Established 1899 KXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX?« O Protect Your family and Ytorsetf by Insortaj at Once 8 Q Lifd Insurances Did you ever think about life insurance? In /> case of death have you plenty to leave your loved ones so that they may V live as well when you arc gone? Just stop and think what a small cbst pr y you can get a life insurance policy and then any way you leave just that CJ 7\ much more ready cash. About the first question you hear when one V dies, "did he leave any life insurance?" ~ O Loanss We liave an agreement with the companies that we repre /\ seat to loan all insnrance premiums here in Hickory and vicinity. By V iusuring with us you are keeping your money at home. O Hickory Insurance & Realty Go., O VJ. A. LENTZ, W. A. HALL, M. H. GROVES, C V President. Vice-President. Sec. Treas. V 0 H. E. McCOMB, Ass't Mgr. Real Estate Dept. O miwvmjwiwwifflwuwwa 1 Bedroom furnishings | I? Jbr We wish to call your 5 • attention to our brass gj and iron enameled beds K M lillij ti II MTAIIjftMSn and bedroom furniture. *j| >C i ! i!Tal ii liana' i have received a new lu IC im It iffl (Jri ™ lot that are particularly £! HandS^ 6 in d 6Si b?' € them cool and inviting 1 Hatcher furniture Co. 1 5 Complete Home Furnishers S § HICKORY, N. C. S ttJUItWUUUUIWfUUWIAAAMAJUW Making More Money Out of Cotton Crops is merely a question of using enough of the right kind of fertilizers. Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers are the right kind. The cotton plant cannot feed on barren land. Study your soiL Find out what it lacks. Then apply the necessary fertilization and the results will surprise you. See what Mr. W. C. Hays of Smith Station, Ala., did. He says: "I planted about 30 acres of some 'gray randy land' that bad been iu cultivation for over 20 years,-and used 300 pounds of Virginia-Caro lina Fertilizers per acre, and / expect to gather SO bale» from the SO aere%." This is why we say it is the right kind. We have hundreds of letters like this, and even stronger, i.i praise of Virginia- Carolina Fertilizer for cotton. Get a copy of the new 1909 Virginia-Carolina Farmers' Year Book from your fertilizer dealer, or write our nearest sales office and a copy will be sent you free. It contains picture.: of the capitols of all the Southern States. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Sales Office* Sale* Offices Columbia, S. C. Baltimore, Mi Atlanta,Ga. WMKiTIU II|(m|1 jjMl Columbus, Ga. Savannah, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Memphis, Ten a. Shreveport, La. Raking POWDC/I Makes delicious hot biscuit, griddle cakes, rolls and muffins. The only Baking Powder Made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT HICKORY, N. C., THURSDA "DAMN TAFT." Is What Judge Robinson Would Like to Say. Ex-Judge W. S. O'B. Robin son of Goldsbioro. does not con ceal his condemnation of the ac tion of President Taft in giving the high office of Judge of the Federal Court in the Eastern District of North Carolina to a Democrat, says the Raleigh News and Observer. Some of the ab lest Democrats in the State had endorsed Judge Robinson as they had endorsed other Republican .•spirants under the belie;' that the vacancy would be filled by the appointment of a member of the narty that elected Mr. Taft to the presidency. "Wnat do you think of Mr. Taft's refusal to appoint a Re- Republican as Judge, after he said he would name a Republican if he could find a suitable one in the Eastern District," was the question put to Judge Robinson. "I think," said the ex-Judge, with emphasis, "that it was a direct insult to every Republican lawyer in the district. I now see no reason why any self-respect ing gentleman should join the Republican party in North Caro lina. Ido not hesitate to say that I shall relieve my sons from any filial obligation either to join or remain in the party. If .it were not for the fact that I am so dis honored and disgraced, so far as a Republican President can dis grace and dishonor iae, I wculd guit the Republican party and join the Democrats or the next best party if there be any such thing. "My respect for the office of President of my Nation prevents me from speaking of Mr. Taft as my inclination now would prompt me to do. 4 'l resented with due respect the slurs that were cast up n Mr. Taft when he was spoken ol so disparagingly by Democrats of high standing last year, but I rather think they were right in the estimate they then placed upon him. "I say this without one word of criticism of Judge Connor. He is an honorable gentleman, a lawyer of ability and has no su perior upon the bench of any State in the Union. He has more than once espoused my cause with warmth. He has rejoiced with me in my good fortune and was with mi in my great sor row. I would be more than a churl if I did not follow scriptual injunction as to Judge Connor and rejoice with those who re joice, "But I can still say that I still have a burning contempt for President Taft. If I could use the vernacular of the blackr guard, I'd say 'Damn Him/ and thus in some degree corroborate Mr. Taft's estimate of my char- actar." Judge Robinson in the above expresses vigorously in public what all other self-respecting \ Republicans in North Carolina i are saying "between me and you." 1 Pe Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little liver pills, small, gentle ! and sure. Sold by C. M. Shuford and ; W. S. Martin. ] A Rhyme for Elks. "There is no rhyme for Elks," • says the Los Angeles Express, which is easily Exhibite Z on their list of worries.