Established 1899 1 Phone No. 17 1 J5 m 1 ANY HOUR, NIGHT OR DAY j is For Your jjj» I Medicines, Toilet Articles g | and Rubber Goods | I MOZER & LUTZ, || M DRUGGISTS 1 J V (ON THE CORNER) I FALL GOODS I Men's and Boy's Clothing, Shoes and hats J Ladies P OUR LINE OF DRESS GOODS || AND NOTIONS ARE THE || H BEST IN THE CITY. M THE VALUE OF A DOLLAR IS WHAT YOU WANT : : : : SETZER & RUSSELL [J HICKORY, N.C. jj I Slash in Prices | u —at-- u $ Sledge & Pleasants. $ to ~ , A .r — tl u Beginning Nov 27th fop |() jjjvj to To reduce our stock, we $ n will offer $lO,OOO worth & u of goods at unheard-of 1/ R low prices. n S Ladies* Tailor-Made Suits | Dress Goods, Notions, ti u Cloaks, Furs, Shoes, Ull- D ft derwear, Blankets, Com- VI forts and many things a U way beow cost. Come U and see and buy if goods « ft and price suit you. Vv » - Millinery Cut in Half. M Chamberlain's Cough Remedy During the past 36 years no rem edy hat proven more prompt or more effectual in its cures of Coughs* Colds and Croap than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. In many homee it is relied upon as im plicitly as the family physician. It con tains no opium or other narcotic, and may be givea as confidently to a baby aa to an adult. Price 2&k-, large size 50c THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT [KILLtm COUCH j ahp CURE TKS LUMPS. w ™ Sr. King's j Naw Discovery FOR CSlds 18 JSShi AMD ALL THRPAT AND LUWGTfIOUBLES. j GX7AEANTEED SATISFACTORY! OBJOJE^ffIPUJjDEa^ HICKORY, N. C., THURSDAYi DEC. 3 1908. HICKORY. There is no better place on ; earth than Hickory. This is a ; broad but true assertion. There j are three things which go to | make up an ideal place—health j fulness, morality and financial I possibilities. In comparison, Hickory is second to none in all of these. In discussing healthfulness, tvro things are especially im- I climate and water. Hickory's climate being free from excessive heat in summer and extreme cold in winter, and having neither droughts nor | floods, will compare favorably I with that of any other town in | the country. At no time of the year, is the weather such as to interfere with outdoor sports or or labor of any kind. Rains are abundant, but not excessive, at all seasons. The town and sur rounding country are free from all gtagnant pools, decaying vegetation and other disease— breeding agancies. Our water is as pure as ever flowed from a fountain head. Not one case of contamination, resulting from our water, is on record. Malara is unknown while consumption and typhoid are extremely rare. In fact Hick ory has every advantage for healthfulness. As to morality. Hickory is far above the average. There are magnificent church buildings in Hickory representing all the leading religous denominations. We also have an ideal graded school with two progressive col leges making our educational facilities all that could be desired Drunkeness and rcwdyism form no part in the daily routine of our lives. Sobriety and industry is our slogan. Kindness > and hospitality form a part of our very being. Our financial possibilities are not to be surpassed. Every thing that gees to make financial success possible is to be found here. Our location in the midst of a fertile farming country, gives us no mean advantage, while the natural resources, such as mines, timber, water-power, etc. to be found in the country surrounding us, plays no unim portant part. This, coupled with the fact that the country populace with which we are surrounded, are intelegent, industrious peo ple, places us on high vantage ground as to our surroundings, while our railroad facilities, our manufacturing industries and our wide awake, prjgressire citizenship gives us an envious position localy. Our merchants and business rr>en are all intelegent and pro gressive, every ready to uphold local interprises. During the recent financial disturbance our people suffered less, perhafra, than the people of any other town. While other towns were flood ed with the armies of the un employed, practically all our laboring population were em ployed at good wages, due no doubt to the conservative busi ness ability of our "captains of industry." Our wholesale and retail merchants are optimistic when speaking of the outlook for the future, Business conditions generally are rapidlv improving The banks report increased de posits and that money is in great demand, all going to show that Hickory is the place for all class es whether they be men of leisure or men of toil, Tnen in view of these Jacts, what is the sensible thing for our citizens to do? Get busy and keep busy. Advertise your town Let the world know that yours is the only town. Let everyone join hands in boosting Hickory and we will see our little town go forward by leaps and bounds. Chamber of Commerce, get jusy. Letter From Rustfcus. | Correspondent to the Democrat A historical sketch of the poli tical parties in old Lincoln coun ty and now that portion as is known as Catawba country;. It is the object of the writer to give a fall and