board $lO a month. •120 Scholarships. Examinations for admission at the College on Sept. 2nd. Address THE - PKESTDENT, West N. C FOLEYSnONEY^L^E :}?. Cures Coldsi Prevents Pneumonia Birthday's Celebrated. The Worm /.? Aid and Mission a*y Society of the Reformed cflureh of thfc city gave a delig-ht,- ful birthday party to membeis 'of tFie congregation and their families on Friday evening, July 10th at the parsonage on 13th, avenue. The . invitations were accompanied by dainty little pink and blue bags, with a request in rhyme to bring or send a pefiny for each year the recipient of I the invitation was old. About three hundred and forty invita tions were issued and a large number of guests assembled at the parsonage. They were re ceived by Dr. J. L. Murphy and his wife. Each person young and old deposited the little sack as he entered. Light refresh ments were served and the guests werp entertained with music furnished by the young ladies of the congregation. Beautiful solos were rendered by Signor D'Anna and Miss Nellie Winn of Versail les Ky., who is spending the summer in this city. It was a happy thought on the part of Mrs. Murphy to have this party on the occasion of Dr. Murphy's fifthieth birthday. A thoughtful present was given him by the members of the church when Mr. G. - xi, Geitner in a charming manner presented to Dr Murphy in behalf of the congrGgatioij, a purse containing as many dollars as he was old. The guests departed at a late hour with many good wishes to Dr. Murphy and his wife, and many happy returns of the day. The Democrat joins with these and offers congratulations and hopes that Dr. Murphy may spend many more happy birth days. Progressive Dinner. A progressive dinner was giv en by a number of young Indies of this city to an equal number of young men, last Thursday nighf from 8 to 11 o'clock. It was very much enjoyed by all who participated and especially so as it was a novel feature to the guests. • The first course was served at the home of Miss Hazel Elliott on Fifteenth street. After each course the couples were changed from there the diners proceeded to the home of Misses Grace and Ruth Aber nethy on Tenth avenue, where the second course was served, then to Miss Sallie Martin's home on Thirteenth avenue for 1 the third course. For the fourth course the party proceeded to Miss Mary home on Tenth auenue. From there to Miss Lillian Field's residei.ee on Fifteenth street, where the fifth course was served. The sixth and last course was served at the home of Miss Maigaret Bost on Tenth avenue. The young men who enjoyed the hospitality of the young ladies were: Albert Abernethy, Orin Sigmon, James Shnford, George Blackwelder, Frank Henderson and Joe Mur phy. Moonlight Picnic. A moonlight picnic was given one night last week at Catawba Springs in honor of Miss Car malt Grimes of Salisbury and Mi •5S Blanche Bailey of Winston Salem. Mrs R. A. Grimes act ed as chaperon. These are beau • tiful nights for picnics and an enj jyable time was had by all. The guests were: Misses Sallie Martin, L Uian Fields, Carmalt Grimes, Annie Laurie Abernethy Blanche Bailey, Ruth and Grace Abernethy, Pearl Cotton and Margaret Bost. Messrs. CorbettStapp, Hubert Morris, Durward Abernethy, Joe Murphy, Albert Abernethy, Geo. Blackwelder, Jacob Doll, James ShufordandTed Sides. The function of the kidneys is to strain out the impurities of the blood which is constantly passing through them. Foley's kidney Remedy makes the kidneys healthy. They will strain out all wast matter from the blood. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy and it will mrke you well. W. S. Martin &Co Revenue Increasing. Last Thursday afternoon Mr. Robert Eckard from the country came to Hickory and a-1 long with him more liquor than the laws allow. The said Mr. Eckaid arriving proceeded to dispose of his cargo and while engaged in that pleasant occupa tion fell straightway into the net laid b> the Chief for such offend ers. He was arrested Fridav morning and gave bond for his appearance next day. » However before leaving town he went before mayor Blackwel der pleaded guilty and was promptly fined $5O. This he paid and departed for parts un known. It seems to be the opinion of some people that the Hickory ordinances are not to be treated seriously and that they can oper ate "blind tigers" with im punity. If so the sooner they rid themselves of the delusion the better. The police are rigid 1> enforcing the law at every op portunity and are to be com mended for their efforts. Mean while the town's revenues are increased each time an arrest is made. Let the good work go on. REV. I. W. WILLIAMS TESTIFIES Rev, I, W.Williams Huntington, Va testifies as follows "This is to certify that I used Foley's Kidney Remedy for neverous exhaustion and kidney troubls and am free to sap that Foley Kideny remedv will do all that you claim for it. W. S. Martin & Co. Missionary visitation. The Woman's Central Commit tee of N. C., announces that Mrs. Hight C. Moore and Miss Elizabeth N. Briggs will visit Hickory Baptist church on Sun day July 19th and speak the ladies of the town and the Associ ation on "Woman's Work in Missions." The object of the visitation is, by the simple, definite and direct presentation of plans and meth ods, to enable leaders to work more effectively in Woman's Missionary Societies, Young Woman's Auxiliaries and Sun beam Bands. Instruction will be given in organizing and conducting Mis sion Study Classes, as well as Missionary Societies. The Committee asks that a delegate be sent from every so ciety in reach, who will on her return put in practice what she has gained. It is requested that those who receive this announcement pray for the success of the visit. BEST THE WORLD AFFORD, "It gives me unbounded pleasure to recommend Bucklen's Arnica Salve," says J. W. