Established 1899 X burn and it not would f . X be a total loss, whereas if you have an insurance policy, you can re- build with the money paid you by the insurance company in which V you are insured. V V V Loans negotiated on tirst mortgage real estate. Sc O Hickory Insurance & Realty. Go., © XJ. A. I.ENTZ, W. A. HALL, - M. H. GROVES, ; X JC President. Vice-President. Sec. Treasi Sr H. E. McCOMB, Ass't Mgr. Real Estate Dept. * p I 4b. comprising everything fe * s e^c i° us l y Rood ? JbiC\ pies and pastry, are offer- §0 ed in a luscious display at . adjl SB® M Rice's Bakery. We also . % special cakes to or- Wi V at short notice. Our bread is especiallvrecom- O mended for its healthful food instead of trying to I if questionable spring medi? §f SI cines. j® HICKORY BAKERY jjg || MYRON A. RICE. Prop, Phone 127y|| Eat What You want of the food you need Kodol will digest it. You need a sufficient amount of good wholesome food and more than this you need to fully digest it. Else you can't gain strength, nor can you strengthen your stomach if it Is weak. You must eat in order to live and maintain strength. You must not diet, because the body requires that you eat a suffic ient amount of food regularly. But this food must be digested, and it must be digested thoroughly. When tlie stomach can't do it, you must take something that will help the stomach. The proper way to do is to eat what you want, and let Kodol di gest the food. Nothing else can do this. When the stomach is weak it needs help; you must help it by giving it rest, and Kodol will do that. Sold by W. S. Martin & Co 4 Druggists. For Lame Back Weak Kidneys, Backache, Rheumatism or Lumbago it is absolutely essential, in order to obtain satisfactory results, that you take a reliable preparation that acts directly on the Kidneys. Many persons trust to luck for a cure. No remedy will be found more satisfactory than gf Pineules & Delays are dangerous. There is no more com ff / mon complaint than Kidney complaint. Nature 1 always gives due warning and failure to heed same may result in Diabetes, Lumbago, Bright's \ Disease, or some other serious affection of the J Kidneys. Pineules are readily and naturally ab -7I / sor^ an ? assimilated by the stomach, driving I m I out the poison due to disordered conditions o !JJ i the Kidneys or Bladder. They purify the blooc v and invigorate the entire system. The first dose will convince ycu that Pineules will do all wc claim for them. Get a bottle TO-DAY. *-* Pineules are put up in two sizes; $l.OO and 50 cent®. The dollar size contains times as much as the 50 cent size. MNEULE MEDICINE COMPANY. Chicago, U. S. A. Sold by W. S. Martin & Co., Druggists. THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT Our Guarantee Go to your druggist today, and purchase a dollar bottle, and if you can honestly say, that you did not * receive any benefits from it, after using t he-entire bottle, the drug- ✓ gist will refund your money td you 1 without question or delay. We will pay the druggist the price of the bottle purchased by you. This offer applies to the large bottle only and to but one in a family. We could not afford to make such an offer, unless we positively knew what Kodol will do for you. It would bankrupt us. The dollar bottle contains 2Vx times as much as the fifty cent bottle. Kodol is made at the laboratories of E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago. HICKORY, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1.909. THE CONTEST IS A FARCE. Eve.i Republicans Have No Sym pathy With J, A. Smith. Congressman E. Y. Webb's Seat is Firm and Secure. Washington, March 20. —The contest of J. A. Smith, Republi can, against E. Y. Webb, Demo crat, in the ninth North Carolina district, is not taken seriously here/ There is no danger in the world ©f Smith's winning and very little prospect of his getting the money allowed in contest cases for expenses. In the first place it is contend ed that Smith's notice was served more than 30 days after the re sult of the Congressional election was determined by the board of State canvassers. The certifi cate of said board shows that the result was - determined on the 27th of November, and the notice not served until the 29th of Dec. In the next place the law re qu res a contestant to specify particularly his grounds of con test. Smith does not do this. He doos not even claim in his notice that Webb was not elect ed to Congress nor does he claim that he himself was elected, He claims that there were in the dis trict something like 4.000 votes cast by persons who had not paid their poll tax, but in his eyidence he has absolutely failed to show that a single illegal vote was cast by anyone for either himself or for Webb. He has abandon ed the taking of testimony in all ; the counties in the district men tioned in his notice, except Meek- ( lenburg and Gaston. The little { testimony he took in Gaston, is too trifling to mention, and be- , sides it was taken before a pri vate citizen not authorized to take despositions under the laws , of the United States. The law gives a contestant 40 ( days after answer is served upon him in which to take testimony. The testimony which Smith took in Charlotte on the Bth of March ( was 41 days after answer was served upon him. The law also requires that the notice of tak ing evidence shall be served on Webb personally, but this has never been done by Smith. The following is a gist of the testimony upon which he relies to unseat Mr. Webb: Dr. Warren Vines Hall, of Charlotte: "I was one of the Republican campaign managers last election, I heard Ed Bell, acting Republican chairman, say he thought the lists of those who had paid their poll tax in the var