TRAGEDY AT LENOIR. Albert Hoffman Accidently Killed by 22 Calibre Rifle. A horrid accident occurred at Leno.r Saturday which resulted in the death of Albert Hoffman the 14 year old son of Mr. ' Lu ther Hoffman. The young fellow was playing in the woodshed with his play mates and whiie they were toss ing and jumping on the floor a 22 calibre rifle which they had had was standing in the corner. The jar caused the gun to fall to the floor and explode the car tridge, the ball entering the neck of young Hoffman. The alarm was quickly given and every possibie effort was put forth to relieve him. The bullet had penetrated his spinal column and paralized his entire bodv from his neck down. He lived in agony several hours, dying later. He was well known ail over town and was liked by all wno knew him. He was delivery boy for his father's 1 market and hence the people him and found him to be a fine fellow. His tragic de th cast a gloom over the town. A Bundle of News Items. The farmei s are through with their fail work and are resting from their labors. O. A. Yoder visited his uncle, G. M. Yoder, on Thanksgiving day. Miss Blanche Finger of Hick ory spent Thanksgiving with her motner. Perry Jarrett is putting up a new roller mill near Heavner's store on the Hickory road. The public school opened on last Monday at the Yoder school house, with Mr. Haus as princi pal and Miss Stella Yoder the as sistant. Minerva school opened last Monday with Misses Johnson and Brown of Davie countv as teach ers. Watt Bhyne and Blake Yoder of Newton came over Thanks giving day on a hunting expedi tion. George Helton of Maiden spent Thanksgiving day with his fa ther, R. J. Hel on. Valuable Farms in Iredell County FOR SALE! Farm No. 1. 218 acres, 14 miles from Statesville, 85 acres in cultivation, 40 acres in pasture, 100 acres in timber, 6-room dwelling, large new barn, red clay subsoil, almost level, well watered, situated between two public roads. Price $5,000 Farm No. 2. 400 acres, 4 miles from Statesville, 150 acres in cultivation, 25 in pasture, 200 acres in timber, 40 acres in meadow, two good farm dwellings and out-buildings, good orchard, lies to the south, almost level, red clay subsoil. Very fine farm. Price per acre $27.00 Farm No. 3. 150 acres, 4 miles from Statesville, 50 acres in cultivation, good two-story dwelling and barn, good orchard, red clay subsoil, on public road. Price $2,700 Parm No. 4. 261 acres, 16 miles from Statesville, 50 acres in cultivation, 600,000 feet of timber, forest pine and oak, 6-room dwelling and outbuildings. A new railroad going through this place. A bar gain. Price 13,500 We have many other nice farms, both large and small, also several good timber tracts. Ail figure that farming is one of the very best businesses that you can engage in. Farm lands in Ire the above farms are real bargains. Some of them are really worth almost twice the money we ask dell county are naturally very fine glands,,rich and very productive. A few years and all of them for them. We handle nothing but bargains. 1,500 pounds of seed cotton bringing $90.00; corn *9O -✓vlvv will bring twice what they are bringing today. Invest now. Don't wait. Delay is dangerous, cents per bushel; wheat $1.40; oats 75 cents; all produce as high as a "cat's back," you can quickly Write or call on us BRAWLEY & KERR, Real Estate Agents. Office Over First National Bank, Statesville, North Carolina. '%* , - The German Reformed people had a missionary sale of articles r at Bethel church on Thanksgiv ing day. The articles were sold to raise some missionary money. They realized about S2O. I Thanksgiving passed off very ' quietly. An excellent sermon ■ i was pr ached by Rev. Yoder at Zion church on that day, r The children of Messrs. C. M. • and F. A. Yoder came home from i Lenctr college to pirticipate in a [ Thanksgiving dinner. , There was a beautiful and nice marriage at Salem church in Lincoln county on last Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock. Some ; of our neighbors boys were pres ent and reported a nice time and ' full house in attendance. The church was beautifully decorated. 