BUSINESS BUILDERS. Advertisements inserted under thfe head at 5 cents a line for each insertion Plumbing, Rooting and Gnttering Done by expert workmen. All kinds of tin work on short notice. A full line of bath tubs, bowies and siuks, with hot and cold water fixtures. We will do your work right. Hickory Roofing & Tinning Co Large size jelly glasses atUm stead's. Bring us your dried fruit and peach seeds. We pay highest cash price for all kinds of coun try produce. Warehouse behind S. L. Whitener's store. HICKORY SEED Co. Umstead's for waste paper baskets. Bright, intelligent boys who wish to become members of the Library can do so without charge by seeing the editor of the Dem ocrat. Nice lunch baskets at Um stead's. Women of Hickory and vacin ity will do well to wait for Mrs. Sallie C. Gaither, of Morganton, N. C , before buying their cor sets. She is the representative and the domonstrator of the Spirella perfection corset, sust proof and unbreakable. Try Pe-Co-Pop, a delicious confection 5c package. Um stead's. For Rent.—A good store room the Killian building on Union square, apply to S. E. Killiah or M. M. Burke, Pe-Co-Pop is good for every body, at Umstead's. Wanted. —2000 bushels of dry and clean peach seeds, also will buy dried apples and peaches in quantities, and will pay the high est cash market price for this produce, delivered at our store. Harris & Little. If you wish something good to eat before or after meals try Pe-Co-Pop at Umstead's. Come to the Robinson's show and bring us your peach seed and dried fruit. We pay cash. * HICKORY SEED Co. Eat Pe-Co-Pop it is delicious and nutritious at Umstead's. $ Local and Personal! $ M. H. Groves was in Lenoir Friday. J. M. Little spent Sunday in this city. Miss Annie Ford was in the city Saturday. W. C. Newland of Lenoir was in Hickory Monday. Don't forget that the Reading Room needs your help. W. E. Holbrook and son were in Hildebrand Tuesday. Mr. G. E. McCorkle of Newton was in the cit> Saturday. The Ball's Creek Campmeeting will begin next and Thursday. Miss Mayo, left to day for Asheville to spend a vacation. Mrs. Will Whiting, of this city, visited in Asheville last week. Lawrence Wakefield and son of Lenoir were in Hickory Mon day. Mr. W. C. Dowd and son, of Charlotte, were in Hickory Tues day. Mr, C. T. Morrison spent Sun day with his father at Holly bush N. C. Miss Virginia Allen of Char lotte is visiting Mrs. N. W. Clark. Mrs. Bell Ingold visited in Morganton from Friday to Wed nesday. , Miss Margaret Bost has been visiting Miss Elvar Crowell of Newton. W. T. Helton, of this city, is out at Plateau this week taking pictures. Mr. E. B. Cline, was in New ton yesterday on profession;! business. Miss Kate Finley of Statesville spent last Friday and Saturday in the city, • Mr. Theodore Salvo is again able to be up and around, after a severe illness. V Dr. R. L. Murphy returned home Friday from a week's visit at Winston-Salem. - S. E. Killian Esq~ is spending the week on his mountain farm near Blowing Rock., Dr. Paul I. Murrill of Wilming ton Del., spent a few days in this city this week. Mrs. Jas. Beard whose letter we published in a recent issue is now in San Francisco. Admirl Cervera is praying for Taft. Pray on Admiral, it is good for your enemies Miss Pearl and Mabel Little of Hickory, are the guests of Mrs C. S. Little of Lincolnton. Arthur Bost has gone to Bilt raore. He has a position with the box factory at that place. Mi s Virginia Herndon, who has been visiting friends in. Dan ville, Va., has returned home. Editor Hugh Long of the Gas tonia News .vas a pleasant caller in the"Democrat office Saturday. Mr. J. A. Martin's family and Mrs. G. W. Blount have returned from a week's visit at. Edgemont. Mr. Hawley Walters came last week to Hickory where he re lumes his studies in Lenoir Col lege. Mr, E. W. Woods, of New Or leans, is in the city. His father, Tom Woods formerly lived in Hickory. Miss Grace Kirkpatrick, who has been visiting in Hickory re turned to her home in Charlotte last week. W. H. Henderson of this city has gone to Lumberton, N. C. where he accepts a position as bookkeeper. . * Miss Lucile Shuford, of Hick ory, was present for the reunion in Newton, the guest of Miss Winnie Warlick. Mrs. C. A. Carpenter, of Blue field, W. Va., who has been visit ing M. M. Burke the past week has returned to her home. Miss Mary Bumgarner who has been visiting in Rockwell the last three weeks returned to her home in Hickory Wednes day. L. C. Sides, Miss Lucile Shu ford and Richard Thompson at tended the dance at the Piedmont hotel in Newton last Thursday evening. A. K. Joy who was induced to come to Hickory by the Chamber of Commerce has decided to lo cate here and has purchased a home on Bth street. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Pleasants left Wednesday for a extended trip through the Western Point of the state and Georgia. ' B. A. Miller has returned to Hickory to make this hh home. Mr. Miller has been living at Louisburg for over a year. Mrs. W. P. Cousins and chil dren of Danville. Va., are spen ding a week or two with J. A. Herndon, who is Mrs. Cousins brothel*. Mrs. Fred Seibert (formerly Miss Nora Peterson) and little child, of Elkhart, Ind., are the guests of her sister, Mrs. C. M. Whitener. The following party of men have gone to Canada: W. S. Stroup, B. F. Campbell, A. P. Whitener J. L. Leach, Z. B. Buchanan and A. Yoder. Dr. Paul I. Murrill, of Wil mington, Del., is visiting his mother, Mrs. L. R. Whitener. Mrs. Murrill is visiting relatives and friends in Kentucky. Rev. W. L. Sherrill formerly pastor of the Hickory M. E. church and now editor of the Christian Advocate of Greens boro, was in town over Sunday. Prof. W. J. Stirewalt, of Hick ory, who has been visiting his wife's people, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rhobs, returned home Mon day. Mrs. Stirewalt will remain for a few days longer. j Rev. Walker, of Lenoir was in ■ the city Monday. The babe of Mr. and Mrs. Will Deal died Wednesday. Atty A. A. Whitener returned | from Morganton Wednesday. " Attorney T. M., Hufham and wife are visiting at Marshall. L. R. Whitner attended the re union of veterans in W inston. Dr. and Mrs. Fred T. Foord spent Wednesday in the eity. Mr. Jack Crisp, of Durham, is visiting at Mr. W. R. Killian. Mrs. Ralph 0. Fordham is vis iting friends in Hickory this week. Attv. L. C. Caldwell, of States ville, was on the streets Wed nesday. Dr. R. L. Fritz has been con fined to his bed with impending malaria. Miss Louise Jones is visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Jones of Gastonia. A. A. Whitener has returned to, Morganton to attend court there ! this week. . . ' Miss Witherspoon is visiting her uncle, Mr. John Witherspoon of Bessemer. Mrs. M. E. Henkel spent sev eral days this week at her home in Alexander county. There is nothing in luck. The Rabbit Foot minstrel has recent ly suffered a big fire. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shuford, of Oscala, Florida, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Whitener. Miss Bessie Hatch, of Burling ton, N. C., was the guest of Miss Daisy Sides the past week. The Pope property which was sold in Auction Satnrday last was purchased by E. L. Shuford. M iss Louise Jones is the guest for a few days of Mr. and Mrs. D' M. Jones at their home on York street. A brother editor savs he is for Taft because he is a free man. We thought it was because he was a pie man. Miss Winnie Colthap has re turned to her home in Charlotte after spending a few days with relatiaes in Hickory. Miss Mariam 0. Deaton, who has been visiting Miss Latie Lee Lewis, of Dallas, returned last week to he home in Hickory. Atty T. M. Hufham has bought the Cline property near the Ce metery. This is a large house and is sure to make a beautiful home. Mr. W. L. Boatright has sold property on Eighth street to A. K. Joy and is talking of leaving Hickory. If so will lose a valu able citizen. There will be a meeting Thurs day night in the city hall of citi zens interested in the water power development. All inter ested are invited. Robert White, son of R. L. White broke his arm last Wed nesday. This makes the third time such an accident has befall en the little fellow. The ball game Wednesday be tween Statesville and Hickory was call off on account of rain. Hickory is to play Statesville two games Friday and Saturday. Mr. E. vV. Woods of New Orleans is in this city visiting at the home of his daughter Mrs. W. R. Killian. Mr, Woods is superintendent of a large box factory in that city. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Dasher left Friday for Indiana and Wis consin. While away Mr. Dasher will attend the Synod of Ohio at Appleton, Wisconsin. Tney will be away about a month. The Lyceum course which it is hoped will be secured for Hick ory contains some very fine at tractions. The people, of the town would do well to secure something which will help the community and furnish enter tainment for the winter. John Wifßer Jenkins one of the editors of the Baltimore Sun wasin the city Friday. Being an old friend of the Democrat, he spentanhour or more in our office. He was on his way to Blowing Rock for a vacation. Mrs. D. E. Suber, and little son Frank returned Wednesday to their home in Asheville, after spending several weeks in this city visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Fisher. Miss Beulah Fisher returned home Tuesday from a weeks in Charlotte. Dr. Weaver pastor of the M. E. church South, has returned from a ten-day vacation and re ports a fine time. He visited old friends, canvassed a little for i Davenport college and preached ten .sermons while away. Evi dently the Dr., isn't quite ready to accept the Csler theory. We want to call the attention of our readers to the ad. in this issue of the Van Dyke Shop, This establishment' is