lengthy detail of these parties. He can Recollect the scenes of the political strife back to 1835, when there were two great political parties known as the Federalest who were led by Hamilton and the State's right Democratic party led by Thomas Jefferson. We use to attend the elections m those days and heard the geifStd con versation of the people about these parties. We remember one occasion that a heated dis cussion sprung up between these parties and one Michael Link said, who are the Federalist? His question was very quickly answered by a noted Democrat bystander and he requested— As this party was far 'down the minority and could not elect any persons to office, we will form a new party and assume the name, Whig, then we can catch many a man into our ranks. As the Whigs fought Great Brittain and the Tories and established this American government by the force of armies, then we certain ly can elect some one for presi dent. This assumption of a Whig party taken place in the years of 1836 and 1837, Then to elect their president we must raise an important issue so that we can gain the day. Well the issue was the re-establishment of the National Banking system. Upon this issue they elected then presi dent William Harrison who died in one month after his inaugura tion and John Tyler the Vice- President became the chief ma gistrate of the govermental af fairs, Then these two parties in Lincoln and Catawba counties ruled the county politics. The Democrats were far in the as scendency and could poll over 2000 votes, while the Whig party co ild only poll abount 600. Then after Catawba county was found, then two parties still existed, up to 1860 and then the Civil war sprang into existence and after the close of the- war, the Whig party south passed out of existence on account of the Republican carpet-bagger mill, and joined the Democratic, with a few exceptions. These claimed to be union men during the war. —We remember that after the war, there were but few who were opposition to the Democra tic party why Catawba county polled as high as 1600 Democra tic majority. We remember the time that Cline's Township could not poll more than two or three sometimes, perhaps five Repub lican votes. How is it today it has entirely turned topsytervy with a Republican majority. What was the cause of this topsy turvy? It must be admitted that the Alliance had something to do with it as there were were two lodges in that Township. We know of one ealled the maple swamp, they had about 125 mem bers, and they called themselves the Alliance Democrats, but in another year they called them selves the peonies party. We too remember by the election reports on file that the Republicans could not poll more than five Republi can votes, where is it today? They polled at the last election, 123 votes, why is this, and why then were two Alliance lodges in this township? And nearly all of them have gone over to the Re publican party. So it is all over the county that we now have these two great leading parties today in Catawba county. This statement of the state of affairs in Catawba county can be traced to the Alliance, A few days ago a Democrat told the writer who was fosmeralls an alliance man, how that the Alliance was the sole cause of the present political affairs in Catawba coun ty, we think that he was able to decide this matter from the pre sent standpoint. Then whom brought on this dilemma, it cer tainly will point to some one as the leader of this whole affair. Here we stop for the present. One WHO knows. Independent Sons of Rest. Mr. Editoi: In this weeks issue of your paper, you make kindly refer ence to our organization known as the independent Sons of Re6t. We give a short outline of the workings of our order and what we hope to acomplish, ~ First ours 13 purely a social compact to pass the time pleasantly, made up of meq who have passed the age of business activity, which (our warm implies) though we do affiliate with and take in younger men and pratically we try to make room for every man out of a job regardlesss of age. We have few by-laws, they are simple and inexpensive, but we cling to them with bull-dog tena city anr enforce them right now. As afore said there is no iniating fee, no salaried officers, no tax and no treasury, therefore we are immerce from all the evils that beset other organizations. Such as log-rolling for office defabcation, Graft and abscond ing with the bag. Ours is a peculiar order strictly up to date in practice as well as theory in which all temptations has been removed. Where the weaker brother need never sin or fall by the way, Our order is not perenial in its workings. It is necessarialy so, it goes and comes * with the weather, Sinee we own no property and nothing over our heads except the canopy of hea yen. And by the way we hope for recognition by the City Fathers as becomes all progres- , sive towns all along on the line of civic improvement (or civic , righteousness if they prefer, we are worthy) quiet a lot of us are bending over with the burden of