ious collection districts were needless, as there would be no challenge. We expressed sur prise. I understood that he had an agreement with the Demo cratic chairman that there would oe no challenges. I expressed a good'deal of pleasure at this as in my precinct I would lose 34 and the Democrats only 17 if the challenges were made. I went to my polling place, how e/er on challenge day with my jtiallenge list and staid until challenges time expired, and no challenges were made there on either side, Smith contestant, did not like this agreement. The list that the Republican chairman had was only for Char lotte township district. I am postmaster at North Charlotte, and was at the last election and was a supporter of Smith. There las been little or no challenging in Mecklenburg county since the adoption of the constitutional amendment. The result of the 'lection in this county increased the Republican vote 125, Smith ind all." Dr. Adam Fisher: "I was Re publican candidate for the Legis- lature in Mecklenburg county in . last election. Mr Ed Bell told me before the election that it was not necessary to prepare any challenge list; that there would * be no challenging, if we did not make any; so I dropped it right » there. I made no objection to . this agreement. Mr. Beil said it . wo'ild be as fair for one as the 11 other. I believe my party made gains in the last eleetioh in this i county." Mr. Edward M. Bell: "I wa» acting Republican chairman in Mecklenburg county last election I asked Sheriff Wallace for a list of the paid polls and he gave me a list. Will not swear I asked him for a list of the county. It was my purpose to secure a list of the county and I think he gave it to me in the same way. I specified the official list, but will not say I specified the county. I thought it was the entire county I got the list to check it and see if anyone had applied to vote who had not paid his poll tax. I don't know whether the list was signed or not. I did not scrutin ized it closely. I saw the list Mr. Moody had up here but cannot say it was the list I had. It was in typewritten form. I don't kaow wheter any challenges were made by Republibans in this county or not. Each man that left the Republican head quarters came back and reported that tbere were no challenges made. I got the list for the pur pose of making a challenge list, and it was made. I was sincerely and honestly endeavoring to get the best re sults for mv party and each of its candidates in that election, and the vote for our party was increased over that of two and four years ago, including the con gressional vote. I was congra tulated by members of my party on the result of the election in this county. We challenged on both sides in my precinct. I had absolutely no agreement, expressed or implied that there would be no challenges, and that persons not entitled to vote would be permmitted to vote in that election. I know that McAuley was tax* collector for district No. 1 and that Peoples was tax collector for district No. 3. I never ask ed of either of these for the list ol paid polls for for their districts I thought the list I got from Sheriff Wallace was the complete list. I had in mind that it was the duty of the Sheriff to make up this list. Sheriff Wallace, as a matter of fact did not make any representations to me at the time I asked him for the list that it was the list for any district or part of the county except his own. I asked him to give me the official list, and he did not make any explanation to me. I have no reason to believe that the list he gave me was not a correct list of the paid polls for his district embracing Charlotte township." The contest will fail it is pre dicted here, as it is without foundation. It can be stated as a fact that the Republican lead ers of the district and State are not in sympathy with it. Smith seems to be paddling his own leaky canoe. His contest is about like his campaign was—a grand and glorious farce. H. E. C. Bryant. During the spring every one would be benefited by taking Foley's Kidney Remedy. It furnishos a needed tonic to the kidneys after the extTa strain of wiuter and it purifies the blood by stimvlating the kidneys aud causing t iem to eleminate the impurities from it, Foley's Kidney Remedy imparts new life und vigor. Pleasant to take. Martin Drug Co. Hard on spapers. The Salisbury Post says: The Reformed Church Stand ard remarks upon the fact that when Hickory was recently granted free delivery of mails it, as a semi-monthly publication, came in contact with a Postoffice Department ruling which requii - es a one- ent stamp on every copy delivered through the home postoffice. Pound rates, enjoyed by the twd Hickory weeklies, are not for it. "The most arbi trary thing in this county is the Postoffice Department," thinks our justly aggrieved contempoary But he who undertakes to enu merate the governments' queer rulings—queer usually in conse quence of faulty legislation by Congress—will be busy for a week. The Post falls under this ban. Any number of daily papers from other citiest may come to Salis-' bury and bs delivered bv the city carriers, while the home paper is refused, the privilege. Weekly papers, in towns where published are delivered but no others. The semi-weekly Post can not be de livered. Truly the government is peculiar and hard to under stand. Murky Philosophy. The editor of The Hickory Democrat is something of a Mar us Aurelius, and sometimes in terjects bits of philosophy in his local columns like these: "Men who spend all they make often don't make what they spend," which probably is a veiled allu sion to underpaid subscriptions. But this: "He who pursues two rabbits will suceed in catching