Established 1899 Dsatfi oi Mrs. Albert Huffman Hoble Ciirilian Womn Called To Her Final Rest On January 20, 1911 there oc curred in our town a death of unusual sadness—that of M.-v arrie Jane Huffman, wife >' Mr. Albert R. Huffman, and daughter of Mr. D. H. Russ»!' At the age of 28 years, 5 monl :i> and 28 days she was called t* turn her face away from all t j >vs of a pieasant home, from v uffectiDiiate husband and ». t iree dear little children, a cross over the dark river of dea r \ Bat she had 'no feais for tii future. Ker strong faith in the sure word and promises of C * supported her in her last hou s. and with peaceful conft ience entered into that rest wnicn re maineth for the people of God. Her funeral service, held on 1 is Saturday at Holy TrinPv Luth eran Church, of vvhiC:i he was « devoted member, was a;:end«d bv an unusually large c mcour.e of people, testifying to the love and esteem in which she was l.eld. The text at this service was of her own choosing—Heb. 4:9 —"There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God." Into this rest we feel assured that she has entered, and of her we mav truly say, "Asleep in Jesus! peaceful rest, Whose waking is supremely blest." J. G. M. 0000 30000000*^-000000000000 § Business Builders g 000000000000 New Spring Ginghams at ; J. A. BOWLES For Rent the Rainey cottage on 12th St. Its a real nice one. JOHN E. HAITHCOCK. 1-26 It. Lost—Somewhere between Clare mont College and Rader's SLU Jio a gold society pin with M. L S , in green letters on front; A. M. 8., owner's initials on back. Please return to Clare mont College and be rewarded, ADDIE BLACK, Claremont. $7OO. will buy nice cottage and lot about 6 blocks from. Union Square. See JOHN E. HAITHCOCK I-26 It. Wanted —a first-class man to make small mouldings foi house trim. Azalea Woodwork ing Co., Azalea, N. C, 11-17-tf. For Sale —6 good teams of mules' Also lot of corn, oats and hay. Apply to Hart Bros., Hick ory. I—l2—3t. Wanted—Second hand bags and burlaD. Write for prices. Richmond Bag Company. Take—your country produce to Harris & Little and get the highest market prices for it, in either cash or trade. For Sale—Nice heifer calf, past 8 mo. old. Jersey and Guevn sey. Apply to T. W. Marshall, at Ivey Mill. Lost—On Friday night before Christmas, a small blank book, about 3 1-2 by 8 1-2 inches in size. Book is neariy filled with figures. Finder will please re turn to A. L. Moser at the Van ] Dyke Book Shop. Reward will be given. Wanted—Position by competent Stenographer willing to work. Address Stenograoiier, Sherrill's Ford, N. C. 1-19 2t Wanted—Fresh-country eggs. Will pay highest market price. Hickory Seed Co. 11 24-tf Electric Lights. Motors, Fang, etc. installed. See E. B. Bland, Electrical Contractor. . 7-21-tf Ladies' Silk Hosiery at J. A. JKOWLES 1-26 tf Thii 30 Acie Farm with dwe!'- i ij house, b?tm a .d fruit s a uut 3 mil j s from town is a b trgain at $1,200.u0. JOHN E HA ,\ICO3K, Rjal Estate Agent. DJYOU need a new trjnk or suitcase? You can save mon ey by locking at my stock. J. A BOWLES 1-26 tf fflE HICKORY DEMOCRAT Presbyterian Church Notes, i The Ladies' Bible class was organized last Sunday, with n fcood nucleus. We are hoping for more next Sunday. Let us make it. the best class in the school. The men's class was larger also. The map and the picture of the emple helped in the lesson study. The Covenanters printing prer-s },: as all subscribed to and in i shor lima the boys will b* pr.nting tl.e church bulletin, and tVer ' hings. Ihe pastor will preach next ; > id-iy morning on "the history or' the Bible," at night the sub ject h "betraying the Master," vice at 7 p. m. .L3V. J. G. Garih was at States • ide Tuesday at Presbytery. and* so vas Rev. 0. A. M>nroe at Aesbvtery, Rev. D. P.McGeachy vis dismissed to Lswisburj, W. V>. He and his family lea>e this week. Rev. W M. Walsh -vis appointed pastor FYont St.. ; ;urch, Statcsviile and Barium Springs. Rev. L. L. Moore takes :h3 church at Taylorsville, hold :ng the call till spring meeting >• Presbytery. One young man .vas received as a candidate for the ministry. Lenoir church has called Rev. C. T. Squires. We hope he will accept- At the missionary meeting Wednesday night, the Covenant ere were expected to take part. On Feb. 12th. Rev. Homer Mc- Millan of Atlanta, will speak on the subject of our Assembly's ;iome missions. Saved Her Own Lfle ■ Lebanon Jet, Ky.