I Easter Shopping f _ g | ' s mac * e easy and | satisfactory at § * | THE UNDERSELLING STORE f 1 High class Easter Suits • | I vvnrtll s l ° $ l5 i I 4§f |r $i * 8 vv J2 1 V\ J mi lersel ing features | clot!Aiu «» shoes ' n °- § 0 ti>ns, hats and Jadies' g 1 pSgl jj and gent's furnishings mmmm . "UNDERSELL" g it I mm The same goods for less | mfimm money—more goods for | fljl SiDaSEIIING | * -HW Square § I L. B. Zerden, Prop | %««€€ SCCO C-£€-€€-t:-€-€CSC-€€-CS€£-CCCi3S^£C«€C-€C«€€€C-€* t^ | — W I . M — W— J——a— tn —CMS m to——aa BWMM— — MBWB— Have you a good watch? If Jfe not, you need one, and I am in a position to serve you in the I best possible manner. I MY STOCK IS LARGE, I : and all the reliable makes and ft grades are always on hand at the lowest prices; 7 to 24 jewel movements, plaiti nickel to sol- H id gold cases. || I GEO. E. BISANAR, | |jjj Jewele and Optician Watch Inspector Southern Ry. XT MG CLOTHES FOR BOYS * hold their shape and their wear through so much more banging about . that, tho' in the beginning, they seem to cost no /ess, in the end they are far cheaper than clothes which seemed cheaper on the j price tag. All XTRAGOOD clothes are cut extra full and made extra strong. The knee pants are lined all through —built with the "Seat of Wear" which not only makes them fit better, but also give double service. iVio re hi lie n e r CSothing Company THE QUALITY SHOP. © 2>s3H* *999999*9993 ' |Loca! and Personal | to»:^eg€»:€6*s£€€€€€€€€€€l • Prof. N. E. Aull spent Sunday at home. Mr. R. B, Havener of R. F. D. was in tke city yesterday. Mr. John Yount of Newton was on our streets Wednesday. T. M. Hufham went to New ton Monday to attend business, W. I, Caldwell spent Sunday in Newton witli his sister. Mrs. W. L. Gilbert and son spent Wednesday in Charlotte, Mr. Dallas Russell spent Mon lay at Granite Falls. • C. T, Morrison went to Lenoir j in his new automobile Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Phillips of Newton spent Sunday in Hick ory with relatives. Sheriff Leonard and his family moved to Newton Tuesday, We regret very much to give them up. A. A. Whitener and W. A. Self, went to Lincointon Monday morning in an autimobile, to at tend court. Mrs. J. D. A'.kins and daugh ter Miss Mina of Lenoir were here Monday. When you have job work to do give it to the people that Boost vour cown and help you. Dr. T. C. Blackburn has moved into the Dr. Moore home on Eleventh avenue. Mr. J. E. Montague has bought the Falls Hotel in Gastonia and will take charge May 10th. Our specialties for Easter are just in. Come and get the hat you are looking for at Miss Mary Rosebrough's. Of course there is no law re quiring women to wear such hats -iad that's probably the reason they do, Mr.-Harry Little has resigned his position as ticket agent at the passenger depot, to take effect Mav the Ist. 'The Hinkel Live Stock Co, have a lot of fine horses in this week, see ad in this issue. The death of Mrs E. S. Aiken, occur»d at the home of her son Mr. J. .H Aiken on last Satur day, she was 77 years old. Her pastor will write an obituary for our next issue. Mr. V. M. Hefner of Pocohontos Va. returned home last Friday and will spend the summer at his home in the country. The marrige of Miss Nora E, Drum and Mr. J. S. B. Taylor will take place at the home of the bride in West Hickory on Thursday April 15th. Don't fail to read the ad. of the Newton Hosiery Mill Store in this issue. They have bargins in the goods you need. Miss Marie Whitener spent several days in Lenoir with rela tives. Mrs. Mvron Whitener ac companied home to spend Easter. Mr. Arthur Ingold Cashier of the Ist National Bank of Mor g=inton spent Sunday in Hickory with his mother and sister. Miss Bessie Jones left today for Ashville to he gone a week or ten days to visit her sister Mrs. Joe Ficker. Little Lord Fauntleroy given by the societies of Lenoir college at Huffman Academy of Music m Monday night April 12th. Don't fail to see this populai play. A, E. Cline of East Hickory lost a fine horse a few days ago. Mr. Cline re used $275,00 for the animal on the day before it die bv theHenkel Live Stock Co. Found.