IJSINESS BIMMRS. semoiits inserted under thit s cents a line for each insertion jg, Roofing and' Guttering ne bv expert workmen All kinds "tin work on short notice. A full of batli tubs, bowles and sinks, jtliliot and cold water fixtures. We ill do your work right. fcory Roofing & Tinning Co [Ranted -A lady to get up lo for a weekly newspaper. Ap» a t this office. arpe size jelly glasses at Um id's. . ring us your dried fruit and ;h seeds. We pay highest i price for all kinds of coun produce. Warehouse behind Whitener's store. HICKORY SEED CO. mstead's for waste paper :ets. right, intelligent boys who ito become members of the ary can do so without charge eeing the editor of the Dem t. ice lunch baskets at Um d's. • omen of Hickory and vacin fiJJ do well to wait for Mrs. e C. Gaither, of Morganton, !., before buying their cor- She is the representative the domonstrator of the >lla perfection corset, sust fand unbreakable. y Pe-Co-Pop, a delicious ection 5c package. Um 's. r Rent.—A good store room Killian building on Union re, apply to S. E. Killian or , Burke, Co-Pop is good for every at Umstead's. nted. —2000 bushels of dry ean peach seeds, also will ried apples and peaches in ities, and will pay the high sh market price for this ce, delivered at our store. Harris & Little. ou wish something good to if ore or after meals try -Pop at Umstead's. leto the Robinson's show )ring us your peach seed 1 ried fruit. We pay cash. HICKORY SEED CO. J I Pe-Co-Pop it is delicious 1 utritious at Umstead's. cal and Personal | j leopold Little spent Sun- 1 Hickory. ;ine Gallant is visiting rel- ' in Hickory. Weaver was in Lenoir lay and Friday. I Martin, of this city was ( rlotte this week. P. M. Smyer, of Kentucky, "e for a few weeks. i A. Adams Esq. of Hilder was here Saturday. ( >s Mary Ramsay is spending eek at Banner Elk. ' J. A. Herndon is spending jeek at Wrightsville. B. Cline, Esq., spent a few E in Newton Monday. 18. Miller of Louisburg has lied to Hickory to live. mA. Cook of Forest City the streets Saturday. I- J G. Garth spent a few ■itMontreatlast week. m Sadie Peeler is visiting re ft in Morganton this week. B. W. W. Summers is in ■i and Sanford visiting re- H&nii Hickory people went ■ Maude Sigmon of Salis- Bisited in Hickory from Hay to Tuesday. H Kate Baker has been K Mrs. D. H. Warlick of m Falls. days in Taylorsville to attend. R. Winchester an i wife, ■"lotte, are visiting at tne H Mr. W. L. Wolf. R. L. Stinson and family have gone to the mountains to spend a month. A number ol Newton people came up to take in the shew Wednesday. Miss Nora Cline went to States ville Sunday to visij; her uncle Mr, George Brown Miss Mary Hendley of Greens* boro is the guest of Miss Nannie Williams of this city, W. H. Whitener and Tony Sherrill of Lenoir were visitors in the city Wednesday. A good crowd of people from the country came in Wednesday to take in Robinsons circus. Some of the leading farmers tell us the sweet potato crop is, better this year than it was last. Mr. W. A. Isenhour who has been living at the Rhodes settle ment moved to Hickory yester day. J. M. Loder of South Carolina visited his parents in this city last week and attended the Luth ern picnic here, John W. Robinson and R. L. j Shu ford spent several days this j weak in Raleigh attending tne Farmers Institute. Rev. Chas. Warlick and family lave returned to their home in ?a., after spending a few weeks n the city with relatives. Miss Luna Brown and brother nax both of Mocksville have re urned to their home after rrandmother Mrs, Leach, Mesdaroes Briggman and Har rille and Mrs. Harville's son all >f Asheville were the guests of I. L. White's of this city. Prof. Hartwig has come in to ake up his English work at Le toir College. Prof. Hartwig is rom Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. Mrs. Robert Grimes, of Hick »ry, who has been visiting at the lospitable home of Mr. Ed. Rein lardt, returned home Saturday. tVV v * * \ Mr. and Mrs. P. 0, Carpenter f Newton have gone to the Northern markets to buy new ' ;oods for the Newton Hosiery dill store, : Mrs. Owen who is speaking to he young people or the town nil deliver an address at the M. 3. Church in West Hickory Thu sday night. Mr. Frederick Herman and srife visited their Fon in Mt. Airy ast week and on their return stopped at Winston-Salem for he Reunion. Mrs. Bob Grimes and Miss Lu ile Shuford, are visiting at 'Woodland," the country home f Mr. and Mrs. J. Ed Reinhardt lear Iron Station. Mr. RoyTroutman expects to inter school at Hickorv this fall. Ie is going to -Lenoir college, flr. T, A, Rimmer is also think ng of going to the same school. —Mascot. Professors B. B. Doughty and vloore, of Boone, passed through lere Hickory to attend the grand meeting of the county superin tendents of public instruction which is in session at Morehead