—Mrs. Minnie Lamb, of this -place, says, "I believe I would have been dead by now, had it not been for Cardui I haven't had one of those bad spells since I comment to use your medicine." Cardui is a specific mediciue for the ills that women suffer. Cardui is made from harmless /vegetable ingredients. It is a safe, reliable medicine, successfullyused by suffering women for more than fifty years. Try it today, For sale at all druggists. . At the Reformed Church Next Sunday. 9:45 Sunday school Dr. J. H- Shuford, sunt. 11 a. m- sermon, by Dr. Murphy, subject; Twen tieth Century Idols. 7p. m. ser mon by the Rev. J. S. Moody, rector of the Church of the As cension, subject; the Insurgent) Spirit in the churches. Ready Made sheets and pillow cases at J. A. BOWLES 1-26 tf Farms from $5OO to $5,600. 25 dwellings and lots $375.00 to $6,000. See JOHN E. HAITH COCK. 1-26 It. Wanted - Position in Hickory by experienced dry goods or hard ware salesman. Good references. Address Care Democrat. l-26-2t. Lost —Between Shell Street and City Bakery, a watch fob with horse- head in a horseshoe. Let ter "M" engraved on back. Ap ply to Earle Hyder, 403 Eighth Street Reward. Poultry Pan-a-ce-a will make your hens lay. Guaranteed by Whitener & Martin. Ladies' Spring Oxford ties, Pumps, etc., just arrived at J. A. BOWLES 126tf Louse Killer, Panacea, Stock Food, guaranteed by Whitener & Martin. Get your embroideries and laces for Spring sewing at J. A. BOWLES. L'-26 tf Special sale in winter under wear and ladies hats Jan. 27th, and 28th, to Feb, 3rd, and 4th. Lidies suits on the in stallment plan a money saying opportunity. All goods possible must be sold by Feb. 3rd, and 4th. W. T, Sledge, Hickory, N. C. Here's your money back, no ar gument if Di. Hess' Pan a-ce-a, fails to make your hens lay. Whitener & Martin. For sale or exchange: I vers & ! Pond Piano, practically new, • in A-l condition, for property in or near city. Address "Piano." l-26-3t. Whitener & Martin guarantee Dr. He?s' Poultry and Stock Food to pay and pay big, if not your money back. Subscribe to the Democrat. HICKORY, N. C., 26. 1911. City's Tele phone Service Aiotiier Proof That This City Is Striding Rwidly Forwird The growth and development of a city can to a large extent hfi gauged by the development of hat City's telephone service. The regular and constant growth A'hich transforms a large country town into a thriving substantial iitte city refects its influence up on all the industries of that com munity. During the past few months work has progressed upon one of our industries which has, perhaps more thafa anyone thing, indicated the new aggressive home spirt and at the same time has influenced th° commercial life of practicailv every business man and many-of the residents of the community. The completion of the under taking of rebuilding the plant of the Hickory Electric Company is an event of no small importance, as it has placed Hickory in the front rank of th e cities of North Carolina with respect to tele phone facilities. It- has made possible a character and degree of service which is the peer of of any in our state, Several months ago the Hick ory Electric Company determined that inasmuch as they had ex hausted the capacity of the switchboard then in use and a new one was a necessity, they would, while supplying the additional facilities, install a modern plant of a permanent character. Plans were immediatly made and contracts entered into with the. Western Electric Company of Atlanta to supply Hickory with a telephone service which would be second to none in the country. Many of our citizens while aware that some change in the tel ephone system was in progress hardly realized the magnitude of the task wh ith has been accom plished and the tremendous ex pense attached to the ehange. Tne most notable change to the subscriber of course si the sub stitution of the modern common battery telephone for the old fashioned magneto telephone of the so called "Coffee Grinder"typ because ofjthe necessity in the latter type of grinding out your desires to the Central Office i operator. j COMPARISON OF THE TWO SYS TEMS. A brief com prison of the old and new systems will emphasize he convenience and efficiency of the new systems. The turning of the cranK in the telephone cf the old system sends a current ojt over the line and operates a device called a"drop" located in. front of the operator. This line drop is associated with an open ing in the face of the board termed a "jack" into