Established i 899 In Mi* teal 1, of Walflt Scott *V" - ,; f rAi-jni i|i ! - Hickory Ladies Mrtag fa Bon- j Hie Gotland ; VRS R'• V:» I ". K WRITES MRS. ROYSTER WRITES V De!l- ; ' :, J'« f t.Sall nil Lock Lo- A Delightful sail on Lock Lo mood-Whw Jlpy 1 Used to . ing Places, „ ...■ ( :lO Of iV-i. -S~ ivO . : . Thei friends of Mrs. Royster and Mrs. Beard are delighted to bear from them and to know how i much they are enjoying their trip, now in Scotland. We quote fromaletter from Mrs. Royster, written this month from Inven aftaid in! full view of Loch Lo mond. Interest is added to the ferandeur and beautv of Nature by the history connected with these scenes, , and that history made alive byu the:oVWizard of the North'' .in whose country they are now. I "We have followed Sir Walter Scott from the cradle to the grave. One day while in Ed inburg (I call it the "Scott" day) we went to the place where he was born. The original house has been taken down and: anoth-' er one put there; but a bronze tablet marks the place with name and .date* e wen; to to v Then we went to the house to Which his parents moved. This ih unchanged. The house: where lie went to school is all but we saw. the place. 1 Then we Went to two places where he Hved before his marriage* and the house ; to which he took his bride. The. house in which he lived for about 25 years and in Which he did so much of his writ ing is very much the same. It is marked with a tablet and has a bust over the Jdoor. It was tfeis house he gave up to his cred ited and moved to very.: plain Hidings, and from them to a fcouaequite near where we were stoppingVoerfoyle we saw the rrtfi se Aberfoyleiwersaw the manse" h* which he wrote partof Rob Roy. i Then we had already been at his home at AbbotsforL You have seen pictures of it; It is a beautiful puce, the lawn ter raced down io the rivcr. i The looms arekept"jtTgt tike he nsed jj Boy Wanteds To pdoO » . pleasant j work and learn profitable bus* iness, *ood pay with increase if he makes good. Apply at this "gfr- —__ Fot Sale—Ore house:and Jot;et 0T19,14th street, rear of post ■ Xni )h 1 . 1 1 ( i !l J>l '' '' ' ■ person may earn isloo monthly corresponding f3* newspapers. •;« Mo canvassing: ■ Sindfor; Press. Syn dicate, b5240, Lockport, N. Y. forget ihfci v'• i l ' |i- Doa'tforsjettbematinee at the. Gaiety Thursday and Saturday 3:30. Admission ■ lv»uh Farmers—Far high.gradd. ferti lizers go to T. E. Field. 9-29 tf ■Cash ;lAiel iii l aii kir/i 'or I>ook paid for all kinds books tor papers* old icoin,; paper mon- stamps,, furniture, Indian br wfirnelics,cuiSofli Btiok Store, Raleigh. Nj Ci> Pttb* lie, aMehoot e books furnished at half pHee. • ■Vv'aiitc^ 1 A" qowrtity of etcr WaatedrrA -quantity, asf celean twbita rags. ': Will pay cash at the Democrat office. ■ ■ r ■'»■£—LiU^»*43l Electric Lights. -Motors, Pans, letc. installed. SeeoE. B. Blandi Electrical Contractor. 7-21'tf >-K?uioT? CioTl i: -I>r, thr . Nabob cleanser, the J)est and earnest cleanser. ;eTry a pack* age at lOc. Whiteneri& Martiii. .3Tor iSa,o"rUou r)i '"Utrj > ■ —— For Sale —Goodx>ld*time German violin, cheap. Call at this office. ■ Anyone —any\vii ir J ,J -> c Anyone—anyw here, can start Ik mail order busio ess: fit home. N&eahvassing. Be yourx>fc*n boss. Sid for free booklet* UsHa how, Htapoek, a 5239, Lockport, N. Y, A y l4tf l Wafited-tA iew good shop men. WiU I Day i good priee. (Azalea* Woodworking