I~W ATOHES I Have you a good watch? If not, you need one, and I am in a position to serve you in the I? best possible manner. I I MY STOCK IS LARGE, I and all the reliable makes and grades are always on hand at % the lowest prices; 7to 24 jewel % movements, plain nickel to sol- i& jj| id gold cases. f|| | GEO. E. BISANAR, | Jewele^ a " d °P tician Watch inspector Southern Ry. J|Cn E w L \S DATE PLUG of proven merit; rich- W' a \ est flavor satisfying tobacco 8 \ • jjj llitieß made "Bill Bailey" H - i , . Manufactur ed by the oldest firm—most Wp j skillful labor—knowledge of experience— | it is the best in the world at any price. I |j|P2g| BAILEY BROTHERS, Inc. I wrSvinSs? I $5,445,869 More a Year for Tobacco Farmers The total value of the tobacco yiefd for the eight Tobacco States is over $59,554,131 annually. With the same acreage the tobacco growers in these States could, by improved methods of cultivation and fertilization, undoubtedly increase the total value of the croD to $65,000,000. Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers are compounded with the utmost care, containing only such elements of plant foods as can be taken up and properly assimilated by the plant without causing injury to its quality. Years of investigation of the cultivation and fertilization of tobacco enables the Virginia- Carolina Chemical Company to furnish fertilizers of superior quality for the production of this crop. Mr. J. W. Rogers, R.F.D. No. 4, Durham, N.C., writes: "I have been using your fertilizers this year and the crops are the best looking 1 have ever seen—especially the tobacco crop. I have never seen any other fertilizer which axted as quickly as yours does. The leaf is large and waxy, cures bright, and I am satisfied will bring a big price. Also, my neighbors in this district use your fertilizer with the best results." Is there any reason why you couldn't do as well ? Be sure and ask your fertilizer dealer for a copy of the 1909 Virginia-Carolina Year Book or Almanac, or write our nearest sales office and a copy will be sent you free. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Sales Offices Sales Offices Richmond, Va. Durham. N.C. Norfolk, Va. Charleston, S C. Columbia. S. C. F\irginiftCarOllflaß Baltimore, K«L Atlanta, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Savannah, Ga. (pp. Montgomery, Ala. Memphis, Teno. Shreveport, La. [. ~xzzx= Plant Wood's Seeds For The Garden & Farm. Thirty years in business, with a steadily increasing trade every year—until we have to-day one of the largest businesses in seeds in this country—is the best of evidence as to fPte Superior Quality of Wood's Seeds. X We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and ail Farm Seeds. »• Wood's Descriptive Catalog " the most useful and valuable of Garden and Farm seed Catalogs mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD £ SONS, 1 Seedsmen, - Mohmond, Va. -- " -x- Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as adminis trator of the estate of S. A. Huffman, deceased, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate settlement. All persons having claims against said estate art hereby notified to present them to the undersigned on or before! April 12th, 1910, or this notice j will be plead in bar of their re covery. This April 12, 1909. ! J. Admr. | A HEALING SALVE FOR BURNS, I CHAPPED HANDS AND SORE NIPPLES. As a healing salve for bums, sores, sore nipples and chaped hards Cham berlain's Salve is most excellent. It allays the pain Qf a bum almost in stantly, and unless the injury is very severe; heals the parts without leaveine a scar. Price, 25 cents. For sale by V. S. Martin & Co. |Local and Personal |[ C. T. Morrison spent Sunday in | Cherryville. Mr. Dick Thompson spent Sun day in Statesville. Miss Lena Boatright, of Long View, is visiting in the city. Miss Alexander, of Charlotte, is visiting Miss N. Williams. Business is picking up and a large amount of building has be gun. Miss Maude Leadford, of Win ston-Salem is in the city ior a few days. Mr T. F. Morrison went to Ljvvndale Wednesday on busi-i ness. Bridge and Mull have opened an automobile garage on Ninth avenue. The Hickory Milling Co., is run ning day and night to keep up with orders. The Piedmont Foundry Co. re ports business good with plenty of orders on hand. Mr. Herold Mehaffey, of New ton, has been a pleasant visitor! in the city this week. Hickory