E stabiishfed 1899 k'x>cc^3ooxxxx>oooooooooooot Q Exceptional Inducements Q 0 a^A For 1909 x O V'C/in real e«tate in vestine*tsv. ill open O ft ' " *"iui 1 v "\\ witli tli arrival of the New Year, Q Sr V^ iW and we are not going to let yon es- Q }?|fe cape them? We want you to look W P A over our list of most desirable town A V j&lgSfe- and country property. There area Jf O lot of bargains tliere, and money £% i£M '\ * '""-Ycffia ft) niaking chances for those who are rS wide awake l.ittle ready money V ■ r -quired as our terms are very lib- U O >f Sy/'J ffif t' « Have yon an insurance policy on V (J f /ll* •* vur buildings? If you have not, V> ✓S do yon not think that you lnd better attend to this immediately,.for any /\ moment the fire fiend may burn you out and then you say why didu't I take that policy'out before it wa£too lati. '/V/ © LOANS. Q f\ Every c *nt of money that we take in, in payment of Fire or Life In \f surance premiums we loan here in Hickory aud vecinity 011 first mort- O 8 a g e est; - te - •> 0 Hickory Insurance & Realty Go., 9 IX J. A. LENTZ, W. A. HALL, M. H. GROVES, > X X President. Vice-President. Sec. Treas. V/ H. E. McCOMB, .* ss't Mgr. Real Estate Dept. Sr KXJOOOOOOOOOaXJOOOOOOOOOO3 How Does This Look to You? A suburban cottagre home, on two acres of the richest land in Catawba county. Splendid orcha.d. Price eight hundred dollars, one-haif cash down and the balance in one year. Apply to the HICKORY INSURANCE & REALTY CO. «8W» 1 FALL GOODSi Men's and Boy's \ Clothing, Shoes —_ J Ladies % f . OUR LINE OF DRESS GOODS ij |1 AND NOTIONS ARE THE H $ BEST IN THE CITY. —* " « K» - THE VALUE OF A DOLLAR IS WHAT YOU WANT : : SETZER & RUSSELL J p HICKORY, N. C, jjs are ready for your selection at s|j | RICES BAKERY § In offering these products of , our skill, we do so aw IIV* with the full knowledge that* Our enstomers will re- gjj, ceive the best products of the Bakers skill. Our ij| Cakes, Pies and Rolls are made from the best ma- wit !]jg terials, into clean, wholeso ne, delicious food. jtfj Call 127 and Give Your Order Now. [rp No orders for ornamented Christmas Cakes taken \JA .j|| after December 21st. Kjj 9 Subscribe for Ths Democrat. $1 per Year. ■ 1 1 ■* ' ~ Chamberlain's Cough Remedy During the past 35 years no ram edy has proven mora prompt or more effectual in its cures of • Coughs, Colds and Croup than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. In many homes it is relied upon as im plicitly as the family physician. It con tains no opium or other narcotic, and may be given as confidently to a baby ante an adult. Price 250; large size 60c THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT I KILLTHE COUCH f IMD CURE THE I' - ! wi ™ Dr. ling's I | law .Discove rf -1 FORCSIus 3 JSSfcS j AMD ALL THREAT AND HJKGTRQttfcLES. j IGT> ABANTKED | OB MONEY REFUNDED. 5 HICKORY, N. C., THURSDAY, DEC 17 1908. IT PA YS TO A D VER TISE, PARTICULARLY in , Barre. Vt., Dec. B.—"l>oes a Ivertising pay? Well, I should say it did, particularly in relig ion." said the Rev. Francis A. Poole, paator of the First Con gregational church, yesterday, Mr. Poole took charge of the church three years ago. It wag then a moribund organization. Mr. Poole started with advertise ments in the Sunday morning papers —big ones, a page when That Panama Canal Deal The Papers have contained so much recently concerning the Panama Canal deal, we car not refrain t'rom adding «ur little mite. This question is, by no ; means, understood by the people To fulty unberstand this ques tion, it is nessicary to note that the question has two phase.— one public, the other private. The President has dealt only with the public phase; his crit ics with the private side of the question. The critics want to! know what became of the $40,000 j 00J that was paid to the French Government after it left the hands of tne French Liquidator of the old Panama Company's affairs. Personalv, we are ua ble to state positively where this j money went to. Solicitor-Gxiner- j al Hoyt says.it distributed by i the Liquidator to the new and old comprnies as fixed by the de cree of the Seine. This distribu tion, then, is a matter of French records and not nessiealy a part of-our own. The President i&ob- i vousiy correct in saying the TJ;i- [ ited States Government has no ; official knowledge of the d spDsit ion of this money after it left; the hands of the government and ; the liquidators receipt taken for , same. Senator Milliard would j leave the impression that the j money was paid to J. P. Morgan & Company. The Morgan house simply acteJ|as agent for the gov ernrnent in transfering the mon ey from the government to the French Liquidator. For this ser vice, they recieved a commission of $35,000.00 from the new Pan- • ama Company. What became of the money, is thus a matter of individual concern between those to whom the money was distrib uted. It is also claimed that the stock of the old Panama Compa ny was b »ught for $12,000,000 a.id resold to the governmant for $40,000,000. The cost of the stock of the old company did not concern the government; neither did the further alegation that American citizens were greatly interested in the deal. The gov ernment simply accepted the valuation placed on the property as a fair one and did not stop to inquire if the company was