years and our scanty locks are being bleached with the frost of ' the Fnow that never melts on this side of Jordans waves. Now understand we are just throwing out a little hint, we are every inch of us, just what our name indicates, The Independent Sons 1 of Rest. We reorganize once a year in the early summer time, 1 Our officers are President and Vice President and a seieet com mittee known as outlyers or a kind of watch-degs (so to speak.) All our meetings are informal any time from sun up to sun down. Now this savors of the slipshod, showing a want of that snapy ten o'clock sharp method which other organizations boost of. But lest you forget we guard our freedom unceasingly, zeal ous. We allow no inroads upon it. We mtan freedom in the broad est sense of the word Refering to the notice in your paper, you state that we expelled one of our members for building a fire for his wife after she had chopped the wood, this is an er ror. Our committee admonished him charging that he must ayoid domestic infelicity or at least keep his troubles from the ears of the public lest he bring odium upon our order. We as a whole recognize the f act that there is a little friction in the best regulated families and quiet a number of our members are infirm and short on business qualifications. We adhere streneously to our freedom in our deliberations, we go from the sublime to the redi culous. We are liable to change from the discussion of the gam blers to that of deep theological research at any moment. And Democrat and Press, Consolidated 1905 j { No matter which arty in power } t OU want yoar money in a Bank that can offer you ab solute Safety as well as liberality. 1 Hickory Banking & Trust Co, i is a strong, safe, liberal Baik. Deposit your .. money with this Bank and it will be subject to t Z 3 T our order in times of financial depression or i prosperity. § We pay 4 per ceat interest, compiamled quarterly, In Savings Department. Certificates of Deposit bear 4 per cent interest from date if left four months. I Hickory Banking & Trust Go. I J. F. ABERNETHY, Pres. W. X. REID. Cashier we are happy to state that the D. D. ministers gives us passing recognation and occasionally ex change views with U3. | - Incidently we will say thai we will have an investigation of suspicious conduct on the part of one of our members within the next fortnight, if th weather permits. The charge is that he stole a yaller gobler from the big drove for his Thanksgiving dinner/ He is an ex-confederate, possibly he will explain that it was the force of habit contracted during the four years struggle. Now heres to our order the noble Sons of Rest, We have a good number, they're all good, better best vVe have a knightly host, a bril liant personel, We revel all together, the Yan kee and rebel. We have all kind of politics Tom Watson, Taft and Bryan -- We have socialist and populist and every other kind Free trade and protection and the tariff and combine Just evey shade of theory we have them all down fine. We have orttodox and heterdox we have one Infidel Evolution pre-history and some claim there is no hell Just every shade of doctrine, that ever you heard tell. Reward and future punishment, for beasts and birds alike. We tell much reminesence, most all live in the past Of well bred cows and horses, of horses that were fast Of dadies smoke house full of meat that fattened on the mast. Thc onl y baWn fl powder made from lAr / | Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Jf Mm ! MADE FROM GRAPES MMJWp i Of greatest healthfullness and His tater house and still house we tell of this the last. On drams and prohibition we're just a little sore Good mountain dew and brandy, we can't find any more The wave of prohibition ran orer us with power. Our stomachs and our good heart are wearing every hour. Base and football games, we most heartily despise The sight of automobiles makes our indignation rise. This rising generation don't heed our good advice; Our duty's done, our skirts are clear; we've told them more than twice. If some young buck should say of us, they're old and out of whack, Just let it come to our ears, we'll give his head a crack, We all go armed with crooked sticks, and we will find Bis track"; We will give it to him, just below the small of his back. -W. L. W. Eat all the good food you like. Quit dieting. You don't have to diet to cure dyspepsia. In fact yon can not cure dyspepsia or indigestion thar way, but rather you must add strength to the weak stomach by taking something that will digest the food which the stomach con not digest. Kodol is the only thing known today that will do this, for Kodol is made of natural digestive juices found in a healthy stomach, and it digests all food comepletely. Kodol is pleasant to take, and is guaranteed to give re lief in any case of stomach trouble. Sold by C. M. Shuford & W. S. Mar tin. It is said that rich gold ore has been found in large quanities in the Smoky mountains of our State.—Ex.

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