—Open faced watch and chain, in street n?ar my house owner can get it by calling at my home and describing it, and paying for this ad. J. R. Sub lett. It takes all kinds of weather to make a spring. Mrs. N. G. Deal left Saturday t for Clarksville, Vu. where she | will spend several weeks with | her husband. Easter services at the Church of the Ascension. There will be two services with special Easter music under Prof. HardieT lrner of Morganton. morning prayer service and holy commun ion. At 8: evening prayer ad dress and Easter carols. Rev. J. H. Weaver of Hickory preached in the chapel at Daven port college several days la?t week resulting in the conversion or some twelve or fifteen of the young ladies. —Lenoir News. All those interested in the good road movement are request ed by the County Commissioners co meet in the Court House at Newton April 24th. to discuss plans by which the work may be done. Road overseers are espec ially requested to be present. Regular services next Sun day. The brotherhood has invited Dr. Henry Louis Smith, Pres ident of Davidson College to speak on April 18th. It is hoped he will accept and deliver his lecture on "Mars" oh Saturday night as well as speak on Sun day. Futher notice will be given. An April 18th an election of elders and deacons will be held at the eleven o'clock service. The Merchant, Breathes there a man with soul so dead, Who never to himself has said, My trade of late is getting: bad, I'll try another 10-inch ad. If such there be, go mark him well' For him no bank account shall swell, No angles watch the golden stair To welcome home the millionaire » The man who never asks for trade, By local line or ad. displayed, Cares more for rest than worldy gain, And patronage but gives him pain. Tread lightly friends, let no rude sound Disturb his solitude profound, Here let him live in calm repose, Unsought, except by men he owes. And when he dies go plant him deep, That naught maj break his dreamless sleep. Where no rude clamor may dispel The quiet that he loved so well. And when the world may know its loss, Place on his grave a jwreath of moss' And on a stone above here lies the man who wouldn't advertise Lost.—Self filler fountain pen finder please return to this office and get reward. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup is guar anteed. This is because we know what it will do and want to convince yoa, It is especially recmmended for children as it is pleasant to take and is gently laxative. For coughs, colds, croup, hoarseaess; whooping cough. Price 25c, SOc. and $l,OO, W. S. Martin. Bring your job printing to the Democrat offioe for good work. Croup When a child wakes up In the middle of the night, with a severe attack of croup as fre quently happens, no time should be lost in experimenting with romedies of a doubtful value. I'rompt action Is often necessary to gave life. CHamberlain's Cough Remedy has never been known to fall In any case and It has been in use for over one-third of a cen tury. There is none better. It. can bo de pended upon. Why experiment? It Is pleasant to take and contains no harmful drug. Price, 26 cents; large size, 60 cents. F. B. INGOLD lOf Interest |j \to Free | 6 Masons 1 \ 1 and Their j! | Friends J The firm of v Clijis M. £ Q Slid'f and their Southern C 2 Manager have donated a ( (5 magnificent world reuow- O ed bteiff Piufib to the Ma- (. P sonic Ba'zaar to be held in O the Charlotte Auditorium £ O April 12, 13, 14, 15, lb, C U 1909, Charlotte, N. ('. £ 2 The money derived from V Q this Bazaar will lie used in O the erection of a Masonic 6 q Temple, a building that C: q wiil lie a pride to every Q Mason in the Carolinas. 5 O Don't you want this ar- C 2 tistic Piano for your lodge y O your home or your friend's 0 liome? £ X Visit Charlotte during i!.e O q Bazaar. Reduced rales on 2 Q all Railroads. O W 0 Q " 0 X ADDRKSS Q IG. U.WiLMOTiI 8 p Church Music Committee 2 Masonic Bazaar : : : . O 8 Chas. M. Steiff § 0 Manufacturer of the U H Q ft Artistic Steiff Shaw O and Steifi' Seifpiayer j.- 0 Pianos c 5 SOUTHERN WA3ERCOM 3 s VV. Trade St. G § Charlotte, rS T . Q 0 g 8 C. fi. WILMOTH, P 3 Manager If bitterness creeps into your heart in the course of the busv day's unguarded moments, bo sure you cast it out with the set ting of the sun. Twilight is the interval of peacemaking. Children especially like Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup, as it tast nearly as good as maple sugar. It not only heals and allays inflammation, there by stopping the cough, but it also moves the bowls gently and in that way driven the cold from the system. It contains no opiates. Sold by C. M. Shuford & W S. Martin. In the morning fix your pur pose; and at night examine your self, what you have done, how you have behaved yourself in word, deed, and thought. FOR CONSTIPATION. Mr. L. H. Farnham, a prominent druggisl of Spirit Lake, lowa, says: "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are certainly the best thing on the market for constipation." Give these tablets a trial. You are certain to find them agreeable and pleasant in effact. Price. 25 cents. Samples free. For sale by W. S. Martin &Co. Character is to wear forever; who will wonder or grudge that it cannot be developed in a day? A HEALING SALVE FOR BURNS, CHAPPED HANDS AND SORE NIPPLES. As a healing salve for burns, sores, sore nipples and chaped hands Cham berlain's Salve is most excellent. Ii allays the pain of a burn almost in stantly, and unless the injury is very severe, heals the parts without lcaveing a scar. Price, 25 cents. For sale by W. S. Martin & Co. You may have a fuller know ledge upon one subject than your associates, but it d les not follow that you know best in everything. For Weak Inflammation cf the blad der, urinary troubles and backache use DeWitt's Kidney fend Bladder Pills A Week's Treatment 25c E. G. ImWITT * CO.. CUMfOi UL ppGOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO&% lEASTERI ALS | o jj f| In Oxford Ties for Ladies, ; || Misses and Children > © Our line for this season is an excep- © 0 tionally strong one. The S!l Kid and Q P Irving Drew, in Tan, Vic*. Oxblood and |0 Patent Leathers. One arid two eyelet @ © Ribbon Ties. Sir dp Sandals and Pumps H in C. D. and E. lasts. Gom q and bring v P the little ones and let us fit you for fp || Easter walking. y 1 MILI JNESV 1 Forev er y b o'd y. Currocm sa re f u 111 o v it • overflowing with everything that can V jW attract. Come ear ly and give us your Q if order for your Ea slO r Hat. VVe have added extra 1 crce i.o 1j 1s departmen tto V enable is tc get all cur erects filled J* £.| promptly. « Buy Yoiii: Suit for Easter § ' VVe are offering values like you used || to get ten and fiiteen years ago in || I-;. Clothing. Ail the knew Fads and Col- jl -~ : *1 ors in Neckwear. Shirts, Collars and |? 5$ Shoes. Call and look through before g.t you buy or you wiif miss an opportunity J? M to get a bargin. 9 mmmmmysatsammsa . nan - —a— mmm — —■ ——— ——— INewloa Hosiery Mill § u „ - g | -More - | ||. P, O. Carpenter, Gen, Mgr. K ft NEWTON, - - - - N. C. 8 II j? ,1 • -r--r -• - s? ■ & j Summers Transfer Co. j j) . Draying and transferring done promptiy i & and reasonably on short notice, Special at- Q $ ten lion to baggage transferred. Experienced and courteous white drivers, 4 « Cails Answered at All Times. f If iri'BC »>■ i mastic-. "■meg-a—e—EM xrr~x ctt.w jl.rv/x l :^ni ■ ■■■■■lMB——— W \ ix ■ >■&*.•; ■- . hmtiwi«M i iibi— 1111 ll II ■ \ J SUMMERS TRANSFER CO. J J Phone 192, J -=r; _v , » rr~*»K aLii ! I X 11 RH Thousands of ladies suffer agonies every month. B [ If you do, stop and think. Is it natural?- Emphati-1 | eally and positively—NO! Then make up yourl iO pie CUT OJ REC^SS^suffering ! B It vm ',...? You "J "I suffered 9 years" writes Mrs. Sarah J. Hos- E \ >;! k ins, of Cary, Ky. 4 " I had female trouble and would I v !nearly cramp to death. My back and side would! j nearly kill me with pain. i tried everything to get ■ ] relief, but failed, and at last began to take Cardui. I . J Now I can do my housework with ease and I givel i Cardui the praise fcr the health I enjoy." Try. 4 AT ALL E&UG- STOBES -BEST- My Paper iii Islerii ill Carolina. ti I . THE DEMOCRAT, $l.OO.