ffscccgcccoccccoaoooococc^. Everything To Eatf G =============================== & y l'he best of Everything in the Gro- Q !« eery line May be Found at all Times V V at our Store. » | FrasaMaats, Fish and Oysters | AU Kinds of Fruits and Vegatables. | Heavy and fancy Groceries I 0 ' o e Polite and Prompt Service. Let us tJ Supply You. 1 llammond & Johnson \ h Main St. ; Phone 86 b —f Frss 'Tickets to Tlie &em; 1 Com'? raj Aliku ... OMMENCING DEC. Bth and § Chnstn . LASTING UNTIL DEC. 24th 1 Load r We will give with every 50 cent purchase FREE W goods Jj, TICKETS TO THE MOVING PICTURE SHOW if* Cak f the P^ ce y° u wiU want to go during the holidays, kindf J Here is a chance to get that NEW HAT you want t'.^L before Christmas. gj| T U You will find nice and up-to-date Millinery to •' ij . ; select from. % Come early that you may haye a chance at the- |jf j best values, feathers and Flowers before they are all f|| I £7 gone. We will spare no effort to please our custo- ire| |P mers || j | Miss M. E. Michael. | / . - - wmwmm 1 Phone No. 17 j ANY HOUR, NIGHT OR BAY I ji For Your j Medicines, Toilet Articles 1 I and Rubber Goods J J MOZER & LUTZ, j B DRUGCISTS 1 H (ON THE CORNER)' || WANTED AT ONCE Families to String Tobacco Bags. All WorkZ)oW '1 Clean and Easy Employment for) Women and Girls. CI or particulars, apply in person, promptly, to our representa-! tive. GOLDEN BELT MANUFACTURING CO., Xo. 1228 venue Stringing Department HICKOKY, N. C- 'Bflfew. y J £ : .-'Jr ajßwr This woman says that sieffr women should not fail to try Lydia E. Yegre table Compound as she did. : Mrs. A. Gregory, of 2355 Lawrence j r>t., Denver, Col., writes to Mrs. i Pn^.am: " 1 was practically an invalid for six fears, on account of female troubles. I underwent an operation by tl*e ioctor's advice, but in a few months I was worse than before. A friend ▼ised Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and it restored me to perfect health, such as I have not enjoyed in many years. Any woman suffering as I did with backache, bearing-down j pains, and periodic pains, should not fail to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ! Compound." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made j from roots and herbs, has been the i standard remedy for female ills, j and has positively cured thousands of ! women who have been troubled with ! displacements, inflammation, ulcera i tion, tibroid tumors, irregularities, i periodic pains, backache, that bear- J ing-v .. •>! feeling, flatulency, indices j tion, dizziness or nervous prostration. I Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pink ham invites all sick ' women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. who can manage to get throe engagement rings must have a circus of her own. Doan's Regulets cure constipation, tone the stomach stimulate the liver, promote digestion and appetit and easy passage of the bowels. "Ask your drug ' gist for them. 25 cents a box. j I Maybe, if Adam and Eve had : not tampered with the apple tree ! wo wouldn't have to be working j to beat the devil. IT IS A WONDER Chamberlain's Liniment is one of the most remarkable preperations yet produced for the relief of rheumatic i pains, and for lane back, sprains and ! bruises. The quick relief from pain which it affords in case of rheumatism is alone worth many times its cost. Price 25 cents; large size SO cents. For »le by W. S. Martin & Co. Cue reason the new style hats look like lamp shades is because there are so many bright iights under them. Kodol for Dyspepsia, indigesstion, weak stomach, sour stomach, gas on the stomach, etc., is a combination of the natural digestive juices-found in a heaUhy stomach with peoeasary vegeta ble acids, and is the only thing known today that wi T l completely digest all kinds of food under any condition. It is guaranteed to give prompt relief from any form of stomach trouble. Take Ko dol and be convinced. It will cure your dyspepsia. Sold by C. II: Shuford, & W. S. Martin. . A big corn exposition is in pro gress at Omaha, This is where Farmer Bryan will have a show. A DANGEROUS OPERATION is the renoval of the appendix by a sur geon. No one who takes Dr. King's New Life Pills is ever subjected to this frightful ordeal. They work so quielfy you don't feel them. They cure constsipation, . headache, biliousness and malaria. 