—Washing ton Herald. To find a rhyme for 4 'Elks" Is just the easiest ever. Go out and catch some wlielks, And you'll forget it never; The bonds recently voted for highway improvement will be put on the market as soon as the fi nance committee can make the necessary arrangements. The work on the roads will be in charge of a special committee, which may include some men out side the city council. It is likely that an effort will be made to have abutters pay part of the ex pense of improvements, which would, of course, make possible considerable more work. Sluggish livers and bowels are the cauae of nearlv every disease. Cleanse your system and regulate the bowels apd liver to healthy, natural action bj Hollistcrs Rocky Mountain Tea* The surest remedy known. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Moser and Lutz. Deeds, mortgages and other legal blanks for sale at the Dem ocrat office. _ CITY FINANC . Annual statement ot le fi -1 nancial conditions of the v of Hickory, for the fiscal yt om May 9th. 1908 to Ma>, 9t 19. REPRIPTfi Bal. on hand May 9,1908 $ 1 S9 Sale of Cemetery Lota .>0 i Fines from Mayor .45 i Fire Department ,*.65 ; General Expenses,including i $4,000 borrowed, , 4,022 90 Public Works 93 54, Taxes for 1907 160.58 Taxes for 1908 19,400.00 Taxes Street 586.00 Taxes Special " ~ 455.70 Taxes Dog 38.00 Water Rents _ 3,041.39 Over draft in Bank. To make Balance 389.22 $30,112.52 DISBURSEMENTS Cemeteij Account $ 116.60 Fines to County 403.10 Fire Department 861.61 General Expenses, including interest on notes andbonds attorney fee*, printing, books, charity, etc. 8,759.79 Graded Schools 2,712.29 Improvement to water works 1,326.27 Improvement to Streets 2,345.69 Lights ' 3,216.70 Public Works 758.79 Streets * 1,495.89 Salaries Town Officers 2,164.04 Taxes, Printing. Listing, Commission, etc. 677.92 Taxes, Street, Receipt Book 2.25 Taxes, Dog Collars 2.70 Water Works 5,269.90 $ 30,112.52 W. L. CLINARD, May, 14, 1909 Sec. & Treas. Farmer's Union. Organizer, T. J. Huggins will lecture on the dates named at the following places: Mountain View, Monday, May 25, Moun tain Grove, Tuesday May 25; Link's, Wednesday, Mav 25. Speaking will begin at 8:30 p. m., and all who are interested in the Farmer's Union movement are 'earnestly requested to be present The Farmer's Union- means much to the farming" class trf peo* pie and every farmer should en list as soon as possible. There is no longer any ques tion as to its success. It already numbers more than three mil lion members and is accomplish ing verv much for the farmers where it has been introduced. .This is a splendid company and should be thoroughly orga nized. Every friend of the Un- i ion is earnestly requested to give itall the encouragement possible. i Locals wereiorganized last week at Sweet Water, Cloninger, Mill's and Piney Grove. "If all friends of the Union will lend a helping hand it is hoped by the last of June to have Catawba county thoroughly organized, i This is a busy season, but certain ly the good farmers of this coun- i ty can afford to lose a little sleep for the promulgation of the graat purposes for which the i Farmer's Union stands," says the organizer. Many weak and nervous women have been restored to health by Foley's t Kidney Remedy as it stimulates the a kidneys so they will eliminate the c waste matter from the blood. Impuri- * ties depress the nerves, causing nervous ( exhaustion and other ailments. Com- 1 mence today and you will soon be well. ( Pleasant to take. W. S. Martin & Co. s ] Honor the Fourth. W. S. Martin was chairman ( and J. L. Cilley secretary of the i meeting held at the rooms of the i Hickory club on Monday evening i to consider the advisability of having a Fourth of July celebra tion. Only about twenty were present. After some discussion it was decided that a committee, i consisting of C. H. Geitner, A. L. ; Shuford and R. E. Martin should canvass the town to find how much support can be secured for a celebration. There is $l2O left over from last year, and if $4OO more can be secured, a cele bration will be held, but if not nothing will be done. Another meeting will be held next Mon day night, at which the com mittee will will report progress. Baby whimpered for a drink; Willie filled her up with ink, Mamma, laughing at the lad. Fed the babe with blotting pad. NIAY 20, 1909. LENOIR COMMENCEMENT r Interesting Exercises and a 1 Fine Array of Speeches. The program for the com i mencement exercises at Lenoii > College which will continue from ; Saturday May 22 to Wednesday May 26, both inclusive, and which the public is cordially in i vited to attend, is as follows: SATURDAY. 8:30 p. m — Dramatic Entertainment, ' Department of Expression, I SUNDAY. I 11:00 a. m:—Baccalaureate Sermon, I Dr. W. H. Greever, Editor Lutheran Church Visitor, Columbia, S. C. 8.00 1 p. m,—.Address before Students' Mission -1 ary Society. Dr. A. G. Voight, Dean Lu theran Theological Seminary, Mt. Pleas -1 ant, Charleston, S. C. MONDAY. 10.00 a. m.—Senior Class Day Exer ! cises, 1:30 p. m.—Meeting Board of Trustees. 8:30 p. m —Junior Orator's Contest. TUESDAY. 10:30 a. m.—Literary Address, Clar ence H Poe, Editor Progressive Fanner, Raleigh, N. C. 5:30 p. m.—Alumni Banquet. 8:30 p. m.—Expression Re cital. WEDNESDAY. * 10:30 a. m, —Graduating Exercises. 8130 p m—Concert. The above programme shows plainly that we will have an ex cellent commencement this year. The array of speakers is above the usual. Drs. Greever and Voight are easily the strong men in our Southern church, one be ing at the head of our publica tion cause and the other at the head of our theological seminary —the fountain heads of much of what our church shall be in the next quarter century. Mr. Poe, the editor of the Pro gressive Farmer, is evidently do ing the cause of agriculture in the South a service equaled by no other one person in our tier of states. Farm-born and farm reared, he is a prophet of a new order in agriculture, whose mes sage heeded will revolutionize the South and plant its basis so solid and four square that ko panic whatever can ever serious ly injure the condition of our Southern people. —He is a young man whose mes sage it will be worth white to ride miles to hear. And we are glad that our farmers friends we coming. The part which the students will render in the commencement exercises will not fall below any mark former set, however high it may have been. We learn of an unusally large number who expect to attend this year. To all these exercises you are most cordially invited. The Baccalaureate Sermon and the address before the students' Missionary and Bible Study Societies will be delivered in Holy Trinity Lutheran- Church. The exercises will not be long this year. Each exercise will begin promply at the time stated in the above program. The horse-back reception to be rendered Mr. Poe by the farmers of the county and their friends Tuesday morning will be a most interesting feature. Whooping Cough. This is a more dangerous disease than is generally presumed. It will be a suprise to many to learn that more deaths result from it than scarlet fever. Pheumonia ofton results from it. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been used in many epidemics of whooping cough, and aliways with the best re sults. Delbert McKeig of Harlain, lowa, says of it: "My boy took whoop ing cough when nine months old. He had it in the winter. I got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough' Remedy which proved good. I can not recommend it to highly." For sale by W. S. Mar tin and Company. D. L. Russel has been appoint ed Recorder for the city of Hick ory. Mr. Russel is a well known attorney, who is eminently com- Eetent to perform the duties of is position, and his selection will be generally approved. Lived 152 Years. Wm. Pan —England's oldests man married the third time at 120, worked in the fields till 132 and lived 20 years longer. People should be young at 80. James Wright, of Spurlock, Ky., shows how to remain young. I feel just like a 16 year-old boy," he wntes 4 'after taking six bottles of Electric Bit ters. For thirty years Kidney trouble made life a burden, but the first bottle of this wonderful medicine convinced me I had found the greatest cure on earth." They're a godsend to weak, sickly rundown or old people. Try them. 50c at W. S. -Martin, C. M. Shuford and Moser & Lutz. Democrat arid Press, Consolidated 1*905 IF YOU BUY YOUR COMMENCEMENT SUH \ Iprom us you are assured °* dependable aH woof material, combined with skilled tailoring and that |Hp easy graceful hang that dis- V3i & s " I*-«Ph£ tinguishes our clothes from - : " the ordinary kind, and, m °st important, our prices are no higher. "All wool" Isuits1 suits from $19.00 to $25.00. ■SR^I. 3000005 Moretz - Whitener "THE QUALITY SHOP" I ...ADVERSITY... 1 A. Lesson for all —There is a strong lesson for those who save, for, to save money for \W &| FN the benefit that the habit inotills: to save fyl for the children, for business prosperity, Q IlaM for old age when rest is necessary, and M 7t for individual comfort and for the happi- J § ness of those dependent on you; one or |j| all of these lessons is of vital importance g to y™ we not kelp y oit * n fc kis m I Cfj matter? - Q ® P The Hickory Banking & Trust Co J FiWSLfiAI LBY. DATE ■ i J ' M PLAT PLUG of proven merit; rich- Hi! M\ flavor and satisfying tobacco tH i-SBl il qualities has made "Bill Bailey" H | universally popular. EM i % . Manufactured by the oldest firm—most 5 skillful labor—knowledge of experience— H }• is the best in the world at any price. 1 ißilSi BAILEY BROTHERS, Inc. ffl N. C. J I | Summers Transfer Co. | yDraying and tnuffferring done promptly i nd reasonably on short notice, Special at- f ention to baggage transferred. Experienced f nd courteous white drivers, J Calls Answered at All Times. - j SUMMERS TRANSFER CO.

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