City this week. Hickory is to have a new store A nrm by the name of Sacket & Son of Baltimore who have rent ed the store building now occu pied bty the Wonderland in which they Ail ope a up a stock of clothinV and shoes. The senatorial convention will roeet in Newton Saturday. This eri'ion is to officially ratify of J. D. Elliott who has by the conventions of CatSHgba-and Lin coln counties as their Democratic representative. Miss Rose Shuford has been visiting Miss Mary Miller of Statesville, Miss has been visiting Miss Carrie Copelani of Statesvilie, Mrs. A. L. Coble of Statesville and spent Saturday and Sunday with re latives in Hickory. Atty. M. S. Jorvlon of Canover spent Thursday in the city. The daily paper at Concord has been discontinued. Hon. W. A. Self spent Thurs day in Lenoir on professional business. Mrs. A. D. Holler, of Roekhiil is here visiting her daughter Mrs. Geo. Kiilian. It looks like Mr. Britt will be tie Republican candidate for Governor of North Carolina. Miss Lena Houpe of States ville has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Click the past week. A little visitor arrived at the home of Dr. J. H, Shuford last night* The Democrat extends congratulations. Her many friends are glad to know that Miss Helen Chadwick will spend the winter in Hickory. S&e will be in charge of the pri mary department of Claremont College. The number of pupils inthis school will be limited and parents desiring to place their children will do well to make arrangements. The Newton postmaster organ ized a Republican club in Mid dlebrook Saturday night. Presi dent Roosevelt was once one of the leading civil service reform- j srs of the country, and we take it for granted that he does not enow that the postmasters all :hrough North Carolina are do ng just such work as the one at tfewton. —Enterprise. Messrs. J. Elliott, E. B. Cline t r. L. Cilly, of Hickory, J, C. Temple and C, C. Somers, of Philadelphia, were here a few lays last week trying to interest iur people in the development of he Horseford water power on he Catawba river. There was i meeting held at the court house I'riday night, which was attend d by a goodly number of our msiness men and the plans of the leveiopment company were discussed. Since hen a number of subscriptions lave been made to the stock and he indications are the entire ; 25>000, which the gentlemen vanted to place in Lenoir will be aken in a few days. Lenoir tfews. The Death Record. Titus Sipe of the country died August 19th and was buried at he Mt. Zion cemetery the 21st The cause of the death was leart disease. The infant child of Will Deal >f the city died August 19th of Diphtheria and was buried at the Dakwood cemetery. The infant child of T. S. Price i resident of Brookford died August 21st and was buried at ;he Friendship cemetery. Tne child of W. M. Campbell >f Brookford died August 22nd md was buried at Mountain jrove. Miss Laura Deitz, daughter of Vash Deitz of this city died. Tuesday night of consumption. She was buried Thursday in the jity cemetery, Robbery in Day-light Mr. John Beal, who lives in ;he country, was robbed in broad lavlight on Monday. He went >ut behind the depot and counted lis money, which amounted to £lOl. He started, across the jquare to make some pui chases, is he got on the street at Riddle's store some men followed him. Dne of them pulled at his pocket book, and finally succeeded in aretting it and started running across the square to Link's store. Mr. Beal followed but could not tell for certain which store he en tered. He described the man as smalt but a black m ist ache, The thief has not been found. Secretly Married. Miss Estelle Fry and Mr. Luth er Hart both of this city made up their minds to get married about two weeks ago while at tending the Reunion at Newton. The Methodist minister tied the knot and couple after returning kept the news secret until yester day. They left on the morning, train for Bennettsville. -Wreck On G. 8c N. W. Thursday afternoon the south hound C. & N. W. passenger train wrecked jn Hickory just after leaving the station. The wreck was caused by the engine j limping- the track. The coaches remained on the track, however, and little damage was done ex cept to the engine which receiv ed some injuries. No one was hurt in the accident. Quite a large crowd gathered to see the wreck. There were continuous rumors Friday that another wreck had occurred hut the train though late came in all right. ' Bryan-Kitchin Club. A Bryan-Kitchin Club has been formed at Cherryville recently with a membership of 190. Con gressman E. Y. Webb spoke to the Club last Thursday night on the issue of the presidential cam paigh. A large and entusiastic audience greeted Mr. Webb. There were many ladies in the audience. Piedmont Grocery Sells. The Piedmont Grocery Co., located on Tenth