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill N. C. "I am convinced it's the best salve the world affords. It cured a felon on my thumb and it never fails to heal every sore, burn or wound lo which it is applied. 25c. at C. M. Shu ford, W. S. Martin and Menzies drug stores. She Conquered the Germans. In the Franco-German war the French hospital at Veudome was In charge of Mme. Cora lie Cahen, one of the most noted nurses of the time There, aided by two nurses and seven Christian Sisters of Mercy, she re ceived thousands of French and Ger man soldiers. When the Prussians oc cupied Vendome they wished to hold the hospital and plant on it the Ger man flag. But, warned of the enemy's intentions, Mme. Cahen early one Jan uary morning visited the Prussian gen eral, who, surrounded by his staff, was about to seize the building. "Sir," she exclaimed, "we have re ceived your wounded aud nursed them as though they were our own. We will continue to do so, but we will remain in a French hospital. We will not have it converted into a German hospital." "Madame." was the reply, "we are masters." "In the town It may be; here, no!" was the answer. "We are protected by the Red Cross and the French flag. You have no right to touch either the one or the other." She conquered, and from that day the utmost admiration was openly evinced for her by the Germans. •SSOJJ Biqdjap -Bimj—„*3Jaqj ojaqMaraos ~f]Snjmaofeu i spijs p.no£„ 'aaqjßj as].v\ oq; pajidaj ..'joauoo £[}oajjad aq ox„ ...iqoaads snoaußjodma} •XB £hjm «, ao .qoaads ajodmajxa b apßcn BiqaoK ÜBmssaaSuoQ, /lbs oj 3qB!J H sj„ 'ajifkV\ aiHH ,,'bj,, The way to ge*- more grace is to use what you have got. ' ANNUAL STATEMENTIH Ot County Board of Educa tion 1907-1908. RESOURCES Bal, June SO 1907 $417,84 State and Co., Poll tax 4725X0 Property tax - 11675. CO Fin as, forfeitures, penalties 1450.28 Sale of school property 158.00 Private examinations ~ 78.00 From Ist. $lOO,OOO 1317.98 " 2nd 100.000 1171.87 " State loan fund 1500.00 Districts for libraries 75 00 State libraries 75.00 Local taxes 3645.65 • $26289.62 EXPENDITURES Salary County Supt. $389.17 White teachers 13656.8) Colored teachers 1278 93 Fuel and janitors 452.23 Furniture, desks, stoves, etc, 351.16 Supplies, brooms buckets 59.53 Libraries 225.00 Rent of school house 6.00 Installment on loan fund 818.88 New building, sites and repairs, (white) 2316.28 New "buildings and repairs (colored) 125.81 Mileage and per diem of County Board 88.00 Census and committeeman 89.74 Horse hire, p't'g, stationery and all o;her expenses 120.28 Treasurers commission 501.24 j City schools 5083.97 Total . $25563.11 3a1., cash on hand $726.51 * COST OF ADMINISTRATION. 0. H. Mebane, Supt., $29.17 Catawba Co.. News, print ing Annual statement 20.00 •John Sherrill extra trip 1.00 G. H. Geitner per diem and mileage 3.00 R. A. Rudisill 2.70 John Sherrill 3.10 G. E. Long, Supt. 12 mos. salary 360.00! A. C. Link per diem and mileage 27.00 j F. J. Dellingar 27.70! W. T. Mcßee 23.50 j Stationery 14.43 Horse and buggy (Supt) 31.50 Wood for office 2.25 ExrenseSupt. to State Asso. of County Supt. 6.80 Catawba Co., News, p't'g order blanks, 4.00 Enterprise for p't'g exami nation papers 5.00 Enterprise postal cards and p't'g same 1.50 Recording deeds 4.20 vV. C. Feimster, Atty's., , salary 25.00 Stationery, stamps & p't'g 5.60 Total $597.45 BALANCES DUE TOWNSHIPS Hickory Township $191.98 Jacob Fork " 284.54 Bandy s " 47.33 Catawba " 199.47 Newton " 133.98 Mt. Creek " 229.52 Caldwell " .. 108.07 Total • $1194.07 Cline's " due Co. Board .82c. Amount due Newton grad ed school by former Board, 956.94 Total obligations $2151.01 Less bal., on 726.51 Present indebtedness, $1425.50 Amount paid on shortage ($2100.-1425.50) 674.50 TAXES STILL TO BE COLLECTED. On polls and property 142.98 On local tax 158 99 Total $301.97 Geo, E. Long, Cb. Supt. Sicilian Vespers. The Sicilian Vespers is a uame given to the massacre of the French in Sicily on Easter Monday (March 30), 1282, the signal for the commencement of which was the first stroke of the ves per bell. Charles of Anjou by his bru tality and injustice drove the Sicilians to desperation, and on that evening the inhabitants of Palermo, enraged at a gross outrage offered by a French soldier to a young Sicilian bride, sud denly rose, against th&r oppressors and put to. the sword every man, wo man and child to the number of 8,000. —New York American. p : . Th« Winds of the World. Apart from the winds of regular habit there are the mauy 4ocal winds which occiir "in