which the operator upon answering inserts a*'plug" attached to ore end of a flexible metallic cord. Upon ascertaining the number of the desired party, the plug! attached to the other end of the flexible cord is inserted into the"jack"of the desued party. She then presses a key which rings the telephone of the desired party. Should the line of th# desired party be beyond her reach, she must connect to a circuit leading to a convenient point, inform the operator at that point of the de sired number. The second oper ater then completes the connec tion with another pair of cords- This of course means decreased deficiency in operating on ac count of the time lost in trans ferring the call. Again the operator hgg no way of determining whether the called subscriber answers or when the conversation is completed, except when one of the subscribers give the "Coffee Mill" another turn. Even this is not entirely reliable because frequently the party ringing will signal by the switch board and ring the bells of the party to whom they have just finished talking. This has very often caused confusion and an noyance especially when one is in a hurry to get another connec tion. With the new system when a subscriber wants a number it is only necessary to remove the re ceiver from the hook. This auto matically lights a tiny incandes cent electric lamp in the switch board. Each lamp has associated with it an "answering jack" in to which the operator inserts a plug when ascertaining the de-1 sired number, Inserting the plug j in the jack automatically ex-j tinguishes the "line lamp" of the calling party. The desired tcon- I nection is then completed as be ' fore except that no transferring lof calls to another operator is necessary. This is accomplished by providing each operator not only with her quora of incoming lines but also with as many jacks as there are other incoming lines in the other sections of the"board, these associated jacks beinz known as Jacks." Similarly any operator can an swer any call at any place in the board by plugging into the mul tiple jack of the calling lihe. Not only is the new system more efficient in proving means for completing connection quick er but-it also provides for a posi tive means of knowing when the called party answer* and when the conversation is completed. Just the instant a calling pl.ig is inserted into the jack of a*. de sired party and until that party answers another lamp associated with the calling cord and is lighted. This lamp is extinguish ed when the called party an swers, As soon as the conver sation is completed and the re ceivers are hung up. twd lamps, one each of which associated with the calling and answering cords, are lighted, notifying the operator to take down the con nection. This does awAy with the annoyance of the operator coming in on the line to ascertain if the conversation is completed, insuring a much greater degree of privacy. The Telephone Company did well in placing their contract for this equipment with the Western Electrie Company, the largest telephone and manufacturing concern in the world. 'ln their factory is made all the telephone apparatus used by the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company in connexion with local and long distance. That company is the one to whom the government of France awarded the contract for installing the 10,000 line switchboard for Paris, when the old one was destroyed by fjre shout a yegr ago. stipu lating that the entire plant should be delivered and installed inside of 60 days. A marked improve ment over the telephone service heretofore rendered is anticipat ed though the gervicp has always been good. The city has a just cause to be proud of our new sys tem which compares favorably with an/ city in the country. Re Sale of a Valuable Lot. Pursuant tg an order of the Superior Cgurt of Catawba county, N. C. t made in the special proceeding therein pend ing, wherein A S. Abernethy, and ttners, are the petitioners, and S. L. Shell, and others, are the defendants, the undersigned, as Commissioner, will resell $t pyoliQ auction to the highest bidder, on the premises in the city of Hickory, Catawba county, N. C., on Saturday. February 18th, l£jll, at 12 o'clock, m., the following valuable TCftLttS. n.ethvß^sLoV adjoining the lands of J. A. Martin, and others, fronting 50 feet on one of the best business streets in said city, and running back 100 feet with another street Said lot