[Remarkable Storyi H The story of Mrs. Matilda Warwick, of Kokomo, I ■ Ind., as told below, proves the curative properties of I ■ that well-known female remedy, "Wine of Cardui. ■ ■ Mi's. Warwick says: B T«ke CARDUI I It Will Help You I H "I suffered from pains in my head, shoulders, K 9 limbs, side, stomach low down, dizziness, chills, ner- m fl vousness, fainting spells and other female troubles. K II was almost dead. Three doctors did not help me. B ■At last, I took Cardui, and with the first bottle ob- B Stained relief. Now lam cured. But for Cardui*B Ml would have been dead." Try Cardui« W AT ALL DRUG STORES M PROFESSIONAL CARDS | Dr. J. C. BIDDIX, DENTIST Office over Singer Sewing Machine Parlor. HICKORY, - - N. C.' R. W. WOLFE VETERINARY SURGEON Offers his professional services to any one in need of a Veterinary. Phone 199 Hickory, N. C. D. L. RUSSELL " ATTYORNEY-AT-LAW Prompt attention given to all matters of Legal Nature Office: Main St., Russell Bldg., Hickory Dr. T. F. Stevenson PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Home Calls answered at all hours Phone 295 - Hickory, N. C. Dr. Walter A. White DENTIST Office over Menzies Drug Store Hickory, N. C. DR. W. B RAMSAY DENHSI Office*. Second-story Post Office Hickorv. N. C. The Smoothest Proposition In hickory Is a Shave and Hair Cut at DIETZ'S BARBER SHOP. K. A. PRICE, M. 0. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Calls answered night and day. Office: First Floor McCombs Building 1342 Union Square. Phone 94 FOLEYSHONEY^TAI •to as the cousin »nd b«al« luutf* i Snuff taking originated in England fro::i tht» Ciiiiturc* of vast quantities of «nu? br Sir C-'eoige Itooke's expedi tion to Yiego in ITS I. ft «ywyyyy«wy^.M?«y«yyyywwyyyiniw«VMW«Mvy«wwyyyw!«wyywwywywMywywwyy«wwyvyyy^| 1 UNDERSELLING I POFUL7 fflmra IS TEE CHEAPEST Flffl U Mil I UNDERSELLING I 5 STORE STORE I Are You One of the Enthusiastic Customers f jj , Who have visited our store? If not, you owe to your own interest to call at the §j I UNDERSELLING STORE S 6 SU E, P I V for / al i a ,? d Winter wearing apparel. Get acquainted with us. It means a saving of 25 per cent, to you, on your pur-5 C chase. Money Saved is Money Made, and a dollar in your pocket is as good as in some one elses. Therefore don'tfail to rail at mir store W6 are at your ser jr g vice to show you our lowest prices, and you can judge for yoursllf whether our statement is correct or not % $ We Do Pressing and Cleaning at Lowest Fieures. 5 | THE TTITDEIiSELXiIITGI- STORE, \ Union Square. Killian Building. L. E. ZERDEN, Proprietor. HICKORY N. C. 5 Mr. Rockfeller reviewed the Labor Day parade in Cleveland, but he will not become aiarmed until the men who marched that day begin voting as solidly as they march. At any time when your stomach Is not in good condition you should take Kodol because Kodol digests all the food you eat and it supplies health and strength for the stomach in that way. You take Kodol just for a little while when you have slight attacks - of Indi gestion, and you iake it • just a little longer°in order to get relief from se vere attacks of Indigestion or Nervous Dyspepsia try Kodol today C M Shuford W S Martin. Up to date the who promise to open up if Taft is elected have failed to tell us why they closed down. Kednedy's Laxative cough Syrup is used nearly everywhere, because it not only heals irritations of the throat and stops the cough, but it drives the cold out of the system through rts i?xative principle by assuring a free and gentle action of the bowels and that is the only way to cure a cold. You can't cure it as long as you are consti pated. Insist upon Kennedy's Laxa tive Cough Syrup. Sold by C. M. Shuford and W. S. Martin. HAD A CLOSE CALL. Mrs. Ada L, Croom, the widely known proprietor of the Croom Hotel, Maughn, Miss., says: "For several mouths I suffered with a severe cough, and consumption seemed to have its grip on me. when a friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery. I began taking it, and three bottles affected a complete cure." The fame of this life saving cough and cold remedy, and lu;:g and throat healer i.« world wide. Sold at C. M. Shuford, W S. Martin, and Moser, & Lutz, drug store. 50c, and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. Kodol For Indigestion Relieves sour stomach, palpitation of the heart. Digest? what vou ga t- FOR CHRONIC DIARRHOEA. ''While in the army in 1863 I was taken with chronic diarrhoea," says George M. Felton of South Gibson, Pa. "I have since tried many remedies but without any permanent relief, until Mr. A. W. Miles, of this place, per suaded me to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, one bottle of which stopped it at once," For sale by W. S. Martin & Co. Letter From Rusticus. Correspondent to The Democrat. There seems not to be much news of any kind in this neck of the world at present, of any Im portance Just now, it seems that poli tics are booming us somewhat. People are beginning to think of the welfare and prosperity of the country. There was a public speaking at the Yoder schoolhouse last Friday night. There had as sembled a pretty brge crowd to hear W. J. Bryan speak through :he phonograph. After that was bne the Hon. M. H. Yount, the >emocratic candidate for the ower house of representatives cYom Catawba county, held the people spell bound