1 Thi contracting parties were s Mr. Lonnie Hallman and Miss Lucy Hoover, daughter of Mr. Lee Hoover. The wedding party arrived at the appointed hour, j then the wedding march was 1 played by Mrs. Margretta Rhyne or Mt. Holly who is the daughter oi Rev. R. A. Yoder. As soon as tr.e plaving began her pastor. Rev. J. L. Cromer came walking up the aisle and took his stand at the altar. Then came Carl Turbyfill and Mrs. Caslin, the ushers, up the aisle and took their proper place at the altar with the minister. Then the two Misses Love came up the other aisle and took their places. The groom with Mr. Crooks, his best man, followed by Miss Hattie Seitz, the maid of honor. The bride came in leaning upon the arm of her father. The minis ter performed the marriage cer emony in an impressive manner. After the ceremony they all [returned to the home of Mr. i Hoover to partake of a lunch. i I For a Lame Back. I When you have pains or lameness in * the back bathe the parts with Cham- ( berlain's Liniment twice a day, mas- { saging with the palm of the hand for | five minutes atjeach application Then i dampen a piece of flannel slightly with ] this liniment and bind it on over the ' seat of pain, and you maybe surprised ( to see how quickly the lameness disap pears. For sale by W. S. Martin. | "Uncle Joe" Cannon continues to make a noise like injured in nocence. On our Guns, we have attractive prices to offer q the public on same 0 For the Next Thirty Days. § We guarantee the prices are the lowest that caii h be had in the state. o —~——_____ f «, s SS! e Barreled Bhoi.Gui» from All are standard makes ft •>3.uo to • ' Vj Doubln Barrelled Hammerless Guns j G'UOS and are guar- 9jjj trorn ?s.oo t " §i2.00 | anteed to be as repre- Si Double bam lied Hammerless Guns , uj from §13.00 to 520.00. sented. y> —— K If you will ever need a Gun, now is the $! time to buy. See our line before buying. X YOU ARE ALWAYS fi CORDIALLY WELCOME § AT OUR STORE § | Shuford I Hardware Company 8 Farm No. 5. 321 acres, 14 miles from Statesville, 125 acres in cultivation, 75 acres in branch bottom, balance in timber, almost level, red clay subsoil, good two-story house outbuildings are old, close to splendid school and three churches, lies close to new railroad which is to be built soon. Price $5,000 Farm No. 6. 200 acres, 13 miles from Statesville, 70 acres in cultivation, 500,000 feet oak and pine timber, 7-room dwelling, good out building, good orchard, almost level. A dandy farm for the money. Price $3,000 Farm No, 7. 220 acres, 10 miles from Statesville, 50 acres in cultivation, balance in timber, most of open land is fresh, dark, gravelly land, with red clay subsoil, very rich, made last season 16 bales of cotton on 14 acres, will make 75 bushels of corn per acre, al most level, 7-room, two story house, fair barn, best farm on our list. Price $4,500 Farm No. 8. 9k 176 acres, 10 miles from Statesville, 50 acre in cultivation, red clay subsoil, balance in timber, lief well but not in high state of cultivstion, 9-room 2-story dwelling, servant house, good out buildings and orchard. Spl ndid chance to buy a bargain. Price $2,750 Farm No. 9. 142 acres, 10 miles from Statesville, 50 acres in cultivation, 6 acres in meadow, 250,000 feet of timber, 8-room 2-story new house, good outbuildings, 3-room tenant house. A fine farm. Price „... $4,000 Farm No. 10. 100 acres, 14 miles from Statesville, one mile from Harmony, 50 acres in cultivation, 40 acres in timber, 6-room house, good outbuildings, close to fine high school and three churches, red clay land, lies well. Price $2,500 Thanl^^^^ilcacies of our own baking are sure to furnish most satis factory desert for your dinner. We ba'ke all the popular kinds and styles of cakes and pies and any desired pastry. Any kind of cake made to order. THE HICKORY BAKERY 1240 Ninth Avenue jrawwrewwuwrararaw »We are ready with a stock ample enough for all requirements and with prices modest enough for all pocketbooks. _ You take no chances in buy ing a HIGH ART gar covers perfection in style, workmanship and fit, and saves you time and worry. Aloretz-WHitener Clothing Company THE QUALITY SHOP. Farm No. 11. 242 acres, 12 miles from Statesville, 90 acres in cultivation, 25 acies in pasture, balance in timber except 25 acres in good bottom, all cultivated land is level, 7-room 2-story dwelling, barn with 13 stalls, other outbuildings, good orchard. Possession 1911. A fine farm. Price $6,000 Farm No. 12. 85 acres, 10 miles from Statesville, 30 acres in cultivation, red clay land, all level, 4-room house. Dandy little farm. Price $2,200 Farm No. 13. 384 acres, 7 miles from Statesville, on public road, 150 acres in cultivation, 60 acres in fine river bottom, one million feet of timber, pine and oak, two fair farm dwellings with outbuildings. Most of this tract lies well, 100 acres in one field, good strong red land. Price $7,500 Farm No. 14. 77 acres, three miles from Statesville on Macadam road. All of it is as level as a table, no improvement, all saw timber has been cut out, very rich black soil red clay subsoil. It is naturally the best land in Iredell county. Price $3,200