Established 1899 4 HOW HONEY GROWS | $ $ to - # Theie a e over jeventeen million people in the § United Staies making their money grow by de-' SO ppsiting in the BANKS. • §l.oo a year for fifty years is only $50.00, but compounded it is $290.00. $5O 00 a year for fifty yearg, is only $250000 but at interest it is §14,- | KKM» - I §This shows what systematic saving will do, any w one can save money, aud when you plaut savings JK /(S in OUR bank you will harvest dollars in future 4ft life. Plant the seed now to have the big tree later. W «S \l/ ' J t Hickory Banking & Trust Co., | fiQOQQOOSOOSQOOOQOQOOOOCOK | NEW GOODS | b/ ■ = b Q We have bought the largest and best Q V selected stock of goods this seasoiT than V 0 ever before. A full line of Q X Dress Goods, Notions, Shoes, X O Hats, Caps, Mens and fi Boys Clothing, K in fict *e can furnish everything needed S Si in your home. We have bought for cash Q and can therefore give you the vefy best O v bargains that can be had. All we ask of J! §§ you is to come and see and be convinced jk that our goods are the very best and we X are selling them close. ✓ A Q Thanking you for past favors and hoping to ® K continue business with you in the future. A K * Q © YOURo TO PLEASE, 0 | SETZER& RUSSELL § 0 HICKORY, N. C. V WseseeQoosooQOQOQQOOSod % || Grand Display | % -° f — W 1 Pine Millinery at Miss Mary Roseborough's |jjj| to An assemblage of stylish Millinery for your inspection. You will find hats charming. The new styles are magnificent and at tractive. Every Lady can easily find just the hat that is be j coming to her. yjf ifjfS A Big Line Of Furs. Sty S Hats And Caps For Children. S|f We carry everything in our line, and cordially invite all the Ladies of the city and country to come in and inspect our stock of fine millinery before buying your Fall and Winter Hats. to Very Respectfully,- to Miss Mary Roseborough $ O ATT everybody should know is that our service, Q ft methods and care for youT health in filling /> X your prescriptions make this store particularly inviting for your X V a 6 ALL OUR CUSTOMERS KNOW O V that they get a greater satisfaction here than is usual. Trade O O here and you'll know too. rS O MOSER £ LUTZ, Druggists © "On Uie Corner" Hickory, N. C. fflE HICKORY DEMOCRAT HICKORY. N.C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1909. CITY STREET FAIR. Complete List of Special Pre miums to be given by the Catawba-oounty Citiiens at the Free Street Fair, October 15, 1909. G. A. Arndt, 1 bu. seed wheat. J. F. Allen, 1 Ladie3 parasol, 1 Gentleman's Shirt. Abernethy Hdwe. Co. Chattanooga Sub-Soil Plow, 1 Set Radgers Knives & Forks. Brookfofd Mill, 50CT yards Cloth Ends. Geo. E. Bi sanar, Watch Chan $3 50, Set Solid Silver Tea Spoons, $4 50. Chas. P. Bolch, .50. J. A. Bolch, .50. '.Burns & Martin, Box Candy, $2.00. J. A, Bowles, 1 pr. shoes. Bost & Newton, 25 pounds granulated sugar. J. W. Blackwelder, $2.50. Chas. H. Bagby, cash 1.00. T. A. Bean, fancy bridle and martingale, for best saddle horse. Dr. J. C. Biddix, 2.00. Claremont College, Scholarship for 1909-10, $4O. B. F. Campbell, cash 25c. C. H. Cline, 1.00. J. G. Cline, cash 50c Clay Printing Co., 5.00. City Feed Store. 1 bag stock food, 1 pkg: poultry food. Cline's Bar ber Shop, 1.00 worth Tonsorial work. E. B. Cline, 2.00. D. J. Carpenter, 10.00 worth Black Cat Hose. N. S. Dasher, 5.00. F. O. Elliott, 1 crate pears. J. D. Elliott, $25 00 for best Pen Chickens from eggs laid and hatched in Catawba county this Pen to consist of Cock erel and four pullets. G. W. El lington, 1 fancy cake. R. B, Fry, 50c. Flower's Cannery, 1 Cannery. T. E. Field, 1 trunk 5.00. First National Bank, 25.00 Chas. H. Geitner, 10.00 worth best harness and bridle leather. Hickory Harness Co., 1 saddle sjs, 1 bridle, $2. Hickory Bak ery, 1 cake, $3.00. Hickory Hackney Horse Breeders, service good until Jan. 1, 1909. Hotel Huffry, board 1 man 1 day. Hatcher Furniture Co., *l-15.00 Rocker, l-$3.00 picture. Hicko ry Commission Co., 1 suit Cloth ing $lO.OO. J. M. Hahn, RVde Island Red Cockerel. C. M. Hardin, dozen phdtos, value 2.50 e2ch. Hickory Seed Co., 25.00. Hickrry democrat. 