25c at C. M. Snuford, W. S. Martin & Co. and Moser & Lut* drug stores. The man named Adam who Haas been shooting up the towm j&ansas City must be the |Ctti*ginalpf the genus cowboy. -■■ - ■ OUIIiiTY OF COUNTERFEITING Ptsing counterfeit money is no worse tJian substituting some unknown vrcTtblees remedy for Foley's Honey and Tar, the great cough and cold remedy that cures the most obstiiate cough and heak the lungs. For sale by W. S. Martin & Co. Oklahoma is deeply interested in a teft of its Jim Crow law. None of the big states envy Oklahoma in its choice of current sensations. Nearly everybody knows DeWitt's Little Earlv Risers are the best pills made. They are small, pleasant, snre little Liver pills. Sold by C. M. Shu* itod & W. S. Martin. i The wife of one of our gentle men friends makes him wear | tucks in his night gown trimmed 1 with pink ribbon so that the | baby won't know the difference i when he walks the floor with it i| at night whether it is mam or I dad only by what he says wher \he steps on on a tack. ..■ - - ! iust a little Cascaweet is aIP that is ; necessary to give your baby when ft is crow and peevish. Cascaweet contains 'no opiates nor harmful drugs and is highly recommended by mothers every i where. Conforms to the National Pure Food and Drugs .Law. Sold by C M. Snuford & Walter S. Martin. What is the best breakfast food for an editor? If you're trying to make a living, running a weekly newspaper, eat any thing your groceryman will sell you on credit, if if a nothing but axle grease. i More people are taking Foley's Kidney Remsdy every year. It is con sidered to be the most effective remedy for kidney and bladder troubles that medical science can devise. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects irregularities, builds np worn out tissues and restores lost vitality. It twJi make you look well and look well. sa le by W. S. Martin & Co. An exchange says the Missouri husband whose wife presented him with four bouncing boys for a Xmas present would prefer to have had two boys and £wo fat turkeys instead of so many boys. Foley's Orino Laxative cures chi T>n ic constipation and stimulates the liv ** Orino regulates the bowels so they w: V act naturally and you do not have to' take purgatives continonsly. For sale , by w. S. Martin & Co. The difference between cat and a women is, a cat gets its back up, a woman gets the shovel or the broom up and if there is a man about he gets down and out. DeWitt' 8 Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve has many imitators. There is one original, and the name DeWitt is on every box. Best salve for burus scratches and hurts. It is especially good for piles. Sold by C. M. Shuford & Walter S. Martin. Won't the high society bunch feel flat when they get to heaven and find their wash-women oc cupying: the front seats? And some of them wearing your old clothes. Hoarse coughs and stuffy colds that may develop into pneumonia over night are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar, as it soothes inflamed mem branes, heals the lungs and expels the cold from the system. Get it W. S. Martin & Co'ft. The corn crop of the United States is worth a billion dollars more than that of 1896. But jjst think of the increase in the value of the egg crop, THIS IS WORTH READING Leo F. Zelinski, of 68 Gibson St., Buffalo, N,' Y., says: "I cured themewt annoying cold sore I ever had, with Bucklen's Arnica Sabre. I applied this salve once a day for two days, when every trace of the sore was fane." Heals all sores. Sold under guarantee at C. M. Shuford, W. S. Martin & Co. and Moser 8c Lutz drug stores. 25c Subscribe for the Democrat; only SI.OO a year. Notice of Sale of House & Lot By virtue of an ordei of the Superior Court of Catawba County, made in •* special proceeding therein pending wherein Edgar May and others are plaintiffs and Lillie May and others are defendants, the unddrsigned comrais sinioners will sell at pablic auction for cash in front of the Post Office in the i City of Hickory on Saturday, January the 9th, 1909, to the highest bidder the following lot, of land, being the houae and lot form erly owned by S. Y. May and located near the center of the City of Hickory, and described and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake, 50 feet North of the N. E. comer of lot No. 48, and running N. 200,-feeL.to a atake; then West 100 feet to a stake; then South 200 feet to a stake on the Northern margin of Twelfth avenue in the City of Hickory; then with the Northern margin of said avenue East 100 feet to the beginning. This sale is made for partition. On the said lot is a two sto ry dwelling house. This December 3, 1908. M. H. Yount and - E. B. Cline, Commissioners, PtRSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUR !To Havana, Cuba, and Return j January 11th, 1909. Via. Southern Railway. Southern railway will sei" round trip excursion tickets t Havana, Cuba, at following rate from points named: Asheville $ 39.10 Charlotte 41.50 Durham 46 0 j Gaatonia 40.