Co., Azalea, N. C. Lfcflli 1 r m —* ■\ • ' —* FreStl Jpotato chips just in at Whitener & Martin. » Rutl'tiViV-vi ■ (fO" —O'.'Cl-" Rifildierford. College iopeneP August 17»i i9JO.' For aeatalog simply write a your named and t address on a postal card touAndecson Weav« Rutherford Colleger N* C* them—study, with private desk and chair,»-private staircase to his bed room, library with all his books, table around which be and his friends sat.: with paper hand painted, Chi nese, and some old furniture. Room with fine collection of ar mor and many curios. RohiiOy's Queen o2 Scotts cru cifix, ete. Tnen we went to Melrose Ab bey, a favorite piace of hi®, and which is said to have given him inspiration for many of his po ems. A seat is shown upon which he sat when he wrote "Lay *>f the Last MfnstreH ,f of Scott, Melrose is a Very'inter esting old abbey, some bf the :arving beauti' fur.'' Frynr' bere ue tomb. 1 The Abbey is a complete ruin, more so than Melrose. TJie Sc >tt an 1 on* other tomb in «ne »f the transcripts being the Only thing in repair. The chapter house has been somewhat ): re- . and the foundations have ( been dug out to show what it once was. We were not» satisfied with following Sir Walter to his grave so we have taken up his charfect- , iers. I forgot to say we went tb his monument in Edinburg. It ; is vary handsome, a statue of •>ir Walter in sitting- Dosition with his favorite dog, Iccartn r t i describe the monument but there , are five spires, one tall one in ; centre; four lower ones. One at each Cortier. A winding stair leads to the top iibm which vou I have a splendid view. The ! spires, m fact the whole mona- , ment is ornamented with statues . representing characters from his book. '• • •*•>!'' In J :yx\ i I was going to write you from : Aberfoyle but I did • not, ° I brought this paper to write on. Wasn't it a smart person who named this hotel, Bailie Nicol Jarvie Hotel, Aberfoyle. AH the china has his picture. To a i tree outside is chained a poker said to have been the Bailie's, The hotel is beautifully situated, ; has a beautiful view of Ben Lomond up the Pass described to Rob Roy, thfs was the walk Wfe , took to the Falls. (The falls re- fered to were those so beautiful- ( ly described in Rob I Roy , 1 M Ma«s Leap'7" It was a wslk of four and one-half there and four and one-half back. I am totell the tale! \ Craigmore is just to the right, we cross that coming to Invers nfaid, and were in sight bf Ben Led* ;. (Bern? Aan) u other Bens; The sail ot dp Lofek Katrine I believe* Is lovely but it was quite cold, onr thoughts re curred very often to the Lady of the-'Lake. >na •h>-';c we to >;•: an- At Stronachlacher we took an other coach and found ourselves in Rob Roy's country again, passed the vicinity in which he and his wife were born. His , house was quite near this hotel, but when it was burned he took refuge in a cave near here to ' which we went as soon as we got settled for fear of ram to day. We passed Ellen's Isle yester, day on, the boat ''Sir Walter Seott", the picture doei not show how pretty ic Us. On the opposite side is Ooblin's Cave where Ellen and her Father hid themselves, p Wtt' Reread i -of the Lake^' ! and we imagined i how it all was.' Mrs. Beard was distressed that we could 'not go ; the other way and See the ford i arid where the duel was fought. The guide at Stirling showed lis dungeon in which he said L Rhoderick Dhu was - placed. l They of Scott's characters i ijajit dl-weee teafe ' •.! t 7 (..LLJjU-L t -j-IU.IUiL' Cull Oak Lumber Fot Sale— Lil We have plenty of it> herd ih town, tc> offer at the right price. The kind of lumber "to use building barns, sheds, laying sub floors, storm sheathing - &£• lit r will give better service! than pine and will cost less, Call and see us. Reid Lumber Company, ?