being re-sold for parti tion anion? the owners thereof, Bid ding to begiq at 13630,00, puronwer to pay gtrpet improvements. Terms of sal+l-3 cash, balanoe in two equal payments of 6 and 12 months. This to be a final sale. This Jan. 25th, 1911, ™TVW& r :»„,,er. Notice. The Board of Supervisors of Hickory township wi|l meet inthe mayors office on Sa&Ktyy February 4th, isiut 10 a nj. to receive £he overseers rqjort of pybhc roads ao4 tije one dollar exem fion ta* frgm 1$ to 45 years. A'f over- afe required also tg r§»qrt all names of faaadit liable to work >n said roads. i I This 23rd, Jan. 1911. L. R. Whitener, Chaiv ma n. S. E. Killian, Secretary. I l^at Church of The Ascensjfon. Service next Sunday 11 m. Subject of address: "Whirlpools and Sepulchres." In the evening the Rev. J. S. Moody, at the request of Dr. Murphv. will make an address at the Reformed church. Subject: "The Insurgent Spirit in the churches. The people of Hickory are asked to bear in mind the cele bration of February 22, by "Martha Washington Tea Party" at the Rectory. Many bright at tractions are being planned. Last Sunday the Rector held service at Biltmore, making a special plea for more candidates for the ministry. Mrs. Cook TeHs Truth Dexter. Ky. —In a signed statement, Mrs- Cook tells. the truth about how Cardui brought back her health and strength She says, "I could not get any relief, until I tried Cardui, the women's tonic. I suffered more or less for 10 yeprs, and was so weak and nervous I could hardly do my house work* Now I am in better health than ever before, am regular as clock work, do not suffer at all, and gain strength every day. 'Thousands of women nave been helped back to health by Cardui. Try it Subscribe rdr the Democrat Lettar From Claremont New Stndenss are Charmed Villi The Dlimate Here Correspondence of the Democrat. Hickory, Jan. 16,—Four new students have registered within the last week. These came from the town. . Signor D'Anna has a most in teresting music class in Morgan ton. He goes to that place twice I a week and could have more pu ! pils there, if he had the time to ; teach them. Perhaps hi* skill as an instructor in musio has been manifest, novhere nure promi nently than in training the "Un ion Choir" of Hickory. The flrst evening of song by this choir held in the Reformed church of Hickory, on Jan X, revealed won derful ability to train the voice of a promiscuous body of singers. The mid-winter examinations have been in progress for several 'days and fcha young Wltjies are anxiously awaiting the resets Miss Margret Vance Hoffman, the head of the Eaglish depart ment, has been active In con ducting these examinations while Prof. Keller has given his atten tion more especially to reviewing the work of the past teFra. It seems natural to see Mrs. Roy Abernathy, nee Miss Sour beer, at the college. Mrs. Ab ernathy has concluded tQ take some special \VCUPJ* in domestic art. It is wonderful how the sur jFoundings of a place impress a person. This has been impressed on us bv the remarks made by the new teachers and students. The beauty of the campus, the convenience of the buildings and the grandeur of the mountain scenery surrounding Hickory have moved these persons to ex press themselves most favorably in regard to Clarenftont, M I can bring a doaen girls from my state," one of .them said, *'if I tell them of • the beauty of the place." At the second meeting this term the Bible class elected offi cers. Miss Alda Killian was elected president and Miss An nie Lowe, secretary. It was a great pleasure to have Mr. Thomas N. Henderlite, of Salisbury, accompany his daugh ter, Aileen, baek to college as she returned from her Christmas vacation. Miss Mary Stokes, of Virginia, was given a i fc'ty by her cousin, Miss Mary Monroe on Monday night, Jan. 16. Miss Stokes was | the first student to return after the holidays. The department of Domestic art is one of the active places in the college, If the attendance increases, much greater room will have to be provided. Miss Ethel Stroup who Hss been detained at home on account of the sickness of her cousin has returned to the college. Mrs. Keller after spending three weeks wich her piarents at i China Grove, is back. Miss Self, of the primary de partment continues unable to take her work. Her place is filled by Miss Cobb, teacher in violin. The beautiful weather has at tracted the girls to the out-door games and the hockey field has become the