for about an h :>ur and a half, in an excellent and well timed address, produc i ig many strong and substantual arguments for the ruling power of the Democracy of North Caro lina. He arreigned the Republi can party for the mis rule of the government in North Carolina in years of 1895 and 1896. He spoke a great deal upon the edu cational matter and urged the people to take the advantage of the educational facilities that the State of North Carolina had 1 provided for the children of the State when the legislature had made ample provisions for them by the several appropration's that was made for the benefit of the children. He then spoke upon the pen sions that the State had provided for all the old soldiers and that the Republican party were telling the old soldiers that they were their friends but when there was a bill before the house to in crease their pension by an ap propriation they all voted against that bill and used every exertion to defeat it. He urges the Democrats to unite and vote the ticket from Bryan down to constable. And many other important things he said for the benefit and welfare of Democracy, it is impossible for me to enumerate them all. Taere was a public speaking at Bandy's schoolhOuse last Sat urday night by Hon M. H. Yount. There had a large crowd assembled to hear him. Brother Democrats let us pull together at the elec'.ion in No vember next and elect our Dem ocratic candidate by a terge ma jority. The Democrats formed a Democratic club at the' Yoder schoolhouse of about 50 members with F. A, Yoder Pres. Rusticus. A JEWELER'S EXPERIENCE. . C. R. Kluger, The Jeweler, 1060 Virginia Ave:, Indianapoils, Ind., writes: "I was so weak from kidney trouble that I could hardly walk a hundred Jeet. Four bottles of Foley's KidDev Remedy cleared my complex ion, cured my backache and the irre gularities disappeared, and I can now attend to business every day, and re commended Foley's Kidney Remedy to all sufferers, as it cured me after the the doctors and other remedies had failed. W. S. Martin & Co. THt CHILDREN LIRE IT KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Plane Beautifying a River Front. Tree planting, sodding and gardening to beautify the river front at Louis ville, Ky., is a proposition occupying the attention of the Outdoor Art league. The intention of the league i* to work with the Commercial club and trans form what has been for years an eye sore to a beautiful front park. WHY COLDS ARB DANGERIOUS. Because you have contracted ordin ary colds and recovered from them without treatment of any kind, do not I for a moment imagine that colds ate not dangerous. Everyone knows that pneumonia and chronic catarrh have their origin in a common cold. Con sumption is not caused by a cold but the cold prepares the system for the reception and development of the germs that would not otherwise have found lodgment. It is the same with all in fectious diseases. Diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles and whooping cough are much more likely to be contracted arhen the child has a cold-. You will see from this that more real dagger lurks in a cold than in any other of the commond ailments. The easiest a~d quickest way to cure a cold is to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The many remarkable cures effected by this prepaiation have made it a staple article of trade over a large part of the world. For sale by W. S. Martin & Co. Deceiving Pictures. The battle between the catalogue houses for supremacy is not being fought out by a calm comparison of goods, quality for quality and price for price, but on the spectacular field of advertising. The one great object of the catalogue house is to make the dham and the shoddy look like the real thing—ln a picture. WHERE BULLETS FLEW. David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y., a veteran of the civil war, who lost a foot at Gettysburg, says: "'The good Electric Bitters have done is worth more than five hundred dollars to me. I spent much money doctoring for a bad case of stomach trouble, to little purpose. I then tried Electric Bitters, and they cured me. I now take them as a tonic, and they keep me strong and well.*' 50c. at C- M. Shuford, W. S. Martin and Moser and Lutz drug store. Planting Railway Btation Grounas. The custom of planting railway sta tion grounds Is each year becoming more widespread, and the observant traveling public is making its approval of the same so manifest that all lines must eventually take np this work of aiding in the city and town beautiful movement If the plant loving traveler will but commend the railway officials for their enterprise and foresight in embellishing their lines of travel, all will qnickly join in the work of beauti fying these places. Spacious, well planned depot grounds are as much capital to the cities and towns in which they are situate as to the corporation to which they belong, so that muuicl palities should encourage and aid them in every way possible. A HEALTHY FAMILY, "Oar whole family has enjoyed good health since we began using Dr. King's New Life Pills, three yews ago," says L. A. Bartlet, of Rural Route 1, Guil ford, Maine. They cleanse and tone the system in a gentle way that does you good. 25c. at C. M. Shuford, W. S. Martin and Moser & Lutz, drug store. Diarrhoea When you want a quick cure without any