*2B-tf Fresh shipment of fancy cakes at Whiteny & Martin, f, r f. : Wanted —To contract for fall . f delivery, 300 bushels Big Stem u Jersey; 200 bushels Haytii ; 200 bushels Spanish, 300 bushels of J pumpkm Yam sWeet potatoes.' If interested call at out office. Hickory Seed Co. . tf -■ . i~lojO ■" A :r. 1 I ' ■ For Sale—About a hundred and - nfty bushete of eorn, five miles i' from the city r worth a dollar a bushel. W. A. Self. 9-21 tf ' u -—r '■ itli" CH—■ ii -i'l ... ; 'Terndell" Oat meal. new crop. Two packages for 25c. White ner & Martin. ~ " 1 - L'ai. ia- jo, ; ü ßargflkifor«chobl;hildreh—loo ' " sheets paper 9x12 or 200 Sheets 6ii9 -f or 5 cer-ts"-^tl>^ratomL'e t iShreaded cbdifteb balls, 10c, at Whitener & Martin. F 'l/',' 1 ■ c., THU./eiiJAY. 1 MH&KORY, NJD., TI IU Offers ( lff vArifß : 2\ % fflfk i r T .p Pn!r --n C- un'v Street! tirelv revised and liMal prem-jin glass, consisting of frnts, jel- I Th*V Catawba County Street Fair Premium list is out and can be had from the three city l drug stores, from either of the banks* from the Hickory Seed Co., from the First Building and Lnan As* sociation or from tt:e Times Mer» cury or the Democrat. S.IOOO. Premiums offered total i The fairpromisestobethe best ever hel«l in this county. Presi* dent Finley, of the Southern Railway, and other able speakers, will be Esnecial attention will be paid to good roads, and the Salisbury to Asheville highway convention will be held, • " No fake shows of any kind will i be permitted and nothing will be left undone to add to the comfort and convenience of visitors and friends. The premium list has been en- General News. fl j George Chavez, of Peru, flew, • over the Alp in a monoplane at hight of a mile and a half and finally lost control of his airship when he was within 30 feet of the ground. He broke both legs ( arid fractured a thigh resulting , in fais death. Investigation is being made in to alleged smuggling of opium into Federal prisons at Atlanta, , Ga., and McNeill's Island, Wash- j ington. 1*",.". r hurefa. ot >hg -A. ? .rr rsion ■ Church ot the Ascension ir . Services Sunday at 11 a. m.' and Bp. m. The Holy Commun ion with special address in the morning and second lecture bii the Psalms at the evening ser\ vice.' L> • "•„ { iOn Thursday, Sept. 29, Feast of St Michael and All gels. The Holy Communion it 10 a., m. especially for the re membfahce of the sick. r '• The Tri-ennial Convention of the Episcopal church in the Urii-; ted States meets in Cinncinati, Wednesday, October 5 for a - weeks session. The bishop of Salesbv, England, preaches the opening sermon. . i j |" - | : V '.C'vl A Good Farmer Wanted \,,. The U. S. Department of Ag- ; riculture wants a good practical farmer at $75 a mon*h for Demonstration work two months in fall and ! five m the mer.' Write tb either W. J, or j ij. W. Shuford. . ; Alexander's Do;nocrcuc lick Alexander's Democratic Tick } .! Alexander Democrat 7 Alexander county Dethocrat# met In Saturday nominated the ticket by acclimation:r for tae house. Dk King fdr the House.. , ' Vance Charles P; ; Mathesori, for clerk. 1 TOlifeMrllstead, f6*» rtgi^ 1 Swift Owaltney idt Wily Chapmon for coiSimOi 1 . f Jacob a Moser, Leander n Si 0 ! Claif and°W. B. Morton, for i commissioner, a *pe an f- i Sharpe presidied 'and Wade Williams and J, Will Alex-i ahdet' were 7 secretaries. R. ie tr. ; Poughton made a ringing speech. I ri:i hp-OilKig ill! Go ,KHchin Speaking i rp% £ Gov. Kitehih fs speaking, ■ a@ , (the Democrat goes to press, ,t6 tf crowded Opera Hoiifee, even I though it is a rainy day. He is in fine form and is making a splen did argunient. The Democrat will*' have a report of the speech next week. i _'Tv. i.. i..", i.""iii, o-.' India] Mr. H. 11. Coridit. of In^ait 1 apolia, wh0 i; is, a' Uiember of th# New If oik firm of Cohdit At l is in the city getting up Ji } line of samples of the Hickot¥ Hosierv 1 Mm arid the new Hick-' bry ( Kriitting Mi|l and giving ( pointers to-perfecting the out put of these mills, Is,l Meeb PK' a Ti h-; Fnif, Hickor i - Hickory, N. C.» Noy, 2-3-4, tirely revised and Überal iums offered a!Hines. t0 peciaily attefrtfoti is called td the premiums ttie 1 r N. ! C; Department of AjfricuHore farm and livestocir: Alsosso.oo premium for women's depart ment,;. aa of Infi iinayf-n wii. A Bureau of fnftrfti{SfiOii Li Wte be provided and a comfertnble Waiting room'for ladies. c frJtt*66s provided to take Care of Children and plenty of accomodation for everybody.,-, s. of For the best display of articles ior household, kitchen or panti'y use, raised, cured or the family under the direction'bf the lady head of the; housa,: the first premium is $26; se&nid 1 sl6. See the list foe articles to be in cluded in thedisplay. fil l's Best di§fnajTor~tanhed fruits f- comment'TTl 1 1 ••• ' j- ■ • - * 1 , EXIT, DR. FLEXNER : L-w| In referring to the attack by | the Carnegie Foundation up- , on the North Carolina Medicaf ' College at Charlotte, President Munroe, of that institiftiohVaAidt i "North Carolina 1 is not yet home. You must go to find other clinies; we wiling et encourage home interests ,]Rri matters educationaj. nor vjijhw permit your compatriots to teach you or lead you in the pat]bs!they themselves have trod/ f; : Bay North Carolinians are nbt pared to surrender their rights ait the behfest of any buteide edtl cational oligarchy] even th6ugh ! it be backed by the pilea iip mil lions of a Steel- mkgnat^.* ssaTTm This is true. With colossal im«- pudence one Dr. F!exneh l fc resentative of the 1 Carnegie Foundation, canie : toi Gharlbtte, poked his head! into the 11 Medical College, and theft feaid it (kightto be snut up and go out of because it was l hot well ehbUgh equipped and did not 1 havb A versity annexed te & c'FW syth County Medical AlsSbtiiatibh made the mistake tSf» endorsing this Carnegie «tii»f, i and the a sensation | in which the State, 1 with- fine spfeiti- fcisl 3faod by the Charlotte institu-i tionU ;:reat wealth, in the naml 3 Is great w^alth i c in i( thte i haftie' 'of 'charityy • tb 1 lftbhace to the education' fhe ctfiftrt^F 1 aueh€«nty dsea[ ft to dictate *What Col leges ist'OlP' not exist? L '°A& 1 We [ sai& 1( b^ 1 fot« Dft Munibe and ihlis tUeUftyt are all wsR k nbwh 1 iy' us and are a set of eiefeahtj Chris tian gehtiem en, 'felly 3 capable ! bf riuiihfWg i schoblj ahd^bf Attending to thelr owriTusmess. - j & : :i 1 »i'■■ Slaclr;welder Cards - Shiiford-Blackweider l|^ird9 1 • Haftdsorrib 0 , 1 [Sards have l^tf^ : j M*r; and Slniford rei(u£st th ef r your presence at the marriage of 'tbiMi- daughter Esther Gilmer to Hr; ! Bascoii Barrie.' on 11 the evfeiiing/tif •; the twelfth fit October hundred and half aM igight O^clock,'"Corinth Reforrrlea ; Koception . IraroniUatoly aftpr the; wre^fo'^xteerf a | At" : i Timber Frederick"Oktahoma, \:-\ A LINEN SHOWER ]?\ Th A :f UNEN,|3HQWERions we - td' 1 silf* Miss Shuford. Linen shower. of fraita, jel slo and . $5 prtotfittWgm competition premiums are f ghol® - s2s'ib mittlia & l seioimk 1 thb "rhist n t)uft^fi mm the most pbihti i 1^1 the butter !making 6mp4ti«bn; s a SDeC3a ' J. D. EHibtt r bffers t;; i I prize of $25 fot "iien a til : | ira i'se j 1 exhibited by fttrmer living in Catawba O^uritSy?'". 9 we]l mdli ' [ s ExeeHehf pfiitea r ! w6^th l striving fbr for a feSre rything pertaining to the farm. I ornlf i i .ip P V. L. T-. TtW J-iS " L. Mr. A. F. VlfiWiitas just accept 'tsygmfsm PPfJg#. to supply a steams!W. SiK henißgetti ? R,ftrher S eK, chs wi ,, : and a^dnesda.v take part in the Resh or wew Year ceremonies Mrs 1 . Zerden is in Baltimore on a yi^it. Undsrgrpund Mutfcls. An extraordinary hotel" is tbat in i t!>t* lately be o^. man ,can be comfortably housed and for visitors to the coal mine o 1 H&tWWh «Ti w i w Bt. piew Mi t 1 a|it,teriMg w^ t f^le|n^a«|, ■ tHi - r , «m* ad. and the bote ereu boaata the lux* ! f" of,Ta?r®g^%:.=«ion ' ' A crirl who was a stranger to Marl 1 «WMrtj#"fflto bk ' eMStfflBW-W? Ate r B?moda N sudd«t}f e hf o I V mnHWR) I*# fit liMstfßWi :eJ^tns#ft-« ked « " or tb * «q«Miumr b !9b«Rfti*»la»l»%eefkto * J WW®4ie answered. "I ruu in oppc ie K-Wfe* noi IWlcte fW>%5( HonW *»St«^Wk«hl%l«a%e )4»onp|rt| 7*9 #te^4aPees c wg- of hi k J TW? fprH>i!NA'(!P ty&.mmte , with only a apa ride ot hu Tribune. striking It Rich. "Did you ever strike it rich pro pcc t1 dc ?' "Striking 1% RleH* _ golnjj along a trail in the moiu W9flPT»«a^ talaS afternoon When 1 aaw ■ 'tie glsi^,o$ I mst*}.?'' Hastening to It, 1 ] j t was a matohboTc. full to •to "Silver fXjrt&ucw of matches sine *•* °* -rmr early monUna. «mofcu*TaJPhlladei , L phla. Ledger. Benefits 0 f £ d "Do you believe tliai nusic preren i y- crime ■»" •• t "Do yoq, 'When a man keeps bo( V*o t E^«he%ni>W>eMMfc»W^ e J'^e^ptSS^S^^SnSStoa b a nelfhbora.-y^a^n^Star. In a school aTTTasTTTnsTon a boy w asked to "sick." j] e In looked, around i Mm for a moment, hit dead."—toe Angeles Tlmea. _ Dnmoopat and Preß6« Con solid ated i9QS consolidated i^os IK sum, m roar" iflbfm4n«mns jsvrjtmiw lachian Exposition—Women'# Arran t «d With A»p» lac Man E xp—ltlon—Wamen'+ ' Among days ar ranged in oonntft'Llou "with the Appat mam telfn—uUU«rP*Mfc fct r/kmm ,Hs aa^r^x^Mltaw Th«»e &r» as followa: ti2 tb, Khct* §**# )*•> show, Sept. 27 to Oct. 1, in el show for doga, Stpt, », M, H Ptow- item* tt.Qftttiiitt* stock committee of tbe «x --p«»»»stteonfifca»ofc stock e^splAJtertl vsmfrmt Pi tweoty-flre alWer dkfsdtor HWft,«iia«l|«& ? tion has arranged for mt«taki«7piißß ate*,««B)o«rt«arwreiaf«r emn* fa« Am other "daya" »htn4«i», *e«|*7 Tennessee, and e#tt-n&ftrtTlOpe«|iu:b4a7pi«taa V.«f the Appalachian BStpoat Rural Gar *e6p*»Zs.—Ashevflle day. ' I t tit uAnhgrlttKn*Wi--cial Travel !dW«P--Mlnew* day. i Veterans' day. t Vetarama' day. confer ***• Conferences. the Aw ; si ! eSI* WWk'feAlWrtnWl ofithqArc at •IWP«A?