scene of activity. Ttrrlbl* rkton of Suffering Clinton, Ky—Mrs. C. McElory, in a letter from Clinton, writes:"For six years, I was a sufferer from femato troubles. I could not eat, and could not stand on my foot' without suffering great pain. I had lost hop. After us ing a week, I began to improve. Now i feel better than in six Fifty years or success W aotyal practice, is positive proof, furumshed by those who have tried it, Jardui can always be relied on for relievingfemale weakness and disease. Try tjday now! Stover Wise killed a black bear after a hard chase over Grandfather Mountain- It weigh ed 300 pounds and had been living off the hogs ih Little Lost Cove. It makes 12 bears killed this winter within 8 miles of Linville. Constipation is the cnuse of many ailments and disorders that make life miserable. Take Chamberlains Sto mach and Liver Tablets, keep your bowels regular and you will avoid these diseases. For sale by all dealers. Carl Smyre, 13-year old son of Mr. John Smyre, who lives near Catawba Springs, was found dead in bed Monday morning. He was in perfect health when he retired Sunday night, and his death is a complete mystery. The I funeral was at St. Stephens. Subscribe to the Democrat Democrat and Press, Consolidated i 905 t The Week in the i Women's Clubs.f The Travellers' Club was en tertained by Miss Schenck Jan. 19. After beautiful quotations w9re furnissed by G. W. Curtis, Mrs. G. N. Hutton spoke of the Sphinx and the Pyramids of Gizeh and Mrs. Martin read an article on Egyptian Archaeology with passing mention of a few Egyptologists of note, especially Petoie, and our American Davies. The quantites of beautiful pic tures brought by Miss Geitner from with her personal explanations illustrated these subjects. Miss Geitner read extracts from Hichen's "Spell ot Egypt". Miss Frances Geitner was a guest and at the close was dressed in the veil and ornaments of an Egyptian woman. Soft shell-erabs with coffee were served before leaving to meet next with Mrs. F. A. Abernethy. Mrs. O. M. Royster has re turned from an eight months trip in Europe. She is now in New York City and will be in Wash ington. and Chapel Hill before her welcome home to Hickory. Miss Eva Worth Moody was hostess of a Tea at the Rectory, Saturday evening Jan. 21st. The following guests were in vited: Mr. Lawrence L. Lohr, Miss Poythress Stokes, Mr. John Iceland Henderson, Miss Lucile Marjorie Little, Mr. Charles Everett Fritz, Miss Adele Kirkpatrick, Mr. Connolly Gam ble, Miss Mary Knox Henderson. Mr. Beverly T. Sustare. Miss Adelaide Johnson, Mr. Weston Clinard. After a merry supper, the happy evening was completed with music and games. Pooyey-Cook Miss Ara Lee Cook and Mr. Geo. A. Poovoy were married this afternoon at the residence of Pj*of. J. E. Barb. The cerem ony was performed by Mr. Barb. The wedding was a very quiet One only a few intimate friends being present. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O, Oook, of West Hickory an'i is one of Hickory's most attractive and popular young ladies. The groom is the sou of Mr. and W. F, Poovey of near town and is postal clerk on the Southern Railway between Hot Springs and Kuoxville. The young couple took train No- 12 for Port Tamapa Fla., and other points south where they will remain for ten days, remain ing in Hickory for a short while on their return before going to Knoxville where they will reside. It Fooled Talks at the Banauet. Too. Charlotte Chronicle. We came mighty near being fooled in The Hickory Democrat's report of the banquet of the chamber of commerce, last week. Along toward the start of the report, it said a telegram was read from Congressman Webb to the effect:"Have just secured appro priation of ten million dollars to dredge and deepen Catawba river. Roats drawing ten.feet of water should be able to ply be tween Charleston and Hickory in two years. Immense possiblities for your entire section" We were just on the point of writing an editorial on the past projects to make the Catawba navigable up to Mt. Holly, when we happened to notice that the report of the meeting was interspersed with other telegrams, all of them fakes. \Jt was simply a Gridiron stunt interjected by Mr. W. J, Shuford. The telegrams, taken singly, would have''caught,,al mort any unsuspecting reader, and Banks, the editor of the Democrat, deserves a licking for the way in which he worked in the first one from Mr. Webb. The narrowness of the escape of The Chronicle may be imagined from the fact tfiat we had to tear up a piece of copy. faint Lick Sick Lady Paint Lick, Ky.