neither," may refer the folly of a man with D. T's or to Roose velt's African trip. Why should not the man who pursues two rabbits catch them both. pra> ? Asheville Citizen. [Because " One thing at a time and that done well is a very good rule as Minnie, can tell."] Wolves Kill Little Girl. Ottawa, Ont., March 18. —A Saswatoon dispatch says: "A weird tale is brought to Soswatoon from Moose Lake northwest. of the Pass. A trapper had secured a number of young wolves which he trained for driving, the the animals having remarkable endurance and speed. After finishing up a hard day, in which the animals had no food, the Iriver and team approached the the shanty that was their home. His little three-year-old child ran out to meet them. "As the famished animals reached her they jumped on her and she was dead before her father could raise a hand. Seiz ing a sharp axe the trapper went at the wild creatures and never stopped until he had killed the entire lot." School Tax Election. The School Board has asked the Board of Alderman to call an election the last of May to submit to the qualified voters of Hickory the question of increasing the tax levy for schools to thirty cents on the dollar properity va luation. A special election is desired because so many other matters are to be voted on at the regular municipal election. There is great need for more room and more teachers for" the graded school, and the board has taken this action in order that the people may have an oppor tunity to provide for these needs. W. F. Burns, Chm. School Board. March 23, 1909. Foley's Honey and Tar is a safeguard against serious results from spring cold which inflame the lungs and develop into pneumonia. Avoid counterfeits by insisting upon having the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar which contains no harmful drugs. W. S. Martin & Co. Democrat and Press, Consolidated )905 I ...ADVERSITY... 1 Comes to every one. During pros- |j| k I perity you should prepare for adver- ||j I sity, then when sickness or scarcity jQ) f|| \ of work comes along you will have j|| §§ H j something to fall back upon. ||j Where is the money you have earn- ||j ed these many years? You spent it and the other fellow fut it in the ! (]) ||j |jj| (/) bauk. Be endependent; place your Hj money with J* B I m The Hickory Banking & Trust Co. fj GreußnaonnHf wmwmmmmwk Col. M. E. Thornton. We would be glad if Hick ory contained more such men as the subject of this sketch, Col. M. E. Thornton, Mr. Thornton has done as much or perhaps more for the advancement of our town than any other man in our city. .His has been a life truly devoted to the best interest of his town He has endeavored faithful ly to give our citizens the benefit o£ an electric plant the equal of any to be found; and had he recieved the en couragement his labors de served, we would today boast of an ideal electric system. And his labors have not been confined alone to the develop ment, of an electric Hg'ht but he isearnestly striving for development of hvdro-electric power sufficient to run any ma chinery that is now or may here after be established in our city. Only recently, he made a trip to New York for the purpose of interesting capital in the de velopment of our hydro-electric power. His is a work that should re ceive the hearty support of every citizen in Hickory. We believe that he has failed to recive the eucouragement that he justly felt was his due. Many times, no doubt, he has re- Builds up your whole body. Regu lates the bowels, clears the blood, aids digestfon, makes you well from head to feet. That's what Hollister's Rocky mountain Tea will do, greatest spring regulator. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. Moser & Lutz. Good schools, good churches and good roads are grand things to have in any community. In order to have these things the people must take pride in all these. At the municipal election in May, we will have the oppor tunity to say whether or not we want better schools and better streets. Which side are you on? One of the most vital problems confronting the people of Hick ory at this time is a more adequ ate graded school building; more and better paid teachers. grwAL j BAKING POWDER I Ibsolnfety Vxire The Only Baking Powder I made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Ky-yi I —Made from Grapes— I fl|§9 J A Guarantee of Pure, R|ta|iriw| J Healthful, Delicious Food I ceived the curses of the people of Hickory when he justly de ,served i their praise. Nothing daunted, however, he has gone forward despite the dis couragements with which he has met from time to time and now Hickory is about to realize the fruits of his unselfish labors. Let us hope that our citizens will give to him every encourage ment in their power and stand by him until the objects for which he aims are accomplished. We say hurrah for the Col! Neither a boil nor a cabbage amounts to anything unless it comes to a head, Grace: Pimples, blotches, rough, shiny skin are from the blood and stomach. A siple and never failing remedy —one that makes clear, heal thy complexions, pure blood, perfect digestion, is Hollister's Rocky moun tain Tea. Surprise yourself. Tea or tablets, 35 cents. Moser & Lutz. We are informed that Hickory is to have a Recorder, said Re' corder to be appointed, the peo ple to have absolutely no choice in the matter. This should not be. The fundamental principle of Democracy is local self gov ernment,. and no officer should hold his position unless chosen to such position by the people. A government "of the people, for the people, and by the people" is the only kind that should be tolerated in America.

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