THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT. Published Every Thursday bv W. B. HOLBROOK, EDITOR AND PRO* Ente- -J at the Post Office at Hickory 39 secob' class matter. f ——— — TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Oue Year Cash In Advance $ i.oc Six Months, " " 5 Three Months " V Advertising Rates. Transient 2o cents an incl Pri>fered Position 15 " " " Yearly Contracts 10 " " " Special rates given to loHg term ail vertising. Thursday, March 11,1909. However, it's all over now. Roosevelt out, Taft in. Does that sound good? Possibly every member of Con gress hopes that no African lior. will fail to do its duty. The will of the people was de feated when the child-labor bill failed to become a law. President Obaldia also has dis tinct ideas as to the qualifications for membership in the Annanias? club. It is remarkably strange that the child-labor bill was defeated after being indorsed by the Dem ocrat. A BOND ISSUE FOR HICK ORY. It is clear to the mind of all thinking people that the streets > of Hickory must be extensively improved before our city can ad vance as rapidly as it should. • The pleasure seeker is driven ; away from us because in rainy j weather he is compelled to wade 1 mud or stay in-doors. This ap- j plies with equal force to all other ; classes. Our own people at times; can tcarcely reach their place of j business on account of mud. Shoppers are often kept in be cause of the inconvenience in reaching our merchants. Besides the pleasure of having macadam streets upon which to ; travel, an enormous saving would I result each year to the taxpayers i in a saving of street repair. And j the cost to the taxpayers would ! be insignificant. $25,000 should i be amply sufficient to make our streets the equal of any to be found in the State. The interest! on this amount could be paid with i what is annually spent for street i repairs and a snug sum could be! laid aside each year as a sinking fund. We shall not discuss the matter j further in this issue. We merely I wished to bring the matter to the j attention of our readers. Let us j consider the matter. NOT A DEAD LETTER. That the prohibition law in North Carolina is a live wire is evidenced by the fact that T. K. Renigar, one of Winston-Salem'p most prominent citizens, was con victed @f retailing in the Recor der's court and sentenced to the county roads for 12 months. We have been informed that Mr. Reningar had made it a habit to defy all laws that conflicted with his wishes and by the liberal use of money had succeeded in keep ing clear of punishment. We would be glad to know that Mr. Reningar is not guilty; but, il guilty, we are glad the Reeordei considered only his duty to soci ety in dealing with him. The rich have always dened the law and gone free. We do not believe that any guiliy man should escape or any innocent man be punished, but we deplore the ease with which the rich have been able to evade punish ment for their crimes, while the poor have, in most cases, been given the full penalty of the law. A few more such men as Win ston's Recorder and there would be less disregard for law. . Buick automobiles are easily in the lead. They will travel more miles and more days for ess money than any other. Sold by Morrison Bros. Co., Hickory, Items From Route 1. Correspondent to tlie Democrat Mrs. Dan Ramseur of Greens boro is visiting her grandmother Mrs. Addie Ramseur. Mr. Tom Warlick of Reepsville ;pent Sunday in this vicinity. Mrs. Clara Havener of Lincoln :ounty is visiting: her daughter, vlrs. R. D. Richie. Miss Carrie Wyont spent a part .>f last week wit a her sister in ! lickory, Mrs. M. J. Hatchings left Sun lay for Bessemer City to spend a vhile with her daughter. Fred Ramseur of Lincolnton I pent Sunday in this vicinity, j Mr. and Mrs. Stronce of Lin | olnton spent last week with her I nster, Mrs. R. D. Ricnie. Mrs. Katie Sh iford is visiting .Irs. R. 0. Ramseur. , J rof. Chas. Fulbright closed his | school at Hog Hiil Saturbay. 1 Miss May Richie and Br ice Spea >le were married on Jast Sunday : norning at the residence of Rev. 1. A, Caldwell. Miss Flora anc? Guy Plott of 3tatesville are visiting Mr. and vlrs. Alfred Baker. Misses Winnie Fred Reinhardt md Edna Abernethy are at home ifter spending t=ome time in Fay attvilie. Mrs. E. Norn an Foard of Golf is expected here today. She will be the guest of Miss Bertie B. Foard. Mrs. Floyd Honevcutt and chil dren are visiting Mrs. Jacob Ful bright. The Hoffman School will close Saturday March 11 with an enter tainment. Boone Items. { Correspondent to The Democrat. • Mr. R. F. Edwards, Masonic 'Lecturer, spent two weeks talk ! ing to the Masons of this section, iHe organized an Eastern Star Chapter with a large member jship. Mr. Edwards leaves today for Blowing Rock. Watauga people are greatly , pleased with the new railroad law just made by the Legislature for I this county. The State will fur ; nish fifty or more convicts to j work on the roa 1 from Lenoir