mak ing a profit. The main question is did the United States pay in exorbitant price for the Pan ama property? Doubtless the ma jority of the American people will agree with the government that the purchase was a genuine j bargain, and that dishonesty j should be imputed to no official.! "What can an ex-President do?" inquires the Fort Worth Star. Just yoir wait a tew months, and you will probably have your hands full keeping up wiih one. MEDICINE THAT IS MEDICINE "I have suffered a good deal with ma laria and stomach complaints, but I have now found a remedy that keeps me well, and that recedy is Electric Bitters: a medicine that is medicine for •tomach and liver troubles, and for run down conditions,'' says W. C. Kiestler of Halliday, Ark. Eletric Bitters purify -and enrich the blood, tone up the nerves and impart vigor and energy to the weak. Your money will be refunded if it fails to help you. 50c at C. M. Shu ford, W. S. Martin & Co. and Moser & Lutz. ;he had the money and- three or 1 four columns at other times. He | took pig, black type, and he told \ the people what was going on in j the church, what the sermon j be about, and who would i bfc there. I "As a result,'' says Mr. Poole "the congregation has quadru pled in three years, and at a meetiag of trustees we decided to enlarge the church building' to twice its present size. - The Cost of Advertising The unawake merchant often wonders how some rival "can af ferd to spend so much money ad vertising." He is sure that he could not—that it would bankrupt him in short order to "plunge'' into publicity on the scale that the other fellow does. "The other fellow" is not wor rying about the cost of his adver tising for the simple reason that he doesn't have to pay it. The competitor, who cannot "afford" to advertise really, in effect pays th-i bill of the man who can "offord" it. He pays him in the loss of business caused by his failure to advertise. The business he ought to have—his share of the trade in his line—goes, in large part to the competitor who seeks it, who can afford to advertise for it. The profits on trade drawn away from the timid advertiser by the ag gressive one pavs the latter's ad vertising bills —and leaves a com fortable surplus, It is a fact which progressive-merchants are^prov ing all the time —so it ought to have some personal significance to the over cautious business men who are waiting to get rich bfore "riskin" adequate advertising campaigns Who Shall Kiss? "I firmly believe that the day will ccme when kissing will be confined to the lower classes, the ed icated people having been brought to see the evils of the habit," says Dr. Clara Scott. Dr. Clara is from Philadelphia and, of course, we must make allowances for that. Bat we cannot believe that the day will eve? come when such a luxury and necessity will be "confined to the lower classes." If it ever comes to that pass, the "lower classes" will have fo take in a 200 i many new members who know ;i good thing when they see it and want to taste the sweets of life. E Juration has done a lot of funny things and and has turned out some queer, products, includ ing]such freaks ar Chicago Uni versity professors. The country has stood a good deal from "education," and it will probab ly stand a good deal more. " But if education gets to fooling with true love, it will be going too far. Kissing is very wholesome and improving, and some of our finest men and women were raised on it. If the Philadelphia * lady doctor and the slim and clivery college professors don't like it, they can let it alone. "But," as Uncle Samuel would remark, "them where are tryin |to stop kissin' is them where i ain't kissin' ner bein' kissed." MARKED FOR DEATH 1 "Three years ago I was marken for | death. A grave-yard cough was tearing my lungs to pieces* Doctors failed to help me, and hope had fled, when my 1 husband got Dr. King's New Discove- I ry," says Mrs. A. C. Williams, of Bac, j Ky. "The first dose belpeh me and im ] provement kept on until I had gained 59 pounds in weight and my health was fully restored.', This medicine holds the world's healing record for coughs and colds and lung and throat diseases It prevents pneumonia. Sold under guarantee at C. M. Shulord, W. S. MartiD & Co. and Moser & Lutz. 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. Hickory's Merchandise Dis play. The visitor in Hickory "has a veritable feast of beanty and splendor upon which to rest his eyes while on our streets. This feast is in the way of display windovvs. Starting at rhe north of main street with the exceed ingly beautiful display of silver ware in the window at the Shu ford Hardware Co., we meet with a gala display by every store we pass. Umsteads Santa Claus store presents a lovely picture of china ware toys, and dolls that will fill the children with delight. Moser & Lutz display a nice line of drug sundries, cigars and other things connected with their line. The Hatcher Furni ture Co., shows a very attractive display of house furnishings which is sure to catch the eye of any one interested. Miss Mary Rosbrough attracts the eye of the passer-by with all the latest in millenery, furs, hats and ribbons. The bargain seekers are made to stop and investigate the won derful offer made by McCoy Moretz in his special sale whilethe gift