&- Greensboro 44.50 Hickory 42.4 : J j High Point 44,05 j Marion 40.45 Oxford 46.00 Raleigh 44.65 Rutherfordton 41.50 Salisbury 42.95 Shelby 41.50 Statesville 42.40 Approximately low rates from other points. Tickets on sale January 11th good returning to leave Havana, Cuba, on or before January 27 th, 1909. Tickets may be routed through Jacksonville, thence either through Knight's Key, or Port Tumpa. Good going and re turning .same route. Stop-oveis will be allowed at Jacksonville, St, Angus,tine, Palm Beach, Miami, and other points South of • Jacksonville, within final limit of ticket. A representative will ac company movement, and will look after the comfort ahd pleas ure of the party. { For further information as to I side trip tours from Havana, | sight seeing tours, hotel rates, !j leaving time at principal points I Pullman and State Room reserva tions, write J, H. Wood, D, P. A., Asheville, N. C.; W, H. Mc- C rlamery, P. & T. A. Raleigh, N. C.,; R- H. Deßutts, P. & T. A., Gi "eenflboro, N- C/. or call on yoi V depot agents, or write R. Jj. VERNON, T, P. Am \ Charlotte, N, C » - .■ ■ * Tenable Vengance. t Our says he read this sign on .a the middle of an oats patch other day when he was hunting view's: If an f man o*-,v r oman, cow or oxen, gets into t'&«3e oats his or her tail will be c*it off as the case ma y be. I anf -s christian man an d pay my tac& s&d durn any man! that lets his fitters run loose and get in : #ofise oats. T he Power Behind, At a prayer meeting a old broth ter stood an? and said waS' glad*.; to give testimony. "My *rife and I," he said, "started in life with hardlv a cent in the world. We began at the lowest round of the ladder, but the Lord has been good to us and we have worked up—ws have prosjiered. We bought a littte farm and raised good crops. We have a good home and a nice family of children, and," he added, with much emphasis, "I am the head of that family." After he sat down his wife promptly arose to corroborate all that he said. But she edded with satisfaction, "I am the neck that moves the head. What Is the Ust? We quote, sympathetically, from a suffering contemporary, The Robesonian, of Lumberton: "It is a great pleasure to have to remark once or twice in a while that we do not print com munications when we have no means of knowing frem whom they come. But it is very much to be doubted if it ever does any good. A person who does not know better than to send a communication to a news paper with a 'please print' re quest without signing his or her name—but what's the use? There is no use. Every case of backache, weak back bladder inflamatica and rheumatic pains is dangerous if neglected, for such troubles are nearly always due to weak kidneys. Take De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. They are antiseptic and sooth pain quickly. Insist upoH DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills. Regular siee 50c. Sold here by C. M, Shuford & WalterS. Martin. Economical People XJ AMERICAN BEAUTY Styl* 316 Kalamazoo Corset Co.. Sol* Maker* People Gave Been Delighted with the many beautiful and useful presents they have been able to find at our store. The goods have been going rapidly, but we have a stock sufficient to meet every demand. Muslins and Flannels. Dress Goods of every description. Blan kets and Comforts. ' I I Aristocratic Neckwear -.IS I All styles and colors. Exceptionally nice for Christmas gifts. Unequaled Collection of ly] GLOVES' gP H aad other things suit- MjM 'jafole for presents to ft fcidy friends. //f jjiu PIS Black Cat Hosiery, I JM&the world renowned ur I The Famous Seize Shoes I —the sole of honor—anil many other shoes, al MOS IE BY R COII P*K * * stylish, comfortable an| KENOSHA. WIS. ' JR ' lasting. I I—lA MO K EEfR O MIE FQ ■ We say without fear of contrl diction that we have the largeß collection of handkerchiefs evjfl brought to Hickory. We cannifl mention all the good things we in store for you. No use to trjfl Come in and see for yourself. Arfl remember vye sell you the sanH goods for less money. ■ J. F. Allen. I will appreciate the wonderful display of seasonable dry goods clothing, shoes, hats and notions we are showing for the holi days. Our holiday business has never before had so much vim. and briskness as this year. We have entertained larger crowds of people this year than ever before.

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