to ! Boone when the county puts up ' SIOO,OOO in bonds. ! Supt. B. B. Dougherty writes from Raleigh that the friends of : the Appalachian Training School will be delighted with the appro ' priation made by the Legislature ! to the school. j The sheep industry in Watauga jis growing There are now hun- Ireds of lambs. "An ewe," says a sheep raiser, "fed a bushel of will raise a five dollar i amb." Many ewes raise two ive dollar lambs. Perhaps there vill be 10,000 lambs put" on the narket next summer. A, M. REMEDY FOR LA GRIPPE La grippe cough.; are dangerous as hey frquently develop into pneumonia Foley's Honey and tar not only stops he cough but hea)r and strengthens :he lungs so that no serious results teed be feared. The genuine Foleys 3oney and Tar co itains no harmful Irugs and is in a \ ellow package. Re fuse substitutes. Vv r . S. Martin &Co To Meet in Hickory. » The Commercial Secretaries' Association of the Carolinas wili lold its next annual meeting at lickorv. This will bring 75 or LOO representative business men rom all parts ofNorth and South Jarolina to Hick jry. These gen :lemen are seciv taries of the dif ferent commercial organizations, such as Chambers of Commerce, Boards of Trade, Commercial Clubs, and Reta : l Merchants' As sociations, who meet once a year to compare ideas and work to gether in matters of mutual in terests of the sister States. W. L. Gilbert, secretary of Hickory Chamber of Commerce, attended the meeting at Greenville, S. C., Feb. 23rd, and was elected 2nd Vice-President of the Associa tion. He invited them to meet at Hickory next February and the invitation was accepted. Do you take.the Democrat? - Methodist Birthday Party. Invitation cards and a little sack were distributed among: the families and young men of the Methodist church of Hickory, to a birthday tea by the ladies aid society, reading: "Cake and cof fee will be served without charge Music and a pleasant social hour assured, with the following gingle: We send to you a little sack Please send or bring it back, With pennies for the years you're old; Their number never shall be told. Thursday evening March 4th, From six to ten." At the appointed hour our pastor Dr. Weaver and his dear wife opened wide our beautiful parsonage with all its spacious apartments and dining room. Mesdames Seagle, Blackwelder, Whitener and others together with several young ladies cater ed to the comfort and pleasure of every guest. Mrs. Seaglej met us at the front door and gave every one a gracious hand shake and a beaming, smiling welcome and passed us on into the hands of the other elect ladies. In the maize of beauty and radiant smiles, rustle of silken gowns and the many other exqusite toilet designs, together with the sparkle of jewels and glitter of golden ornaments, (your scribe) kinder lost his bearings. Mrs. Whitener broke the spell by informing him that ( he must register his name. Soon they ushered us into the dining room. We know good victuals, oh, those dainties, served by the hands of the beautiful attend ants! That coffee would intoci cate a tetotaler. Some practical grand mother said to reach the heart of a man there was no surer way than through the medium of well cooked rations. We think she was right. Mrs. Hutton dis coursed select music on the piano Miss Mammie Sue Johnson gave us an entertaining recita tion. The girls and boys and lit tle tots had quite a good time. Dr. Johnson mingled with every body. Possibly he is the oldest active superintendent of Sunday school in the Methodist church. He loves his work, long may he wave. The hours fled away all too scon. Dr. Weaver and his dear companion have the confi dence of all the flock, they fol low in their lead. Long may he lire to go out and in before the people to lead them in straight paths as an under shepherd. The pennies counted fifty dol lars by figures. Th s shows five thousand years of moral life en joyed by the guests to this birth day tea, with thirty years as the average of life there must have been quite a number in at tendance. Yes cake and coffee there was served, Nothing kept back, nothing re served; These ladies by their acts do prove, This is the trade-mark ot Scott's Emulsion and ison every bottle of it sold in the world —which amounts to several millions yearly. WAy-Because it has made so many sickly children strong and well— given health and rosy cheeks to so many pale, anaemic girls and restored to health so many thousands in the first stages of Consumption. th i ß adverti . se ment, together with name of paper in which ?t appear*, your address and four cents to«>v«r P° ata ff nd , we wln send you a Complete Handy Atlas of th* World." SCOTT & BOWNB, 409 Pearl St., N,Y, How dearly mission work they love. Their hearts are in it and their hands, Beckoning others to their band Its christian work the move ments grand, They'll take for Christ all heath ern lands. By many ways they money make They do it all for Jesus sake. They have an evergrowing