buyers are being waited on at Morrison Bios. Co., These two stores present a beautiful ap poarance indeed. The hungry man's mouth is is made to water as he beholds the enticing collection of the good things to eat being display ed in the windows of Hammond & Johnson's. The beautiful decorations of holly in the window of W. S, Mar tin and Co., causes the pedes trian to stop and beheld the worthy display of handsome holi day goods offered by this pro gressive firm. J. F. Allen has something to interest eyeryone in the way of clothing, shoes, drygoods and notions, all of which is now tastily displayed in his window, But the lovers cf beauty are made to marvel at the intensely beautiful show of rich cut glass bracelets, rings, watches, silver ware and other jewelery to be found at George E. Bissanar's. This in fact, is the most beauti ful window evei shown in Hick ory. Eat all the good food you like. Quit dieting. You don't have to diet to cure dyspepsia. In fact yon can not cure dyspepsia or indigestion thar way, but rather you must add strength to the tfeak stomach by taking something that will digest the food which the stomach jon not digest. Kodol is the only thing known today that will do this, for Kodol is made of natural digestive juices found in a healthy stomach, and it digests all food comepletely. Kodol is pleasant to and is guaranteed to give re lief in any case of stomach trouble. Sold by C. M. Shuford & W. S. Mar tin. The Bi i itol Herald-Courier thinks the Coopers will have a speedy and perfectly fair trial down in Tennessee and wil get precisely what is coming to them Important, if true, and we hope it is true. 5 THIS IS WORTH READING Leo F. Zelinski, of 68 Gibson St., Buffalo, N, Y., says: "I cured the most annoying cold sore I ever had, with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. I applied this salve once a day for two days, when every trace of the sore was gone." Heals all sores. Sold under guarantee at C. M Shuford, W. S. Martin & Co. and Moser & Lutz drug stores. 25c Five thousand cats have been shipped from Germany to Japan and 3.000 women have been ship ped from Germany to South Africa. And there are grouchly ones in this world v who will de clar€ that there is a distinction without a difference between the two cargoes. Hoarse coughs and stuffy colds that may develop into pneumonia over night are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar, as it soothes inflamed mem branes, heals the lungs and expels the cold from the system. Get it W. S. Martin & Co's, Democrat and Press, Consolidated 1905 T OM:Nn Other Institution that bears as close relationship to the commer cial welfare of the community as the bank. ..The bank is to our industrial life as the heart is to the human body. In fact, the bank con trols the life of commerce as the heart controls the circulation. And THERE IS NO J3EI TER BANK TJfAN Ti>e Hickory Banking & Trust Co There are four reasons why you should do your banking with us: First. Money deposited with us is absolutely safe. Our vaults are burglar-proof. "Thieves do not break through and steal." Our finan cial strength is so great that failure is impssi ble. Second . The money is available at any time. Every check honored the moment it is pre sented. Third. A liberal intesest is paid on all time deposits. Fourth. You will receive every courtesy con sistent with sound banking policies. Place your money with us and, thereby, help to pro mote the prosperity of yourself and neighbor. With thanks for past patronage, and with best wishes for a merry Christmas and a happy New Year, we are, Sincirely, Hickory Banking & Trust Go. J. F. ABERNETHY, Pres. W. X. REID. Cashier r _ -.1 A Rat Shuts Down Factory. A little rodent several days ago caused several thousand dollars worth of damage to the Southern Power company In Concord, N. C., when it crawled over the terminal wires and made a short circuit, thereby stopping the wheels o£ every cotton mill in that city and various other en terprises for a period of forty five minutes. The rat was a very small one, and when found by the electricians it was cooked to a crisp. Besides the various shops and mills, two big transformers were burned out, putting additional expense on the power company. The monument to the Memory of Robin Cooper should be a scaffold above which is suspend ed a rope. etajj RSmelm ] Why these grapes ? Because from the i healthful grape comes the chief ingre j| dient of Royal Baking Powder, Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. L Alum-phosphate powders are made with harsh mineral acids SIS irr: " SlMia———— RiiiMj Sick Mule Seeks Doctor. Monday night a male belong ing to Mr. B. P. Cobb, about eight miles from Greenville, was taken with colic. The animal broke outx>f the stable and took the road for Greenville. Upon reaching town he turned up Dickinson avenue and stopped in front of the office of Dr. Laughingheuse. Seeing nobody around the office, the mule laid down right there and died. Now the question is, was that mule looking for tne doctor? Several persons on the street «aw the mule stop in front of the doctor's office.—Greenville Reflector. J Pierpont Morgan eats pie for luncheon, and yet soma people claim that the rich don't have any good times.

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