Ave. above Fourteenth street has sold all its stock and possessions to the Shell Grain and Feed Co. An in ventory is being taken of the stock and as soon as this is com pleted the new firm will take possession. * w __________ ■ i Benjamin Banner and Miss Candis Brown of Penelopd> were married Sunday evening while j sitting in a buggy in the road. J. i A. Seitz Esq. performed the cer emony. ~ ) Lenoir College i HICKORY, N. C. • 1 15 Teachers 210 Students College Courses with Electives, S4O a Session Music, Art, Expression, Preparatory— s3.oo a month. Book-keeping and Shorthand courses — $20.00 each. Our A. B. Degree Kecwjalzed by the State University Co-education under best conditions. Home idea in Dormitory life. Separate Buildings. Board,, steam-heat, electric lights, baths, furnished room (iexcept bed-covers) $7.25 a month. Catalogue and full particulars free. R. L. FRITZ, Pres., • - HICKORY, N. C. \ * yc=| WOT M@fl Send the Children to the ( \ BOOK STORE . { J FOR f J SCHOOL TABLETS? J A We have the * F Biggest and Best: I# i And There's |i, i Another Reason. L P Let the children come and get the other reason at I# *' L The Van Dyke Shop c fei s fIOK SOi— [NEW FIBI | t■ ■ - We have opened our Mammoth Grocery at 1334 Union s " M * e J We carry a full line of X Groceries, fresh Meats | | and Everything to Eat ill GIVE US A CALL. 1 Hammond & Johnson, f 9 Phone X At the Churches. i REFORMED Rev. Chas. W. Warlick* of ; Pennsylvania, filled the pulpit of L the Reformed church last Sun , day morning and night and preached two very acceptable sermons. At the Reformed church next Sunday morning", Dr. Murphy wilt preach his sermon on "Friendship" and the Misses Keonig will assist in the music. Miss Dora Keonig will sing a so lo. BAPTIST The pastor will preach Sunday morning and night. Evangelis tic services will be held in Sep- j tember and efforts are being made to secure Dr. J. L. White, of Greensboro, to assist in them. LUTHERAN Services will be resumed at the Lutheran church as the pas tor has returned. The pastor will occupy the pulpit Sunday morning and night. Rev. G. S. Cranlf, of Columbia, secretary of Publication Board of the United Southern Synod, preached at the Lutheran church last Sunday night. METHODIST Preaching Sunday morning and night by the pastor. Sun day school at 9.30. Mrs. Owens, j president of the American Boys' League, made an interesting ad- i dress Sunday night. PRESBYTERIAN. j There will be services at the j Presbyterian church in the morn- \ ing; none at night. The church ) is erecting a new parsonage, the \ old one near the Baptist church \ having been sold to Dr. Price. I If it s. Quality, Comfort aid Style in Shoes, you will find them all combined in our famous Courtney Shoes i For Ladies', Misses'. Men and Roys' In fact everybody will be glad to know that they can fine the kind of shoes they need at our store. Every pair guaranteed Solid and Fnll Vamp orm:ney refunded. Nothing fairer !than this. Then to you will fmd the moat com l - j|& plete stock in the county to select from. A trial is all we ask. Ladies' Suits and Skirts If The Best Line Ever Offered in Hickory |jj SI Every Skirt thoroughly shrunk, sponged and ||| tailored to a Queen's taste. Prices very reas- O ill onable. 'M, MI 1 !*B/\ the best things in Boy's and B IIKW I I 111 / R ® sses ' Hosiery, Dress Goods, if IIVTT L.RIIV Ginghams, Carpets, Rugs, fS Men's Medium and Fine Shirts, Muslin Undserwear jO and Laces this week. H || Some special values §1 Percales, Madrass || hams this week. if I McCoy Moretz 1 **r mm I BRIGHTENS the BEDROOM I . There is nothing like a fine brass or white en- K ameled bed"to add beauty and tone, as well as com- K fort, to a bedroom. A metal bed is also clean and B sanitary. Every requirement of appearance, equal ity and convenience is best fulfilled by the well- Bernstein Original Three-Piece Bed - 1 H -The patented "Bernstetein" joint, absolutely ■ rigid, enables you to set up or take down the bed p in half a minute. Etch bed is made in three parts m only, and is perfectly and positively solid. All I joints are smooth —hence cannot catch dust or H jgf scratch the hands. Everything you need in Beds, K jjjl Bedding, Furniture and Upholsteries is here. You I m are under no obligation for our advice —and there M I is no importunity to purchase. ■ 8 Hatcher Furniture Co. ■ Hickory, N-. C. I New Cafe D. W. HOLDER has taken charge of the w m ' Flannigen building and will conduct a first w. class Cafe. This building has recently been wj m fitted up with the most beautiful and up-to- jjjf • •ffij date furnishings for this line. wf % Good Meals and Lunches j§ will be served in the best of style. A Ladies' $ j|G Dining Hall has been arranged and we ex- (A m tend to them a cordial invitation to take meals. H everything Under New Management, Come to see U*» %