zeal; To every chance they make ap peal. Where ever here at home there's need, With heln and comfort they make speed; With all and more than they can spare, Of creature comforts and with prayer. Hunt up the dying and the poor, From house to house from door to door. Not now and then to take a spell I Their efforts are pereneal. Yea naught but good can come to them, They haste the new Jerusalem. They rush away all sinful thing? That Christ may come, the King of kings. D? PRICE'S WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FOOD contributes more nutriment to impoverished bad blood than any single article of diet known to men. Persons with rebellious stomachs can eat it with a sense of genuine relish. For sale by all Grocer# S In the Springtime | Si everything takes on a new lease of life Joy and 2* SJ gladness vibrate in the very air. It is tlie time of K HI all the year when hope springs anew in the human 3(: g At Our Popular Store C 3j we put forth new effort to meet, your approval and C C stock up with new goods that you will be sure to fa want as 60011 as you see them. Former displays of |g | FURNITURE I 3 will be surpassed by the new spring goods. 3* I Hatcher furniture Co. f 5 HICKORY, N. C. 2j | M'CCOY MORETZ''% I Special This Week, tSsffSSH I dj white and colors. Latest t-tyles 50c, $ 1.00, $ 1.50, W 4S and $ 2.00, great values. * y/ AS fnrwtt ne t^ie Famous PURITAN Corset, the standard of quality and 5K jk the strongest and most servicable Corset put on A the market. Our 1003 Corset for stout ladies, will 5K /|\ P°t break on the hips, a revolution in Corset mak- • 5K /fit in g- If you have had trouble with your Corsets XC A breaking, try this one, only SI.OO. We also have JE j/j\ the newest models with front and side supports for JK My 50c and np. W ft Onr Lifle of Shoes and Oxford Sandals w fis very complete, and new coming in every Ujf week. If you would have the best we will be glad W § to show you ours. They have both quality and W I McCoy Moretz TEN DAYS SPECIAL SALE. Not a Closing Out or Going Out of Bosiness, But a Speci al Gut Price Sale. In order to make room for our SPRING LINE which will be soon coming in, I am now offering at greatly recuced prices, for the next ten days, my entire stock of Dry Goods, Notiuns, Hats. Shoes Pants,Overalls,Men'sand Ladies' Underwear, Gloves, Children's Caps etc Also anything in the Grocery Line you can buy from me cheaper than you can get them elsewhere. This is a rare oppor tunity to get goods at your own price. Yours for business, A. E. CLINE, Highland, N. C, Mr. Bryan refuses to believe that Congress will do anything to the tarriff.We are constrained to believe that it will at least blow the dust off. and that's a good deal for a Republican Congress in these st. enuous timer. HOLLISTER'S Rssky fountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medicine for Busy People. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A speciilc f«r Count !on, Indigestion, Liver and Kidney troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impure Blood, U»l Bi*eaih,Sluprpri"h Bowels, Headache and Backache. Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab let form, 35 cents a box. Genuine made by HOLMBTKK Dnt o COMPAXT, Madison, Wis. GGLCEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE We note there is to be in New York an exhibition of Missouri artists, which reminds us that these Missourians have to bt "shown". Foleys Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. Cures backache and irregularities tha if neglected might result in Bright's disease or diabetes. W. S. Martin &. Co. I Don't Worry If you are sick, don't worry, but begin at once ||to make yourself well. To do this, we but repeat ||the words of thousands of other sufferers from I It Wffl Help You I For 60 years, thi3 wonderful female remedy, has $ jggbeen benefiting sick women. Mrs. Jennie Merrick,! 3of Cambridge City, Ind., says: "I suffered greatly I 9 with female trouble, and the doctors did no good, i They wanted to operate,, but I took Cardui, and it 1 II made me feel like a new woman. lam still using 1 jSthis wonderful medicine, with increasing relief." | AT ALL DRUG STORES J Subscribe for The Democrat. $1 per Year j Summers j l Draying and transferring done promptly / and reasonably on short notice, Special at- Stention to baggage transferred. Experienced j and courteous white drivers, Calls Answered at All Times. J SUMMERS TRANSFER CO. ' J Phone 192. ' ' I Winter Goods! ij' Men's and Boy's Clothing, Shoes and hats » Ladies J OUR LINE OF DRESS GOODS I || AND NOTIONS ARE THE | j| BEST IN THE CITY. . || THE VALUE OF A DOLLAR IS WHAT YOU WANT : : : : SETZER & RUSSELL i HICKORY, N. C, > I jjjf|jfe| Winter Suits l J j|f|Overcoats | ji A 11A mA n fin best advertising medium in Jj 111 II Hi il ( I CQunty as it is read in very ■ 111/ U vIUIIUI U/l) State in the Union, and in every h°/f I nlllttflA the county. The subscription pi" ll '■ nly SI.OO per year.