is the biggest town in the State that has not got some kind of a civic league. Dr. W. H. Nicholson ha s j bought Mr. Cilly's properity on: 9th avenue, and will moye to it soon. Col. Thornton will leave today' for Washington D. C. in the interest of the Water power de velopment. The graded school having clos ed, the children now have four' months playtime before them. Too much. The Morrison Bros. Co. have sold their entire jewelry business to S. B. Mace. The new firm will take possesion at once,. Mr. and Mrs. T. S A. Mott, of Colorado Springs, Colorado, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Bryan Jones on Bth Ave. The First Building and Loan Assocation has purchased a brick building on Fourteenth Street, which will be remodeled and equipped for its new home. Married in Icard Township, Burke County, on Sunday April 25th at the home of H. A. Adam the officiating magistrate, Mr. S. L. Lowman, to Miss Jennie E. Crafton. A. F, Hart and H. H. Abee will go to Winston-Salem Monday to bid on the construction of five ] miles of macadamized road. 1 They have considerable other other work in prospect. The following ticket has been , nominated in West Hickory. For Mayor, Edgar Whitener; for aldermen, S. Z. Gunter, L- A. Hendrick. J. E. Senter; for school committee, A. A. Fry, T. J. Leonard. Col. Thornton's trip to Mor- ; ganton in the interest of his elec- \ trie project was quite successful. In all some 7,000 horse power has already been engaged. It looks now as il his efforts would be crowned with success. Editor Click of the Mercury has the sympathy of friends in the serious illness of his little daughter, who has spasms on Monday so badly that three physicians were in attendance. She is now much better. Prof G. W. Hawn has returned home after spending several days on his Break Neck farm near Blowing Rock. The professor tells us he planted four acres . in Irish potatoes while ther and will plant hiscorn crop about June. Mr. P. 0. Carpenter, Mgr. o f the Newton Hosiery Cotton Mill Store, tells us he has had the best business for the past few i weeks that he has ever experien- ! eed, Mr. Carpenter uses printers 1 ink, and lets the people know 1 that he has bargains for them. I IDo You 1 | Want to I | Make j J $100.00? 2 Write Clias. M. Stieff and O 5 we Mfill gladly tell you how 2 to do it. Don't delay; x 5 write today and watch each change of our advertise- Q 3 meut. X J J | Chas. M. Steiff I 5 Matufacturer of the O R Artistic Steiff Shaw § g and Steiff Selfplayer Q 2 Pianos o 5 SOUTHERN WAREROOM 5 S W. Trade St. o 5 Charlotte, IN. C. 8 5 C. H. WIUMOTH, 8 Manager n j (Mention this paper) § !mhnimmih««MNHH3 Mr. J. T. Royall spent a few days with his parents in High Point this weak. A. A. Whitener and W. A. Self have been in attendance on the supreme court at Raleigh this week. T. J. Huggins, of Union county, is in this section for the purpose of forming local branches of the Farmers Union and will be here about two weeks. A list of his appointments will be given next week. Grace: Pimples, blotches, rough, shiny skin are from the blood and stomach. Asi pie and never failing remedy —one that makes clear, heal thy complexions, pure blood, perfect digestion, is Hollister's Rocky moun tain Tea. Surprise yourself. Tea or tablets, 35 cents. Moser & Lutz. Announcement. I hereby announce my self a candidate for mayor of Hickory. My ticket will be found at the usual voting place. Leroyß. Whitener. For Rent—Four-room house in West Hickory. Apply at this office NOTICE. Special School Election. Notice is hereby given that tile Board of Aldermen of the City of Hickory, in compliance with the requirements of an act of the General Assembly of North Caro lina, Session of 1909, entitled, "An act to revise, amend and consolidate the School Laws of City of Hickory," have ordered a Special Election toHae held in said City on Monday, May 31st, 1909, for the purpose of ascer taining the will of the people up on the question of levying a tax of thirty cents on the one hun dred dollars valuation of property and ninety cents on each taxable poll for the support of the public schools in the Hickory School District. All qualified voters favoring said tax shall at said election vote a printed or written ballot with the Vords "For Schools" upon it, and those opposed a printed or .written ballot with the words "Against Schools" upon it; and a new Registration of all