—Mis. Mary Free man, of this place, says: 4 'Before I com menced to take Cardui, I suffered so much from womanly trouble, I was so weak that I was down on my back i nearly all the tfme. Cwdui has done me more good than any medicine I ever took in my life. 4 'You need not be afraid to take Cardui. It is no new experiment. Composed of gentle acting, herb ingredients, it has been found to safely relieve headache, back ache, and similar female troubles* Try it tor your troubles. 9iiB Dairy Breed Best A Strong Argument By Able Catawba Farmer Written for the Democrat. There has been heretofor, or scarcely any dairy cattle in Cat awba County except the Jerseys and at present there are very few cattle but have more or less Jersey blood. We are just work ing up to what is in store for Catawba County in the future. All stock men know what Jersey and Guernsey Islands and other countrys have done by keeping only one breed and breeding that one up continully. And by using nothing but pure breed sires we can work on the same principal and not far hence we will be known over this and ad joning states as a Jersey center, and prospective buyers will know where to look, for a single animal or a carload at any time. There we will begin to reap our harvest. A section grows in wealth from being known as a section which excels in some one line. But should we begin to be jealous and think we cannot keep up with a more fortunate neighbor and introduce some other breed we will be so small alone in the business we will not attract much more attention from out side buyers than the hole our finger would leave in a basin of water after it had been with drawn. But bv all keeping the same breed those having more fancy animals with great pedigrees would help all, because Jerseys purchased from Catawba would mean something. Counting all dairy breeds on an equal, we would have trouble with those who only wanted to raise for their own use by mixing breeds of altogether different types de stroying the good qualities of both in shape, color and produc tion. We would soon have the "scrub"—pure and simple. The plan of one breed is no new project. It has been dem onstrated in the draft horse industry in one county in Virginia and its banks have increased (I have for got the amount) by deposits of farmers from horse sales alone. Cattlemen and poul trymen have had simular suc erses in many countries in other states. To get the most out of the one dairy breed system in Catawba County it reaches out with equal importance to every tenant that raises a calf. So, stockmen and all, work up and buy the best of the one breed your money will buy. Put your shoulder to the wheel—good things come slow, for instance a good rain but ere long the farmers bank account will begin to swell. L. H. S. EZEMA CURED Pimples Disappear and Com plexion Cleared Over- Night I New York.—Thousands are taking advantage of the generous offer made by the Woodworth Co. 1161 Broad way, New York City requesting an ex periment package of Lemola the new skin discovery, which is maiiled free of charge to all who write for it. It alone is sufficient to clear th® complexion over night and rid the face of pimples in a few hours. On the first applica tion of Lemola the itching will stop. It has cured thousands afflicted with Eczema, Teeters, Rashes, Itching, Irritations, Acmes, Scalings and crust ing of skin, scalps of infants, children ind adults. It is good for the preserva tion and purifiaction af the skin,' scalp, hair and hands for the prevention of the clogging of the poers the usual cause of pimples, blackheade, redness and roughness and also the treotment of burns, scald, wounds, sores, chappings ,as well as the toilette and nurseryr Card of Thanks To the Editor of the Democrat. We wish to thank the good people of our neighborhood and the city for their great kindness to us during the illness of Mrs. Huffman. If her mother had been living she could not have recived more attention than she did from the good women of the neighborhood. Mr. Albert R. Huffman and family. CmCHESTERSfIL^ Udle*! AikiMrl>rudi««» Ckl-ckM-lert lN*moi(Briwi/A\ l'flla In Bed and Uold mrtalllcN^^' botes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. f) I L J DIAMOND JSRAND PILLS* for S5l L lt» B years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWiafiI