Established 1899 | NEW GOODS| b Q We have bought the largest and best Q g selected stock of goods this season than 9 ever before. A full line of A ft Dress Goods, Notions, Shoes, K 0 Hats, Caps, and fi o Boys C.Ov.ii g, \ in flet we can for.; :• ?vpry»liiog needed K in your home. V- inb gh't for cash Q and ean therefore gi.* ?*— !» very best O 9 bargains that can we ask of fi gt you is to come and se . dbe convinced X Sthat our goods are the very best and we Q are selling them close. ft. Se® Thanking you for past favors and hoping to V - continue business with you in the future. ~ © « YOUEo TO PLEASE, V | SETZER & RUSSELL 8 0 HICKORY, N. C. X |QQ05008d9600999609090Q0S ' - * 1 HOW HONEY QROWS^ A W ' # i| There a~e ovet seventeen million people in the f\\ United Staies making their money grow by de-. W ® positing in the BANKS. * J®! w IK to §I.OO a year for fifty years is only $50.00, but W H compounded it is $290.00. $50.00 a year for fifty /|\ years, is only §2500.00 but at interest it is sl4,- ijjjf | 500.00. f f This shows what systematic saving will do, any W jjjjj one can save money, and when you plaut savings & .in OUII bank you will harvest dollars in future Vj $ life. Plant the seed now to have the big.tree later. J A ============^======== \ljr «S f % Hickory Banking & Trust Co., $ /|V w /i\ The Farmers Friend. iff J}' | icacies f §|j of our own baking are sure to jurnisb satis g|j factory desert for your dinner. jja Sj We bake all the popular kinds and styles of cakes and pies and any desired pastry. Any kind . Jfi of cake made to order. ?a 5 THE HICKORY BAKERY S jjN 1240 Ninth Avenue g| \ ¥ , $ I Draying and transferring done promptly i $ and reasonably on short notice, Special at- Stention to baggage transferred. Experienced and courteous white drivers, / 4 Calls Answered at All Times. f i Mills Transfer, * J. W. MILLS, Propr. t /) Phone 192. THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT HICKORY, N.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1909. V 9 TAYLORSVILLE FIRE. Drug Store, Telephone Office, Pool Room and Other Busi nesses Destroyed at an Early Hour. Fire destroyed a large portion of the business section early Sat urday morning, the flames origi nating: in the Bell Telephone office. The drug store of O. L, Hollar & Ccmpany was complete ly wiped out and the loss is esti mated at $3,500, partly covered by insurance. Every possible effort was put forth to prevenl the spread of the fire but the tel ephone office, the barber shop of John Torrence, a presiing club, a pool room belonging to R. F. Tuttle and the building owned by Dr. Hollar were completely destroyed. The night operator of the Bell Telephone Company was sleeping in the building and was barely aroused in time, by Jeff Fortner who was sleeping with him, to save his life. The alarm was given at 1:45 a. m., and quickly the the people turned out to fight the flames which were too well under way to extinguish. TEN MEN KILLED. Fearful Accident Near Win ston Salem on Southbound Railroad. Nine or ten were entombed by an embankment caving in on the southside of Salem Creek near Winston-Salem on the Southbound Railroad about 9 o'clock Tuesday morning. The buried men were Italians and negroes employed as operatives by H. J. Collier & Co., of Spar tanburg, S. C., and Cleveland, Ohio, concrete contractors. When the cave in occurred the operatives were cutting an em bankment to enstall a concrete abutment for an immense steel trestle being constructed across Salem Creek. It is estimated that four thousand cubic feet of dirt fell on them. Boiler Bursts and Kills Two Young Men. A terrible accident occurred in Newcastle township early Tues day morning near Jarvis post office at Sales' saw mill. Thorn. Ladd and the 16-year-old son of Mr. Francis Sales were at the mill that rfiorning working and were standing near the boiler [ raking leaves from a drain that ran the boiler, having just fired for a head of steam. Sud denly the boiler exploded terri bly scalding both of the young men, all over. They were each taken to their homes where Dr. W. S. Pegram was called. But the awful wounds proved too ter lifcJTe for life and both the young men died Thursday morning at 1 arid 2 o'clock each at his home within a half mile of each other, The accident was a very sad and shocking affair.—North Wilkes boro Hustler. En Famiile. Willie, a little boy, six years of age, was taken on Sunday night to a large city church, where he saw for the first time a vested choir. To his mother's surprise and gratification, he not only kept wide awake, but seem ed greatly interested in every part of the service. At its close he turned to her and said, "I like tnis church, it is so nice to watch the preacher when he comes out with all his wives in their nightgowns." The London authorities contin ue to have trouble with the "suff ragettes. " One woman wear ing the suffragette colors smash* ed a bottle containing- corrosive acid on, a ballot box, injuring several election officials. She was arrested. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. V? . President Tafjt y issued his Thanksgiving Proclamation Mon day, naming Thursday, Nov. 25th as the date for the obser vance. The Lord~ of Hosts has marvelously blessed the people of the United States and peace and bounteous crops have been bestowed on them. The President has issued the follow ing: By the PresideptiJf the Uni ted States — A PROCLAMATION: "The season of the year has returned when, in accord ance with the reverent cus tom establishment by our forefathers, the people of the United States are wont to meet in their usual pla ces of worship on a day of thanksgiving appointed by the civil magistrate to re turn thanks to God for the great mercies and benefits which they have enjoyed. "During the past year we have been highly blessed. No great calamities of flood or tempest or epidemic sick ness have befallen us. We . have lived in quietness un disturbed by wars or rumors of wars. Peace and the plen ty of bounteous crops and of great industrial production animate a cheerful arfd reso lute people to all the renewed energies and beneficent in dustry and material and mor %al progress. It is altogether fitting that we should hum bly gratefully acknowledge the Divine source of these blessings." "Therefore I appoint on Thursday, the twenty-fifth dav of