voters has been ordered by the Board as required by said act. The regis tration books will be opened by W. L. Clinard. Registrar, from April 30th to May 29th, 1909, in clusive, and no person can vote in this OR ANY SUBSEQUENT CITY ELECTION without hav ing first registered anew. J. W. BLACKWELDER, W./L. CLINARD, Mayor. City Clerk and Registrar. CLOSING OUT SLEDGE & PLEASANTS Entire stock consisting of Dry Goods, Dress Goods. White Goods, Notions, Millinery, Ladies Shoes, Mens and Boys Shirts, Collars, Ties, Hosiery for all, Lace Curtains and ready made 10-4 Sheets and Pillow Cases at Bargain Prices. Dress Trimmings, Lace and Embroideries, Ready Made Skirts, Shirt Waists, Ladies Summer Vests and Collars. The newest things that;can be had. MUST BE CLOSED OUT AT ONCE SALE BEGINS SATURDAY, MAY Ist, 1909. The entire stock will be sold by June Ist If you wish to buy Seasonable Merchandise at Low Prices now is your chance. We will sacrifice many dollars worth of merchandise just now for a clean sweep by June Ist. Our Spring and Summer Goods are Fresh and New in every line. We have not time and space to quote prices, but hope you will not lose time in coming to reap your share of the discount that will be made on every pur chase. You will please note our Coupon proposition for it is worth dollars to you for 30 days. Very Respectfully, Sledge & Pleasants Hickory, = . = North Carolina BUSINESS BUILDERS. Advertisements inserted under this bead at 5 cents a line for each insertion For all the latest designs in millinery call on Miss Micheal over the, Morrison Bro. Co. store. Wanted—a good black smith to help in a new shop at Belmont N. C. address R. L. Stinson Belmont N. C. box 248. Wanted— Eight experienced waitresses. Must give good rec ommendation. Applv to Mrs. Emma Taylor, Hickory, N. C. Lost.—A tan leather purse containing about SIO.OO or $12.00. Finder will please return same to Hickory Seed Co. and receive a liberal reward. Eighteen varieties of pure bred poultry. Catalogue free. Write J. T. Yoder, R. F. D. 1, Hickory, Consumption Is, by no means, the dreadful disease it is thought to be —in the beginning. It can always be stopped—in the beginning. The trouble is: you don't know you've got it; you don't believe it; you won't believe it —till you are forced to. Then it is dangerous. Don't be afraid; but attend to it quick—you can do it yourself and at home. Take SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod Liver Oil and live care fully every way. This is sound doctrine, what ever you may think or be told; - and, if heeded, will save life. Send this advertisement, together with name - of paper in which ft appears, your address and four cents to cover postage, and we will send you a "Complete Handy Atlas of the World." BCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St., New York You Will Need an Oil Stove% > warm days and i 1"; =a "° kitchen discomforts—how * iH) / B°l rPS^Sv ** k- ee P s e room in ■ SMsr psr S comparison with condi- ■ / = rr r=^ — \\\ burning. The NEWV PERFECTION I Wick Blue name Oil Cook-Stove I it the only oil stove built with a CABINET TOP for holding plates • I and keeping food hot after cooking. Also has useful drop shelves on which to stand the coffee pot or teapot after removing from burner. Fitted with two nickeled racks for towels. A marvel of comfort, • simplicity and convenience. Made in three fm sires—with or without Cabinet Top. If not J | with your dealer, write our nearest agency. I / \ every one wants—hand- some enough for the parlor; strong enough for tc^en ' cam P or cottage; bright enough for 1 every occasion. If not with your dealer, write our nearest agency. Standard Oil Company /I|. (imemrf orataej | NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of Julia G. Riddle, deceased, late of Hickory, Catawba County, and State of North Carolina, this is to notify al\ persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the Ist day April 1910. All creditors will take notice that if their respective claims are not presented within said time, that this notice will be pleaded in bar of re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the Ist day of April 1909. J. L. Riddle. Administrator. A. A. Whitner. Atty. For Weak Kidneys of tht hlflri- 4 tr, urinary troubles and tackacha uss DeWltt'a Kidnar and Bladder Pilla A Week's Treatment 25c B.C B>WITTaCOHtMw» m. Subscribe for the Democrat*