(M9a*fifia Tittsirwim yutomn «fc b ulgnlf "ttteaejigaiWten. THii aaow t*mm ewweio *1! women (UMi NB>BMWnflWWatrSrtl D. Tyson, prea l#«t- AimTlEWb Cttig«#aat«ul. Under iTP tip |fa» XcdftgftWgn. I—e Wash tifcrtk Oon«rea». Dlreo- HoipoftMrsg ■WttM directors. Direction o rfrnim*c» Warns 3W»rßfi(^»dloW^nd»fe«Wfl».J |*lfcy.»#«KMP»fo€hyffßMftl I##.. of the Seath. Dtrection I 'Hftnce. Direction Mrs. Annie For* Relief Corps Oo» TiftllClon Mrs. Rutledge Smith, Cook w>« Anthora' Chiba. Dtr^on M. S. Cockrill, Nashrilh 9&ei. le7=s*lJßek*baflittfe*to«.of Dil diifiofcr^W^i^ lu « htera of jR- RHK mmm, Mrs. Thomas Da: , American Roto ,: league. Oct. 8. —Oryaai xatloa of Southern library ojoSniAWixpotitioi In the B#»fcfc atai€xpititiQ» ? lachian expoaitiuu, to be held at Kno: ton* ' Kbfle|oW» HotsUadi t *k t i»' s^«i#n)W6»rt«lcirhft tUtenWr ■ f«ildSSgitlw*ngltti»twi^ I exhibit In the thffnAdMMt and valuable boo] ! !-• t a?W. #m> f©K*>l#*?*ffcwW«r Asp*»] or public libraries and a so 9^» s fff oifta%i**itfcitiibfea»sP«fci lis^ra{ a .i n iy marked with owner's nan a §£6*c£(lifsßfe. P*lv*te libraries must b 5 pfetota; [ name, address and t! tb will be mark >-e( I w4tli o a private libraj ng A 6»elht b 4ufefls*B«d!U»oWtti A^Mla«M pi who donates the largest ■i *i V»e t^^M>afiwhV» building of the exposit'on not cs , the Worn a tan's WH>«fittu»»dn«bda-( i der ; be arranged 1 4ft*Ht*d«flb*a. IHHWedCaofcdww l i« ibfsfAwwmi, w4llcAaiiSfmni€tfe. ®r II tm dfetMSx^fV of Rnoxvllle, la chairman; Mrs. T. S. Devaat. of KaoxvlUa, la Secretary. incuriqgcig j"»« Brl|^4| t s ur e it Will be cS°$Ld S Wk !t 11 This TSNO^ftIiKORY gflfrfy and ooft9fesMWflQ-Will The Cat§Bi&JssMp|tfy Bridee is acrw m sigh£ The agreement has oeafa ®&fep&L msme*tm a ßßw%e#fe , fi MVfffir^' Wtity must o f{A^| e TO| %§s«> till "this amount 1s raised, ana tftSy e mee?MQndajL It is time to comoMgfttkr Conaell Here „ tedßtee&kj&m&tiWe&J Chamber of Commerce was held otrJ&btid- Mfeb, Jtftear te&oWiftftPfeoOorinimduced Mr. Col ftfoGW llfM36fta3l s««t»©fyha{lfertHSs frcpuHiokogte flft &tfy)ellHfro«jihfc tbonjuhjsiefcr r&&?ib]sL 00$«OSe*f atfee afef^y 0 f toffe W&fler-Eooaideflfe*- ii**feoerit«fcttsL,mmtio& thai Hnk was appointed cwnmiflfeeft, cdieittirW. Woot ten.GTF. Ivey, T. A. Mott. W. X. Reid fj*J t)ißofiliD%ad §e& x ° n d j ed suddenly in Kaleign Monday i^ewbigMttndasn. I i|Rht tf&angin&ismfco^afaittabe i %$ I&WWn fcfenfedErate iioldier, and-made the address, at . i he^eSt'4ffe^%e%nWttCide lawyer of Lenoir, associated m ' pf&>t& &ifflMkr®r&,.WiAumr M§m> &&& ta&mrotoftdoref&eittes acid. He was deaponyent hut no reason for this , Bowman and retitions for^ r sß&rman and June and Frank Propst, who are under sentence , #ftd kilHlßtPtof \ vrrfh Jf|^v^fo«^asn4oiA..®ojeißfhi«a£br. ipato»eaitwn gtfttf ifcfcesis a>&ttidon ieowthe laftpufi©# pwteßnfepmrfJifch J which T 'ouTa show that the/ were act- II iff itHEgKteftreeMARKETS t HICKORS(M^KETS 5 3 Corrected by Whltener & Martin. 11 tjw «»riS R ODUCE 10c gMWintt*** l-2c 31 ) BgfJW. ib»* %»»12 JL-2fc>c ] -H 3 ..........Stfctpflflm C W3sfyEfc«tets,..,, SOa^flcbu HaA HStiWfce........ 6dSflO Wchrt>u • S' ?csbbJffH^4b........ $Qc jier.lju lc h i&iKflf^ftA 8 bushel .• .• 75c *.WOc ' C ibbage, per lb. . le 3 % sans, pentoriSPkND TALLOW • • 56c Prices paifl by Hickory Tannery 10c . - GreePlWiS: e . r t FT??: .per lb 9c C Hides. .Pdpft tP45c t G Flint • Hides , , ,vptWtfd 8c ! !& Ridw, v% ,wr.ferlfc6c .W^...-...-Ptf(»lW»oc Prime Tallow. .per lb 6c ißje Straw 100 lbi 40c 4rra- M. E. object