neither very old nor very large but is constantly increasing in both di rections. In the selection of books we know of no superior and we have respected many from New Orleans to Detroit. It deserves the patronage of all 1 book lovers. gKgsl WHI HQf? i Send the Children to the BOOK STORE \ f FOR f ( SCHOOL TABLETS? J f > We have the $ i • biggest and Best: i 11 And There's i SAnother Reason. i Let the children come and get the other reason at 4 The Van Dyke Shop.j| fflco= sog- iooa NEW FIRM 1 We have opened our Mammoth Grocery at 1334 Unioll Square 9 We carry a full line of x § Groceries, fresh meats § il and Everything to Eat 8 GIVE US A CALL. J ilammond 4 Johnson, 11 k Phone 86 k aoooos »o^ f(i /\r* I I Tes! . | m w f We'll Accommodate % I You All Right! | /a We're ready for that Printing right 4S now. Will take it up today and W ... w /|\ push it promptly. ifo ® U Yes, - I know what you. want; W /|\ qaality and attractiveness. Print- w • ers' taste and judgment mixed with w jfk\ business ideas at a price you can \|/ ilk Kj i ik'j Jg afford to pay. W democrat Printery, Te,e cdl A Farmers Institute meetiTTg was held in the Huffman build ing Wednesday evening. Mr. Stephens of A. and M. College spoke on methods in Agriculture and Mrs. Stephens on househole Inprovement. F. C. Houck has removed to Raleigh in order to educate his children. It is probable that their handsome home will be leased by a well-known Charlotte lady who contemplates running a hotel here. Mrs. L. W.,Owen, of Denver, Colo., Pres. American Boys and Girls League, will speak in the M. E. Church Sunday at 8 p. m. Mrs. Owen has been on the plat form 30 years and comes well endorsed. Mrs. L. W, Owen, of Denver, Colo., Pres. American Bays and Girls League will speak at the NT. E. church Sunday at 8 p. m, Mrs. Owen has been on the plat form for 30 years and comes well endorsed. Dr. T. N. Ivey, of Raleigh, w r s' ihe Guest of Mr. George F. Ivey i and family last week. Dr. Ivey I is the editor of the Christian Ad-j vocate and will attend the Edi tor's National Convention in Sc. Paul, Minn. From there he will go into Canada, | Shoes! Shoes! f 8 AAA Worth of the Famous m M A/ IJIIII Courtney, Full , Vamp gjr § y""" shoe Just Received. gg {lf The only guaranteed full vamp shoe in the eountry, 3 anything you want from 50c in children's to $5.00 men's Sc or ladies'. We* have bought this immense Jot of shoes p§ CJ when leather was cheap and we are able to sell them at gi the very lowest price. We have anything you want W4 from the best field shoes to finest dress shoes, and what § • fei is better, every pair is guaranteed. Don't fail to see #|f ijpj our line before you buy your fall shoes. ||i g LADIES' • SKI RTS r* Just received a very fine line of Ladies' Skirts, in 11 the latest styles in black, blue and brown, Panama and ra il Voils, ranging in price from $4.75 to $8.75. We have £& never seen a better tailored line of skirts, and will take j§ P* pleasure in showing this line to all who may be inter-" gf j|t SPECIAL BARGAINS in dry goods of all kinds, 3 ■ Men's and Boy's Hats and Ready Made Clothing, Glass fl Ware and China, Lace Curtains, Window Shades and Rugs, Carpets, etc. urn I McCOY MORETZ § lis not necessarily an expensively furnished one, as hand some—even sumptuous—furniture is procurable without great outlay Not that we deal in knocked-to gether, made-to-sell sort, but be- I cause we are content with a reas onable profit on really good arti cles of furniture. Our best witness is the goods themselves. I Hatcher Furniture Company I Hickory, N. C. © ' '' : Lenoir College , " HICKORY, N. c. 15 Teachers 210 Students i \ College Courses with Electives, $4O a Session Music, Art, Expression, Preparatory—s3.oo a month; v ! Book-keeping and Shorthand courses —$20.00 each. Our 4. B. Degree Uecognlzed by tfie State University Co-education under best conditions. Home idea fn Dormitory life. Separate Buildings. Board,, steam-heat, electric lights, baths, furnished room J (except bed-covers) $7.25 a month. j x - '7l I Catalogue and full particulars free. R. L. FRITZ, Pres., HICKORY, N. C. . i i i i j - ; ,V I New Cafe 1 jg D. W. HOLDER has taken charge of the g, Flannigen building and will conduct a firstT W eg class Cafe. This building has recently been VI { fitted up with the most beautiful and up-to- jS .jj| date furnishings foy this line. * . % Good Meals and Lunches will be served in the best of style. A Ladies' |j; Dining Hall has been arranged and .we ex- % -j|fl tend to them a cordial invitation to take meals. P Everything llnder New Management, Come to See lis. |j - ■ i ————. - i i ff T| i Is the best advertising medium in Cataw ]A . 1A HI AH PQ county' as it is read in very near every in I[l I] Hi | State in the Union, and in every home in ,111 V 1/ uiiiuuiu; county. The subscription ftrice ia only $l.OO per year. - v v y/ !

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