6 sub scriptions. Hickory Mfg. Co., 2 mantels. Hickory Hosiery Co., 2 dozen half hose, 2 dozen ladies stockings. Hickory Roofing & Tinning Co., 6 joints stovepipe. Hammond & Johnson, 2.00. Har ris & Little, 1 pair ladies shoes, 1 pair suspenders. Hickory Gro cery Co., 100 cigars, 25 lb bag roasted coffee. Hickory Insur ance & Realty Co., 10.00. Hen kel Live Stock Co., Set Harness. S. M. Hamrick, 2.00. Hickory Milling Co., 2 bags flour. Hick ory Banking & Trust Co, $15.00. Hutton & Bourbonnais Co., 10.00 worth lumber. Ivey Mills, 100 yards, 43 inch Sateen. F. B. In gold, 1 Imperial Plow. J. E. Jones, 1.00. W. L. C. Killian & Son, 100 pear trees, 100 peach trees. Henry Lutz, Poland Chi na Pig 10.00. J. A. Lentz, cash 2.00. R. D. Latta, cash 1.00. Lenoir College, .Scholarship for boy. A. C. Link, 1 pair shoes 4.00. J. L. Leach, 1,00 worth free laundry. ~J. S. Leonard, 2.00. Mace & Rhodes, 1 silver butter dish. McCoy Meretz, ladies hand bag.. W. S. Martin & Co., toilet set $3.50, Ink Stand $2.50. Morrison Provision Co., 5.00. Moretz-Whitener Clothing Co., 1 $5.00 boys suit. Martin & Clark Clothing Co., I Stetson hat 5.00. J. A. Martin, 10.00. Dr. H. C. Menzies, 5.00. Moser & Lutz.JL ladies hand bag t l Wa terman Fountain Pen. F. P. Mouser, 1.00. D. M.'McComb, 1.00. C. T. Morrjson, Guitar, 5.00. Martin Furniture Co., 1 Sideboard. W. J. Oliver Mfg. Co.. 1 two horse plow. Progres sive Farmer, 2 one-year subscrip tion. Patrick-Mosteller Co., 1 bag salt, 1-10 lb Plow-Boy To bacco. Frank Eropst, 50 ft. "V " X ' *' ' ' '• ' ; ".a - BUILDING GOOD ROADS. lumber. Piedmont Wagon Co., 1 Wagon. John W. tiobinson. Berkshire Pig 10.00. J. A. keit zel, 2 packages coffee. D. Les ter Russell, cash 1.00. Abel Robinson, 1 bushel seed corn. Dr. W. B. Ramsay, 2 00. L. R. Rudisell & Co., 2.00. Miss Mary Roseborough, l-$5.00 ladies hat. J. S. Setzer & Sons, 1 pair mens $3.50 Douglas shoes. A. A. Shuford, cash $15.00. Shell & Flagler, 1-5 pound can Caraga Coffee.' Setzer & Russell. 1 pair shoes $2.00. W. T. Sledge, 1 la dies hat $5.00. J. S, Setzer & Son, 1 dress skirt. J. W. Shu ford, 1 Go Cart or Raby Carriage. Dr. J. H. Shuford, cash 2.50. R L. Shuford, 2 Berkshire Pigs, value 20.00. Shuford Hdwe Co., The Oliver Plow-Middle Breaker, 1 Coffee Percolater. W. A. Self, 2 50C R. L. Stevenson, cash $2. C. M. Shuford, 10.00 ladies hand bag, $2.00 bill book. R. W. Ste venson, 2.00. P. G. Suttlemyre, 1. 00. J. W. Tilley, 3 bottles fla voring extra t 25c each Times- Mercary Publishing Co, 5 yearly subscriptions W. A. Turner, 50c E". H. Umstead, 1 tin bread box Van Dyke Book Store, 1 No. 2 Brownie Ko'dak Whitener & Martin. 1 bag fertilizer. J. E. Wilfong, 1 bushel oats, 1 bushel corn. R. L. White & Co, 4 packages poultry powders. Dr. W. A. White. 1.00. Whitener & Martin, 56 packages assorted spi ces. Dr. R. Wolfe, Vetinary. 2.50. A. A. Whitener, 5.00. J. A. Whitener, 3.00. James A. Whitener, 1.00. Q. A, Wilfong, 1.00. J. H. Willis, cash 1.00. P. R. Yoder, 1 bushel rye. Ed D. Yoder, 1 Plymouth Rock Cockerel. L. E. Zerden, Ladies Waist Pattern, $2.50. News Items. The following items are clip ped from the Statesville Land mark, because they contain some thing: Mr. A. T. Grant, of Davie county, who was recently ap pointed census supervisor for the seventh district, has Resigned as a member of the Legislature. He has represented Davie in the House for several terms. The State University now re ceives $75,000 annually from the State and its total income last year from this and all other sour ces was $146,000. The payroll is now $lOO,OOO annually and be sides this it requires $50,000 for general msintenance. The State Board of Agriculture will, at its December meeting, select a location for a new State test farm to be located what is known as the old bright tobac co belt, including especially such counties as Durham, Granville, Forsyth, Surrey Stokes and oth ers. The ten oil inspectors—one in each congressional distniafc are now at work and are sending samples of oil to the State De partment of Agri9ulture for an alysis. Some of the samples are not up to the standard but the companies are given until the 20th of this month to get rid of the oil below the standard. Retarders of Progress. How Strang that the greatest opposition to local bond issues or special taxation for improvement of public schools, for building good roads or for other local bet terments should almost always come from those who pay the least tax and, consequently, bear the smallest part of the addition al burden. Such is the case, however. This fact is well illus trated by the Lexington Dis patch, which asks why should a man who pays absolutely no tax except 45 