different parts of the world and are generally : unkind in character. Of such' may Ibe mentioned the monsoon, simoom, sirocco, harmat tan, the puna of Peru, the bitter north easter of Britain, the mistral of Mar seilles and that coast, the rampero of the Andes. With' all these local breezes, though, in fact, they are oftentimes gales of some velocity, many curious effects are coupled, and one of the most noticeable of these is that the blowing of the genuine nor'easter at home is always coincident with the greatest number of deaths from consumption and brain disease. Singapore Free Press. Color of the Lungs. Much has been written about the col oration of the lungs of workers In mines in the coal regions. Physicians declare that men live just as long with black lungs as with pink ones, the nat ural color. I am sure of it. This has been proved in the soot of Pittsburg. In children the color of the lungs is rose pink, but as life advances they become more and more of a slaty -b ue . mottled with streaks and patches of dark gray and black, which are due to deposit in the lymph spaces of dust in haled on the breath. Eskimos and oth ers who live in an atmosphere free from dust retain the color of childhood, while, on the other hand, the lungs of coal miners become often of a uniform jet black shade.—New York Press. Fire Insurance. There are traces in earlier times of enforced or voluntary contributions to ward the relief of sufferers by Are, but It is only about the beginning of the seventeenth century that we hear of proposals being made for a more sys tematic provision, and it was not till after the great fire in Loudon in 1666 that these proposals took practical shape. This seems at first to have been in the form of underwriting by Individuals or by clubs, and some at tempts were made to engage the cor poration of London In a scheme Of fire Insurance, but in 1681 the first regular office for insuring against losses by fire was opened near the Royal ex change, and it was followed shortly afterward by others. OASTORXA. Bears the Kin(J You Have Alffa/S Bought Subscribe for the Democrat; only $l.OO a year. OASTOnZA. Bears the Kind You Have Always Boagtit *7" fMORETzTI § mi until SUE I I July 15th to Aug. Ist g jl The Greatest of the Great! §§ p| The only big sale of the season. |§ We have made unusual pre- M paration for this great sale, and will make the lowest prices M ever offered on high-class || gjj merchandise. 1 $2,000 Worth of Men's and Boy's 1 H CLOTHING,-*, i *JI tliat must be turned into caslr '€it hess§J .||k the price will be phenomenal, must see them" §|f to be appreciated. - Y-fpj H 5000 Yards of Lawns, Swisses, Prints, Dimities, j| . etc., worth 7 1-2 to 10c, for 5 l-2c. |p 1000 pairs of Ladies', Men v s and Children's ; HE Oxfords and Shoes at specially reduced prices..Wl v| 5000 yards of Laces and Embroideries cut in twp** t/43 |U 500 pieces of Glassware and China'tO ahriost' giVo • ? jg| away, as we are closing out the department. || $5OO worth of Men's New and Up~t6*Date Shirt J^M |P and Underwear that will be slaughtered" 1 for ** jk| this great sale. "§|j |p §5OO worth of Men's and Boy's latest style Hats, SI must be sold. .. . ... =- ♦♦.* * "j» Hjj $2OO worth of Fine suit Cases and Trunks, all H prices cut deep on this sale. ' t " ./* IS B $2OO worth of Rugs and Art Squares to be 83 jis slaughtered. - In fact everything will be priced p || to surprise the skeptical. |f 1 /WcCOY MORETZ 1 x. AjßgK ßkL^^Hv Proof is inexhaustible that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound carries women safely through the Change of Life. Read the letter Mrs. E. Hanson, 304 E. Long St., Columbus, Ohio, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: " I was passing 1 through the Change of Life, and suffered from nervous ness, headaches, and other annoying symptoms. My doctor told me that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound was good for me, and since tak ing it I feel so much better, and I can again do my own work. I never forget to tell my friends what Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound did for ma during this trying period." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty yea* Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? • Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick -women to write her for adrice. She lias guided thousands to health. Address, fcynn, Mass. * An Egg as the Earth. It will be a long While before the world of science will forget some of the late Lord Kelvin's reasonings. He was, for instance, a firm enemy to those who hold the fhe interior of the earth must be fluid because of Its intense heat. To prove his contention that the interior pf the earth muBt.be solid he took two eggs, one hard boiled and the other raw,'and, suspending them by cords,, spun them in imitation of the earth's rotation. In a very short wliile the raw egg lost Its momentum and came to rest, while the boiled one went on spinning merrily for quite a long while. From this he argued that if the earth had a liquid core it would have come to an end long ago.—Lon don Black and White.

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