November, as the day of general thanksgiv ing aside their usual voca tions, to repair to their churches and unite in appro priate services and thanks t_ Almighty God." (Signed) "WILLIAM H. TAFT." The Democrat has received the following handsomely engraved invitation: Mr. and Mrs. J. Monroe All red request tUe"honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Maude Edith to Dr. Charles Richard Russell on Wednesday evening, November twenty-fourth nineteen hundred and nine at half after eight o'clock Methodist Episcopal Church South Granite Falls, North Carolina Third Attraction Blackwelder- Martin Lyceum Course, x As one admiring newspaper critic expressed it, Durno the Mysterious, is "A whirlwind of wonders" and when he appears here on Friday, Nov. 19th, under the auspices of thd Radcliffe En tertainment bureau a large audi ence will enjoy as full an even ing's amusement as has ever been provided at small cost in this community. Durno gives a new twist to old £ricks, and for rapidity of meta morphosis loses nothing by com parison with the greatest of the so-called magicians who have preceded him on the lyceum platform. The program will be full of refreshing laughs, includ ing music, illusions, comedy, magic, imitations and ventrilo quism. In addition there will be two or three clever conceits arranged by the magician him self, such as "Guess," a marvel ous optical illusion, and "The Metamorphose," showing the dematerialization of human bod ics» "Within the past four years the company headed by Durno has crossed the continent six times and has attracted large audien ces in a hundred different cities. Everywhere the performance was declared to be novel and highly entertaining, and in sev eral places the press was very enthusiastic in its ptaise. WARLICK SHUFORD Prominent Young Couple Uni ted in Marriage in the Ger man Reformed Church on Tuesday. A pretty wedding was solemn ized Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock in the German Reformed church here when Mr. Adrian L. Shufo-d and Miss Annie Warlick were united by the pastor. Rev. J. L. Murphy. The church was filled with their many friends and relatives and the altar pres ented a beautiful appearance. It was decorated with ferns and chrysanthemums and the wed ding march was sweetly played by Miss Rose Shuford. There were ro attendants and the couple left immediately after the ceremony for Washington, Baltimore and other points. After spending ten days in Northern cities on their honey moon they will return to Hickory, where they will remain until the first of January. At that time they expect to move to Oklakoma where Mr. Shuford will be one of the principal promoters and stockholders in a new cotton mill. Mrs. Shuford is the daughter of Mr. fl. D. Warlick, one of the most prominent citizens in Lin coln county. He is the represen tative in the Legislature from that county. Mrs. Shuford came here about two years ago and was stenographer in the First National Bank. Mr. Shuford is teller in the same institution and is a prominent young man in the business and social world. Both have many friends in this section and their marriage will be learned of with considerable interest. MILLER-BEAN. Quiet Marriage Takes Place at Lenoir Methodist Church. Sunday morning after the close of the preaching service at the Methodist church, at Lenoir, Rev. Erwin performed a marriage cer emony. Mr. Melvin Miller and Miss Patty Bean, both of Lenoir, were quietly married. There were only a few people who was aware that they intended to be married and in fact none of the congregation. The two young people attended services at an other church and came to the Methodist church after the con gregation had left - . The pastor is the only party, it is under stood, that was fully aware of what was to take place and he mentioned it to no one. Miss Bean is a daughter of Mr. J. W. Bean, and is a very pretty young la^y. The Fourteen Errors of Life. ihe fourteen mistakes of life Judge Rentoul told the Barthol omew Club are: To attempt to set up our own standard of right and wrong, and expect everybody to conform to it. To try to measure the enjov ment of others by our own. To expect uniformity of opin ion in this world. To look for judgment and ex perience in youth. To endeavor to mold all ..dispo sitions alike. Not to yield in unimportant trifles. To Took for perfection in our own actions. To worry ourselves and others about what cannot be reminded. Not to alleviate, if we can, all that needs alleviation. Not to make allowance for the weakness of others. To consider anything imposs ible that we cannot ourselve per form. To believe only what our finite minds can grasp. To live as if the moment, the time, the day were so important that it would live forever. To estimate people by some outside quality, for it is that within which makes the man.— London Evening Standard. Democrat and Press, Consolidated i 905 saves me and g J AAoretz-WHitener & n Clothing Company N THE | Shoes, 8 § Shoes! 8 X Just in, a full and complete line of the famous Kneeland Shoes X X for men, $3.50 to $5.00. A shoe without a rival, regardless c' X X price. See the new styles on display. X X New and complete line of ladies' and children's Shoes in the X X Plain toe Patent, Colt at $3.00 to $3.50 in Button and Blucher, X X in all the standard widths. X X KIMONA, the most remarkable ladies' Shoe for comfort ever X X offered m Hickory. If you hare tired or feet, try a pair X X of the Kimonas, and if not pleased we will refund your money. X X New Suits for ladies every day, don't fail to see us before you X X buy. - Respectfully, _ X | ricCoy Moretz, | O Hickory, North Carolina O § DYNAMITE t STUMPS Cheapest Way To Clear Land On Saturday, November 27th, Ip. m. THE DU PONT POWDER COMPANY will give a DEMONSTRATION of Stump Blasting „ HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA, on the farm of Mr* Robert Hciilby, - who has kindly granted permission to make this v demonstration on his property. Every Farmer and all others interested are invited to attend. THE SHUFORD.HARDWARE COMPANY. X When your doctor leaves a prescription, ask him to telephone X X us. It will be sent for at once! The prescription will be filled X X correctly and delivered promptly at no extra cost to you. Try X 8 MOSER & LUTZ, Druggists 8 vy "On the Corner" , Hickory, N. C.