cent on the poll array himself against taxation for good roads? It cites two instances in its home county of the absurdity of opppsifeion by the taxpaver to such taxation. It says that a few days ago one citizen asked another how he stood on the township roads question. The latter answered that he was op posed to anything which would increast the taxes. Inspection of the tax books showed that man paid five cents road tax, and the Dispatch says were the pro posed tax rate put at* the maxi mum limit of 20 cents that man's tax wouldnot exceed seven cents. "The same man," says the Dis patch, "was asked how *he had voted in the graded school bond election, and he replied that he ivd voted against the school, tax books showed that he pays ten cents school tax. He admitted that he sends four chil dren nine months in the year to the graded school." It is just such citizens as this man who stand in the way of lo cal improvements and thereby retard grogress. Their general opposition to 3uch measures is so well understood that it is to them the leaders of the opposition in contests for bond issues or spe cial taxes by popular vote appeal and on them rely for defeat of the propositions. The instances cited by the Dispatch are not isolated ones. On the contrary they are within the rule which governs men's actions in nearly every election of the kind. The men who will have to pay the heaviest taxes are the strongest advocates of additional assess ments for improvements, and those who are affected the least in this manner are the most vio lent opponents. —Charlotte Ob server. Fight Over Office. The Republicans, in the State, have another fight on over office. A. E. Hoi ton wants to succeed himself on District Attorney for this district. He has had it a long time, and has made as good officer as any of them can. Mr. S. B. 'Adams and Mr. Rollins al so want it. Adam thinks he ought to have it, because of the services he has rendered as State chairman. Rollins wants it, and he is Judge Pritchard's choice. Holton wants it because it tastes good. So they have it. Cook says he did it. Peary says he did it, but the chances are neither one did it unless he tool Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It is the most search ing and finding remedy —there is no doubt after taking—as sure as you take it yQu get results. Do it tonight. Moser & Lutx. Democrat and Press, Consolidated r905 # m iBARmSTORIi § IS NOW READY TO SHOW YOU THEIR 1 Fall Line of Millinery 1 Coat Suits, Misses' and Children's Coatsand Sweat- m ere, Dress Goods and Trimmings, Ladies' Shoes w and Underwear, Men's, Boy's and Child- g ren's Furnishings. © I OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT S ls in charge of Miss Exie Collins, of Baltimore, jS ® the most efficient~and thoroughly "trained Milliner. The extensive collection we are showing for Fall of the latest Parisian and other models will impress Ad yA you as the most surpassingly and beautiful ever presented. The price range covers everything to © V. ijW fbe desired. This season we will take in exchange for merchandise peas, corn, chickens and eggs. ■ Let us have your patronage, we can save you q£*_ money. Yours Respectfully, 1 W. T. Sledge, | 1 Hickory, N. C. § ® © ■ 11 - _• ' —■ — [~WXtgb:ES| Have you a good watch? If not, you need one, and I am in a position to serve you in the best possible manner. K MY STOCK IS LARGE,, | and all the reliable makes and grades are always on hand at the lowest prices; 7 to 24 jewel movements, plain nickel to sol id gold cases. GEO. E. BISANAR, | Jeweler and Optidan Watch Inspector Southern Ry. I Q Are dealers in everything in the line of first class Q O Groceries. We respectfully invite all housekeepers O Q to call and inspect our stock of select groceries for O V _your ta≤ We keep the best thai can be had, V A our prices are low and everybody is assured of X courteous treatment. W'e can suit your table and X rS will appreciate your business. Give us one order cS O and we will do the rest. All orders delivered O 8 BURNS & MARTIN 8 X Phone-No. 52. 900 Park Place, x pOOOQOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOSOOft § WILLIS' CAFE 0 8 J. H. WILLIS, Proprietor 1309 Union Square O Our Motto: QUICK SERVICE Everything Served in Season O © Open Until 12 o'clock Every Night. O x Call And See Us Hickory, N. C. fi

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