loss of time, and one that is followed by no bad results, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It never fails and is pleasant to takt It is equally valuable for children. It is ► fa-nous for its cures over a large part oi the civtiizad world. TOWN BETTERMENT. What Is Being Done In Various Com munities In This Direction. A committee of the board of trade In Lowell. Mass., has taken an Inventory of all the billboards in the town and 'has communicated with the authori ties requesting that the leasing of boards on city property be discontin ued when the time comes for thehr re newal. The committee says that the revenue received is a trifle compared with the harm done to the beauty of the town. Following the example of large cities and more recently many small ones. Kaston, Pa., has adopted an antispit ting law, and the measure has been signed by Mayor McKeen. People who have been 4n the habit of spit ting tobacco juice over the sidewalks or on floors of public buildings wMI be placed Tinder arrest and tined for their offenses if they are continued. No tices of warning have been posted. Conspicuous Improvements have been made this summer iu the appearance of the business section of Utlca, N. Y. New cement walks have been laid on Genesee and other central streets. This has been the result of agitation started last winter by President Baker of the council, who says be was led to give attention to the matter by his observation that, whereas the city was spending thousands of dollars—up Into the millions. In fact—to provide proper places upon which dumb animals might travel, the ways which humankind must tread were left in a condition uu flt even for the animal kingdom. Sunnyside, oue of the longest streets In Burlington, la.. Is to be paved its entire length iu the near future. The street extends from one city limit to the other, and much of the property abutting the street is farm land. Al though the legal assessment derived from this profierty would not begin to pay the cast, the return value of the pavement has been fully promised by citizens anxious for the improvement and who are more than willing to pay their full share of the assessment. As a measure for the protection of the school children of New Orleans,. City Health Officer W. T. O'Reilly will make a sugestion to the school board that, beginning at the next term, all pupils be compelled to bring their own drinking cups and that common cups and dippers for the use of all be abol ished. Under an ordinance recently passed by the city council of Knoxville. Teun., it Is uulawful to put down any side walk in the city limits except of con crete. The specifications provide for inspections by the city inspector, and every safeguard is thrown around the ordinance to give the property owner a good sidewalk and protect blm against any inferior work. The park and cemetery commissions of Grand Rapids, Mich., have adopted formal resolutions in reference to criti cisms that have been made against the superintendents of the public parks on account of their being engaged In pri vate landscape work. The board takes the ground that the performance of such work for citizens of Grand Rap ids results in the substantial improve ment in the appearance of the town and that wheu done for neighboring towns they are simply doing a neigh borly act which tends to raise the prestige of Grand Rapids in matters of outdoor art, besides having a tend« ency to educate the superintendents and give them larger experience. LAME BACK. Thfa ailment is usually caused by rhumatism of the back; and is quickly curad by applying Chamberlain's Lini ment two or three times a dav and massaging the parts at each application For sale by W, S. Martin & Co. Wanted;—limited quantity of Spanish oak, red oak, water oak, post oak acrons, also hickory nuts, walnuts, cow peas, etc. Hickory Seed Co., Hickory, N. C. WOULD MORTGAGE THE FARM. A farmer on Rural Route 2, Empire, Ga., W. A. Floyd by name, says; "Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured the two worst sores I ever saw; one on my hand ar.d one on my leg. It is worth more than its weight in gold. I would not be without it if I had to moitgage the farm to get it." Only 25c. at C. M. Shuford, W. S. Martin, and Moser & Lutz drug store. WE DO | I Strictly a Banking | Lending our customers money as their ac counts g S justify. - Should you waut money § | SEE LJS | a • If you have any idle money leave it with us un til you wish to use it, we pay 4 p*»r cent. 011 g i certificate* of deposit, and savings accounts. We take care of our customers when times are S hard just the same as when they are easy. Try | g us be convinced. | I The Hickory Banking & Trust Co I %i £ |w7tches I 8 DIAMONDS 8 8 JEWEL-FRY G | OPTICAL GOODS, ETC | X The best quality and right ft X prices. 6 I GEO. E. BISANAR I V Watch inspection Southern Ry y 2>oooooooooooooooooooooooS Subscribe for The Democrat. sl;perYear. M, t fiZi ) # We'll Accommodate| | You All Right! | \ We're ready for that Printing right % ' now. Will take it up today and jj|j[ I ® push it promptly. W /IS IfYes, I know what you want; ;L quality and attractiveness. Print- \!/ a? ' \\/ /ft ers* taste and judgment mixed with yu JL business ideas at a price you can w 2v « ~ W afford to pay. Democrat Printery, Tele &°£ Ca " The Democrat is only SI.OO a Year, Mil ('